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本文利用高浓铀快堆燃耗近似计算方法对230种裂变产物进行了非均匀燃耗计算。以裂变产物的反应性效应为依据,研究了三种假想裂变产物的等效方法。我们推荐其中一种等效方法,它将所有裂变产物等效成两种假想裂变产物,其反应性效应在整个燃耗过程中的最大误差仅约2%。 相似文献
为满足我国示范快堆研究的需要并解决以往伪裂变产物截面数据偏小的问题,需重新研制一种制作伪裂变产物数据的方法,为制作多个裂变核的伪裂变产物全套中子数据提供基础。本文用浓度加权求和的方法计算伪裂变产物截面、微分截面和双微分截面。在挑选核素的过程中提出贡献法,即利用裂变率加权产额和吸收截面(反应道MT=27)得到产物核对反应堆的贡献值,从而量化了挑选核素的过程,提高了计算的准确性。最后以CENDL_NP库为主要数据来源,TENDL库数据为补充,制作出了一套~(235) U的伪裂变产物截面数据,通过与以往计算结果比较证明了上述方法的优越性和实用性。 相似文献
长寿命裂变产物在聚变驱动次临界堆包层中嬗变的中子学优化分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
商用裂变堆乏燃料中高放长寿命裂变产物(LLFP)由于其具有很强的放射毒性,所以对于它们的嬗变处理非常重要。在对世界上关于LLFP嬗变处理的广泛调研的基础上,考虑到LLFP的同位素分离技术的发展水平,选择了LLFP中99Tc、129I和135Cs的嬗变处理(?)料的化学形式,分析了不同慢化剂材料对嬗变能力的影响,同时针对聚变驱动次临界堆的多功能双冷核废料嬗变包层(DWTB)进行了LLFP嬗变的中子学设计和优化分析。 相似文献
基于压水堆多燃料循环管理计算,进行长寿命裂变产物(LLFP)核素堆内嬗变分析。基于长寿命裂变产物核素在乏燃料中的比重及核素的放射毒性,129I和99Tc作为当前嬗变研究的主要裂变产物。为避免碘同位素分离,参照乏燃料中127I和129I的组分比例,设计当前的碘化物嬗变靶件。将嬗变核素均匀弥散在惰性慢化材料ZrH2中,放置在控制棒导向管内进行嬗变分析计算。基于该嬗变组件设计方案,对不同的换料方案进行评价和比较,进而搜索嬗变平衡循环。计算显示,当前带有靶件组件的布料方案可达到平衡循环,并能实现LLFP的嬗变。进一步嬗变优化方案设计受限于当前嬗变组件设计。 相似文献
第四代核能系统是一种具有更好安全性、经济竞争力、核废物减少,以及防止核扩散的先进核能系统,代表了先进核能系统的发展趋势和技术前沿。铅基快堆是第四代核能系统中重要堆型之一。目前国际上通用的反应堆程序,比如MCNP+ORIGEN、RMC或者Serpent,很多研究主要针对压水堆,国际上也有研究发现针对铅基快堆基准题RBEC-M,确定论方法和蒙卡方法计算结果有较大偏差。本文深入研究了蒙卡程序使用的裂变产额对计算结果的影响。首先对反应堆蒙特卡罗程序RMC自带和燃耗库中的部分核素的裂变产额数据进行了更新,采用国际上著名RBEC-M基准题和OECD/NEA发布的快堆Pu循环燃耗基准题进行了验证分析,计算得到了裂变份额数据对快堆燃耗计算的影响。计算结果表明:更新后的裂变产额数据对系统的有效增殖因子和主要重核的质量变化影响较小,但对部分裂变产物的质量变化影响较大,部分核素偏差超过86%。对于快堆Pu循环燃耗基准题,长寿命高放废物~(133)Cs和~(129)I的计算结果偏差分别可达22.4%和47.8%,这将对长寿命高放废物的嬗变效率和核燃料循环有重要影响。 相似文献
PWR(U)乏燃料中超铀元素在混合堆快裂变包层内嬗变研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从中子学角度对PWR(U)乏燃料中的超铀元素(238Pu,239Pu,241Pu,241Am,243Am,237Np,244Cm)在聚变-裂变混合堆快裂变包层内嬗变的可行性进了研究。利用一维中子输运和燃耗计算程序BIDECAY译不同燃料组分的四个快裂变包层进行分析计算。结果表明,在聚变-裂变混合堆快裂变包层内安全,高效地嬗变PWR(U)乏燃料中的超铀元素是可能的。 相似文献
利用快堆进行的放射性废物嬗变 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
【英国《国际核工程》2002年3月刊报道】核技术专家必须开发有效的方法来处理工业核废物。嬗变通常被认为是对放射性核素进行长期贮存的替代方法。目前已达成的一个共识是使用快堆对锕系元素实施嬗变最有效。这个观点成立的基础是所有偶同位素(除镎-238和镅-242外)和奇同位素(镎-237、镅-241和镅-243)在快堆中的裂变效率要高于其在热中子堆中的裂变效率。但是,在热中子谱中嬗变,效率可能更高,因为偶同位素在热中子谱中很容易转变为较易裂变的奇同位素。嬗变效率用放射性毒性R来衡量放射性水平,并以此来比较长寿命核素在不同反应堆中的嬗变… 相似文献
从微观评价核数据库出发 ,计算给出了快堆谱的伪裂变产物数据 ,包括一群的截面数据和多群的全套中子数据 ,裂变核有2 3 5U和2 3 9Pu。截面数据有全截面、弹性散射、非弹散射、(n ,γ)、(n ,2n)截面 ,多群全套中子数据还包括次级中子角分布和能谱。数据以ENDF B -6格式给出 ,同时还分析讨论了数据误差和可靠性 ,数据可用于实际的快堆计算 相似文献
乏燃料中大部分次锕系(minor actinides, MA)核素半衰期较长,对环境具有长期放射性危害。分离 嬗变技术将次锕系核素从高放废液中分离出来,并通过反应堆嬗变为短寿命或稳定核素,从而消除其放射性危害。为研究次锕系核素与燃料均匀混合、制成嬗变棒和做燃料芯块镀层装载方式下在铅冷快堆中的嬗变特性,采用MCNP和SCALE程序进行模拟计算。结果表明,三种方式下237Np、241Am、243Am和混合次锕系核素使有效增殖因数keff降低,而244Cm和245Cm使keff升高,且245Cm可使keff大幅度增加。不同质量的混合次锕系核素装载后,三种方式下堆芯keff都随装载量的增加而降低,降低幅度由小到大分别为嬗变棒、均匀混合和镀层。不同次锕系核素装载量以均匀混合方式在堆芯经过550 d辐照后,237Np、241Am和243Am嬗变率均为正值,其中241Am嬗变率最大,而244Cm和245Cm嬗变率均为负值,245Cm增加明显,总的次锕系核素嬗变率为14%,可为次锕系核素在铅冷快堆中嬗变性能评价提供参考。 相似文献
研究了次量锕系核素(MA)在钠冷氧化物燃料快堆中嬗变的基本物理特性。结果表明,MA核素加入堆芯燃料中后对堆芯动态参数和反应性反馈会产生显著的影响,如:βeff会有所减小、多普勒负反馈会显著减弱以及钠空泡反应性正反馈会显著增强。添加MA所带来的收益是燃耗反应性损失减小,且一定量的MA被嬗变掉,同时MA裂变也有相应的能量产出。MA嬗变的本质在于MA的焚毁,MA的焚毁比消耗与其所占全堆的裂变份额(包括由其转换的238Pu的裂变)成正比,为此相同MA裂变份额下的堆芯安全参数成为MA嬗变快堆设计的关键点。研究表明,堆芯小型化能够有效地减小堆芯的钠空泡反应性正反馈,同时对MA的焚毁比消耗影响较小。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(12):1101-1117
The impact of partitioning and/or transmutation (PT) technology on high-level waste management was investigated for the equilibrium state of several potential fast breeder reactor (FBR) fuel cycles. Three different fuel cycle scenarios involving PT technology were analyzed: 1) partitioning process only (separation of some fission products), 2) transmutation process only (separation and transmutation of minor actinides), and 3) both partitioning and transmutation processes. The conventional light water reactor (LWR) fuel cycle without PT technology, on which the current repository design is based, was also included for comparison. We focused on the thermal constraints in a geological repository and determined the necessary predisposal storage quantities and time periods (by defining a storage capacity index) for several predefined emplacement configurations through transient thermal analysis. The relation between this storage capacity index and the required repository emplacement area was obtained. We found that the introduction of the FBR fuel cycle without PT can yield a 35% smaller repository per unit electricity generation than the LWR fuel cycle, although the predisposal storage period is prolonged from 50 years for the LWR fuel cycle to 65 years for the FBR fuel cycle without PT. The introduction of the partitioning-only process does not result in a significant reduction of the repository emplacement area from that for the FBR fuel cycle without PT, but the introduction of the transmutation-only process can reduce the emplacement area by a factor of 5 when the storage period is extended from 65 to 95 years. When a coupled partitioning and transmutation system is introduced, the repository emplacement area can be reduced by up to two orders of magnitude by assuming a predisposal storage of 60 years for glass waste and 295 years for calcined waste containing the Sr and Cs fraction. The storage period of 295 years for the calcined waste does not require a large storage capacity because the number of waste packages produced is significantly reduced by a factor of 5 from that of the glass waste package in the FBR fuel cycle without PT. 相似文献
分析加速器驱动系统(ADS)钠冷金属燃料快堆重金属燃料不同核素对堆芯有效增殖系数(Keff)的影响,给出了燃料成分的确定方法,详细分析次锕系核素(MA)嬗变特性.运用耦合了MCNP4c3与ORJGEN2的三维燃耗程序COUPLE对堆芯进行稳态与燃耗计算.结果分析表明,调节燃料中239Pu的质量比例并使其在燃耗过程中保持稳定是使Keff达到设计值并在燃耗过程中保持稳定的有效手段.散裂中子引起堆芯内区较外区更硬的中子能谱,有利于提高MA的裂变截面与裂变吸收比.全堆MA嬗变支持比为8.3,具有较好的嬗变效果.由于堆芯内区的高通量,堆芯内外区的嬗变率有明显差异,将MA集中布置于内区有利于减少装料量,改善总体嬗变效果. 相似文献
It is shown that 22.5 metric tons of americium from the spent fuel of 30 VVÉR reactors which operated for 30 yr can be transmuted in a 1 GW(t) heavy-water system in 103 yr using as fuel the plutonium from the same spent VVÉR fuel. This means that 7.5 VVÉR reactors (CUF = 0.85) must be maintained simultaneously for fuel storage time 30 yr (for a 3-yr fuel storage period, the number of VVÉR reactors maintained increases to 25). In the entire period of operation of the system, a substantial quantity of plutonium from the spent fuel is used – about 150 metric tons (with total plutonium production in VVÉR reactors of about 200 metric tons) and about 38 metric tons of fissioning isotopes are burned. Therefore, with up to 98% burnup of americium in the target material the conversion coefficient defined as the ratio of the mass of the americium annihilated to the mass of the spent fissioning material is about 0.57. 相似文献
Larionov I. A. Lopatkin A. V. Lukasevich I. B. Moroko V. I. Popov V. E. 《Atomic Energy》2021,129(6):326-330
Atomic Energy - The results of a study of the effect of the homogeneous addition of 237Np, 241Am, 243Am into the fuel on the neutronics characteristics of a lead-cooled fast reactor are reported.... 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(9):907-914
Curium isotopes generated in the MOX fuel irradiated in the experimental fast reactor JOYO were analyzed by applying a sophisticated radiochemical technique. Curium was isolated from the irradiated MOX fuel by anion-ex- change chromatography using a mixed medium of nitric acid and methanol. The isotopic ratio of curium and its content were determined by thermal ionization mass spectroscopy and alpha-spectrometry, respectively. The curium content was less than 0.004 at% even at high burnup of 120GWd/t, which is much smaller than that of PWR-MOX at 60 GWd/t. On the basis of present analytical results, the transmutation behavior of curium isotopes in a fast reactor was discussed from various viewpoints. Transmutation rates of curium isotopes were estimated; the rate for 246Cm, which is known to be a key nuclide in the transmutation of curium, was larger than the previously reported value. It was concluded from these evaluations that the fast reactor was suitable for the incineration of curium. 相似文献