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——请谈一下上海港集装箱泊位的现状和将来的计划。答:中国非常重视港口建设,特别是集装箱泊位的建设。上海港的集装箱码头于一九七八年开始正式工作。当时的航线是中国远洋运输公司的定期船,走的是澳大利亚航线。一九七九年一月二十六日,川崎汽船的“东海号”集装箱船第一次来上海港。当时设备很不完善,是利用原有的泊位和27.6吨龙门起重机来进行集装箱装卸的。货场只不过一万平方米左右。  相似文献   

在我国港口企业中,将计量公正用于大宗流通货物的贸易尚属刚刚起步。我们外高桥保税区港务公司与上海市检测技术所合作组建了外高桥称重公正站。成立一年多来作了一些成功的探索与实践。 近年来,上海作为全国贸易中心的地位正在形成,上海港又是国际性大港,各种物资交易流通发展很快,在地处浦东开发前沿的外高桥港区码头,如何  相似文献   

集装箱 (CONTAINER)运输在 5 0年代已经出现 ,起初使用面不广 ,多数用于转船或海陆联运商品 ,以简化装卸驳运手续。当时的集装箱还没有统一规格 ,也没有专门管理集装箱运输的国际组织。此后 ,由于集装箱运输日益显示其迅速、安全、简便等优点 ,它的使用越来越广泛 ,从而国际集装箱委员会的建立 ,标准规格的确定 ,码头专用设备的普遍建立 ,终于使集装箱成为现代运输包装集合的一个标志。目前集装箱的使用已遍及各个港口 ,集装箱的年吞吐量已成为一个港口现代化程度和对外贸易规模的标志。今年上海港引航船舶每月均保持 10 %以上的增…  相似文献   

上海港的货物吞吐量和集装箱吞吐量均已位居世界第一。然而,随着经济的发展对港口需求的增加、周边港口的日益发展、1.8×104箱超大型集装箱船舶及4×105t超大型散货船的问世,上海港自身的自然条件约束日益显现,尤其是发展的空间几乎枯竭。为了寻找上海港发展的出路,上海各方已做了一些前期工作,形成共识的是在横沙建港较为适宜。本文详细分析了上海港面临的困境,并以上海横沙东滩为依托,构想了上海港未来发展之路。  相似文献   

良好的自然条件和较高的计量信誉,是上海港成为我国较早设立的计量公正站的关键要素。早在1991年,上海港就积极按国际通行做法开展计量公正活动。1992年12月18日汇山称重公正站正式成立。之后,又在新港区——外高桥保税区港务公司和南浦港务公司建立了称重公正站。1994年7月,上海港的江山、外高桥铺浦三个称重计量公正站经过上海市技术监督局主持的严格考核,取得了国家认证合格证书。1995年,上海港务局又推出了计量公正站管理办法,向社会公布投诉电话,完善自律性管理制度,并建立公正站监督检查制度和采取对公正站实施监督检查报告…  相似文献   

中国-加拿大集装箱电子标签航线启动仪式近日在上海举行。今后,由上海港研发的集装箱电子标签技术将全面运用在中加航线上。  相似文献   

经济的快速发展促进了我国航运事业的发展,现今我国的集装箱运输每年都有巨大的吞吐量,我国航运事业在飞速发展的同时也面临着巨大的外部竞争,集装箱是一种在航运中使用较多的运输方式,能够极大的降低货物的运输费用和单位成本运输压力。做好集装箱运输的管理,减少船舶的停港时间是各个港口所追求的。做好计算机技术在集装箱码头管理中的应用,提高集装箱码头的管理调度水平是现今乃至今后一段时间集装箱码头管理的重点。本文将对如何加强集装箱码头的管理水平使用计算机来加强港口集装箱的管理进行分析阐述。  相似文献   

现阶段轮胎起重机是我国集装箱码头堆场用来装卸集装箱的主要形式,并将现有的RTG技术改进为远程操控的半自动化模式,在一定程度上减少了员工的工作数量及操作人员的工作压力,同时还有效提高了工作频率及集装箱码头的经济效益。本文将结合实际情况对集装箱码头RTG远程半自动化操作堆场实现方法进行分析研究并提出有效意见,旨在为促进我国RTG远程半自动化的不断发展。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,我国的港口进出口贸易呈现出飞速增长的趋势,尤其是天津港作为我国北方重要的港口,其每年的货运吞吐量巨大。集装箱码头是港口中的一个重要部分,其中集装箱码头的主要业务是完成对于集装箱的装卸、搬运、堆放等一系列业务,要完成以上业务需要通过各种装卸工具如岸桥、场桥以及叉车等多种设备,为了使得各种设备能够协调运行,需要在集装箱码头建立起一套无线网络系统以提高整体业务的信息化进程。本文将就如何做好集装箱码头的无线网络的构建进行介绍。  相似文献   

集装箱堆垛问题普遍存在于港口码头堆场作业管理中,是在集装箱数目已知的前提下,要求满足交货期限制、重量限制以及垛位高度限制等约束条件,目标是实现占用垛位数最少。通过问题分析,将其归结为一类带顺序约束的装箱问题,并建立了约束满足优化模型,设计了嵌入经典装箱启发式原则的约束满足求解算法。为了验证模型和算法的可行性和有效性,根据某集装箱码头堆场的实际生产情况构造测试算例,实验结果表明,该算法对于实现垛位数最小化、求解复杂约束下的大规模堆场问题较现有的装箱启发式有一定程度的改善。  相似文献   

Engineering Owner: Construction Headquarters of Yangshan Deep-water Port Phase IV Project of Shanghai International Shipping CenterDesigner: CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd. Civil Constructer: China State Construction Harbor Construction Co., Ltd.;CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.Equipment Manufacturer: Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co., Ltd.Software Developer and System Integrator: Shanghai Harbor e-Logistics Software Co., Ltd. of Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.Supervisor: Shanghai Far East Waterway Engineering Construction Supervision and Consultation Co., Ltd.;Shanghai Donghua Construction Management Co., Ltd.;Jinghua Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd. under CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd. Operator: Shangdong Branch, Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach to forecasting total port container throughput: to generate forecasts based on each of the port’s terminals and aggregate them into the total throughput forecast. We forecast the demand for total container throughput at the Indonesia’s largest seaport Tanjung Priok Port, employing SARIMA, the additive and multiplicative Seasonal Holt-Winters (MSHW) and the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) on the monthly port and individual terminal container throughput time series between 2003 and 2013. The performance of forecasting models is evaluated based on mean absolute error and root mean squared error. Our results show that the MSHW model produces the most accurate forecasts of total container throughput, whereas SARIMA generates the worst in-sample model fit. The VECM provides the best model fits and forecasts for individual terminals. Our results report that the total container throughput forecasts based on modelling the total throughput time series are consistently better than those obtained by combining those forecasts generated by terminal-specific models. The forecasts of total throughput until the end of 2018 provide an essential insight into the strategic decision-making on the expansion of port’s capacity and construction of new container terminals at Tanjung Priok Port.  相似文献   

Major ports contain multiple container terminals, sea terminals, train, truck and barge terminal, and empty container depots, operated by different companies. Port authorities try to streamline inter terminal container transport (ITT) within congested port areas by offering expensive common road and rail infrastructure. Alternatively, individual stakeholders can set up private or collaborative container transport systems. This paper develops a framework to analyse and determine feasibility conditions of a common ITT system in a port area, depending on total transport volumes. First, we develop a simulation model to evaluate the costs of transporting containers using different modes of transport including trucks, automated guided vehicles, and multi trailer systems. Next, the required number of vehicles per mode is determined for a given throughput and waiting time. The results of the simulation are used in a game-theoretic setting to determine the cost savings per stakeholder operating in a coalition. By comparing cost savings for all possible coalitions, it is possible to determine, for each stakeholder, the attractiveness of using a common system. We find the coalitions that result in the highest savings and compare them with the infrastructure cost required to realise them. We apply the method to determine the feasibility of a common ITT system for terminals in the Port of Rotterdam and show that it only pays off in case of high demand for container transports.  相似文献   

开辟长江口深水航道建立上海国际航运中心   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开辟长江口深水航道 ,在长江口内建立国际集装箱枢纽港是建成上海国际航运中心 ,以实现以上海浦东开发开放为龙头 ,尽快把上海建成国际经济、金融、贸易中心 ,带动长江三角洲和整个长江流域地区经济新飞跃的关键举措。在长江口南支南港的北槽采用整治与疏浚相结合的治理方案 ,修建双导堤和丁坝 ,以束水归槽 ,并浚深航槽 ,可以使长江口栏门沙滩顶水深从 6m分期加深到 8 5m、 10m和 12 5m ,最终使第三、四代集装箱船可以全天候通行 ,第五、六代超级集装箱船和 10万t级散货轮乘潮进出。同时需建设长江三角洲综合交通运输网  相似文献   

Dispatching vehicles in a mega container terminal   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
We consider a container terminal discharging and uploading containers to and from ships. The discharged containers are stored at prespecified storage locations in the terminal yard. Containers are moved between the ship area and the yard using a fleet of vehicles, each of which can carry one container at a time. The problem is to dispatch vehicles to the containers so as to minimize the total time it takes to serve a ship, which is the total time it takes to discharge all containers from the ship and upload new containers onto the ship. We develop easily implementable heuristic algorithms and identify both the absolute and asymptotic worst-case performance ratios of these heuristics. In simple settings, most of these algorithms are optimal, while in more general settings, we show, through numerical experiments, that these algorithms obtain near-optimal results for the dispatching problem.Research was supported in part by the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA).  相似文献   

随着贸易全球化的到来,集装箱运输业飞速发展,港口集装箱码头受到越来越多的重视。轮胎式龙门吊体积大,作业效率低,该环节 已经成为码头作业的瓶颈。提出了轮胎式龙门吊优化调度混合整数规划模型,研究了定量作业条件下的龙门吊优化调度问题,通过实际案例分 析为码头管理者提供决策支持。  相似文献   

A beam search algorithm was applied to solve the load-sequencing problem in port container terminals. The algorithm was used to maximize the operational efficiency of transfer cranes and quay cranes (QCs) while satisfying various constraints on stacking containers onto vessels. The load-sequencing problem consisted of two decision-making subproblems. In the first subproblem, a pickup schedule was constructed in which the travel route of a transfer crane (TC) as well as the number of containers it must pick up at each yard-bay are determined. In the second subproblem, the load sequence for individual containers was determined. This study suggested a search scheme in which an algorithm to solve the second subproblem is imbedded into the algorithm for the first subproblem. Numerical experiments using practical data were performed to test the performance of the developed algorithm. Correspondence to: Kap Hwan KimThis study was supported in part by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation through the Center for Intelligent and Integrated Port Management Systems (CIIPMS) at Dong-A University. Authors also appreciate Director In-Tae Baek in Korea Logistics Network Co. for his help during the data collection.  相似文献   

Modern rail-road container terminals serve as important consolidation nodes in intermodal transportation networks where containers are transferred between freight trains and trucks. Among the most important decision problems in these yards is the crane scheduling problem, which decides on the sequences of container moves executed by each of the parallel gantry cranes. This paper treats a rich crane scheduling problem, which considers plenty relevant constraints and is directly applicable in Chinese intermodal terminals. For solving this problem, we propose a fix-and-optimise procedure, which is easy to implement and shown to successfully solve even large-sized instances with 100 container moves in reasonable time.  相似文献   

Container terminal performance is largely determined by its design decisions, which include the number and type of quay cranes, stack cranes, transport vehicles, vehicle travel path and stack layout. We investigate the orientation of the stack layout (parallel or perpendicular to the quayside) on the throughput time performance of the terminals. Previous studies in this area typically use deterministic optimisation, and a few studies use probabilistic travel times and simulation to analyse the effect of stack layout on terminal throughput times. In this research, we capture the stochasticity with an integrated queuing network modelling approach to analyse the performance of container terminals with parallel stack layout using automated lifting vehicles. Using this analytical model, we investigate 1008 parallel stack layout configurations on throughput times and determine the optimal stack layout configuration. We find that, assuming an identical width of the internal transport area, container terminals with parallel stack layout perform better (from 4–12% in terms of container throughput times) than terminals with a perpendicular stack layout.  相似文献   

In the last four decades the container as an essential part of a unit-load-concept has achieved undoubted importance in international sea freight transportation. With ever increasing containerization the number of seaport container terminals and competition among them have become quite remarkable. Operations are nowadays unthinkable without effective and efficient use of information technology as well as appropriate optimization (operations research) methods. In this paper we describe and classify the main logistics processes and operations in container terminals and present a survey of methods for their optimization. Correspondence to: Stefan Voß  相似文献   

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