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To relate operational semantics of logic programs to its declarative semantics, we have to rely on SLD-trees. But this form of operational semantics does not make it easy to relate execution behaviour to program structure. The reason is that the traversal of SLD-trees decomposes in a way that is different from the decomposition (which is by disjunction and conjunction) of programs. We propose SLD-contours, a variant of SLD-trees, that are, like programs, built up out of simpler components by means of disjunction and conjunction. The traversal of SLD-trees carries over to the traversal of SLD-contours in such a way that the trace events of the Box Model (Try, Succeed, Retry, Fail) are reproduced in the same way as during the execution of the program. ThusSLD-contours relate the trace more closely to the program than SLD-trees. SLD-contours specify the trace more completely than the Box Model does.  相似文献   

This paper describes a theorem prover that embodies knowledge about programming constructs, such as numbers, arrays, lists, and expressions. The program can reason about these concepts and is used as part of a program verification system that uses the Floyd-Naur explication of program semantics. It is implemented in the qa4 language; the qa4 system allows many pieces of strategic knowledge, each expressed as a small program, to be coordinated so that a program stands forward when it is relevant to the problem at hand. The language allows clear, concise representation of this sort of knowledge. The qa4 system also has special facilities for dealing with commutative functions, ordering relations, and equivalence relations; these features are heavily used in this deductive system. The program interrogates the user and asks his advice in the course of a proof. Verifications have been found for Hoare's FIND program, a real-number division algorithm, and some sort programs, as well as for many simpler algorithms. Additional theorems have been proved about a pattern matcher and a version of Robinson's unification algorithm. The appendix contains a complete, annotated listing of the deductive system and annotated traces of several of the deductions performed by the system.  相似文献   

In this paper we try to introduce a new approach to operational semantics of recursive programs by using ideas in the“priority method”which is a fundamental tool in Recursion Theory.In lieu of modelling partial functions by introducing undefined values in a traditional approach,we shall define a priority derivation tree for every term,and by respecting thr rule“attacking the subtem of the highest priority first”we define transition relations,computation sequences etc.directly based on a standard interpretation whic includes no undefined value in its domain,Finally,we prove that our new approach generates the same opeational semantics as the traditional one.It is also pointed out that we can use our strategy oto refute a claim of Loeckx and Sieber that the opperational semantics of recursive programs cannot be built based on predicate logic.  相似文献   

We show how to use a programming language for formally describing and reasoning about errors in quantum computation. The formalisation is based on the concept of performing the correct operation with probability at least p, and the erroneous one with probability at most 1 − p. We apply the concept to two examples: Bell’s inequalities and the Deutsch–Jozsa quantum algorithm. The former is a fundamental thought experiment aimed at showing that Quantum Mechanics is not “local and realist”, and it is used in quantum cryptography protocols. We study it assuming faulty measurements, and we derive hardware reliability conditions that must be satisfied in order for the experiment to support its conclusions. The latter is a quantum algorithm for efficiently solving a classification problem for Boolean functions. The algorithm solves the problem with no error, but when we introduce faulty operations it becomes a two-sided error algorithm. Reasoning is accomplished via standard programming laws and quantum laws.  相似文献   

We present a formal operational semantics for Stateflow, the graphical Statecharts-like language of the Matlab/Simulink tool suite that is widely used in model-based development of embedded systems. Stateflow has many tricky features but our operational treatment yields a surprisingly simple semantics for the subset that is generally recommended for industrial applications. We have validated our semantics by developing an interpreter that allows us to compare its behavior against the Matlab simulator. We have used the semantics as a foundation for developing prototype tools for formal analysis of Stateflow designs.  相似文献   

Complex software systems typically involve features like time, concurrency and probability, with probabilistic computations playing an increasing role. However, it is currently challenging to formalize languages incorporating all those features. Recently, the language PTSC has been proposed to integrate probability and time with shared-variable concurrency (Zhu et al. (2006, 2009) [51] and [53]), where the operational semantics has been explored and a set of algebraic laws has been investigated via bisimulation. This paper investigates the link between the operational and algebraic semantics of PTSC, highlighting both its theoretical and practical aspects.The link is obtained by deriving the operational semantics from the algebraic semantics, an approach that may be understood as establishing soundness of the operational semantics with respect to the algebraic semantics. Algebraic laws are provided that suffice to convert any PTSC program into a form consisting of a guarded choice or an internal choice between programs, which are initially deterministic. That form corresponds to a simple execution of the program, so it is used as a basis for an operational semantics. In that way, the operational semantics is derived from the algebraic semantics, with transition rules resulting from the derivation strategy. In fact the derived transition rules and the derivation strategy are shown to be equivalent, which may be understood as establishing completeness of the operational semantics with respect to the algebraic semantics.That theoretical approach to the link is complemented by a practical one, which animates the link using Prolog. The link between the two semantics proceeds via head normal form. Firstly, the generation of head normal form is explored, in particular animating the expansion laws for probabilistic interleaving. Then the derivation of the operational semantics is animated using a strategy that exploits head normal form. The operational semantics is also animated. These animations, which again supports to claim soundness and completeness of the operational semantics with respect to the algebraic, are interesting because they provide a practical demonstration of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Reasoning about programs in continuation-passing style   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Plotkin's v -calculus for call-by-value programs is weaker than the -calculus for the same programs in continuation-passing style (CPS). To identify the call-by-value axioms that correspond to on CPS terms, we define a new CPS transformation and an inverse mapping, both of which are interesting in their own right. Using the new CPS transformation, we determine the precise language of CPS terms closed under -transformations, as well as the call-by-value axioms that correspond to the so-called administrative -reductions on CPS terms. Using the inverse mapping, we map the remaining and equalities on CPS terms to axioms on call-by-value terms. On the pure (constant free) set of -terms, the resulting set of axioms is equivalent to Moggi's computational -calculus. If the call-by-value language includes the control operatorsabort andcall-with-current-continuation, the axioms are equivalent to an extension of Felleisenet al.'s v -C-calculus and to the equational subtheory of Talcott's logic IOCC.This article is a revised and extended version of the conference paper with the same title [42]. The technical report of the same title contains additional material.The authors were supported in part by NSF grant CCR 89-17022 and by Texas ATP grant 91-003604014.  相似文献   

Reasoning about probabilistic sequential programs in a probabilistic logic   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
M. Ying 《Acta Informatica》2003,39(5):315-389
We introduce a notion of strong monotonicity of probabilistic predicate transformers. This notion enables us to establish a normal form theorem for monotone probabilistic predicate transformers. Three other healthiness conditions, namely, conjunctivity, disjunctivity and continuity for probabilistic predicate transformers are also examined, and they are linked to strong monotonicity. A notion of probabilistic refinement index is proposed, and it provides us with a continuous strength spectrum of refinement relations which may be used to describe more flexible refinement between probabilistic programs. A notion of probabilistic correctness is introduced too. We give a probabilistic weakest-precondition, choice and game semantics to the contract language, and present a probabilistic generalization of the winning strategy theorem. Received: 16 April 2002 / 20 January 2003 RID="a" ID="a" This work was partly supported by the National Key Project for Fundamental Research of China (Grant No: 1998030905) and the National Foundation of Natural Sciences of China (Grant No: 60273003)  相似文献   

Web Services have become more and more important in these years, and BPEL4WS (BPEL) is a de facto standard for the web service composition and orchestration. It contains several distinct features, including the scope-based compensation and fault handling mechanism. The denotational semantics and operational semantics have been explored for BPEL. The two semantic models should be consistent. This paper considers the linking of these two semantics. Our approach is to derive the denotational semantics from operational semantics for BPEL, which aims for the consistency of the two models. Moreover, the derivation can be applied in exploring the program equivalence easily, especially for parallel programs.  相似文献   

In wireless systems, the communication mechanism combines features of broadcast, synchrony, and asynchrony. We develop an operational semantics for a calculus of wireless systems. We present different Reduction Semantics and a Labelled Transition Semantics and prove correspondence results between them. Finally, we apply CWS to the modelling of the Alternating Bit Protocol, and prove a simple correctness result as an example of the kind of properties that can be formalized in this framework.A major goal of the semantics is to describe the forms of interference among the activities of processes that are peculiar of wireless systems. Such interference occurs when a location is simultaneously reached by two transmissions. The Reduction Semantics differ on how information about the active transmissions is managed.We use the calculus to describe and analyse a few properties of a version of the Alternating Bit Protocol.  相似文献   

Bialgebras for structural operational semantics: An introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bialgebras and distributive laws are an abstract, categorical framework to study various flavors of structural operational semantics. This paper aims to introduce the reader to the basics of bialgebras for operational semantics, and to sketch the state of the art in this research area.  相似文献   

We define a class of function-free rule-based production system (PS) programs that exhibit non-deterministic and/or causal behavior. We develop a fixpoint semantics and an equivalent declarative semantics for these programs. The criterion to recognize the class of non-deterministic causal (NDC) PS programs is based upon extending and relaxing the concept of stratification, to partition the rules of the program. Unlike strict stratification, this relaxed stratification criterion allows a more flexible partitioning of the rules and admits programs whose execution is non-deterministic or causal or both. The fixpoint semantics is based upon a monotonic fixpoint operator which guarantees that the execution of the program will terminate. Each fixpoint corresponds to a minimal database of answers for the NDC PS program. Since the execution of the program is non-deterministic, several fixpoints may be obtained. To obtain a declarative meaning for the PS program, we associate a normal logic program with each NDC PS program. We use the generalized disjunctive well-founded semantics to provide a meaning to the normal logic program Through these semantics, a well-founded state is associated with and a set of possible extensions, each of which are minimal models for the well-founded state, are obtained. We show that the fixpoint semantics for the NDC PS programs is sound and complete with respect to the declarative semantics for the corresponding normal logic program .This research is partially sponsored by the National Science Foundation under grant IRI-9008208 and by the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.  相似文献   

A structured operational semantics for UML-statecharts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has gained wide acceptance in very short time because of its variety of well-known and intuitive graphical notations. However, this comes at the price of an unprecise and incomplete semantics definition. This insufficiency concerns single UML diagram notations on their own as well as their integration. In this paper, we focus on the notation of UML-statecharts. Starting with a precise textual syntax definition, we develop a precise structured operational semantics (SOS) for UML-statecharts. Besides the support of interlevel transitions and in contrast to related work, our semantics definition supports characteristic UML-statechart features like the history mechanism as well as entry and exit actions. Initial submission: 19 February 2002 / Revised submission: 28 October 2002 Published online: 2 December 2002  相似文献   

Bounded operator abstraction is a language construct relevant to object oriented programming languages and to ML2000, the successor to Standard ML. In this paper, we introduce , a variant of F<:ω with this feature and with Cardelli and Wegner’s kernel Fun rule for quantifiers. We define a typed-operational semantics with subtyping and prove that it is equivalent with , using logical relations to prove soundness. The typed-operational semantics provides a powerful and uniform technique to study metatheoretic properties of , such as Church–Rosser, subject reduction, the admissibility of structural rules, and the equivalence with the algorithmic presentation of the system that performs weak-head reductions.Furthermore, we can show decidability of subtyping using the typed-operational semantics and its equivalence with the usual presentation. Hence, this paper demonstrates for the first time that logical relations can be used to show decidability of subtyping.  相似文献   

The semantics of PROLOG programs is usually given in terms of the model theory of first-order logic. However, this does not adequately characterizethe computational behavior of PROLOG programs. PROLOG implementations typically use a sequential evaluation strategy based on the textual order of clauses and literals in a program, as well as nonlogical features like cut. In this work we develop a denotational semantics that captures thecomputational behavior of PROLOG. We present a semantics for “cut-free” PROLOG, which is then extended to PROLOG with cut. For each case we develop a congruence proof that relates the semantics to a standard operational interpreter. As an application of our denotational semantics, we show the correctness of some standard “folk” theorems regarding transformations on PROLOG programs.  相似文献   

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