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在享受滑雪运动惊险刺激的同时,要注意保护自己,就要挑选合适的滑雪用具。诺尼卡NONIK滑雪运动护目镜采用双层球面镜片:光学性能通过欧洲和美国眼镜光学标准;镜片表面具有良好的抗冲击及耐磨性能,宽大柔软的面部密封,使配戴时非常舒适;外层镜片防撞防碎;内层镜片具有超强防雾效果,丝毫不受温差影响;双层独立镜片相结合设计,使镜片中间形成相对密闭的空气绝隔层,  相似文献   

<正>【紫外线的危害】紫外线和有害光无处不在!光线会导致眼睛过早衰老!紫外线对眼睛的伤害永久无法消除!UVA和UVB对眼睛的伤害是积累的,无论冬夏请不要将眼睛长期暴露在紫外线下。为了更好的明天,从今天开始保护您的眼睛!【KMD魔变系列镜片=近视镜+太阳镜+护目镜】康美达纳米极速魔变系列,全面防护每一天!康美达魔变系列=室外有度数的太阳镜+室内有度数的透明镜片,是新一代变色片的革命者和领导者,是视力矫正、时尚装饰、阳光防护的最佳镜片!  相似文献   

<正>嘉保光学成立6年来,一直致力于视光学科的技术研发和生产,不断推出视力保护的功能性产品,公司先后推出了中子镜第一代调节锻炼护目镜、二代调节锻炼隐形镜、三代近视防"制"棱透镜组合多功能复合镜片、嘉保圣视商务办公防疲劳减负镜、E点视迷你及变色片和  相似文献   

三、雾度 又叫雾霾(Haze),也叫混浊度。即通过镜片而偏离入射光方向的散射光通量与透过的入射光通量的百分比。它是评定镜片表面耐擦痕(Scratch resistance)的技术指标,也是判定镜片保持透明度和物象清晰度的可靠数据之一。塑胶镜片的耐擦痕性随塑胶类型品种而不同;它与镜片的固化成形工艺密切相关。几种塑胶镜片的耐擦痕性比较见下表。  相似文献   

变色镜片是一种颜色随外界光线的变化而变化的镜片。在太阳光下这种镜片能快速变成深色,镜片的透光率大大降低,光线越强,镜片的颜色就越深;光线越弱,镜片的颜色就越浅,当把镜片放回室内,镜片的颜色又能快速褪掉,回复到原来透明的状态。目前市场上的变色镜片按材料来分有两大类,  相似文献   

2011年11月3日至6日,由香港贸易发展局主办的第19届香港眼镜展在香港会议展览中心举行。本届展会参展商数目破历届纪录,来自20个国家及地区的600多家公司展示了最新镜框、镜片、太阳眼镜、护目镜、隐形眼镜、各式配件和视光仪器。同时,今年展会特别组织了约70个专业买家团逾  相似文献   

时值千禧年将临之际,“’99香港眼镜展”于11月3日至5日假香港会议中心隆重举行。来自中国、法国、意大利、日本、韩国以及香港、台湾等十八个国家和地区的三百二十家眼镜厂商,在展览会上展示了镜架、镜片、配件、太阳镜、护目镜、隐形眼镜、化学原料,仪器设备等产品。据德国市场调查  相似文献   

2002年11月6日至8日,在香港会议展览中心举办的香港眼镜展,是眼镜行业展示最新眼镜产品,交流最新技术的国际化平台。此次展会展出面积达14,982平方米,有来自18个国家及地区超过400家厂商参加展会,比去年增长7.6%,为历届参展商数量之冠。展出各类眼镜及太阳眼镜、护目镜、隐形眼镜及镜片、镜框及镜架、配件、生产机械及视觉仪器、眼镜盒、眼镜袋等。在进  相似文献   

正MYKITA与Maison Margiela联名合作系列不断给人以创新的设计与未来风格的展现。此次Maison Margiela创意总监John Galliano以飞行员护目镜为灵感,但彻底将其改造,通过钻石般切割的镜片来表达未来科幻世界的风格。整个眼镜都以透明材质设计,钻石切割表面是一种独特的尝试,而至于佩戴后的实际体验,目前还不得而知。预计此款将于2017年春夏季上市。  相似文献   

亲水软镜镜片含水量.即镜片经充分水合后含水重量的百分比。 软镜镜片的基本材质多是以HEMA为基础.HEMA材料即聚甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯.俗称水凝胶。干燥时硬而透明.浸入水中柔软.成为富有弹性的物体.以其为基础材料制成的镜片随不同多聚化合物的多少,其含水量有相当大的变动.可从3%~85%不等。镜片的含水量是影响镜片透氧性的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

PurposeTo study the light distortion effects of soft multifocal contact lenses and the influence of different pupil size and shape.MethodsA total of 14 eyes of 7 healthy contact lens users (mean age 28.6 ± 8.5 years) were recruited. The “Light Disturbance Analyser” device was employed for light characterization. The selected lenses were the monthly disposable “Biofinity multifocal” (CooperVision, CA, USA), both centre-distance and centre-near designs (addition power +2.50 D). Two circular pupils of 3 mm and 5 mm of diameter, and an elliptical shape (3 horizontal and 5 vertical mm) were used. Metrics such as the light distortion index (LDI), best-fit circle radius and its irregularity were analysed, among others.ResultsThe LDI was generally higher with multifocal lenses, varying from 3.7 ± 0.3 % of the single vision lens to 6.1 ± 3.3 % of the multifocal centre-distance design and the 5-mm pupil. Larger pupils gave higher LDI values, changing from 4.5 ± 2.0 % (3 mm) to 6.1 ± 3.3 % (5 mm) with the centre-distance design. The elliptical pupil produced the largest discrepancy in the distortion size between the vertical and horizontal directions. The centre-distance and centre-near designs behaved similarly in terms of light distortion.ConclusionsThe multifocal contact lenses of the study increased light distortion effects under low light conditions, especially with larger pupils. The shape of the distortion pattern is associated with the shape of the pupil. It seems that not all, but a big percentage of light distortion would be produced by the presence of the out-of-focus images given by a multifocal lens.  相似文献   

探讨新型筘齿定位传感器的研制方法。由于高密度筘板在穿筘时中心空隙的确定是穿筘自动化的核心问题,为此设计了一种基于反射式光电传感原理的筘齿定位传感器,通过透镜组产生小孔径入射光,小口径入射光在历经筘齿格栅时产生反射,生成反射脉冲,而入射光历经筘齿间隙时无反射光产生,读取输出的脉冲,即可判读当前传感器与筘齿中心空隙的相对位置,由此实现筘齿间小间隙的非接触式探测。试验证实该传感器可以自动识别52齿/cm高密度筘板筘隙中心。  相似文献   

The most fundamental aspect of a contact lens is its optics; the manner in which the refraction of light is managed to optimise vision to the clinical benefit of the lens wearer. This report presents contemporary information on the optical structure of the eye and the optical models employed to understand the correction of refractive error. The design, measurement and clinical assessment of spherical, aspheric, toric, multifocal and myopia control contact lenses are described. The complexity and variety of multifocal lenses is recognised and detailed information is provided for alternating, simultaneous, diffractive, annular, aspheric and extended depth of field lens designs. In terms of clinical assessment, a contemporary review is provided for the measurement of: visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, through focus curves, reading performance, peripheral refraction, toric displacement realignment and patient reported outcomes. Overall, the paper aims to serve as a resource for the prescribing clinician, who can optimise contact lens corrections for patients by building on the optical rationale of these devices; and also highlights future opportunities for research innovation.  相似文献   

Two cases are presented of patients wearing rigid gas permeable contact lenses who exhibited the typical fan-shaped patterns of corneal pigment deposition related to long-term medication containing amiodarone. The vortex corneal epitheliopathy and contact lens tolerance were monitored over several years. In both cases, the lens material was replaced with one incorporating an ultra-violet light inhibitor in view of the possibility of medically induced photosensitivity.  相似文献   

Contact lens materials have undergone significant changes over the past 20 years, particularly with respect to the introduction of silicone hydrogel materials. Whilst this development addressed hypoxic issues, other important areas relating to contact lens success, notably comfort, require further research.Contact lens wettability remains a crucially important part of biocompatibility. Contact lenses can be made more wettable by incorporation of surfactants into blister packs, internal wetting agents, surface treatments or care solutions. However, there remains no clear association between contact lens wettability and comfort, making it challenging to determine the potential for these approaches to be of significant clinical benefit. Most contact lenses are used on a daily wear, reusable basis, which requires them to be disinfected when not worn. The ideal disinfecting solution would also improve comfort during wear. However, balancing these requirements with other factors, including biocompatibility, remains a challenge. Soft lens materials invariably take up and subsequently release certain components of disinfecting solutions onto the ocular surface. This may affect tear film stability and the normal ocular microbiome, and further research is needed in this area to determine whether this has any affect on comfort. Finally, contact lens materials sorb components of the tear film, and these interactions are complex and may change the biochemistry of the tear film, which in turn may affect their comfort.In conclusion, the interaction between lens materials, tear film and disinfection solution plays an important role in the biocompatibility of lenses. However, the exact role and whether this can be altered to improve biocompatibility and comfort during wear remains debatable. This report summarises the best available evidence to examine this complex relationship and the opportunities for practitioners to enhance in-eye comfort of contemporary lenses, along with providing suggestions for areas of study that may provide further information on this topic.  相似文献   

Lipids play a vital role in the body at many interfaces. Examples include the lubrication of articulating joints by synovial fluid, the coating of the lung by pulmonary surfactant and the functions of the tear film in the protection of the anterior eye. The role of the lipids is similar at each site - acting as boundary lubricants and reducing surface and interfacial tension. This review focuses on how and why contact lens wear can disrupt the normal function of lipids within the tear film and explains how the otherwise advantageous presence and function of tear lipids can become disadvantageous, causing problems for the wearer. Because the contact lens is some ten times thicker than the tear film, lipids deposited on the anterior surface become immobilised, reducing lipid turnover and thus leading to prolonged exposure to oxygen and light with consequent generation of degradation products. These degraded lipids reduce lens wettability and have additionally been linked to problems of contact lens discomfort and intolerance. Lipid problems are influenced by the thickness of the lens, the material, surface modification, mode of wear and ultimately the subject. The most influential of these variables is frequently the subject.  相似文献   

本文研究了基于高光谱图像分割的固态发酵中不同杆菌快速识别问题,实验采用马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基对芽孢杆菌、乳杆菌、红螺菌样本进行制备,通过黑色镜头盖在镜头上获取全黑的反射图像,对图像进行去噪、分割处理,获取高光谱图像梯度及分布峰值,利用掩模图像中菌落所处位置对光谱数据信息进行提取,把获取的三种细菌的光谱数据分割成校正集与测试集,依次用于模型构建与验证。通过标准正态变量变化方法完成对原始光谱数据的预处理,利用主成分分析法进行降维处理并区分不同菌落,并采用偏最小二乘判别分析法建立识别模型,分析细菌高光谱图像和高光谱响应值主成分,建立并验证模型。结果表明,采用标准正态变量变化法进行预处理后,高光谱分析总误差与分析误差的比值是1.12,低于规定稳健性的参数;不同细菌菌落的高光谱波峰存在差异,对光的反射率也有较大不同;当培养时长为36h时,三种细菌可被有效区分;本文模型比其它两种模型更优,对测试集的识别率为98.25%。综上所述,采用本文方法具有分析误差低、识别率高的优点。  相似文献   



To describe the refitting of a soft lens wearer into a silicone hydrogel lens due to neovascularization. This change, in turn, caused contact lens induced papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC) and a further refitting was necessary.


The patient was refit into a high Dk surface treated silicone hydrogel with a high modulus value. A second refitting was undertaken into a lower Dk silicone hydrogel contact lens with a lower modulus value which had no surface treatment but incorporated an internal wetting agent.


A high Dk/t lens was used to resolve existing neovascularization and chronic hyperaemia. Subsequently, CLPC response occurred, possibly due to a combination of factors, resulting in irritation of the palpebral conjunctiva. This resulted in temporary lens discontinuation. A second silicone hydrogel lens was fit, along with the use of a non-preserved care system, which led to improvement and eventual resolution of the condition.


High Dk silicone hydrogel lenses have shown excellent efficacy in resolving hypoxic complications such as neovascularization and hyperaemia. However, attention needs to be paid to their potential effect on the upper tarsal plate. More than one silicone hydrogel lens may be needed to help resolve these issues.  相似文献   

目的观察蓝光滤过型人工晶体植入术后视功能和视觉质量。方法随机选取老年性白内障患者,施行超声乳化术,实验组植入蓝光滤过型折叠人工晶体Acrysof Nature(SN60AT),对照组植入一片式折叠人工晶体(SA60AT),观察视力、眼压、角膜内皮细胞计数及并发症。结果两组在视力、眼压、角膜内皮、并发症等方面无显著性差异,但实验组患者术后无色觉改变、无蓝视症及眩光畏光。结论蓝光滤过型人工晶体能有效滤过蓝光,提高白内障患者术后视觉质量。  相似文献   

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