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This short paper reports on the CNSM’2012 conference (International Conference on Network and Service Management). It presents an overview on the technical sessions, keynotes, tutorials, and panel, especially focusing on the original and dominating topics that raised the most comments and discussion. It then aims at indicating what the dominant research directions were in the network and service management community.  相似文献   

Given a shape, a skeleton is a thin centered structure which jointly describes the topology and the geometry of the shape. Skeletons provide an alternative to classical boundary or volumetric representations, which is especially effective for applications where one needs to reason about, and manipulate, the structure of a shape. These skeleton properties make them powerful tools for many types of shape analysis and processing tasks. For a given shape, several skeleton types can be defined, each having its own properties, advantages, and drawbacks. Similarly, a large number of methods exist to compute a given skeleton type, each having its own requirements, advantages, and limitations. While using skeletons for two‐dimensional (2D) shapes is a relatively well covered area, developments in the skeletonization of three‐dimensional (3D) shapes make these tasks challenging for both researchers and practitioners. This survey presents an overview of 3D shape skeletonization. We start by presenting the definition and properties of various types of 3D skeletons. We propose a taxonomy of 3D skeletons which allows us to further analyze and compare them with respect to their properties. We next overview methods and techniques used to compute all described 3D skeleton types, and discuss their assumptions, advantages, and limitations. Finally, we describe several applications of 3D skeletons, which illustrate their added value for different shape analysis and processing tasks.  相似文献   

随着电力报表在输变电运维中的普及以及数据分析报告生成的迫切需求,急需一种将报表数据转换成可用的分析报告的方法.本文针对上述需求,提出了一套完整的基于电力报表和Apache POI技术的分析报告生成流程,实现了将历史数据以图表的形式嵌入预设模板中,并最终形成格式统一的分析报告,有效地提高了数据分析人员的效率.  相似文献   

The 12th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2010) was held on April 19–23, 2010 in Osaka, Japan. Since 1988, NOMS, which has been held in even-numbered years, has been the primary forum for technical exchange among all constituencies in network and service management, including the research, vendor, standards, development, systems integration, service provider, user communities, and many others.  相似文献   

Non‐photorealistic rendering (NPR) algorithms allow the creation of images in a variety of styles, ranging from line drawing and pen‐and‐ink to oil painting and watercolour. These algorithms provide greater flexibility, control and automation over traditional drawing and painting. Despite significant progress over the past 15 years, the application of NPR to the generation of stylized animations remains an active area of research. The main challenge of computer‐generated stylized animations is to reproduce the look of traditional drawings and paintings while minimizing distracting flickering and sliding artefacts present in hand‐drawn animations. These goals are inherently conflicting and any attempt to address the temporal coherence of stylized animations is a trade‐off. This state‐of‐the‐art report is motivated by the growing number of methods proposed in recent years and the need for a comprehensive analysis of the trade‐offs they propose. We formalize the problem of temporal coherence in terms of goals and compare existing methods accordingly. We propose an analysis for both line and region stylization methods and discuss initial steps towards their perceptual evaluation. The goal of our report is to help uninformed readers to choose the method that best suits their needs, as well as motivate further research to address the limitations of existing methods.  相似文献   

为了适应基础教育课程改革,让师范类学生开发出优秀的小学语文MCAI课件,师范院校需要调整《MCAI课件制作》课程的教学观念,为此进行了小学语文MCAI课件开发的研究,确定了小学语文MCAI课件开发的理论基础,找到了小学语文与MCAI课件的结合点,区分了课件的类型,制定了小学语文MCAI课件开发的原则。  相似文献   

为了适应基础教育课程改革,让师范类学生开发出优秀的小学语文MCAI课件,师范院校需要调整《MCAI课件制作》课程的教学观念,为此进行了小学语文MCAI课件开发的研究,确定了小学语文MCAI课件开发的理论基础.找到了小学语文与MCAI课件的结合点,区分了课件的类型,制定了小学语文MCAI课件开发的原则。  相似文献   

一种报表模板框架   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从面向对象技术角度出发,阐述了报表模板工具的构造方法及面向对象的封装、继承、多态技术在设计中的应用方法。用UML模型来表示类、对象及它们之间的关系,并在设计中采用了设计模式来描述问题的一般解决方法。提出了一种表格的可视视图和逻辑视图模型,并定义了其上的操作模型。用UML、设计模式等面向对象技术来分析和设计,使设计结构清晰、可扩充性强。  相似文献   

根据CNCERT的监测结果,2010年10月境外木马控制服务器数量大幅增长,木马受控主机的数量和中国大陆地区被篡改网站的数量均有不同程度的下降。  相似文献   

2010年10月21日至2010年11月20日,国家计算机网络入侵防范中心发布漏洞总条目为395条,漏洞总数比上月增长了5.61%。能够从远程进行攻击的漏洞占绝大多数,这使得攻击者利用相应漏洞发动攻击更为容易。本月微软公司发布3个安全公告,Mozilla Firefox修复了一个可远程执行代码的零日漏洞,Adobe发布安全公告修复了Adobe Flash Player上发现的一个零日漏洞,建议广大用户及时安装补丁,增强系统安全性,做好安全防范工作,保证信息系统安全。  相似文献   

In this report, we review the current state of the art of web‐based visualization applications. Recently, an increasing number of web‐based visualization applications have emerged. This is due to the fact that new technologies offered by modern browsers greatly increased the capabilities for visualizations on the web. We first review these technical aspects that are enabling this development. This includes not only improvements for local rendering like WebGL and HTML5, but also infrastructures like grid or cloud computing platforms. Another important factor is the transfer of data between the server and the client. Therefore, we also discuss advances in this field, for example methods to reduce bandwidth requirements like compression and other optimizations such as progressive rendering and streaming. After establishing these technical foundations, we review existing web‐based visualization applications and prototypes from various application domains. Furthermore, we propose a classification of these web‐based applications based on the technologies and algorithms they employ. Finally, we also discuss promising application areas that would benefit from web‐based visualization and assess their feasibility based on the existing approaches.  相似文献   

Using Cognitive Dissonance and Balance Theory, this study investigates factors that predict how and why MMO players inaccurately report their game playing time. It was hypothesized that players belonging to categories other than the stereotypical game player (e.g. younger, less educated, male) would be likely to underreport playing time. It was also hypothesized that those players who held less positive attitudes toward the game would be more likely to underreport their playing time. Comparing people's self‐reported weekly usage of an MMO, EverQuest II, with their actual average weekly usage of the game, data showed that age, education, lack of enjoyment playing the game, and lack of an online sense of community predicted greater levels of underreporting.  相似文献   

为解决要求高效率的大型报表查询处理系统中如何实现分布式的问题,本文从CORBA的定义及特点和报表引擎的构成和分布式报表引擎实现要解决的问题等方面的描述,提出一种用CORBA技术实现分布式报表引擎的方案。另外,还介绍了Web应用程序和报表引擎的交互的方法。  相似文献   

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