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由于CaMgSn的形貌对Mg-Sn-Ca系合金力学性能有重要影响,因此,研究了慢冷、快冷及时效处理对CaMgSn组织形貌的影响规律.分别采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、x-射线衍射仪和显微硬度计对比分析了不同处理条件对Mg-3Sn-2Ca-3Cu合金微观组织、相结构和硬度的影响.分析结果表明:Mg-3Sn-2Ca-3Cu合金慢冷组织主要由α-Mg、CaMgSn、CuMg2、(Cu,Ca)Mg2和Mg2Sn构成,其中CaMgSn为粗大的棒状相.快冷及时效处理后,CaMgSn的形态发生了明显的改变,在时效48h的时候转变为近球状形貌;时效处理后,合金的显微硬度得到了明显的提高,在时效48h的时候达到最高值HV 77.随着时效时间的延长,表现为硬度的降低和第二相与基体的脱离.  相似文献   

设计了一种成分(质量分数/%)为Mg-8Zn-6Al-3Cu-3Ca-1.5Mn-1Si的合金,利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜、X射线衍射和维氏硬度计研究了自然冷却、快速冷却及时效处理对合金显微组织和硬度的影响.Mg-8Zn-6Al-3Cu-3Ca-1.5Mn-1Si合金慢冷组织主要由α-Mg、Mg2Cu6Al5、CaMgSi、Mg2Zn3等相构成,没有出现Mg17Al12相.合金经快冷后,抑制了第二相从基体中的析出;时效10 h后,CaMgSi相以细小的块状相均匀析出.合金具有较高的硬度值,在时效时间10 h时最大HV值达到111.  相似文献   

时效对Mg-7Gd-4Y-0.6Zn-0.6Zr合金显微组织及硬度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高Mg合金的强韧性和抗高温性能.文中通过显微硬度测试、差示扫描量热仪及透射电镜分析,研究了挤压Mg-7Gd-4Y-0.6Zn-0.6Zr系镁合金的显微硬度及时效析出相的结构.结果表明:钆的添加增强了Mg-Gd-Y合金的时效硬化效果,对合金时效硬化的总体规律无明显影响.透射电镜分析发现具有DO19超点阵的β″和斜方晶体β′相在合金时效硬化阶段析出,提高了合金硬度.在时效后期由于粗大的针片状1β相析出,使合金硬度下降.  相似文献   

Cu—15Ni—8Sn合金时效与冷处理后的组织观察   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
借助透射电子显微镜分析了时效和深冷处理的Cu-25Ni-8Sn合金的调幅组织,并提出了关于Cu-Ni-Sn合金在急冷急热时发生调幅分解的看法。  相似文献   

合金在不同时效温度,不同时效时间下进行时效处理时,在硬度上都将出现一个最大峰值,并随时效时间的延长,硬度值逐渐下降,其变化的主要原因是在时效过程中有γ沉淀相析出,而γ沉淀相的大小与时效温度,时效时间有关。合金的强化主要来源于γ沉淀相对运动位错的阻碍作用。  相似文献   

电流作用下凝固界面形态稳定性与对组织形态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了电流作用下的凝固界面形态稳定性动力学微分方程式,由此而得到其稳定性的判据为G(w)=-2w^3TmГ-w(gs+gL)+2mGcw(w-V/D)/(w-V/DP)+(ψL-ψs),并讨论了电流对凝固界面形态稳定性及凝固组织的影响。  相似文献   

对添加Si C镁合金Mg-6Zn-0.6Zr在160~190℃进行时效处理,通过金相组织分析、X射线衍射分析、断口形貌扫描分析及力学性能测试,研究了Si C的加入和时效处理对镁合金的显微组织与力学性能的影响。研究结果表明,时效处理过程能促进挤压铸造镁合金中第二相Mg7Zn3到Mg4Zn7的转变,促进了合金的韧脆转变。而添加少量的Si C能够细化合金的晶粒,提高镁合金的抗拉强度和塑性。  相似文献   

为了提高Mg-5Al-5Ca(AX55)铸造镁合金基体组织和共晶组织的耐热性能,以Sn为变量设计了AX55-x Sn(x=0,0. 5,1. 0,1. 5)合金,研究了T61和T62对合金组织、硬度与蠕变性能的影响.结果表明,随着Sn含量的增加,合金基体中析出的Al2Ca相增多,使得α-M g基体得到强化.在共晶骨架相附近析出的CaMgSn相可使共晶组织得到强化.在175℃/70 MPa蠕变100 h条件下,AX55-x Sn合金的最小蠕变速率和蠕变总量随Sn含量的提高而降低. AX55-1. 5Sn合金性能最佳,且其最小蠕变速率为5. 21×10-8s-1,100 h总蠕变量为0. 065%.相比T61,T62能够提高AX55-x Sn合金的基体硬度和蠕变性能.  相似文献   

The effect of one-step aging temper on the mechanical properties, electrical conductivity and the microstructure of a novel Al-7.5Zn-1.6Mg-1.4Cu-0.12Zr alloy has been investigated. The results indicated that with elevating the aging temperature from 100℃ to 160℃, the aging response rate was greatly accelerated, and the UTS at peak aging condition decreased, while the corresponding TYS increased. However, the electrical conductivity of the alloy became higher. After aging for 24 h at 120℃, the peak UTS and TYS values were achieved as 591 MPa and 541 MPa, respectively; but the alloy achieved a lower conductivity, 20.4 MS/m. When T6 temper was performed at 140℃ for 14 h, the UTS decreased only by 1% of the former, whereas the TYS and the electrical conductivity increased obviously, which were up to 559 MPa and 22.6 MS/m, respectively. The major strengthening precipitates of the peak-aged alloy were GP zones and η′ phase. The precipitates in both the matrix and the grain boundary became coarser with rising aging temperature. There were obvious PFZs along the grain boundary both in T6 conditions aged at 140℃ and 160℃.  相似文献   

铝和铌含量的改变对GH706合金组织及持久性能影响的研究结果表明,将Al的质量分数升高至1.25%,而Nb的质量分数降低至2.0%,抑制了合金晶内强化相γ″-Ni3Nb相的析出,促进了γ′-Ni3Al相的析出,同时阻止了晶界η-Ni3(Ti,Nb)相形成.在650℃长期时效后,降Nb提Al后晶内γ″-Ni3Nb相长大及η相的析出受到抑制,合金组织具有更高的稳定性,合金持久寿命的降低幅度远低于原型合金.  相似文献   

Effect of various aging treatments on the tensile properties and microstructure of 2195 alloy has been investigated. The experimental results show that promising combination of strength and ductility is achievable under T8 temper. The lower aging temperature reduces T1 precipitation on the subgrain or grain boundaries and favors uniform dispersion of T1 phases in the matrix, resulting in better strength and ductility. Prior deformation before aging has improved tensile strength with a slight decrease in ductility. Pre-aging after prior deformation had little effect on the age-hardening behavior of 2195 alloy. Project supported by the Key Program of the 9th Five-year Plan of China Synopsis of the first author Zheng Ziqiao, professor, born in 1944, major research fields: physical metallurgy of aluminum alloys; functionally gradient materials; self-propagation high temperature synthesis.  相似文献   

为了探讨引线框架铜合金与无铅钎料钎焊接头界面性能,采用扫描电镜及万能材料实验机,分析了引线框架用CuCrSnZn合金与SnAgCu系无铅钎料钎焊接头,在160℃时效不同时间的过程中界面形貌及接头剪切性能的演变过程.结果表明,时效前,钎焊接头界面处形成了一层长针状的Cu6Sn5;不同时间时效处理后,接头界面IMC层厚度有不同程度的增加,Cu6Sn5变长变粗,逐渐离开界面进入钎料内部,靠近铜合金片材基体的一侧会出现极薄的一层Cu3Sn层.无铅钎料钎焊接头时效25h剪切强度可到27.3 MPa,其后逐渐降低.未时效、时效25 h和50 h断裂发生在钎料基体内部,时效至300 h,断裂位置向界面金属间化合物处转移,剪切断口断裂形式逐渐由韧性断裂向脆性断裂转变.  相似文献   

通过正电子湮没和X—射线衍射对Cu—25.0Zn—4.20Al(Wt%)形状记忆合金母相时效后合金的稳定性进行了研究。结果表明,在第一阶段(10分钟以前)有序度的改变是As上升的主要原因,第二阶段(10分钟到25分钟)过饱和空位的钉扎、聚集起主要作用。  相似文献   

The effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of two alloys, namely Al- 12.2%Zn-2.48%Cu-2.0%Mg-0.15%Zr-0. 166%Ag(alloy 1), and Al-9.99%Zn-1.72%Cu-2.5%Mg-0.13%Zr(alloy 2) were investigated. The results show that low temperature aging after promotive solution treatment can increase elongation without the loss of strength for the studied alloys. The optimum aging treatment (T6) for alloy 1 and alloy 2 is 100 ℃/80 h and 100 ℃/48 h, respectively. Compared with other heat treatment alloys, alloy 1 and alloy 2 show super-high tensile strength up to 753 MPa and 788 MPa, remaining 9.3% and 9.7% elongation under T6 condition, respectively. During aging, trace addition of Ag enhances the formations of GP zone and metastable phase, and stabilizes GP zone and metastable phase to a higher temperature. Trace addition of Ag prolongs the aging time of reaching the peak strength and delays over-aging condition of the alloy. However, trace addition of Ag promotes the formation of coarse constituent in the alloy and consumes hardening alloying elements of Zn and Mg. Moreover, the addition of the transition element Zr in 7000 series super-high alloy forms incoherent Al3 Zr dispersoid which can serve as nucleation sites for nonuniform precipitation of η phase during aging process. The higher the aging temperature, the greater the tendency for nonuniform precipitation of η phase.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties and microstructures of 6013 alloy after different thermomechanical treatments were investigated. The detailed dislocation configurations after deformation and morphologies of age hardening precipitates were examined through transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The experimental results show that the thermomechanical treatment can significantly enhance the strength of 6013 alloy, and has a similar influence trend on single and two-step aging behaviors. With the increasing deformation ratio, the peak-hardness (HVmax) increases, the time to HVmax shortens, and the density of tangled dislocation network increases. The aging precipitates become larger and inhomogeneous by applying thernomechanical treatment. Funded by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (No.2007BAE38B01)  相似文献   

为了确定Mg-Gd-Y(Zr)合金时效析出相的形态和物相组成,分别在150、200、250和300 ℃对挤压态Mg-13Gd-4Y-0.4Zr合金进行不同时间的时效处理.采用x-射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和能谱分析(EDS)等技术检测并分析了不同温度时效后的析出相形态和物相组成,用扩散理论分析了时效温度对析出相的影响.结果表明,合金经不同温度时效后析出相是白色块状的Mg2(Gd,Y)、Mg3(Gd,Y)和片状的Mg5(Gd,Y).分析认为,时效温度决定了Mg-Gd-Y(Zr)合金时效析出相的形态.  相似文献   

Microstructural evolution during aging of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al titanium alloy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of microstructure during the aging of Ti-10V-2Fe-3A1 alloy in the β and (α β) solution-treated and quenched conditions was investigated. The results showed that the isothermal holding below 400℃ yielded homogeneously distributed, spherical ω-phase particles. Fine α aggregates are formed uniformly within β grains by nucleating at ω particles or β/ω interfaces. At higher temperatures, thin martensite plates decomposed in water-quenched condition. The formation of ω phase was avoided and coarse α-phase plates directly precipitated from the β matrix. The highest hardness values were found when the alloys were aged at 400℃ for 8 h. The significance of the observations was discussed in terms of the effect of aging on the precipitations and property.  相似文献   

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