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Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 27) averaging 590 kg BW were allotted at 3 wk postpartum to nine trios blocked on the basis of similar calving date. Animals were fed alfalfa silage for ad libitum intake and remained in the experiment until wk 11 of lactation. Cows within each trio were assigned randomly to either a medium level of concentrate fed at 1.8% BW containing soybean meal or a low level of concentrate fed at 1.3% BW containing either soybean meal or fish meal. The three treatments were designed to give similar CP intake as percentage of BW from the concentrate. Intake of DM and milk yield were measured daily, and BW and milk composition were recorded weekly. Blood was sampled during wk 7 of lactation. Total DMI was higher for cows fed concentrate at 1.8% BW than for those fed at 1.3% BW. Silage DMI was similar across treatments and averaged 2.17% BW. Milk production, 32.0 kg/d, and milk composition, 3.95% fat, 2.90% protein, and 5.07% lactose, were similar for all treatments. Cows fed at 1.8% BW gained 11.0 kg, whereas those fed at 1.3% BW lost 8.4 and 7.4 kg, respectively, when given soybean meal or fish meal, but these differences were not significant. Prefeeding plasma concentrations of NEFA were higher for cows fed fish meal, which was related to their greater weight lost at wk 7 of lactation compared with those fed soybean meal. Level of concentrate and protein of low or high rumen degradability resulted in similar milk production for cows averaging 32.0 kg/d during early lactation.  相似文献   

Four Holstein cows fitted with ruminal cannulas were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design (28-d periods) with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to investigate the effects of addition of a specific mixture of essential oil compounds (MEO; 0 vs. 750 mg/d) and silage source [alfalfa silage (AS) vs. corn silage (CS)] on digestion, ruminal fermentation, rumen microbial populations, milk production, and milk composition. Total mixed rations containing either AS or CS as the sole forage source were balanced to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous. In general, no interactions between MEO addition and silage source were observed. Except for ruminal pH and milk lactose content, which were increased by MEO supplementation, no changes attributable to the administration of MEO were observed for feed intake, nutrient digestibility, end-products of ruminal fermentation, microbial counts, and milk performance. Dry matter intake and milk production were not affected by replacing AS with CS in the diet. However, cows fed CS-based diets produced milk with lower fat and higher protein and urea N concentrations than cows fed AS-based diets. Replacing AS with CS increased the concentration of NH3-N and reduced the acetate-to-propionate ratio in ruminal fluid. Total viable bacteria, cellulolytic bacteria, and protozoa were not influenced by MEO supplementation, but the total viable bacteria count was higher with CS- than with AS-based diets. The apparent digestibility of crude protein did not differ between the AS and CS treatments, but digestibilities of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber were lower when cows were fed CS-based diets than when they were fed AS-based diets. Duodenal bacterial N flow, estimated using urinary purine derivatives and the amount of N retained, increased in cows fed CS-based diets compared with those fed AS-based diets. Feeding cows AS increased the milk fat contents of cis-9, trans-11 18:2 (conjugated linoleic acid) and 18:3 (n-3 fatty acid) compared with feeding cows CS. Results from this study showed limited effects of MEO supplementation on nutrient utilization, ruminal fermentation, and milk performance when cows were fed diets containing either AS or CS as the sole forage source.  相似文献   

The effect of ammonia on barley silage fermentation characteristics, and the digestion and utilization of ammoniated barley silage by lactating Holstein cows fed three isonitrogenous diets (14.5% CP, DM basis) were examined. Whole plant barley was chopped and treated with anhydrous ammonia (1%, DM basis) at ensiling. Untreated barley silage was supplemented with either canola meal or urea. Cows were fed complete mixed diets (50% silage and 50% concentrate mixture, DM basis). Addition of ammonia increased total N, water-insoluble N, lactic acid, and pH in silage. Based on the application rate, 77.7% of the added ammonia N was recovered, and increased water-insoluble N was equal to 49.8% of added ammonia N. Addition of ammonia to barley silage increased ruminal concentrations of ammonia and propionate, and supplies of nonammonia N, microbial N, and total N to the small intestine. Ruminal effective degradabilities of DM and CP of barley silage and complete mixed diets, and whole tract digestibility of DM and CP of complete mixed diets were not affected by supplemental N source. Milk yield and milk composition of cows fed the ammoniated barley silage were similar to those of cows fed the diets supplemented with canola meal or urea.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the feeding value of forage soybean silage (SS) for dairy cows relative to a fourth-cut alfalfa silage (AS). Forage soybean was harvested at full pod stage. Two isonitrogenous diets were formulated with a 48:52 forage:concentrate ratio. Soybean silage and AS constituted 72% of the forage in each diet, with corn silage constituting the remaining 28%. Twenty Holsteins cows in early lactation were used in a switchback design. Four lactating Holsteins cows fitted with ruminal cannulas were used to determine the effects of dietary treatments on ruminal fermentation parameters and in vivo total tract nutrient utilization. Relative to AS, SS contained 15, 28, and 25% more neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and crude protein, respectively. Dry matter intake (23.5 vs. 25.1 kg/d) and milk yield (35.5 vs. 37.2 kg/d) were lower for cows fed SS than for those fed AS. However, energy-corrected milk and milk efficiency were similar for both dietary treatments. Milk protein, lactose, and total solids concentrations were not influenced by dietary treatments (average 3.0, 4.7, and 12.6%, respectively). However, cows fed SS produced milk with greater milk fat (3.8 vs. 3.6%) and milk urea nitrogen concentrations (15.6 vs. 14.3 mg/dL) compared with cows fed AS. Ruminal pH was lower, whereas ruminal NH3-N concentration was greater in cows fed SS than in cows fed AS. Total tract digestibilities of dry matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber were not influenced by silage type. We concluded that forage SS, when compared with AS, had a negative impact on feed intake and milk yield, whereas energy-corrected milk, milk efficiency, and total tract nutrient digestion were similar.  相似文献   

Interactions of endosperm type of corn grain and the brown midrib 3 (bm3) mutation in corn silage on ruminal kinetics and site of nutrient digestion of lactating dairy cows were evaluated. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated cows (72 +/- 8 d in milk; mean +/- SD) were used in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Treatments were corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) and corn silage type (bm3 or isogenic normal). Diets contained 26% neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 30% starch. Interactions of treatments were not observed for any measure of digestibility, but digestion kinetics of starch and fiber did interact to affect digestible organic matter intake by affecting dry matter intake. Rate of ruminal starch digestion was faster and rate of ruminal starch passage tended to be slower in diets containing corn grain with floury vs. vitreous endosperm, resulting in a mean increase of 22 units for ruminal starch digestibility. Although compensatory postruminal starch digestion decreased differences among treatments for total tract starch digestibility, starch entering the duodenum was more digestible for grain with floury endosperm compared with vitreous grain, resulting in greater total tract starch digestibility for floury compared with vitreous corn grain. Fermentation rate of potentially digestible NDF was not affected by either bm3 corn silage or greater ruminal starch digestion of floury grain. Brown midrib corn silage increased total tract NDF digestibility vs. control silage by numerically increasing ruminal and postruminal digestibility of NDF. Endosperm type of corn grain greatly influences site of starch digestion and should be considered when formulating diets.  相似文献   

Six Holstein cows in early lactation were used in a double 3 x 3 Latin square design to determine the effects of feeding diets with pea silage, relative to barley silage, or alfalfa silage. Cows were fed rations formulated to contain 50:50 forage:concentrate ratio. Two ruminally fistulated cows were used in a randomized complete block design to determine ruminal nutrient degradability for pea silage relative to barley and alfalfa silages. Pea silage contained lower neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber, and starch concentrations but higher crude protein than barley silage. Compared with alfalfa silage, pea silage had higher starch and NDF but lower crude protein content. Pea and alfalfa silage had similar effective ruminal degradability of dry matter, which was higher than that of barley silage. The rate of degradation and effective ruminal degradability of NDF was highest for alfalfa silage, intermediate for pea silage and lowest for barley silage. Results of the lactation trial showed that dry matter intake and milk yield were not affected by forage source. Milk composition was similar for cows fed pea or barley silage; however, cows fed pea silage produced milk with a higher fat and a lower protein percentage than those fed the alfalfa silage. Pea silage can replace barley or alfalfa silage as a forage source for dairy cows in early lactation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of dietary replacement of corn silage (CS) with 2 cultivars of forage millet silages [i.e., regular millet (RM) and sweet millet (SM)] on milk production, apparent total-tract digestibility, and ruminal fermentation characteristics of dairy cows. Fifteen lactating Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square experiment and fed (ad libitum) a high-forage total mixed ration (68:32 forage:concentrate ratio). Dietary treatments included CS (control), RM, and SM diets. Experimental silages constituted 37% of each diet DM. Three ruminally fistulated cows were used to determine the effect of dietary treatments on ruminal fermentation and total-tract nutrient utilization. Relative to CS, RM and SM silages contained 36% more crude protein, 66% more neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and 88% more acid detergent fiber. Cows fed CS consumed more dry matter (DM; 24.4 vs. 22.7 kg/d) and starch (5.7 vs. 3.7 kg/d), but less NDF (7.9 vs. 8.7 kg/d) than cows fed RM or SM. However, DM, starch and NDF intakes were not different between forage millet silage types. Feeding RM relative to CS reduced milk yield (32.7 vs. 35.2 kg/d), energy-corrected milk (35.8 vs. 38.0 kg/d) and SCM (32.7 vs. 35.3 kg/d). However, cows fed SM had similar milk, energy-corrected milk, and solids-corrected milk yields than cows fed CS or RM. Milk efficiency was not affected by dietary treatments. Milk protein concentration was greatest for cows fed CS, intermediate for cows fed SM, and lowest for cows fed RM. Milk concentration of solids-not-fat was lesser, whereas milk urea nitrogen was greater for cows fed RM than for those fed CS. However, millet silage type had no effect on milk solids-not-fat and milk urea nitrogen levels. Concentrations of milk fat, lactose and total solids were not affected by silage type. Ruminal pH and ruminal NH3-N were greater for cows fed RM and SM than for cows fed CS. Total-tract digestibility of DM (average = 67.9%), NDF (average = 53.9%), crude protein (average = 63.3%), and gross energy (average = 67.9%) were not influenced by dietary treatments. It was concluded that cows fed CS performed better than those fed RM or SM likely due to the higher starch and lower NDF intakes. However, no major differences were noted between the 2 forage millet silage cultivars.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted on alfalfa to investigate the effects of the addition of commercial chestnut hydrolyzable tannin at ensiling on 1) silage fermentation quality in lab-scale silos and protein degradation in the rumen, and 2) silage fermentation quality and proteolysis in bale silages. Wilted alfalfa was prepared with 4 tannin levels (0, 2, 4, and 6% on a dry matter (DM) basis; T0, T1, T2, T3, respectively) and ensiled in lab-scale silos. Silages (33% DM) were analyzed for fermentation quality, protein rumen degradability in situ, and organic matter digestibility in vitro through gas production after 120 d of conservation. Wilted alfalfa containing 0 and 4% tannin (T0 and T2) was harvested at 40% DM (wilting level I) and 53% DM (wilting level II) for bale (600 mm diameter) silage. Silages were analyzed for fermentation quality after 78 d of conservation. All the silages were well fermented with no butyric acid. Lab-scale silages showed reductions in ammonia, nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) and DM losses in T2 and T3 treatments, while the fermentation acid profiles were unaffected. In experiment 1, the untreated silage (T0) had the highest protein degradability after being incubated in the rumen. The addition of tannin reduced crude protein ruminal disappearance in a dose-dependent manner. However, the tannin reduced the organic matter digestibility by 5.1% for all of the tannin addition levels. The tannin positively affected the silage quality in the round bale silages, in particular reducing ammonia and NPN in the lowest wilting level. In both experiments, T2 treatment reduced proteolysis without any influence of DM on the binding reaction and reduced the NPN by 15% in comparison to the control.  相似文献   

Eight multiparous Holstein cows (676 ± 57 kg of body weight; 121 ± 17 d-in-milk) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design to determine the effects of 4 sources of carbohydrate on milk yield and composition, ruminal fermentation, and microbial N flow to the duodenum. Four cows in one of the Latin squares were fitted with permanent ruminal cannulae. Diets contained (DM basis) 50% forage in combinations of alfalfa hay and barley silage, and 50% concentrate. The concentrate portion of the diets contained barley, corn, wheat, or oats grain as the primary source of carbohydrate. Intake of DM ranged from 24.0 to 26.2 kg/d, and it tended to be lower in cows fed the wheat-based diet compared with those fed the barley-based diet; consequently, milk yield tended to be lower in cows fed the wheat-based diet compared with those fed the barley-based diet. Cows fed the barley- or wheat-based diets had a lower milk fat content compared with those fed the corn-based diet. Ruminal fermentation characteristics were largely unaffected by the source of dietary carbohydrate, with similar ruminal pH and volatile fatty acid and ammonia concentrations for the first 6 h after the morning feeding. Dietary treatment did not affect total tract apparent digestibility of DM, organic matter, and neutral detergent fiber; however, total tract apparent digestibility of starch in cows fed the oats-based diet was higher compared with those fed the corn-and wheat-based diets. Nitrogen that was used for productive purposes (i.e., N secreted in milk + N apparently retained by the cow) tended to be lower in cows fed the wheat-based diet compared with cows fed the barley-, corn-, or oats-based diets. Urinary purine derivative (PD) excretion was similar in cows fed the barley-, corn-, and wheat-based diets; however, purine derivative excretion was higher in cows fed the barley-based diet compared with those fed the oats-based diet. Consequently, estimated microbial N flow to the duodenum was 49 g/d higher in cows fed the barley-based diet compared with those fed the oats-based diet. Improved production performance with corn and barley diets appeared to be due to greater nutrient absorption than in cows fed oats and wheat diets, rather than improved nutrient utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

Effects of fat supplementation for dairy rations on digestibility and ruminal digestion were studied in four cows receiving a control diet (hay-concentrate) or this diet supplemented with 5 or 10% rapeseed oil or 10% tallow, according to a Latin square design. Neither total digestibility of DM, OM, and crude fiber nor ruminal OM digestibility was modified by lipid supply. Microbial N flow to the duodenum was calculated for solid-adherent bacteria and liquid-associated bacteria, using the turnover rate of liquid phase, the ruminal pools of bacteria and their concentrations in RNA, and diaminopimelic acid. Flows of total and bacterial duodenal OM and N did not depend on the fat content of the diet. In sacco ruminal degradation of DM was lower for a diet supplemented with 10% rapessed oil than for the control diet. The addition of rapeseed oil resulted in decreased acetate and increased propionate proportions in ruminal VFA and decreased ruminal ammonia after feeding. This trial showed that modifications in ruminal digestion did not have any negative consequence on OM degradation and did not modify ruminal N digestion.  相似文献   

Interactions of endosperm type of corn grain and the brown midrib 3 mutation (bm3) in corn silage on ruminal fermentation and microbial efficiency of lactating dairy cows were evaluated. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated cows (72 +/- 8 d in milk; mean +/- SD) were used in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Treatments were corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) and corn silage type (bm3 or isogenic normal). Diets contained 26% neutral detergent fiber and 30% starch. Increasing ruminal starch digestibility by replacing vitreous corn grain with floury grain reduced mean and minimum ruminal pH. Brown midrib 3 corn silage reduced mean and minimum ruminal pH and increased total volatile fatty acid concentration. Ruminal pH was positively associated with rate of valerate absorption. Although floury endosperm reduced acetate:propionate ratio in both control and bm3 corn silage diets, it had a greater effect on reducing acetate:propionate ratio for control silage compared with bm3 corn silage. Nonammonia N flow to the duodenum did not differ among treatments and no effects of treatment were detected for microbial N and nonammonia, nonmicrobial N flow. Although treatment effects on ruminal fermentation and ruminal pH were observed, few interactions of treatment were detected and treatments did not affect flow of N fractions to the intestines.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight Holstein cows (4 with ruminal cannulas) were blocked by days in milk into 7 groups and then randomly assigned to 1 of 7 balanced 4 × 4 Latin square diet sequences. The diets contained [dry matter (DM) basis] 20% alfalfa silage, 35% corn silage, and 45% concentrate mainly from high-moisture corn and soybean meal. Diets differed in crude protein (CP) content and source of protein supplement: diet A) 15.6% CP, 3.7% solvent-extracted soybean meal (SSBM), 4.5% expeller soybean meal (ESBM); diet B) 16.6% CP, 9.6% SSBM, 0% ESBM; diet C) 16.6% CP, 4.6% SSBM, 5.9% ESBM; and diet D) 17.6% CP, 11.7% SSBM, 0% ESBM. Each experimental period consisted of 14 d for adaptation plus 14 d for collection of production data. Sampling of ruminal digesta and spot sampling of blood, feces, and urine was done on d 26 and 27 of each period. Planned contrasts compared included diet A vs. diet B, diet B vs. diet C, and diet B vs. diet D. There were no effects of diet on most of the production traits measured. However, milk yield tended to be higher for diet B vs. A. Trends were also detected for higher DM intake and weight gain and lower milk yield/DM intake in cows fed diet D vs. diet B. Milk lactose content was higher on diets A and C than on B. Ruminal NH3 was higher on diet D vs. B, but other ruminal metabolites, apparent nutrient digestibility, and estimated bacterial CP synthesis did not differ across diets. Blood and milk urea-N were higher on diets C and D than on B; milk urea-N was higher on diet B than on A. Increasing dietary CP from 16.6% (diet B) to 17.6% (diet D) increased urinary N excretion by 54 g/d and reduced apparent N efficiency (milk N/N intake) by 2.5 percentage units, without altering yield. Under the conditions of this trial, milk production was not improved by feeding rumen-undegraded protein from ESBM or greater amounts of rumen-degraded protein from SSBM. Feeding more than 16.6% CP depressed N efficiency.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight lactating dairy cows including 6 ruminally cannulated cows were used in a feeding study to assess effects of feed sources that differed in dietary nonfiber carbohydrate (NFC) composition and ruminal degradability of dietary protein (RDP) on production, ruminal, and plasma measures. The design was a partially balanced, incomplete Latin square with three 21-d periods and a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Samples and data were collected in the last 7 d of each period. Feed sources that differed in NFC profile were dry ground corn (GC; starch), dried citrus pulp (DCP; sugar and pectins), and sucrose+molasses (SM; sugar). Dietary RDP was altered by providing CP with soybean meal (+RDP) or substituting a heat-treated expeller soybean product for a portion of the soybean meal (−RDP). Diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and similar in NFC concentration. Cows consuming GC had the greatest milk urea nitrogen and milk protein percentage and yield, tended to have the greatest dry matter intake, but had a lesser milk fat percentage compared with cows consuming DCP and SM. Sucrose+molasses diets supported greater dry matter intake, milk protein yield, and 3.5% fat- and protein-corrected milk yield than did DCP diets. On −RDP diets, milk protein percentage was less and milk urea nitrogen and protein yield tended to be less than for +RDP diets. Dry ground corn diverged from DCP and SM in the effect of NFC × RDP, with cows consuming GC having lesser milk yield, 3.5% fat- and protein-corrected milk yield, and efficiency with −RDP as compared with +RDP, whereas these production measures were greater with −RDP than +RDP for cows consuming DCP and SM. In contrast, in situ NDF digestibility at 30 h for GC and SM was greater for −RDP as compared with +RDP, but the reverse was true for DCP. The lowest ruminal pH detected by 6 h postfeeding was also influenced by the interaction of NFC × RDP, with cows consuming SM having a lower pH with +RDP than with −RDP and cows consuming DCP having a similar pH on either RDP treatment. Total rumen volatile fatty acid concentrations did not differ among diets, but acetate molar percent was greater for DCP than for SM, and GC had the lowest molar percent for butyrate and valerate and greatest branched-chain volatile fatty acid concentration. Valerate molar percent and NH3 concentration tended to be greater with +RDP than with −RDP. Plasma glucose and insulin were both greater in cows receiving SM than in those receiving DCP. Protein degradability, NFC source, and their interactions affected lactation, ruminal, and blood measures, suggesting that these dietary factors warrant further consideration in diet formulation.  相似文献   

This study conducted according to a 4 x 4 Latin square with 28 d periods and four ruminally cannulated Finnish Ayrshire cows investigated the effect of protein supplements differing in amino acid (AA) profile and rumen undegradable protein content on postruminal AA supply and milk production. Mammary metabolism of plasma AA and other nutrients were also studied. The basal diet (Control; 13.4% crude protein) consisted of grass silage and barley in a ratio of 55:45 on a dry matter basis. The other three isonitrogenous diets (17.0% crude protein) were control + fishmeal (FM), control + soybean meal (SBM), and control + corn gluten meal (CGM). The protein supplements replaced portions of dry matter of the control diet maintaining the silage to barley ratio constant for all diets. Dry matter intake was limited to 95% of the preexperimental ad libitum intake and was similar (mean 19.8 kg/d dry matter) across the diets. Protein supplements increased milk, lactose, and protein yields but did not affect yields of energy-corrected milk or milk fat. Milk protein yield response was numerically lowest for diet SBM. Protein supplements increased milk protein concentration but decreased milk fat and lactose concentrations. Microbial protein synthesis and rumen fermentation parameters were similar across the diets, except for an increased rumen ammonia concentration for diets supplemented with protein feeds. Protein supplements increased N intake, ruminal organic matter and N, and total tract organic matter, N, and neutral detergent fiber digestibilities. Protein supplements also increased N and AA flows into the omasum, with SBM giving the lowest and CGM the highest flows. This was associated with an unchanged microbial N flow and a higher undegraded dietary N flow. The omasal flows of individual AA reflected differences in total N flow and AA profile of the experimental diets. Differences in AA flows did not always reflect plasma AA concentrations. The results indicated that AA supply of dairy cows fed a grass silage-cereal diet can be manipulated using protein supplements differing in ruminal protein degradability and AA profile. Lower milk production response to SBM than that to FM and CGM appeared to be related mainly to lower N and AA supplies arising from a high ruminal protein degradability of SBM. Histidine appeared to be the first limiting AA for milk protein synthesis on the control diet. Mammary gland may regulate AA uptake according to requirements.  相似文献   

Four mature nonlactating Holstein heifers fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulae were used to investigate in vivo effects of niacin and whole cottonseed. Each heifer was assigned randomly to a treatment in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatment sequences within a 4 X 4 Latin square design. Heifers were fed isonitrogenous complete mixed rations individually twice daily. Diets contained corn-soybean meal concentrate, corn silage, chopped coastal bermudagrass hay, plus 1) 0% niacin and 0% whole cottonseed, 2) 0% niacin and 15% whole cottonseed, 3) .07% niacin and 0% whole cottonseed, or 4) .07% niacin and 15% whole cottonseed. Dry matter consumption, ruminal pH, ruminal ammonia and VFA concentrations, microbial N production, and DM and ADF digestion were not affected by treatment. Numbers of ruminal protozoa and RNA concentrations were reduced with whole cottonseed feeding and increased by addition of niacin. Whole cottonseed increased molar percentages of acetate while depressing propionate. Niacin supplementation resulted in greater digestion of both CP and NDF. Ether extract digestibility was highest in heifers fed whole cottonseed. Fiber digestion was not affected by whole cottonseed feeding.  相似文献   

Twenty-five (10 ruminally cannulated) Holstein cows averaging 82 +/- 34 d in milk were assigned to 5 x 5 Latin squares (21-d periods) and fed diets supplemented with one of four different proteins to assess effects on production, ruminal metabolism, omasal flow of N fractions, and degradation rates of protein supplements. Total mixed diets contained (dry matter basis) 44% corn silage, 22% alfalfa silage, 2% urea, and 31% concentrate. Five concentrate mixes were fed: 31% high-moisture shelled corn (HMSC; basal); 9% solvent soybean meal (SSBM), 22% HMSC; 10% expeller soybean meal (ESBM), 21% HMSC; 5.5% blood meal (BM), 25.5% HMSC; and 7% corn gluten meal (CGM), 24% HMSC. Diets averaged, respectively, 15.8, 19.1, 19.7, 20.3, and 19.3% crude protein. Feeding the basal diet reduced intake and yield of milk, fat-corrected milk (FCM), and all milk components compared to the protein-supplemented diets. Milk yield was higher for cows fed ESBM and CGM, fat yield was higher for cows fed SSBM and CGM, but FCM and protein yields were not different among cows fed supplemental protein. Based on omasal sampling, mean in vivo estimates of ruminal degradation rate for the crude protein in SSBM, ESBM, BM, and CGM was, respectively, 0.417, 0.179, 0.098, and 0.051/h (computed using passage rates observed for the small particle phase; mean = 0.14/h), and 0.179, 0.077, 0.042, and 0.026/h (computed using a passage rate of 0.06/h). The in vivo degradation rate computed for SSBM at a passage rate = 0.06/h was similar to that estimated using the inhibitor in vitro method. However, in vivo degradation rates computed at passage rate = 0.06/h for ESBM, BM, and CGM were about two, four, and three times more rapid than those estimated by inhibitor in vitro. Experimental proteins fed in this trial will be used as standards for developing in vitro methods for predicting rates of ruminal protein degradation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of replacing barley silage (BS) with corn silage (CS) in dairy cow diets on enteric CH4 emissions, ruminal fermentation characteristics, digestion, milk production, and N balance. Nine ruminally cannulated lactating cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design (32-d period) and fed (ad libitum) a total mixed ration (TMR; forage:concentrate ratio 60:40; dry matter basis) with the forage portion consisting of either barley silage (0% CS; 0% CS and 54.4% BS in the TMR), a 50:50 mixture of both silages (27% CS; 27.2% CS and 27.2% BS in the TMR), or corn silage (54% CS; 0% BS and 54.4% CS in the TMR). Increasing the CS proportion (i.e., at the expense of BS) also involved increasing the proportion of corn grain (at the expense of barley grain). Intake and digestibility of dry matter and milk production increased linearly as the proportion of CS increased in the diet. Increasing dietary CS proportion decreased linearly the acetate molar proportion and increased linearly that of propionate. Daily CH4 emissions tended to respond quadratically to increasing proportions of CS in the diet (487, 540, and 523 g/d for 0, 27, and 54% CS, respectively). Methane production adjusted for dry matter or gross energy intake declined as the amount of CS increased in the diet; this effect was more pronounced when cows were fed the 54% CS diet than the 27% CS diet. Increasing the CS proportion in the diet improved N utilization, as reflected by decreases in ruminal ammonia concentration and urinary N excretion and higher use of dietary N for milk protein secretion. Total replacement of BS with CS in dairy cow diets offers a strategy to decrease CH4 energy losses and control N losses without negatively affecting milk performance.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to quantify the effects of graded replacement of late-harvested grass silage and barley with early-harvested silage on nutrient digestion and rumen fermentation. Four experimental diets were fed to 4 multiparous rumen-cannulated Nordic Red cows in 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. Dietary treatments consisted of late-cut grass silage (LS) and rolled barley, which was gradually replaced with early-cut grass silage [ES; 0, 33, 67, and 100% of the forage component (ES + LS) of the diet]. With increased proportion of ES in the diet, the proportion of barley decreased from 47.2 to 26.6% on a dry matter basis. Early- and late-cut silages were harvested at 2-wk intervals (predicted concentrations of metabolizable energy 11.0 and 9.7 MJ/kg of dry matter). The 4 diets were formulated to support the same milk production. Nutrient flows were quantified using omasal sampling technique applying the triple-marker method (Cr, Yb, and indigestible neutral detergent fiber) and 15N as a microbial marker. Feed intake decreased with graded replacement of LS and barley with ES, but milk production was not influenced by diet. Digestibility of nutrients improved with graded addition of ES in the diet with the greatest difference observed in digestibility of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and potentially digestible NDF (pdNDF). The results suggested that improved cell wall digestibility with graded level of ES in the diet was partly related to higher intrinsic digestibility of ES than LS, and partly due to negative associative effects with an increased proportion of LS and barley in the diet. Efficiency of microbial N synthesis was not influenced by the diet, but ruminal protein degradability increased with ES in the diet. Rumen fermentation pattern was not affected by the diet despite large difference in the profile of dietary carbohydrates. Rumen pool size of NDF and pdNDF, and ruminal turnover time of NDF decreased with graded addition of ES in the diet, whereas digestion rate of pdNDF improved. The results of this study indicate that increased CH4 yield in a parallel production study with graded addition of ES in the diet were more related to greater ruminal and total digestibility of organic matter than to the changes in rumen fermentation pattern.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of changing forage source in dairy cow diets from timothy silage (TS) to alfalfa silage (AS) on enteric CH4 emissions, ruminal fermentation characteristics, digestion, milk production, and N balance. Nine ruminally cannulated lactating cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design (32-d period) and fed (ad libitum) a total mixed ration (TMR; forage:concentrate ratio of 60:40, dry matter basis), with the forage portion consisting of either TS (0% AS; 0% AS and 54.4% TS in the TMR), a 50:50 mixture of both silages (50% AS; 27.2% AS and 27.2% TS in the TMR), or AS (100% AS; 54.4% AS and 0% TS in the TMR). Compared with TS, AS contained less (36.9 vs. 52.1%) neutral detergent fiber but more (20.5 vs. 13.6%) crude protein (CP). In sacco 24-h ruminal degradability of organic matter (OM) was higher for AS than for TS (73.5 vs. 66.9%). Replacement of TS with AS in the diet entailed increasing proportions of corn grain and bypass protein supplement at the expense of soybean meal. As the dietary proportion of AS increased, CP and starch concentrations increased, whereas fiber content declined in the TMR. Dry matter intake increased linearly with increasing AS proportions in the diet. Apparent total-tract digestibility of OM and gross energy remained unaffected, whereas CP digestibility increased linearly and that of fiber decreased linearly with increasing inclusion of AS in the diet. The acetate-to-propionate ratio was not affected, whereas ruminal concentration of ammonia (NH3) and molar proportion of branched-chain VFA increased as the proportion of AS in the diet increased. Daily CH4 emissions tended to increase (476, 483, and 491 g/d for cows fed 0% AS, 50% AS, and 100% AS, respectively) linearly as cows were fed increasing proportions of AS. Methane production adjusted for dry matter intake (average = 19.8 g/kg) or gross energy intake (average = 5.83%) was not affected by increasing AS inclusion in the diet. When expressed on a fat-corrected milk or energy-corrected milk yield basis, CH4 production increased linearly with increasing AS dietary proportion. Urinary N excretion (g/d) increased linearly when cows were fed increasing amounts of AS in the diet, suggesting a potential for higher nitrous oxide (N2O) and NH3 emissions. Efficiency of dietary N use for milk protein secretion (g of milk N/g of N intake) declined with the inclusion of AS in the diet. Despite marked differences in chemical composition and ruminal degradability, under the conditions of this study, replacing TS with AS in dairy cow diets was not effective in reducing CH4 energy losses.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of low level monensin supplementation on N utilization in lactating dairy cows fed alfalfa silage was assessed using 48 multiparous Holsteins. Cows were fed a covariate diet [% of dry matter (DM): 56% alfalfa silage, 39% ground high moisture corn, 3% soybean meal, 1% ground corn, 1% vitamin-mineral supplements] for 2 wk, then grouped by days in milk into blocks of 4. Cows were randomly assigned within blocks to 1 of 4 diets that were fed for 10 wk: 1) control (covariate diet), 2) control plus 3% fish meal (replacing DM from high moisture corn), 3) monensin (10 mg/kg DM), and 4) monensin plus 3% fish meal. Diets 1 and 3 averaged 16.7% crude protein (25% from free AA in alfalfa silage); diets 2 and 4 averaged 18.5% crude protein. Monensin intake averaged 16 mg/d on diets 1 and 2 (due to contamination) and 248 mg/d on diets 3 and 4. There was no effect of fish meal or monensin on DM intake. However, weight gain and yield of milk, protein, and SNF increased with fish meal feeding, indicating metabolizable protein limited production. Feeding monensin increased blood glucose but reduced yield of 3.5% fat-corrected milk, milk fat content and yield, and milk protein content and yield. Apparent N efficiency was greatest on monensin (diet 3) but lowest on monensin plus fish meal (diet 4). Fish meal reduced blood glucose concentration and apparent N efficiency, and increased concentrations of milk and blood urea. Monensin increased ruminal propionate concentration and decreased concentration of acetate and butyrate and acetate:propionate in ruminally cannulated cows fed the experimental diets. However, these changes were small, suggesting that too little monensin was fed. Fish meal reduced ruminal total amino acid (AA) but monensin did not alter ruminal NH(3) or total AA. Both fish meal and monensin increased NH(3) formation from casein AA using ruminal inoculum from the cannulated cows. There was no evidence from this trial that feeding 250 mg of monensin per day to lactating cows improved N utilization by reducing ruminal catabolism of the large amounts of free AA in alfalfa silage.  相似文献   

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