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王学滨 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2006,16(2):333-338
1 Introduction Adiabatic shear localization is one of the most important deformation and failure mechanisms in some titanium alloys subjected to moderate and high shear strain rates. Adiabatic shear band(ASB) can be observed in various applications, such as metal forming, perforation, impact on structures, ballistic impact, machining, torsion, explosive fragmentation, grinding, interfacial friction, powder compaction and granular flow[1?15]. The formation of ASBs is often followed by ductile… 相似文献
王学滨 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2008,18(5):1177-1183
The coexistent phenomenon of deformed and transformed adiabatic shear bands(ASBs) of ductile metal was analyzed using the JOHNSON-COOK model and gradient-dependent plasticity(GDP). The effects of melting point, density, heat capacity and work to heat conversion factor were investigated. Higher work to heat conversion factor, lower density, lower heat capacity and higher melting point lead to wider transformed ASB and higher local plastic shear deformation between deformed and transformed ASBs. Higher work to heat conversion factor, lower density, lower heat capacity and lower melting point cause higher local plastic shear deformation in the deformed ASB. Three reasons for the scatter in experimental data on the ASB width were pointed out and the advantages of the work were discussed. If the transformed ASB width is used to back-calculate the internal length parameter in the GDP, undoubtedly, the parameter will be extremely underestimated. 相似文献
Analysis of localized shear deformation of ductile metal based on gradient-dependent plasticity 总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11
1 INTRODUCTIONFailureprocessofmaterialsisparticularlycom plex ,whichisaprobleminvolvedinmulti scaleandmanydisciplines .Thoughscientistsfrommanycoun trieshavecontributedsomeimportantresultsfortheprobleminrecentyears ,furtherinvestigationsbyme chanicalscientists ,physicistsandmaterialscientistsarenecessarytoobtainafullunderstandingofthefailuremechanisms .Especiallyinlast 2 0 years ,asamechanismofprogressivefailure ,theproblemoflocalizationhasat tractedtopicinterest .Asaconsequenceofsofteni… 相似文献
Analysis of damage localization for ductile metal in process of shear band propagation 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
王学滨 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2006,16(1):153-158
1 Introduction Shear localization is an important and often dominating deformation and failure mechanism for Ti and Ti alloy in dynamic loadings[1—10]. The eventual outcome of localized deformation is ductile rupture and material separation. Shear locali… 相似文献
Calculation of temperature distribution in adiabatic shear band based on gradient-dependent plasticity 总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7
王学滨 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2004,14(6):1062-1067
A method for calculation of temperature distribution in adiabatic shear band is proposed in terms of gradient-dependent plasticity where the characteristic length describes the interactions and interplaying among microstructures. First, the increment of the plastic shear strain distribution in adiabatic shear band is obtained based on gradient-dependent plasticity. Then, the plastic work distribution is derived according to the current flow shear stress and the obtained increment of plastic shear strain distribution. In the light of the well-known assumption that 90% of plastic work is converted into the heat resulting in increase in temperature in adiabatic shear band, the increment of the temperature distribution is presented. Next, the average temperature increment in the shear band is calculated to compute the change in flow shear stress due to the thermal softening effect. After the actual flow shear stress considering the thermal softening effect is obtained according to the Johnson-Cook constitutive relation, the increment of the plastic shear strain distribution, the plastic work and the temperature in the next time step are recalculated until the total time is consumed. Summing the temperature distribution leads to rise in the total temperature distribution. The present calculated maximum temperature in adiabatic shear band in titanium agrees with the experimental observations. Moreover, the temperature profiles for different flow shear stresses are qualitatively consistent with experimental and numerical results. Effects of some related parameters on the temperature distribution are also predicted. 相似文献
王学滨 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2007,17(4):698-704
JOHNSON-COOK(J-C) model was used to calculate flow shear stress-shear strain curve for Ti-6Al-4V in dynamic torsion test. The predicted curve was compared with experimental result. Gradient-dependent plasticity(GDP) was introduced into J-C model and GDP was involved in the measured flow shear stress-shear strain curve, respectively, to calculate the distribution of local total shear deformation(LTSD) in adiabatic shear band(ASB). The predicted LTSDs at different flow shear stresses were compared with experimental measurements. J-C model can well predict the flow shear stress-shear strain curve in strain-hardening stage and in strain-softening stage where flow shear stress slowly decreases. Beyond the occurrence of ASB, with a decrease of flow shear stress, the increase of local plastic shear deformation in ASB is faster than the decrease of elastic shear deformation, leading to more and more apparent shear localization. According to the measured flow shear stress-shear strain curve and GDP, the calculated LTSDs in ASB are lower than experimental results. At earlier stage of ASB, though J-C model overestimates the flow shear stress at the same shear strain, the model can reasonably assess the LTSDs in ASB. According to the measured flow shear stress-shear strain curve and GDP, the calculated local plastic shear strains in ASB agree with experimental results except for the vicinity of shear fracture surface. In the strain-softening stage where flow shear stress sharply decreases, J-C model cannot be used. When flow shear stress decreases to a certain value, shear fracture takes place so that GDP cannot be used. 相似文献
王学滨 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2009,19(5):1280-1285
A method for calculating the evolution of the local damage variable at the adiabatic shear band (ASB) center was proposed. In the present method, the JOHNSON-COOK model and the nonlocal theory were adopted, and the damage variable formula applicable for the bilinear (linearly elastic and strain-softening) constitutive relation was further generalized to consider the plastic deformation occurring in the strain-hardening stage. Aiming at Ti-6Al-4V, the effect of strain rate on the evolution of the local damage variable at the ASB center was investigated. In addition, a parametric study was carried out, including the effects of strain-hardening exponent, strain rate sensitive coefficient, thermal-softening exponent, static shear strength, strain-hardening modulus, shear elastic modulus, work to heat conversion factor, melting temperature and initial temperature. The damage extent at the ASB center in the radial collapse experiment was assessed. It is found that at higher strain rates the damage in the ASB becomes more serious at the same average plastic shear strain of the ASB. 相似文献
Analytical and experimental study of shear localization in chip formation in orthogonal machining 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
J. Q. Xie A. E. Bayoumi H. M. Zbib 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》1995,4(1):32-39
A simplified theory of instability of plastic flow is applied to analyze the formation of shear localized chips in orthogonal
machining. A flow localization parameter is expressed in terms of associated cutting conditions and properties of the workpiece
material. The analysis, which indicates the important parameters in the cutting process, is used to investigate the effect
of cutting conditions on the onset of shear localization and the formation of adiabatic shear banding in metal cutting. Comparisons
are made between the analysis and experiments in which the flow localization parameter is obtained for several workpiece materials.
The results of this investigation seem to support the analysis and its potential benefits in analyzing and/or remedying problems
associated with chip formation and temperature generated in metal cutting.
Presently at Advanced Technology Center, Valenite, Inc., Madison Heights,MI 48071, USA 相似文献
通过表面层理论和金属晶体塑性变形原理解释微细薄板材料在塑性变形中产生尺寸效应的内在机理。引入尺度参数,对经典的Hall-Petch公式进行修正,建立基于表面层模型理论的尺度依赖材料模型。利用所建立的材料模型分析微细薄板厚度及其晶粒尺寸对材料成形流动性能的影响。在晶粒尺寸一定的情况下,随着微细薄板厚度的减小,材料流动应力逐渐降低;晶粒尺寸越大的微细薄板,其流动变形的尺寸效应现象越明显。利用不同厚度的不锈钢和纯铜箔材的微细薄板拉伸真应力-应变曲线对所建立的材料模型进行验证,计算结果与实验结果比较吻合,验证了所建立的材料模型的合理性。 相似文献
应用电子背散射衍射技术(EBSD)研究TC4钛合金绝热剪切带(ASB)的微观组织及其织构演化。原为等轴组织的小圆柱试样用Gleeble-3500热模拟试验机以相对低的应变速率热压缩获得ASB。结果表明,试样组织由基体、过渡区和ASB组成。基体为等轴α晶粒和晶粒间的β相;过渡区为内部包含亚晶的1~4μm宽的拉长组织;试样中心ASB由0.2~0.7μm的再结晶晶粒组成;接近试样边缘ASB存在剧烈拉长的条状组织、大量的亚晶和再结晶晶粒。极图表明,基体具有较强的{0001}1010织构;过渡区包含{1010}1120和{1122}1123织构;中心ASB没有取向集中;接近试样边缘ASB为{1120}1010织构。 相似文献
Malik M. Nazeer M. Afzal Khan A. Naeem A.-ul Haq 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》2000,9(5):489-498
The indentation and perforation of ductile metal sheet with a conical tool is accompanied by elastoplastic bending, stretching, plastic flow, and crack initiation and propagation. This ultimately results in material fracture in the form of petals. It has been observed that the perforation process is dependent upon the angle of the conical tool. Fracture toughness, crack initiation, work input before and after crack initiation, number of petals, and sheet and petal bending angles all depend on the tool angle. Crack initiation has resulted at minimum tool displacement for a tool angle α=45°, while minimum work input before and after the crack initiation is observed when the tool has an angle α=35°. The optimum range of tool angles for the indentation process is α=22.5 to 50°. In this range, the aluminum sheets showed minimum fracture toughness as well as minimum work input to overcome the offered resistance. 相似文献
利用SPS设备对网篮组织热轧TC4进行电脉冲热处理,研究了电脉冲热处理对TC4力学性能和绝热剪切特性的影响。结果表明,电脉冲热处理对TC4的静态压缩强度、塑性和动态压缩屈服强度无明显影响,对TC4的绝热剪切临界破坏应变和绝热剪切破坏前材料的单位体积吸收功有显著影响,经900℃热处理后,TC4的绝热剪切临界破坏应变和单位体积吸收功均达到最大值,与未热处理的热轧TC4相比分别提高了57%和42%,表明TC4的绝热剪切敏感性显著降低。微观分析表明,电脉冲处理可调节TC4的原始β晶粒尺寸、集束尺寸和板条宽度等细节组织特征,经900℃电脉冲热处理后,热轧TC4的原始β晶粒尺寸显著细化,β转变组织集束尺寸增大,α板条宽度保持不变。 相似文献
刘金旭 《稀有金属材料与工程》2016,45(8):2150-2154
研究了不同温度及保温时间电脉冲热处理对等轴组织热轧TC4钛合金微观组织和力学性能的影响。研究发现,电脉冲热处理能在5 min内将材料的原始等轴组织转变成魏氏组织,且温度越高,组织转变所需的时间越短;在组织转变前,原始热轧组织发生了一定程度的再结晶,转变成魏氏组织后晶粒随着温度的升高及保温时间的延长而长大。电脉冲热处理后的材料其准静态压缩塑性和动态压缩塑性均显著提高,绝热剪切敏感性显著降低,且随着热处理温度的升高及保温时间的延长,材料的准静态和动态压缩塑性呈现下降的趋势。经过1000℃/5 min电脉冲处理的钛合金综合力学性能最好,与原始热轧TC4钛合金相比,绝热剪切临界破坏应变提高了133%,绝热剪切破坏的临界单位体积吸收功提高了192%。 相似文献
利用材料试验机和SHPB实验装置研究了U-Ti合金在室温下的压缩力学行为,采用带剖面的圆柱样结合"应变冻结"和金相观测手段对重复加卸载动态变形过程中微观组织的演化开展了"原位观测"研究。结果表明:U-Ti合金具有显著的应变率效应,屈服强度和流动应力均随应变率升高而增大,而加工硬化随应变率升高基本不变;在应变率达到7500s-1时,屈服强度和流动应力发生突变,迅速增大;在应变率较高的回收样中观测到绝热剪切带,绝热剪切的形成是变形过程中微裂纹的演化造成的;最后采用修正的Johnson-Cook本构模型对实验结果进行了拟合,模型预测结果与实验结果吻合很好。 相似文献
多晶体塑性模型能够反映材料的微观结构和各种力学响应,但是模型复杂,本构积分计算量大,而唯象学弹塑性本构模型相对简单,但是基于变形率张量弹塑性加法分解的唯象学弹塑性本构模型又不能反映材料的微结构发展演化,在大变形时会产生差别。分别采用以上2种本构模型对纯铝和单晶铝的有限变形单向拉伸过程进行了计算分析,比较了2种模型在不同变形量下计算结果的差别。结果表明,纯铝唯象学弹塑性本构模型在真应变超过25.5%时,应力应变曲线开始出现差别,且随应变的增加而增大。多晶体塑性模型能够从变形、织构和残余应力等方面反映纯铝和单晶铝大变形产生的各向异性。 相似文献
本文实验研究了316L不锈钢纤维烧结毡的变形能,杨氏模量,强度等力学性能与材料相对密度之间的本构关系。研究表明金属纤维烧结毡沿面内方向的拉伸断裂能和压缩变形能与相对密度分别成线性关系和幂大于1的抛物线关系。金属纤维烧结毡沿面内方向拉伸或压缩时的模量和强度与材料相对密度均成线性关系。这反映了金属纤维烧结毡受面内方向应力时结点间纤维骨架以拉伸(压缩)变形为主。 相似文献
王学滨 《稀有金属材料与工程》2011,40(5):788-792
通过引入与Batra及Kim类似的观点,将绝热剪切带宽度定义为绝热剪切带的中心区域的宽度(W5%),在该区域上温度比其峰值小5%,利用Johnson-cook模型及梯度塑性理论分析Ti-6A1-4V绝热剪切带的厚度随环境温度的演变规律.计算表明,随着环境温度的升高,绝热剪切带宽度增加,这与许多实验观测结果一致.当绝热剪... 相似文献
在冲裁有限元模拟中,韧性断裂准则的选择会对冲裁件断面质量与尺寸精度产生很大影响。为了获得符合实际的模拟结果,进而优化冲裁工艺,重点研究了一些常用的韧性断裂判定依据,并从物理学角度阐述了韧性断裂机制。基于试验的韧性断裂准则,考虑了变形历史中的应力应变关系,使用由反求法确定的临界值来判定韧性断裂的发生与否。基于连续损伤力学建立的损伤模型,考虑了变形过程中损伤累积对材料本构关系的影响,能够更准确地描述断裂过程。此外,还分析了冲裁有限元模拟中的关键技术,如采用任意拉格朗日欧拉方法来解决网格畸变问题,使用单元分裂、单元分离与单元删除等技术来处理裂纹的萌发与扩展。探讨了目前韧性断裂模拟中存在问题以及未来发展方向。 相似文献