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结合实际工程,阐明了地表水源热泵系统的节能原理,分析了系统在实际运行过程中的节能特性、经济效益和环境效益,表明该系统具有明显的节能效果、经济效益和环境效益,有一定的推广和应用价值。  相似文献   

经济性是制约太阳能空调普及推广应用的难题。文中介绍了一种太阳能空调和热水站综合系统方案,即在居民住宅楼的屋顶布置太阳能集热器阵,结合地源水低温热源系统,建设全年供应全体住户生活热水的太阳能热水站,以及夏季和冬季供应顶一、二层住户空调冷、热水的综合系统.提出了一种双效与单效耦合的板壳式溴化锂吸收式制冷机循环方案,白天日照时段采用双效循环运行并进行蓄热,而在其余时段切换为单效循环利用蓄热运行。该方案不仅效率高、而且其单位体积蓄能罐的蓄能密度极大,可实现无需用辅助能源而完全靠太阳能进行昼夜空调。由于综合利用系统中集热器的投资费用被所有热水用户分摊,空调用户的投资可很快从节省的电费中得到回收。  相似文献   

介绍了上海某历史性建筑因使用功能的改变而进行的加设空调系统的工程设计。采用VRV变频控制式空调系统,分为五个区域进行控制,对每个区域的系统进行了介绍,特别是对于隐蔽的空调系统安装施工情况进行了比较详细的分析。总结了该工程的特点及历史性建筑空调系统设计需要注意的问题,并介绍了该系统的建筑情况及设计要求。  相似文献   

Christopher J. Wood  Hao Liu  Saffa B. Riffat   《Energy》2010,35(12):4932-4940
Novel methods are sought to provide greater efficiency of the installation of ground heat exchangers for GSHPs (ground source heat pumps) in domestic buildings. An economically viable option is to utilise concrete foundation piles as ground heat exchangers. The objective of this study is to investigate the operation of utilising a piled foundation structure as a ground heat exchanger. A test plot of 72 m2 (ground floor area) was produced with 21 × 10 m deep concrete piles, with a single U tube pipe in each. Ground heat was extracted by a heat pump with the heat loading being varied in line with the date and the average air temperature. Over the 2007/2008 heating season this study had investigated the temperature changes in the foundation piles and the surrounding ground in addition to the heat pump operational performance. The temperature changes observed in the region of the test plot were compared with variations naturally experienced in the ground due to the seasonal climatic influence. The SPF (seasonal performance factor) of the heat pump was 3.62 and the ground temperature at a distance of 5 m from the test plot was seen to be undisturbed by the heat extraction and followed the predicted seasonal variation.  相似文献   

空调冷冻水泵变频能耗特性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王寒栋 《节能》2003,(12):10-12
通过分析冷冻水管路特性随空调负荷变化的特点 ,得出了计算空调冷冻水泵变频调速运行总能耗的一般关系式。研究表明 ,在中央空调系统中 ,由于冷冻水管路特性曲线随空调负荷而变化 ,在确定水泵变频调速运行的能耗时已不能直接应用泵的相似定律 ;变频冷冻水泵的能耗并不与转速或流量的三次方成正比 ,而是与空调负荷、空调用户的流量分配及空调用户的位置等有关。  相似文献   

本文通过DeST软件模拟北京地区一栋典型住宅建筑的天然采光逐时照度,进而计算该建筑的照明能耗,比较在标准北京时间和实行夏时制时的照明能耗分布特点。通过分析可得出结论:对于北京地区的住宅建筑,夏时制可以节约照明能耗;夏时制的起止日期可以考虑从三月第四个星期开始到九月第三个星期结束;在此期间,采用夏时制可节约照明能耗7.95%。  相似文献   

针对咸阳市某节能住宅小区供冷供热的需求,依据建筑节能规范指标要求,进行围护结构热工设计与计算。结合当地丰富的浅层地下水资源条件,确定了利用地下水源热泵系统对该住宅小区进行供冷供热方案。对系统经济性和节能性进行计算与分析,对比分析了建筑围护结构和空调系统对建筑节能的贡献率,指出了建筑节能集成效益的优势。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于溶液除湿的地源热泵毛细管顶板复合空调系统。该系统采用了溶液除湿承担潜热负荷,地源热泵制取的高温冷水承担显热负荷的方式,达到了节省高品位电能、减轻大气污染、减少运行费用的效果,与传统的空调系统相比具有节能、环保、高舒适性的特点。  相似文献   

胡桂秋  孙淑娟 《节能》2010,29(2):64-66
介绍太阳能热水系统的评价指标。结合实例,对承德某太阳能热水系统的节能费用、投资回收期、环保效益进行计算,并与常规热水系统进行了比较。  相似文献   

The HVAC systems utilizing renewable energy sources are one of the main contributors towards the fossil fuel dependency reduction. Among these, the ground source heat pump systems, especially those based on vertical ground heat exchanger, are very attractive, due to their high efficiency.  相似文献   

郁文红  杨昭 《节能》2005,(1):32-36
对华北地区冬季建筑物南外窗的逐时日射得热和相应的室内空气得热进行了分析和计算,结果表 明在大部分的日照时刻南外窗(玻璃幕墙)的逐时日射得热及室内空气逐时得热已超过其本身的逐时负 荷。中央空调系统应采用合理的空调分区和有效的调控设备利用这部分热能,以避免造成建筑物冬季 南向房间过热和能源浪费。  相似文献   

杨光 《节能》2013,32(2)
通过对《绿色建筑评价标准》(GB/T 50378-2006)中关于可再生能源利用条文的分析解读,总结了在绿色建筑中可再生能源利用方案评价的主要内容和评价方法。结合实际工作经验,就不同的可再生能源利用方式在不同建筑类型中的应用方案选择进行了分析与探讨,并提出了绿色建筑中可再生能源利用的发展方向。  相似文献   

This article reports investigations of a residential building in Serbian conditions energized by electricity from photovoltaics (PVs), and the electricity grid. The building uses electricity to run its space heating system, lighting and appliances, and to heat domestic hot water (DHW). The space heating system comprises floor heaters, a water-to-water heat pump, and a ground heat exchanger. The PV system generates electricity that either may be consumed by the building or may be fed-in the electricity grid. The electricity grid is used as electricity storage. Three residential buildings are investigated. The first residential building has PVs that yearly produce smaller amount of electricity than the heating system requires. This is a negative-net energy building (NNEB). The second building has the PVs that produce the exact amount of electricity that the entire building annually needs. This is a zero-net energy building (ZNEB). The third building has PVs that entirely cover the south-facing roof of the building. This is a positive-net energy building (PNEB). These buildings are presented by a mathematical model, partially in an EnergyPlus environment. For all buildings, simulations by using EnergyPlus software would give the generated, consumed, and purchased energy with time step, and monthly and yearly values. For sure, these buildings would decrease demand for electricity during summer, however they will increase this demand during winter when there is no sun and start of space heating is required. Depending on the size of PV array this building will be either NNEB, or ZNEB, or PNEB. However it is crucial for such a building to be connected to the electricity grid. The smaller payback for investment in the PV array is obtained for buildings with larger size of PV array. The feed-in tariff for the generation of electricity in Serbia should be under the constant watch to be corrected accordingly for larger penetration of this technology in the Serbian market.  相似文献   

This study examined an integrated solution of the building energy supply system consisting of flat plate solar thermal collectors in combination with a ground-source heat pump and an exhaust air heat pump for the heating and cooling, and production of domestic hot water. The supply energy system was proposed to a 202 m2 single-family demo dwelling (SFD), which is defined by the Norwegian Zero Emission Building standard. The main design parameters were analyzed in order to find the most essential parameters, which could significantly influenced the total energy use. This study found that 85% of the total heating demand of the SFD was covered by renewable energy. The results showed that the solar energy generated by the system could cover 85–92% and 12–70% of the domestic hot water demand in summer and winter respectively. In addition, the solar energy may cover 2.5–100% of the space heating demand. The results showed that the supply air volume, supply air and zone set point temperatures, auxiliary electrical volume, volume of the DHW tank, orientation and tilt angle and the collector area could influenced mostly the total energy use.  相似文献   

高层建筑供水模式的选择与系统能耗分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
戎左峻 《节能》2001,(8):25-27
结合工程设计实例,对具有代表性的高层建筑供水模式及其能耗作了详尽 的技术经济比较和理论分析。  相似文献   

The performance of a hybrid cooling system that combines a screw water chiller with a ground source heat pump (GSHP) was measured and analyzed at various cooling loads. In addition, the hybrid cooling system in a building was modelled sophisticatedly using EnergyPlus and then validated with the measured data. The coefficient of performance of the GSHP was lower than that of a conventional chiller in the monitored building, but the hybrid cooling system helped to stably provide the required cooling capacity at high-load conditions. The mean bias error and the normalized root-mean squared error of the predicted cooling load of the building were −8% and 12.4%, respectively. The hybrid cooling system was simulated by varying four operating parameters: the operating schedule, chilled water temperature (TCW), dry-bulb temperature (TDB), and entering water temperature (TEW). The TCW is ascertained as being the most effective control parameter in the hybrid cooling system.  相似文献   

水源热泵是一种高效节能、经济环保、安全稳定、冷暖两用、运行灵活的新型中央空调系统,它利用地表水(江、河、湖水)、地下水、工业废水及生活废水,又可用取之不尽的海水等,借助热泵系统,既能制冷、又能制热,是一种高效建筑节能技术。  相似文献   

In this paper life cycle energy (LCE) demand of a residential building of usable floor area about 85.5 m2 located at Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), India is evaluated under different envelopes and climates in Indian context. The house is studied with conventional (fired clay) and alternative wall materials (hollow concrete, soil cement, fly ash and aerated concrete) under varying thickness of wall, and insulation (expanded polystyrene) on wall and roof. The house is modelled for five different climatic zones of India, i.e. hot and dry, warm and humid, composite, cold and moderate. Study suggests that alternative wall materials alone (without insulation) reduce LCE demand of the building by 1.5-5%. Aerated concrete (AC), as wall material, has better energy performance over other materials. LCE savings are significant when insulation is added to external wall and roof. It varies from 10% to 30% depending on the climatic conditions. Maximum LCE savings with insulation are observed for warm and humid climate and least for moderate climate. For same thickness of insulation, LCE savings are much more with roof insulation than wall insulation. But wall insulation is found to be preferable to a thicker wall. It is also observed that there is a limit for thickness of insulation that can be applied on external walls and roof from life cycle point of view. This limit is found to be about 10 cm for composite, hot and dry, warm and humid, and cold climates and 5 cm for moderate climate.  相似文献   

在矿井生产过程中,如何选择热源是煤矿企业面临的一个现实问题。介绍了煤矿工业中常用的两种热源即燃煤锅炉和水源热泵,给出了两种热源的选型计算方法,并结合具体项目进行了比较和能耗分析,提出了煤矿行业在热泵利用中存在的问题,并给出了解决问题的途径,对于我国煤炭行业节能降耗具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

本文根据我国北方的地域特点,提出了一种单、双级定频-变频组合式混合热泵系统。这种热泵 在单、双级混合热泵系统的基础上,引入了变频系统,使之既能在夏季满足制冷要求,又能在冬季热泵采 暖中,在外界环境温度变化范围大的情况下高效节能地运行,同时还可提高系统的部分负荷性能,从而 提高了整个系统的能效比EER,增大了热泵的季节性能系数HSPF,是一种既节能又满足舒适性要求的 热泵系统。  相似文献   

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