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Secondary Cu deficiency, Cr deficiency and molybdenosis were suggested causes of the 'mysterious' disease afflicting moose (Alces alces L.) in a region in south-west Sweden affected by acid rain. A model experiment with goats was performed to study the clinical chemical parameters, determine the tissue contents of trace and minor elements, to perform pathological and histopathological investigations and to compare the findings with those in moose disease. Twenty 3-month-old male goats were assigned to four dietary treatments (five animals each) in an experiment lasting for 20 months. The four groups in the study were: control group, Cu-deficient group (group 1), Cr-deficient group (group 2), and Cu- and Cr-deficient group (group 3). The animals were fed a basic semi-synthetic diet. At the end of the study the three surviving animals of group 3 were supplemented with additional tetrathiomolybdate (TTM) during the last 2 months. Feed consumption and weight development of the animals were monitored and are presented. The feed consumption of the two Cu-deficient groups of goats (group 1 and group 3) supported the previously described observations in copper deficiency in ruminants, e.g. decreased appetite and feed intake. A previously unreported effect of Cr deficiency in ruminants is now described in goats. Chromium deficiency at adequate Cu supplementation (group 2), caused increased lipid synthesis and a weight gain of 32 kg compared with that of the control group (20 kg). A possible explanation for this unexpected weight increase in only Cr deficiency is discussed. It is concluded that the feeding experiment does not support the hypothesis concerning the relation of Cr deficiency to the moose disease.  相似文献   

Moose (Alces alces L.) affected by a disease with unknown aetiology were compared with healthy moose regarding trace element concentrations in liver and kidneys, as well as certain clinical chemical parameters of blood plasma. The diseased moose showed decreased hepatic concentrations of Cu, Cd and Mg. Renal concentrations of Cd, Co, Mg and Mn were also decreased. Substantially increased concentrations in both liver and kidneys were seen for Al, Ca, Fe, Pb and Zn, while Se and Mo were increased in liver tissue. The hepatic levels of Mo in the affected moose were 36% higher and Cu was approximately 60% lower than in reference animals collected in 1982. The most important clinical chemical changes were decreased concentrations of bilirubin, thyroxine (T4) and the liver-specific enzymes GLDH and g-GT. Also, the activities of the enzymes CuZn-SOD and GSH-Px in erythrocytes were decreased. Increases were recorded for free fatty acids (NEFA), the muscle-specific enzyme CK, but especially for urea and insulin. Changes in the plasma protein pattern were also discernible after electrophoresis on agarose gel membranes, indicating chronic immunostimulation. All the observed changes in trace element concentrations and clinical chemical parameters are compatible with molybdenosis and secondary Cu deficiency in ruminants and most of the parameters are in agreement with those found in experimental copper deficiency and molybdenosis in the goat. It is, therefore, suggested that the moose disease with previously unknown aetiology is mainly caused by molybdenosis.  相似文献   

The contents of Ag, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Sr, Th, Ti and Zn in 143 autopsied liver and kidney specimens from two Ontario communities (Kingston and Ottawa) were determined using the techniques of inductively-coupled plasma--atomic emission spectrometry, and electrothermal atomization--atomic absorption spectrometry coupled with hydride evolution (As, Se), reduction--aeration (Hg), or solvent extraction (Pb). The majority of samples came from individuals older than 50 y. In general, the data for the various elements were independent of age or sex but showed some dependence on location for elements such as Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Se and Zn. Despite these differences the elemental values of the liver and kidney samples from both the communities were within the normal range.  相似文献   

Autopsy samples of hair, liver and kidney cortex from 30 Swedish subjects (Caucasian) were analysed for Ag, Co, Cr, Hg, Sb, Se and Zn by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The following elements were observed to have higher concentrations in hair than in liver and kidney cortex: Ag, (Co), Cr and Hg (on a dry weight basis). Selenium was highly concentrated in kidney cortex, and Fe in liver. The observed concentrations of most of the elements were very variable for each tissue. In particular, Co values for hair showed more than a 5000-fold difference. However, Se values for hair were relatively constant. A highly significant positive correlation was observed between Hg concentrations in hair and kidney cortex. Somewhat weaker correlations were found between Hg in kidney cortex and liver and Se in hair and kidney cortex. The concentration of Co in liver correlated with that in kidney cortex. It was concluded that, with the exception of mercury, and to a lesser degree selenium, hair analysis did not provide a useful measure of the trace element status of the subjects included in this study.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to examine the contents of 18 minor and trace metals in five typical municipal waste ashes in Japan. In the waste ashes, Li, Ga, Rb, Y, Zr had relatively higher concentrations, approximately 5-300 mg kg(-1), the remaining metal concentrations were generally approximately 0.05-20 mg kg(-1). A comparison of the metal concentrations in the waste ashes and in Japanese agricultural soils indicated that the ratios for Ga, Mo, Ag, Sb, W, Bi between sewage sludge ash (SSA) and the soils were approximately 10-100 and for the remaining metals approximately 0.2-2; the ratios between food scrap ash (FSA), animal waste ash (AWA), horticulture waste ash (HWA) and incinerator bottom ash (IBA) and the soils were approximately 0.2-5. Furthermore, an overall evaluation on the waste ashes was also carried out using factor analysis with the addition of the other 21 elements examined in a companion paper. In the waste ashes, the major nutrient elements and heavy metals were mainly described by four factors: factors 1 and 2 explained the main information of the minor and trace metals while factors 3 and 4 explained that of the major nutrient elements. Factor 2 in the score plots could be used to evaluate the potential risk of the waste ashes to agricultural soils. Of the five types of waste ashes, SSA and IBA were abundant with minor and trace metals; AWA was relatively abundant with major nutrient elements especially for K; FSA was relatively abundant with major nutrient elements except for K, while HWA was not abundant with either of them.  相似文献   

A survey of elemental composition of the human placenta was undertaken to evaluate reference values for minor and trace elements (essential and non-essential). The new data collection was narrowed down to results generated between the period of 1975-2000, since analytical methodology was becoming increasingly reliable with time for many elements. The search revealed the following results (microg/g, based on wet weight): Ca = 770; Cl = 1900; K = 1685; Mg = 100; Na = 360; P = 1700; and S = 350. However, Na, P and S need further confirmation. For a group of essential trace elements following average values were evaluated (microg/g, based on wet weight): Co = 0.007; Cr = 0.03; Cu = 0.9; Fe = 69; I = 0.005; Mn = 0.08; Mo = 0.02; Se = 0.2; and Zn = 10. However, the iodine value needs further confirmation. In addition, information values have been identified for a number of so-called non-essential elements such as Ag, Au, B, Ba, Br, Cs, F, La, Rb, Sb, Sc, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, V and W. The survey results for toxic trace elements As, Cd, Hg, Ni and Pb are discussed in part 3 of this paper along with placenta as a biomonitor for toxic trace elements.  相似文献   

As part of an international nutrition project sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (see footnote), Vienna, Austria, a number of bench-mark mixed total diet composites from the United States were collected and analyzed for minor and trace elements. In this segment of the project, the daily dietary intakes of the minor elements Ca, Cl, K, Mg, N and P and the trace elements Al, As, Au, Br, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Hg, I, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sn, Sr, V, Zn and W were determined in mixed total diet composites of foods collected in the FDA Total Diet Study (FDA-TDS). These diets are representative of foods consumed by 25-30-year-old males (representing the mixed population groups in the United States), the highest of eight intake groups in the TDS scheme. In order to link the US mixed diet composite results from this study group to the more comprehensive information generated by the FDA-TDS, the results are compared with the same age-sex group published by the FDA-TDS scheme. The FDA-TDS scheme is based on individual analysis of the 201 food items, with resultant calculation of the daily intake representative of various age-sex groups. The comparison shows excellent agreement for 21 elements which have been investigated by both approaches. Additional elements are reported in the US mixed diet composites from the present study which demonstrate a valuable supplement to the data obtained by FDA-TDS scheme. Further the mixed total diet composite approach has also proven useful for the assessment of dietary intake of proximates (protein, fat, carbohydrates), fiber and phytate. In addition, vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12, pantothenic acid, folic acid and biotin were also assayed in these composites.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cd, Pb and Cu in wet and dry atmospheric precipitation were measured in 13 regions of Czechoslovakia. The Pb and Cd contents of rainwater were found to decrease with increasing rainfall intensity. The highest enrichment of Cd, Pb and Cu was observed in ice-accretion deposits; increasing amounts of metals were found at higher altitudes, i.e. 700-1000 m above sea level. The electrostatically separated fractions are rather high in Cu and Pb (approximately 90%), whereas Cd contributes less than 50%.  相似文献   

Inhaled particulate material, deposited in the lungs of eight Belgian individuals, is differentiated from the tissue with a digestion procedure using the enzyme ficin. This method is simple and efficient and yields a small amount of insoluble dust. The total element concentration of the tissue samples was determined by neutron activation analysis. The radioactive residues obtained after the digestion of the tissue were counted and are considered to represent the insoluble dust fraction. A major part of the Co, Cr, Sb and Sc was recovered in the residues, but only small fractions of the Cs, Rb and Zn. These findings confirm the assumption that Co, Cr, Sb and Sc are enriched in the lungs as a result of the accumulation of atmospheric contaminants. Further proof can be derived from the analogy between the elemental composition of the residue and that of atmospheric particulate matter collected in Belgium.  相似文献   

Kale, lettuce, carrots and potatoes were grown in 20 experimental plots surrounding a wood preservation factory, to investigate the amount and pathways for plant uptake of arsenic and chromium. Arsenate used in the wood preservation process is converted to the more toxic arsenite by incineration of waste wood and is emitted into the atmosphere. Elevated concentrations of inorganic arsenic and chromium were found both in the test plants and in the soil around the factory. Multivariate statistical analysis of the results indicated that the dominating pathway of arsenic and chromium from the factory to the leafy vegetables grown nearby was by direct atmospheric deposition, while arsenic in the root crops originated from both the soil and the atmosphere. Consumption of vegetables grown near the source would result in an increased intake of inorganic arsenic, but the intake via the total diet was estimated to be below the provisional tolerable daily intake for inorganic arsenic established by FAO/WHO.  相似文献   

Four hundred and seventy-six groundwater samples from boreholes in Norwegian crystalline bedrock have been analysed by ICP-MS techniques. The results for 53 trace elements are presented as cumulative frequency distribution diagrams and are compared with relevant international drinking water norms. A range of trace elements appear to be enriched in granitic waters and depleted in anorthositic waters which is to be expected as generally granitic rocks are enriched in trace elements above those in anorthosites. A selection of elements which may be toxic in excess when present in drinking water are further discussed (Be, Tl, Th, U, Cd, Pb, As, Ni, and Hg). For uranium, 18% of the samples exceed the American maximum admissible concentration of 20 micrograms/l; 7% of the samples fail to meet the Russian drinking water norms for beryllium of 0.2 microgram/l. For some parameters such as U, Be and Tl, no Norwegian drinking water regulations are set, while the American and the Russian norms differ significantly from each other. Between 0 and 1.5% of the wells exceed Norwegian drinking water norms for each of the other selected elements.  相似文献   

Concentrations, distributions and mobility of chemical elements were investigated in reduced sulfur-rich estuarine sediments located in western Finland. The main objective was to determine the possible extent of metal leaching when dredged masses of these sulfur-rich sediments are dumped on the land and thus exposed to air. When dredged, the reduced sulfur in the sediments oxidises resulting in a lowering of pH, which in turn is expected to leach metals. The study area is an artificial lake claimed from the Botnian sea in 1962. In this lake, several mass-kills of fish have occurred, believed partly to be due to dredging. Two sediment samples (0-50 and 50-100 cm) were taken from 39 sampling points in the lake. These samples were leached in aqua regia (2:2:2 HNO3/HCl/H2O1) and analysed for Fe, Al, Mg, Ca, K, P, Na, Mn, Zn, Ba, V, Sr, Cr, Ni, Cu, Co, As, Pb, B, Mo and Cd with ICP-AES. Sulfur and organic carbon were analysed with Leco. In a controlled laboratory experiment, the sediments were allowed to oxidise for 1 year while moisturised with deionised water every month. The pH and conductivity were determined in the beginning of the experiment (reduced state) and in the end (oxidised state). In the supernatants in the oxidised states the amount of leached metals (Na, Al, Mn, Zn, Sr, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, U, Li, Rb and As) were determined with ICP-MS. The sediments were found to contain low levels of toxic metals but, as expected, high concentrations of sulfur. In the experiment, pH was lowered (down to 3.0) and the conductivity increased in all samples due to oxidation and release of metal ions. The extent of leaching varied between 0.03% for As and 12.3% for Na. Critical pH values, at which high amounts of metals begin to leach, were obtained graphically. These values varied between 4.8 (Ni) and 3.3 (Cr). Not all elements were controlled by pH, e.g. Mn correlated well with its aqua regia leachable concentration. In a planned dredging operation in the area some 23,300 t (10,500 m3) (dry wt.) of sediments will be dredged. The amounts of metals likely to be leached, according to the results from this study, are as follows (kg): Al (1710), Mn (1230), Zn (59), Sr (39), Co (13), Ni (12), Cu (2) and less than 1 kg of Cd-Cr-As-Pb.  相似文献   

This study focused on the influence of soil composition and physicochemical characteristics on the retention and partitioning of Cu, Cr and As in nine chromated copper arsenate (CCA) artificially contaminated soils. A statistical mixture design was used to set up the number of soils and their respective composition. Sequential extraction and modified solvent extraction were used to assess Cu and Cr partitioning and As speciation [As(III) or As(V)]. It was found that peat had a strong influence on CEC (232 meq/100 g), on buffer capacity and on Cu and Cr retention, whereas kaolinite's contribution to the CEC was minor (38 meq/100 g). Average metal retention in mineral soils was low (58% for Cu and 23% for Cr) but increased dramatically in highly organic soils (96% for Cu and 78% for Cr). However, both organic and mineral soils demonstrated a very high sorption of added As (71-81%). Levels of Cu and Cr in a soluble or exchangeable form (F1) in highly organic soils were very low, whereas the levels strongly bound to organic matter were much higher. Conversely, in mineral soils, 47% of Cu and 18% of Cr were found in F1. As a result, Cr and Cu in moderately and highly organic contaminated soils were present in less mobile and less bioavailable forms, whereas in mineral soils, the labile fraction was higher. The modified method used for selective determination of mineral As species in CCA-contaminated soils was found to be quantitative and reliable. Results revealed that arsenic was principally in the pentavalent state. Nevertheless, in organic soils, arsenite was found in significant proportions (average value of 29% in highly organic soils). This indicates that some reduction of arsenate to arsenite occurred since the original species in CCA is As(V).  相似文献   

Information on a new observatory study of the water quality of two major river basins in northwestern England (the Ribble and Wyre) is presented. It covers upland, intermediate and lowland environments of contrasting pollution history with sufficient detail to examine transitional gradients. The upland rivers drain acidic soils subjected to long-term acidic deposition. Nonetheless, the acidic runoff from the soils is largely neutralised by high alkalinity groundwaters, although the rivers retain, perhaps as colloids, elements such as Al and Fe that are mobilised under acid conditions. The lowland rivers are contaminated and have variable water quality due to variable urban/industrial point and diffuse inputs reflecting local and regional differences in historic and contemporary sources. For most determinands, pollutant concentrations are not a major cause for concern although phosphate levels remain high. Set against earlier studies for other regions, there may be a general decline in pollutant levels and this is most clearly observed for boron where effluent inputs have declined significantly due to reductions in household products that are flushed down the drain. High concentrations of sodium and chloride occurred briefly after a severe cold spell due to flushing of road salts.A major inventory for water quality within rural, urban, industrial and agricultural typologies is provided within data summary attachments for over 50 water quality determinands. Within the next year, the full dataset will be made available from the CEH website. This, with ongoing monitoring, represents a platform for water quality studies across a wide range of catchment typologies pertinent to environmental management of clean and impacted systems within the UK. The study provides a base of research “from source to sea” including extensions to the estuary and open sea for a semi-confined basin, the Irish Sea, where there are many issues of pollution inputs and contamination.  相似文献   

In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began the first cycle of its National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. The Program encompassed 51 river basins that collectively accounted for more than 70% of the total water use (excluding power generation), and 50% of the drinking water supply in the U.S. The basins represented a variety of hydrologic settings, rock types (geology), land-use categories, and population densities. One aspect of the first cycle included bed sediment sampling; sites were chosen to represent baseline and important land-use categories (e.g., agriculture, urban) in each basin. In total, over 1200 bed sediment samples were collected. All samples were size-limited (< 63 µm) to facilitate spatial and/or temporal comparisons, and subsequently analyzed for a variety of chemical constituents including major (e.g., Fe, Al,) and trace elements (e.g., Cu, Zn, Cd), nutrients (e.g., P), and carbon. The analyses yielded total (≥ 95% of the concentrations present), rather than total-recoverable chemical data.Land-use percentages, upstream underlying geology, and population density were determined for each site and evaluated to asses their relative influence on sediment chemistry. Baseline concentrations for the entire U.S. also were generated from a subset of all the samples, and are based on material collected from low population (≤ 27 p km− 2) density, low percent urban (≤ 5%), agricultural or undeveloped areas. The NAWQA baseline values are similar to those found in other national and global datasets. Further, it appears that upstream/underlying rock type has only a limited effect (mostly major elements) on sediment chemistry. The only land-use category that appears to substantially affect sediment chemistry is percent urban, and this result is mirrored by population density; in fact, the latter appears more consistent than the former.  相似文献   

G.M. Ayling 《Water research》1974,8(10):729-738
Hundreds of oysters and mud samples from 15 sites along the Tamar River were analysed for cadmium, copper, zinc, lead and chromium. The widely accepted concept of enrichment factors of up to several hundred thousand, describing accumulation by oysters of cadmium, zinc and copper from seawater has been found to be grossly misleading. Concentrations found for these three metals in oysters were only 10–40 times the concentrations in inhabited muds. Concentrations of metals in muds may be used to indicate whether a potential oyster bed would produce oysters that were grossly contaminated. Approximately 1 ppm cadmium in mud could result in oysters containing at least 25 ppm, i.e. 4–5 ppm wet wt. Similarly. 100 ppm zinc in mud could produce oysters containing at least 4000 ppm. i.e. 800–1000 ppm wet wt. Three heavy metal accumulation processes were discernible. Copper and chromium appeared to be absorbed up to a maximum weight that was limited by the size of the oyster and was independent of the amount of metal in the mud. Lead was not absorbed through any physiological demand, but was randomly incorporated at sites containing high concentrations in the mud. Zinc and cadmium were accumulated by a process that depended primarily on the concentrations of these metals in the mud at each site. Mean dry wt concentrations of metals in oysters and mud samples ranged from: 4.2–134 ppm and 0·4 to 5·7 ppm cadmium; 200–1700 ppm and 3–224 ppm copper: 0 135 ppm and 4–1500 ppm lead: 1–37 ppm and 2–88 ppm chromium; 1700 14.000 ppm and 20–500 ppm zinc. respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of Lemna gibba and Lemna minor plant species to absorb Cr, Ni and Co from Alacakaya mining area water. Lemna gibba and L. minor were separately placed to feed into two reactors. Water and plant samples were collected for eight consecutive days, and the pH, electric conductivity and temperature of the water were measured. The plants were washed, dried and burned at 300°C for 24 h in a drying oven. The samples were then analysed by ICP‐MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy) for concentrations of Cr, Ni and Co, which were 1.2, 0.9 and 0.5 μg L?1 respectively. On Day 8, the determined uptake of L. gibba and L. minor were: 196 and 398% for Cr; 307 and 1473% for Ni; and 166 and 223% for Co respectively. Lemna gibba and L. minor were thus effective in absorbing Cr, Ni and Co from mining water.  相似文献   

Several major unusual mortality events occurring in recent years have increased the level of concern for the health of bottlenose dolphin populations along the United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts. Trace element concentrations were examined in a population of free-ranging dolphins in Sarasota Bay, Florida, in order to develop a benchmark for future comparisons within and between populations. Whole blood (n=51) and skin (n=40) samples were collected through capture and release health assessment events during 2002-2004. Samples were analyzed for Al, V, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Cd, and Pb by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) and Hg via atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS). Trace element concentrations (wet mass) in skin were 2 to 45 times greater than blood, except Cu was approximately 1.5 times higher in blood. Statistically strong correlations (p<0.05) were found for V, As, Se, Rb, Sr, and Hg between blood and skin demonstrating that these tissues can be used as effective non-lethal monitoring tools. The strongest correlation was established for Hg (r=0.9689) and concentrations in both blood and skin were above the threshold at which detrimental effects are observed in other vertebrate species. Female dolphins had significantly greater Hg concentrations in blood and skin and Pb concentrations in skin, relative to males. Calves exhibited significantly lower V, As, and Hg concentrations in blood and V and Hg concentrations in skin, relative to other age classes. Rubidium and Cu concentrations in skin were greatest in subadults and calves, respectively. In blood, V, Zn, and As concentrations were significantly greater in winter, relative to summer, and the opposite trend was observed for Rb and Sr concentrations. In skin, Cu and Zn concentrations were significantly greater in winter, relative to summer, and the opposite trend was observed for Mn, Rb, Cd, and Pb concentrations. The baseline concentrations and trends established in this study will serve as a benchmark for comparison and aid in sampling design for future monitoring of this population and other coastal bottlenose dolphin populations.  相似文献   

Copper, zinc and lead were analysed from samples of non-commercially grown Sydney rock oysters collected from the Georges River estuary in spring 1987. The results, when compared with previous data from 1975, indicated a marked increase in the concentration of copper (up to 40%) and zinc (up to 300%). For several sites, the recommended (National Health and Medical Research Council) levels for copper and zinc (70 micrograms g-1 and 1000 micrograms g-1 respectively) were exceeded. There appears to be a decrease in the concentration of lead since 1975. The gradient of increasing copper and zinc concentrations with increasing distance upstream from the mouth of the estuary reported in 1975 could not be statistically validated. A significant correlation was found between copper and zinc loadings in the oysters. It was noted that data collected in 1975 were based on commercially grown oysters. The use of commercially grown oysters, rather than indigenous oysters, to examine interaction of contaminant load and distance upstream, is complicated as commercial oysters are moved within the estuary and between estuaries to maximise growth potential.  相似文献   

The concentrations of copper, iron, lead, and zinc in the blood, kidney, liver and spleen were determined before and after subcutaneous administration of lead(II) acetate (100 mg Pb kg-1 body weight) to male albino Wistar rats. The control rats had the following concentrations (microgram g-1 dry weight) of Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn: blood, 4.5, 3200, 2.1, 182; kidney, 36, 585, 120, 92; liver, 11.1, 720, 14.3, 124; spleen, 4.5, 420, 7.0, 76. After administration of lead, rats were sacrificed after 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. The Pb concentration in the blood remained constant for the first 24 h at the level of the control group (2.1 micrograms g-1) and had decreased to half that level at 96 h. The lead concentrations peaked in the organs at 110-142% of those in the control group and had decreased at 96 h to levels considerably below those in the control group. The concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn increased in the three organs to values 117-161% found for the control group. At 96 h the concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn in the spleen had returned to levels of the control group; the concentrations in the liver were 112-153%, and in the blood 89-93% of those of the control group. In the kidney the iron (110%) and the zinc (126%) concentrations at 96 h were higher than the control values, whereas the copper concentration was the same as the control value. The concentrations in the blood were least affected. The most drastic changes were observed in the liver.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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