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We design a transport protocol that uses artificial neural networks (ANNs) to adapt the audio transmission rate to changing conditions in a mobile ad hoc network. The response variables of throughput, end-to-end delay, and jitter are examined. For each, statistically significant factors and interactions are identified and used in the ANN design. The efficacy of different ANN topologies are evaluated for their predictive accuracy. The Audio Rate Cognition (ARC) protocol incorporates the ANN topology that appears to be the most effective into the end-points of a (multi-hop) flow, using it to adapt its transmission rate. Compared to competing protocols for media streaming, ARC achieves a significant reduction in packet loss and increased goodput while satisfying the requirements of end-to-end delay and jitter. While the average throughput of ARC is less than that of TFRC, its average goodput is much higher. As a result, ARC transmits higher quality audio, minimizing root mean square and Itakura–Saito spectral distances, as well as several parametric distance measures. In particular, ARC minimizes linear predictive coding cepstral (sic) distance, which closely correlates to subjective audio measures.  相似文献   

自组网路由协议综述   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
史美林  英春 《通信学报》2001,22(11):93-103
自组网路由协议用于监控网络拓扑结构变化,交换路由信息,定位目的节点位置,产生、维护和选择路由,并根据选择的路由转发数据。本文综述了自组网路由协议研究方面的一些最新工作,描述了设计自组网路由协议所面临的问题,并着重对该研究开展以来所提出的各种主要协议进行了对比、分析和分类阐述,为进一步的研究提出了新的课题。  相似文献   

Contention-based forwarding for mobile ad hoc networks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Holger  Jrg  Michael  Martin  Hannes 《Ad hoc Networks》2003,1(4):351-369
Existing position-based unicast routing algorithms which forward packets in the geographic direction of the destination require that the forwarding node knows the positions of all neighbors in its transmission range. This information on direct neighbors is gained by observing beacon messages each node sends out periodically.

Due to mobility, the information that a node receives about its neighbors becomes outdated, leading either to a significant decrease in the packet delivery rate or to a steep increase in load on the wireless channel as node mobility increases. In this paper, we propose a mechanism to perform position-based unicast forwarding without the help of beacons. In our contention-based forwarding scheme (CBF) the next hop is selected through a distributed contention process based on the actual positions of all current neighbors. For the contention process, CBF makes use of biased timers. To avoid packet duplication, the first node that is selected suppresses the selection of further nodes. We propose three suppression strategies which vary with respect to forwarding efficiency and suppression characteristics. We analyze the behavior of CBF with all three suppression strategies and compare it to an existing greedy position-based routing approach by means of simulation with ns-2. Our results show that CBF significantly reduces the load on the wireless channel required to achieve a specific delivery rate compared to the load a beacon-based greedy forwarding strategy generates.  相似文献   

Robust position-based routing for wireless ad hoc networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider a wireless ad hoc network composed of a set of wireless nodes distributed in a two dimensional plane. Several routing protocols based on the positions of the mobile hosts have been proposed in the literature. A typical assumption in these protocols is that all wireless nodes have uniform transmission regions modeled by unit disk centered at each wireless node. However, all these protocols are likely to fail if the transmission ranges of the mobile hosts vary due to natural or man-made obstacles or weather conditions. These protocols may fail because either some connections that are used by routing protocols do not exist, which effectively results in disconnecting the network, or the use of some connections causes livelocks. In this paper, we describe a robust routing protocol that tolerates up to roughly 40% of variation in the transmission ranges of the mobile hosts. More precisely, our protocol guarantees message delivery in a connected ad hoc network whenever the ratio of the maximum transmission range to the minimum transmission range is at most .  相似文献   

Energy conservation is a critical issue in wireless ad hoc networks since batteries are the only limited-life energy source to power the nodes. One major metric for energy conservation is to route a communication session along the routes which require the lowest total energy consumption. Most recent algorithms for the MEM (Minimum Energy Multicast) problem considered energy efficiency as the ultimate objective in order to increase longevity of such networks. However, the introduction of real-time applications has posed additional challenges. Transmission of video and imaging data requires both energy and QoS-aware routing in order to ensure efficient usage of the networks. In this paper, we only consider “bandwidth” as the QoS in TDMA-based wireless ad hoc networks that use omni-directional antennas and have limited energy resources. We present a constraint formulation model for the QoS-MEM (QoS-aware Minimum Energy Multicast) problem in terms of mixed integer linear programming (MILP), which can be used for an optimal solution of the QoS-MEM problem. Experiment results show that in a typical static ad hoc network with 20 nodes, the optimal solutions can always be solved in a timely manner.  相似文献   

Wireless mobile ad hoc networks consist of mobile nodes interconnected by wireless multi‐hop communication paths. Unlike conventional wireless networks, ad hoc networks have no fixed network infrastructure or administrative support. The topology of such networks changes dynamically as mobile nodes join or depart the network or radio links between nodes become unusable. Supporting appropriate quality of service for mobile ad hoc networks is a complex and difficult issue because of the dynamic nature of the network topology and generally imprecise network state information, and has become an intensely active area of research in the last few years. This paper
  • 1 This article, except for some minor changes, is essentially the same as one that appears in 103 . The latter is a revised and updated version of 51
  • presents the basic concepts of quality of service support in ad hoc networks for unicast communication, reviews the major areas of current research and results, and addresses some new issues. The principal focus is on routing and security issues associated with quality of service support. The paper concludes with some observations on the open areas for further investigation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    In this paper, we design a localized power‐aware alternate routing (LPAR) protocol for dynamic wireless ad hoc networks. The design objective is to prolong the lifetime of wireless ad hoc networks wherein nodes can adaptively adjust their transmission power based on communication ranges. LPAR achieves this goal via two phases. In the first phase, energy draining balancing is achieved by identifying end‐to‐end paths with high residual energy. The second phase is designed to effectively reduce the power consumed for packet forwarding. This is achieved by iteratively performing adaptive localized power‐aware alternate rerouting to bypass each (potentially) high‐power link along the end‐to‐end path identified in the first phase. Further, the design of LPAR enables nodes to collect their neighborhood information ‘on‐demand’, which can effectively reduce the overhead for gathering such information. LPAR is suitable for both homogeneous and non‐homogeneous networks. Simulation results demonstrate that LPAR achieves improved performance in reducing protocol overhead and also in prolonging network lifetime as compared with existing work. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Nodes in a mobile ad hoc network are often vulnerable to failures. The failures could be either due to fading effects, battery drainage, or as a result of compromised nodes that do not participate in network operations. Intermittent node failures can disrupt routing functionalities. As such, it is important to provide redundancy in terms of providing multiple node-disjoint paths from a source to a destination. In line with this objective, we first propose a modified version of the widely studied ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol to facilitate the discovery of multiple node-disjoint paths from a source to a destination. We find that very few of such paths can be found. Furthermore, as distances between sources and destinations increase, bottlenecks inevitably occur and thus, the possibility of finding multiple paths is considerably reduced. We conclude that it is necessary to place what we call reliable nodes (in terms of both being robust to failure and being secure) in the network to support efficient routing operations. We propose a deployment strategy that determines the positions and the trajectories of these reliable nodes such that we can achieve a framework for reliably routing information. We define a notion of a reliable path which is made up of multiple segments, each of which either entirely consists of reliable nodes, or contains a preset number of multiple paths between the end points of the segment. We show that the probability of establishing a reliable path between a random source and destination pair increases tremendously even with a small number of reliable nodes when we use our algorithm to appropriately position these reliable nodes.  相似文献   

    This paper addresses the problem of power control in a multihop wireless network supporting multicast traffic. We face the problem of forwarding packet traffic to multicast group members while meeting constraints on the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) at the intended receivers. First, we present a distributed algorithm which, given the set of multicast senders and their corresponding receivers, provides an optimal solution when it exists, which minimizes the total transmit power. When no optimal solution can be found for the given set of multicast senders and receivers, we introduce a distributed, joint scheduling and power control algorithm which eliminates the weak connections and tries to maximize the number of successful multicast transmissions. The algorithm allows the other senders to solve the power control problem and minimize the total transmit power. We show that our distributed algorithm converges to the optimal solution when it exists, and performs close to centralized, heuristic algorithms that have been proposed to address the joint scheduling and power control problem.  相似文献   

    A predictive model‐based mobility tracking method, called dead reckoning, is developed for mobile ad hoc networks. It disseminates both location and movement models of mobile nodes in the network so that every node is able to predict or track the movement of every other node with a very low overhead. The basic technique is optimized to use ‘distance effect’, where distant nodes maintain less accurate tracking information to save overheads. The dead reckoning‐based location service mechanism is evaluated against three known location dissemination service protocols: simple, distance routing effect algorithm for mobility (DREAM) and geographic region summary service (GRSS). The evaluation is done with geographic routing as an application. It is observed that dead reckoning significantly outperforms the other protocols in terms of packet delivery fraction. It also maintains low‐control overhead. Its packet delivery performance is only marginally impacted by increasing speed or noise in the mobility model, that affects its predictive ability. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Energy use is a crucial design concern in wireless ad hoc networks since wireless terminals are typically battery-operated. The design objectives of energy-aware routing are two folds: Selecting energy-efficient paths and minimizing the protocol overhead incurred for acquiring such paths. To achieve these goals simultaneously, we present the design of several on-demand energy-aware routing protocols. The key idea behind our design is to adaptively select the subset of nodes that are required to involve in a route-searching process in order to acquire a high residual-energy path and/or the degree to which nodes are required to participate in the process of searching for a low-power path in networks wherein nodes have transmission power adjusting capability. Analytical and simulation results are given to demonstrate the high performance of the designed protocols in energy-efficient utilization as well as in reducing the protocol overhead incurred in acquiring energy-efficient routes. Baoxian Zhang received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China in 1994, 1997, and 2000, respectively. From January 2001 to August 2002, he was working with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen’s University in Kingston as a postdoctoral fellow. He is currently a research scientist with the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) of University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He has published over 40 refereed technical papers in international journals and conference proceedings. His research interests include routing algorithm and protocol design, QoS management, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, survivable optical networks, multicast communications, and performance evaluation. He is a member of the IEEE. Hussein Mouftah joined the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) of the University of Ottawa in September 2002 as a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) Professor in Optical Networks. He has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen’s University (1979-2002), where he was prior to his departure a Full Professor and the Department Associate Head. He has three years of industrial experience mainly at Bell Northern Research of Ottawa, now Nortel Networks (1977-79). He has spent three sabbatical years also at Nortel Networks (1986-87, 1993-94, and 2000-01), always conducting research in the area of broadband packet switching networks, mobile wireless networks and quality of service over the optical Internet. He served as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Communications Magazine (1995-97) and IEEE Communications Society Director of Magazines (1998-99) and Chair of the Awards Committee (2002-2003). He is a Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Communications Society since 2000. Dr. Mouftah is the author or coauthor of five books, 22 book chapters and more than 700 technical papers and 8 patents in this area. He is the recipient of the 1989 Engineering Medal for Research and Development of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO), and the Ontario Distinguished Researcher Award of the Ontario Innovation Trust. He is the joint holder of the Best Paper Award for a paper presented at SPECTS’2002, and the Outstanding Paper Award for papers presented at the IEEE HPSR’2002 and the IEEE ISMVL’1985. Also he is the joint holder of a Honorable Mention for the Frederick W. Ellersick Price Paper Award for Best Paper in the IEEE Communications Magazine in 1993. He is the recipient of the IEEE Canada (Region 7) Outstanding Service Award (1995). Also he is the recipient of the 2004 IEEE Communications Society Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award, and the 2004 George S. Glinski Award for Excellence in Research of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa. Dr. Mouftah is a Fellow of the IEEE (1990) and Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (2003).  相似文献   

    We propose an innovative resource management scheme for TDMA based mobile ad hoc networks. Since communications between some important nodes in the network are more critical, they should be accepted by the network with high priority in terms of network resource usage and quality of service (QoS) support. In this scheme, we design a location-aware bandwidth pre-reservation mechanism, which takes advantage of each mobile node’s geographic location information to pre-reserve bandwidth for such high priority connections and thus greatly reduces potential scheduling conflicts for transmissions. In addition, an end-to-end bandwidth calculation and reservation algorithm is proposed to make use of the pre-reserved bandwidth. In this way, time slot collisions among different connections and in adjacent wireless links along a connection can be reduced so that more high priority connections can be accepted into the network without seriously hurting admissions of other connections. The salient feature of our scheme is the collaboration between the routing and MAC layer that results in the more efficient spatial reuse of limited resources, which demonstrates how cross-layer design leads to better performance in QoS support. Extensive simulations show that our scheme can successfully provide better communication quality to important nodes at a relatively low price. Finally, several design issues and future work are discussed. Xiang Chen received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 1997 and 2000, respectively. Afterwards, he worked as a MTS (member of technical staff) in Bell Laboratories, Beijing, China. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida. His research is focused on protocol design and performance evaluation in wireless networks, including cellular networks, wireless LANs, and mobile ad hoc networks. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi and a student member of IEEE. Wei Liu received the BE and ME degrees in electrical engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 1998 and 2001, respectively. He is currently pursuing the P.hD. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, where he is a research assistant in the Wireless Networks Laboratory (WINET). His research interest includes QoS, secure and power efficient routing, and MAC protocols in mobile ad hoc networks and sensor networks. He is a student member of the IEEE. Hongqiang Zhai received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in July 1999 and January 2002 respectively. He worked as a research intern in Bell Labs Research China from June 2001 to December 2001, and in Microsoft Research Asia from January 2002 to July 2002. Currently he is pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida. He is a student member of IEEE. Yuguang Fang received a Ph.D. degree in Systems and Control Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in January 1994, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Boston University in May 1997. From June 1997 to July 1998, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas. From July 1998 to May 2000, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology. In May 2000, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Florida where he got the early promotion to Associate Professor with tenure in August 2003 and to Full Professor in August 2005. He has published over 180 papers in refereed professional journals and conferences. He received the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Award in 2001 and the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in 2002. He is currently serving as an Editor for many journals including IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEETransactions on Mobile Computing, and ACM Wireless Networks. He is also actively participating in conference organization such as the Program Vice-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM’2005, Program Co-Chair for the Global Internet and Next Generation Networks Symposium in IEEE Globecom’2004 and the Program Vice Chair for 2000 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC’2000).  相似文献   

    Huayi  Xiaohua   《Ad hoc Networks》2007,5(5):600-612
    In this paper, we investigate the issues of QoS multicast routing in wireless ad hoc networks. Due to limited bandwidth of a wireless node, a QoS multicast call could often be blocked if there does not exist a single multicast tree that has the requested bandwidth, even though there is enough bandwidth in the system to support the call. In this paper, we propose a new multicast routing scheme by using multiple paths or multiple trees to meet the bandwidth requirement of a call. Three multicast routing strategies are studied, SPT (shortest path tree) based multiple-paths (SPTM), least cost tree based multiple-paths (LCTM) and multiple least cost trees (MLCT). The final routing tree(s) can meet the user’s QoS requirements such that the delay from the source to any destination node shall not exceed the required bound and the aggregate bandwidth of the paths or trees shall meet the bandwidth requirement of the call. Extensive simulations have been conducted to evaluate the performance of our three multicast routing strategies. The simulation results show that the new scheme improves the call success ratio and makes a better use of network resources.  相似文献   

    利用多个信道接口来改善ad hoc网络信道容量。即一个信道周期性的广播节点状态信息分组来维护全网所有节点的状态信息,而另一个信道利用此信息采用最短路径搜寻算法来获得到目的节点的路由并完成数据传输。这样充分结合了表驱动路由方法和按需式路由方法的优点。另外,信息维护与数据分组分别在两个信道内同时进行,避免了信息维护对数据分组传输的影响,提高了网络性能。  相似文献   

    As various applications of wireless ad hoc network have been proposed, security has received increasing attentions as one of the critical research challenges. In this paper, we consider the security issues at network layer, wherein routing and packet forwarding are the main operations. We propose a novel efficient security scheme in order to provide various security characteristics, such as authentication, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation for wireless ad hoc networks. In our scheme, we deploy the recently developed concepts of identity-based signcryption and threshold secret sharing. We describe our proposed security solution in context of dynamic source routing (DSR) protocol. Without any assumption of pre-fixed trust relationship between nodes, the ad hoc network works in a self-organizing way to provide key generation and key management services using threshold secret sharing algorithm, which effectively solves the problem of single point of failure in the traditional public-key infrastructure (PKI) supported system. The identity-based signcryption mechanism is applied here not only to provide end-to-end authenticity and confidentiality in a single step, but also to save network bandwidth and computational power of wireless nodes. Moreover, one-way hash chain is used to protect hop-by-hop transmission.  相似文献   

    Quality of Service (QoS) provision in wireless ad hoc networks requires the support of efficient MAC protocols and Radio Resource Management strategies to efficiently handle the access process and to achieve a high resource reuse. In this context, we present in this paper a MAC proposal capable of providing resource reservation and service differentiation in the medium access level as a basis for guaranteeing end‐to‐end QoS support in higher levels. We propose a TDMA MAC structure based on a frame subdivision consisting of a broadcast control phase and a data phase. We have designed an adaptive strategy to share the resources between both control and data services and a resource reservation strategy for data services that solves the problems stemmed from the contention for the medium, also adding a service differentiation mechanism based on priorities. In addition, we evaluate the impact of a realistic propagation channel considering multipath fading and users interference on the performance of this scheme. In this scenario, we propose modifications to guarantee the reliability and efficiency of both broadcast control and data services, including power control techniques. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    We consider the problem of localized energy aware routing in mobile ad hoc networks. In localized routing algorithms, each node forwards a message based on the position of itself, its neighbors and the destination. The objective of energy aware routing algorithms is to minimize the total power for routing a message from source to destination or to maximize the total number of routing tasks that a node can perform before its battery power depletes. In this paper we propose new localized energy aware routing algorithms called OLEAR. The algorithms have very high packet delivery rate with low packet forwarding and battery power consumption. In addition, they ensure good energy distribution among the nodes. Finally, packets reach the destination using smaller number of hops. All these properties make our algorithm suitable for routing in any energy constrained environment. We compare the performance of our algorithms with other existing energy and non‐energy aware localized algorithms. Simulation experiments show that our algorithms present comparable energy consumption and distribution to other energy aware algorithms and better packet delivery rate. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    针对移动adhoc网络终端能量资源受限对全网路由的影响,提出一种具有终端节点能量感知的路由协议(EARP,energy-awareroutingprotocol).该协议能够根据单个节点能量的使用情况以及全路径的能量消耗情况选择不同的传输路径,在路径断裂时,增加本地维护策略,有效减少了由此引起的发包重传情况,提高了路由效率.通过节点能级的设定,防止链路传输过程中由于能量耗尽而导致的路由断裂情况.经过NS2仿真实验与其他相关路由协议进行比较,结果表明在相同的实验环境下,该路由协议能够有效均衡负载,保护低能量节点,延长网络生存时间  相似文献   

    Ad hoc networks are a type of mobile network that functions without any fixed infrastructure. One of the weaknesses of ad hoc networks is that a route used between a source and a destination is likely to break during communication. To solve this problem, one approach consists of selecting routes whose nodes have the most stable behavior. Another strategy aims at improving the route repair procedure. This paper proposes a method for improving the success rate of local route repairs in mobile ad hoc networks. This method is based on the density of the nodes in the neighborhood of a route and on the availability of nodes in this neighborhood. Theoretical computation and simulation results show that the data packet loss rate decreased significantly compared to other methods which are well-documented in the literature. In addition, the time required to complete a local route repair following a failure was significantly reduced.  相似文献   

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