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首先介绍了当前最新的几种视频编码标准并且进行了比较,熵编码是每一个视频编码标准必须认真研究的课题,为了减少由于失配所带来的效率损失,本文提出了一种自适应编码技术:自适应指数哥伦布码,并与自适应算术编码进行了比较.分析和仿真都表明即使信源特性在大范围内发生变化,自适应指数哥伦布码对于保持高的编码效率是足够稳健的(90%以上的情况),同时保持了指数哥伦布码和哥伦布-莱期码的简洁性.  相似文献   

In hybrid coding technique, the sampled data are divided into blocks ofN times Msamples. Next, each block is transformed to generate a one-dimensional transform of each line in the block. The transform coefficients are then processed by a block of DPCM encoders which uncorrelate the data in the second dimension and qnantize the uncorrelated samples using appropriate quantizers. In this study an adaptive hybrid coding technique is proposed based on using a single quantizer (A/D converter) to quantize the transform coefficients and using a variable-rate algorithm for coding the quantized coefficients. The accuracy of the A/D converter (number of bits per sample) determines the fidelity of the system. The buffercontrol algorithm controls the accuracy of the A/D converter for each block resulting in a fixed-rate encoder system. Experimental results have shown a stable buffer condition and reconstructed images with a higher fidelity than nonadaptive hybrid systems.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种自适应分裂-合并高压缩比图像编码方法,它将图像数据分解为与人眼视觉特性相匹配的分量,然后对各个分量分别进行编码,因此是一种高效的图像分割编码方法。为实现高压编比,本文还对控制图像的选择、纹理表示、分裂与合并应满足的条件和算法、边界编码和纹理编码等各个环节作了深入的分析,得出了一些有意义的结果。实验表明,在主观视觉质量仍保持较好的前提下,对一幅128×128的标准头肩像,压缩比可达20:1左右。  相似文献   

本文首次提出了三态自适应增量调制编码方法。通过对图象信号进行编码和滤波的模拟研究,证明了这种三态ADM编码的动态范围比二态ADM编码增大6—10dB,信噪比改善约为1.5—3.5dB,并保持了可实现无乘法滤波的特点。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new weighted adaptive lifting (WAL)-based wavelet transform is presented. The proposed WAL approach is designed to solve the problems existing in the previous adaptive directional lifting (ADL) approach, such as mismatch between the predict and update steps, interpolation favoring only horizontal or vertical direction, and invariant interpolation filter coefficients for all images. The main contribution of the proposed approach consists of two parts: one is the improved weighted lifting, which maintains the consistency between the predict and update steps as far as possible and preserves the perfect reconstruction at the same time; another is the directional adaptive interpolation, which improves the orientation property of the interpolated image and adapts to statistical property of each image. Experimental results show that the proposed WAL-based wavelet transform for image coding outperforms the conventional lifting-based wavelet transform up to 3.06 dB in PSNR and significant improvement in subjective quality is also observed. Compared with the ADL-based wavelet transform, up to 1.22-dB improvement in PSNR is reported.  相似文献   

张男  杨军  石东海 《信号处理》2005,21(Z1):130-132
在小波域利用迭代分形码可以唯一表征原始编码图像特征的特点,由此可以利用迭代函数系统的某些特性实现基于分形压缩数据的图像检索操作.文中对基于迭代分形的图像压缩方法和检索方法进行了研究,在小波变换域内提出了一种基于迭代分形的高效图像压缩方法.同时在图像分形码的基础上利用迭代函数系统的分布特性来进行图像间相似距离的计算,从而实现了基于分形压缩数据的图像检索操作.  相似文献   

Quantizers for block transform image coding systems are typically designed under the assumption of Gaussian statistics for the transform coefficients. While convincing arguments can be provided in support of this approach, empirical evidence is presented demonstrating that, except possibly for the dc term, wide departures from Gaussian behavior can be expected for real-world imagery at typical block sizes. In this paper we describe the performance of a block cosine image coding system with an adaptive quantizer matched to the statistics of the transform coefficients. The adaptive quantizer is based upon a recently developed algorithm which employs a training sequence in the design procedure. At encoding rates of approximately 1 bit/pixel and above, this approach results in significant improvement in reconstructed image quality compared to fixed quantization schemes designed under the Gaussian assumption. For rates much below 1 bit/pixel the relative improvement is negligible.  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive algorithm for motion compensated color image coding. The algorithm can be used for video teleconferencing or broadcast signals. Activity segmentation is used to reduce the bit rate and a variable stage search is conducted to save computations. The adaptive algorithm is compared with the nonadaptive algorithm and it is shown that with approximately 60 percent savings in computing the motion vector and 33 percent additional compression, the performance of the adaptive algorithm is similar to the nonadaptive algorithm. The adaptive algorithm results also show improvement of up to 1 bit/pel over interframe DPCM coding with nonuniform quantization. The test pictures used for this study were recorded directly from broadcast video in color.  相似文献   

基于自适应四叉树分形图像编码的数字水印技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于自适应四叉树分形编码的数字水印技术。对原始图像进行四叉树分形编码后,通过给定子块在不同的寻找区域中搜索其最佳匹配父块来嵌入水印。实验结果表明,本方法在嵌入水印编码时间、图像质量和鲁棒性方面均比传统的方法有较大的改进。  相似文献   

图像压缩标准研究的发展与前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要介绍图像数据压缩编码国际标准的制定过程以及所采用的核心技术,对今后国际标准的发展的主方向和前景进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

一种改进的图像自适应零树编码方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在研究Shapiro零树图像编码方案的基础上,提出了一种改进型的自适应嵌入式零树编码方法.本算法利用自适应的小波系数,增加了编码过程中零树个数,提高了编码效率,使在相同压缩率情况下,提高PSNR约为0.1~0.6dB,同时该编码方案仍保持零树编码产生嵌入式码流、支持多码率解码的特点.  相似文献   

基于自适应小波变换的嵌入图像压缩算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对遥感、指纹、地震资料等图像纹理复杂丰富、局部相关性较弱等特点,文章通过实施自适应小波变换、合理确定系数扫描次序、分类量化小波系数等措施,提出了一种高效的图像压缩编码算法.仿真结果表明,相同压缩比下,本文算法的图像复原质量明显优于SPIHT算法(特别是对于纹理图像,如标准图像Barbara).  相似文献   

通过考虑图像分块的局部特性,以实现一种自适应块截短编码算法.该算法无需附加信息以传送各子块编码模式,而是根据重建电平的奇偶性来识别各子块编码模式,以降低比特率.实验表明:与其他BTC算法相比,该算法在较低的比特率情况下能获得更好的图像质量.  相似文献   

图像自适应隐写和隐写分析技术是近年来信息隐藏领域的研究热点和难点.自适应隐写通过自适应选择嵌入更改位置并结合高效编码方法提高了隐写安全性,而相应隐写分析技术主要通过捕捉图像统计特性改变来发现隐写行为.首先对图像自适应隐写的基本原理进行了介绍,然后梳理总结了图像自适应隐写和隐写分析技术的研究进展并指出了现有研究存在的问题,最后对图像自适应隐写和隐写分析技术研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

The weighted sum of the absolute values of the transform coefficients, defined herein as the activity index, is proposed as an objective measure of scene busyness (i.e., the density of significant scene detail). For an image divided into subpictures, it is possible to classify each subpicture into a finite number (say four) of categories according to its computed activity index. A different coding scheme, involving different truncation and quantization rules and hence a different number of bits, is used for each activity category. Data compression is efficiently achieved by assigning more bits to code those portions of the image showing the most detail.  相似文献   

A novel image compression scheme based on two-dimensional adaptive decimation is reported in this paper. In this approach, images are encoded with adaptive sampling along the horizontal and vertical directions, and decoded with an edge prediction interpolation algorithm. The method is capable of maintaining reasonable coding fidelity at low bit-rate with good visual quality. As only a small amount of computation is required in the encoding and decoding processes, the compression scheme can be implemented for real time operation with simple hardware and a small amount of memory storage. The proposed scheme had been applied in encoding images at bit-rates between 0.2 and 0.33 bpp and the results are encouraging.  相似文献   

This paper is a tradeoff study of image processing algorithms that can be used to transform continuous tone and halftone pictorial image input into spatially encoded representations compatible with binary output processes. A large percentage of the electronic output marking processes utilize a binary mode of operation. The history and rationale for this are reviewed and thus the economic justification for the tradeoff is presented. A set of image quality and processing complexity metrics are then defined. Next, a set of algorithms including fixed and adaptive thresholding, orthographic pictorial fonts, electronic screening, ordered dither, and error diffusion are defined and evaluated relative to their ability to reproduce continuous tone input. Finally, these algorithms, along with random nucleated halftoning, the alias reducing image enhancement system (ARIES), and a new algorithm, selective halftone rescreening (SHARE), are defined and evaluated as to their ability to reproduce halftone pictorial input.  相似文献   

1introductionThemainobjectofimagecodingisitsreconstructioncapturedbyhumanvisionandpractice,anditsdataofcompressingimageareleasttotheutmostofone'sability.Mostoftoday'simageandvideocodingstandardsusethediscretecosinetransform(DCT)forsignalprocessinganddecompositionl'].DCTcodingisoneoftheclassicalcodingmethodsandacquiresaninitialsuccessinJPEGcodingl'l.Owingtothecentralizedenergydistribution,manystudiesinDCTcodingquantificationhavebeenconductedinthepasttensofyears.Unfortunately,thetraditional…  相似文献   

艾达  杨珍 《电视技术》2017,41(2):1-5
针对2005年到2015年基于H.264/AVC编码标准下的图像错误掩盖技术的发展状况,根据不同类型的编码帧采用的不同掩盖技术,归纳分类了当前已有算法,分析总结了基于传统的错误掩盖技术,即时域掩盖、空域掩盖和时空域结合的掩盖,包括基于场交织的错误掩盖与数字水印技术相结合的错误掩盖,以及基于三维视频的错误掩盖,比较了各算法的优势和局限性,并讨论了其未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

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