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When tyrosine-Z of the D1-polypeptide of the photosystem II from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was changed to phenylalanine, the rapid donor to P680+ was lost, and P680+ accumulated on illumination. The rapid donation from tyrosine-Z was replaced by a slow electron transfer from an endogenous donor. Spectrophotometric measurements showed that carotenoids and chlorophylls were bleached by the P680+ either directly or indirectly upon illumination. The carotenoid bleaching was inhibited in the presence of SOD or catalase, but the reaction did not require molecular oxygen as an electron acceptor. These observations led us to conclude that active oxygen radicals, possibly hydroxyl radicals, take part in the destruction of carotenoids in the Y161F mutant. Possible mechanisms for the destruction are discussed. 相似文献
We investigated 230 systematically sampled fresh specimens from 12 early and 26 advanced gastric cancer patients by DNA flow cytometry for heterogeneity in DNA content. Fifty-eight percent of the 12 early gastric cancers were uniformly diploid and 42% were uniformly aneuploid. Fifty-four percent of advanced cancers were uniformly diploid in superficial layers and 42% were uniformly diploid in deep layers, whereas 46% were uniformly aneuploid in superficial layers, and 50% were uniformly aneuploid and 8% were heterogeneously aneuploid and diploid in deep layers. Both diploid and aneuploid samples were obtained from 15% for advanced cancers, but ploidy heterogeneity did not occur in early cancers. Heterogeneity for DNA index (more than one aneuploid DNA index) occurred in 46% of whole thickness of advanced cancers, in 19% of superficial layers of advanced cancers, and in 8% of early cancers. We concluded that DNA ploidy determination using superficial layer specimens may be reliable in early gastric cancer but must be interpreted with care in advanced cancer. 相似文献
S Chiba E Fujimaki O Nakano S Orii S Sato K Sasaki 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1993,20(6):767-770
Flow cytometric measurement of nuclear DNA content in 159 colorectal adenomas was carried out to investigate the relationship between DNA ploidy and the histological findings. DNA aneuploidy was detected in 18 lesions (12.8%). The incidence of DNA aneuploidy was significantly higher in tubulovillous adenomas than in tubular adenomas (30.4% vs. 8.1%; p < 0.01). DNA aneuploidy was not found in any adenoma with mild dysplasia, but was noted in 19.1% of those with moderate dysplasia and in 33.3% of those with severe dysplasia. The mean size of the lesions was significantly larger in adenomas with aneuploidy than in those without aneuploidy (14.0 mm vs. 7.7 mm; p < 0.01). The DNA index values of 18 adenomas with aneuploidy were divided into two groups: one ranged from 1.07 to 1.23 and the other from 1.66 to 1.85. DNA index values correlated with the size of the lesions (p < 0.05), but not with the histologic type and degree of dysplasia. 相似文献
J Seoane A Bascones JA Asenjo M García-Pola PI Varela-Centelles 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,23(2):136-140
Field studies on responses of two mosquito sibling species, Anopheles arabiensis Patton and An. quadriannulatus Theobald, to a man, a calf and different release rates of carbon dioxide (man, calf and cow equivalents) were conducted in north-eastern South Africa. Various combinations of baits were compared in two-choice tests, using two mosquito nets, placed 2.5 m apart and 10 cm off the ground. Mosquitoes attracted to the baits were able to enter the nets from below and were collected by means of a suction tube. In a two-choice test between a man and CO2 (human equivalent, 250 ml/min), 81% of the An. quadriannulatus were caught with CO2. The reverse was seen for An. arabiensis, where only 20% of the total catch was caught with CO2 compared to man. High release rates of CO2 (cow equivalent, 800 ml/min) attracted significantly more An. quadriannulatus than the low release rate (250 ml/min), whereas no significant effect of the release rate of CO2 on the total catch of An. arabiensis was seen. In the latter species, up to 33% of the attraction of human emanation is attributable to carbon dioxide. Anopheles quadriannulatus was equally attracted to a calf and CO2 (calf equivalent, 180 ml/min). Catches of other mosquito species showed consistent differences between all treatments which appear to be associated with differences in host-preference, suggesting that the importance of CO2 in host-seeking behaviour of mosquitoes increases with the degree of zoophily. 相似文献
Human insulin-like growth factor I (IGF1) was labeled with 125I and the resulting mixture of iodination isomers was separated by reverse-phase HPLC. Three major radioactive peaks were isolated and identified by sequencing as the expected three monoiodinated species. The ranking of the affinities of the three isomers for the human IGF1 receptor was found to be Tyr24(125I) > Tyr31(125I) > Tyr60(125I). The Tyr31(125I) isomer was shown to have an affinity similar to that of unlabeled IGF1 and is thus the tracer of choice for IGF1. The tracers were stable upon storage at -20 degrees C for at least 3 months. 相似文献
LG Gomella H Ehya SM Steinberg M Rupp M Merino C Robertson WM Linehan 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1993,53(4):252-255
Adoptive immunotherapy using interleukin-2 (IL-2) based therapy can result in marked tumor regression in some patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. DNA flow cytometry has not been previously studied as a predictor of outcome of this therapy. Archival paraffin embedded tumors were studied in 23 IL-2 treated patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Eleven patients were complete responders (CR) and 12 were nonresponders (NR). In the CR group, 4/11 (40%) were diploid and 7/11 (60%) were aneuploid. In the NR group, 9/12 (75%) were diploid and 3/12 (25%) were aneuploid. Although there was a trend that patients with an aneuploid DNA pattern were more likely to undergo a complete response, ploidy pattern alone was not significantly predictive of response (p2 = 0.10, Fischer's exact test). When combining ploidy pattern with other variables that were predictive for complete response, such as good performance status and a higher pretreatment weight, prediction of complete response was not improved by including ploidy. This preliminary report suggests that DNA ploidy does not appear to provide any additional information concerning responsiveness to IL-2 based immunotherapy beyond that obtained by performance status and pretreatment weight in this patient population. 相似文献
Flow cytometry and quantitative image cell analyses were performed on a series of 31 chromophobe cell carcinoma and the findings were compared with those from 14 clear cell carcinomas. Thirty of 31 chromophobe cell carcinomas had significant hypodiploid cell clones with both techniques. By contrast, none of the 14 clear cell carcinomas was hypodiploid. Using quantitative image cell analyses, four groups of nuclei with hypodiploid, diploid, hyperdiploid, and tetraploid/hypertetraploid DNA patterns were identified, and their relative proportions were compared. In most of the chromophobe cell carcinomas, the predominant nuclear pattern was hypodiploid, and in clear cell carcinoma, diploid nuclei were most frequent. The number of binucleated cells in chromophobe cell carcinomas varied from 1.40% to 23% (mean, 10.8%) whereas, in clear cell carcinoma, these varied from 0.4% to 9.2% (mean, 2.5%). Evaluation of DNA content of double hypodiploid nuclei in chromophobe cell carcinomas showed that their combined DNA content was essentially similar to that of single hyperdiploid nuclei, thus suggesting polyploidy resulting from the fusion of these nuclei. Polyploidy may indeed be the basis for nuclear heterogeneity in chromophobe cell carcinoma. Scatterplots generated by plotting nuclear DNA mass against nuclear area produced patterns that were distinctive for the two types of carcinoma. We believe that the comparative findings in this study provide a comprehensive understanding of the ploidy status of chromophobe carcinoma and that these findings may be used as supportive evidence for establishing the diagnosis of chromophobe cell carcinoma. 相似文献
Intratumoral heterogeneity of DNA ploidy has been identified in breast carcinomas; however, optimal sampling methods have not been determined. In this study of 28 invasive breast carcinomas measuring more than 1.4 cm in greatest dimension, two different techniques for obtaining cells for flow cytometric DNA ploidy analysis were compared. Two solid pieces of tissue were taken from opposite halves of the tumor. A third sample was obtained by scraping multiple cut surfaces of the tumor. Heterogeneity of DNA ploidy was detected in 43% of cases. Most cases demonstrating heterogeneity contained multiple aneuploid populations. However, in five cases classification of the tumors as either DNA euploid or DNA aneuploid differed among samples. A total of 39 non-diploid populations were detected in 23 of the cases. Thirty-three (85%) were detected by scraping and 35 (90%) were detected in either one or both tissue pieces. Intratumoral DNA heterogeneity emphasizes the need for adequate sampling. The scraping technique was as effective in identifying aneuploid cell populations as the combined results of the two pieces of tissue and better than sampling a single piece of tissue. Scraping also offers the advantage of tissue conservation which may be critical when various analytic studies are performed. 相似文献
Experiments on s.c. rat tumours (DS sarcoma) were performed to determine whether chronic or acute changes in tumour perfusion necessarily lead to changes in tissue oxygenation and bioenergetic status since, as a rule, blood flow is thought to be the ultimate determinant of the tumour bioenergetic status. Based on this study, there is clear experimental evidence that growth-related or acute (following i.v. administration of tumour necrosis factor alpha) decreases in tumour blood flow are accompanied by parallel alterations in tissue oxygenation. In contrast, tumour energy status remains stable as long as flow values do not fall below 0.4-0.5 ml g-1 min-1, and provided that glucose as the main substrate can be recruited from the enlarged interstitial compartment. Perfusion rate seems to play a paramount role in determining energy status only in low-flow tumours or low-flow tissue areas. 相似文献
Flow cytometry was used in the identification of human microsporidia belonging to the genus Encephalitozoon. Microsporidian spores of Encephalitozoon hellem, E. cuniculi, and E. intestinalis were propagated in axenic cultures of monkey kidney E6 cells, purified with Percoll, and exposed to homologous and heterologous rabbit antiserum and monoclonal antibody prepared against E. hellem spores. After reaction to goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) or goat anti-mouse IgG conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate, fluorescence histograms from gated data on light-scatter profiles showed that rabbit anti-E. hellem serum was reactive to E. hellem spores but also had cross-reactivity to spores of E. cuniculi and E. intestinalis. On the other hand, fluorescence histograms showed that rabbit anti-E. cuniculi and rabbit anti-E. intestinalis sera were reactive with homologous spores only. Monoclonal antibody prepared against E. hellem reacted only with spores of E. hellem. Neither the polyclonal antibodies nor the monoclonal antibodies reacted with Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Fluorescence histograms of spores treated with 10% formalin also showed reactivity, but the number of events in the most intense peaks of fluorescence was fewer (7 to 42%, depending on species) than the number of events in the most intense peaks of fluorescence for nontreated spores. By flow cytometry, formalin-treated and nontreated spores of Encephalitozoon were identified to the species level by using gated data on light-scatter profiles and analyzing the fluorescence histograms from the indirect immunofluorescence of the spores. Once a procedure is established for the isolation of Encephalitozoon spores from clinical specimens, identification of spores by flow cytometry may be useful not only for diagnosis but also for epidemiologic studies. 相似文献
Cellular growth and differentiation in blood cells are regulated by the phosphorylation status of growth factor receptors and downstream proteins. Protein kinases and phosphatases balance the homeostasis of protein phosphorylation. Various diseases are associated with alterations in these tightly regulated processes. Aberrations have been proved to be of diagnostic value and might enhance the pathophysiological insight into the origin of the disease. However, quantitation of protein phosphorylation is currently not feasible in a clinical situation. We developed a flow cytometric methodology which enables for direct investigation of protein phosphorylation in cell populations defined by multi-color flow cytometry. This assay does not only overcome drawbacks of traditional methodologies (e.g. Western blotting) but also allows quantitative analyses even in rare cell populations. We accurately examined phosphorylation levels in different cell populations of hematological interest and especially analyzed CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells. CD34+ cells in bone marrow and in cord blood contained similar, low levels of phosphotyrosine. Circulating pheripheral blood system cells PBSC in patients exposed to G-CSF for stem cell mobilization exhibited significantly increased levels of phosphotyrosine. In vitro exposure of CD34+ progenitors to growth factors (G-CSF, IL-3, SCF) raised the levels of tyrosine phosphorylation in bone marrow and cord blood. Effects were dose and time dependent. Interestingly, in vivo stimulated CD34+ PBSC could not be further stimulated in vitro. In conclusion, we present a new powerful methodology for analysis of protein phosphorylation in hematological specimens. The method does not only allow for accurate detection of phosphorylation levels in vivo, but also enables for quantitative analysis of growth factor receptor stimulation in vitro and in vivo. 相似文献
GL Ottesen IJ Christensen JK Larsen B Hansen AJ Andersen 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,1(8):881-888
Flow cytometric DNA analysis was performed on unfixed frozen tissue samples from 48 cases of invasive breast cancer (IC) with a predominance of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). In 15 cases the samples contained only the DCIS component, in 17 cases only the IC component, whereas in 16 cases separate samples from the DCIS as well as the IC part within the individual lesion were available. In the latter 16 cases, complete or partial accordance in DNA ploidy between DCIS and IC was found in 12 cases, whereas no correspondence could be demonstrated in the remaining 4 cases, possibly due to intratumoral DNA heterogeneity. Comparison of the DNA index distribution in samples of DCIS and IC from the 48 cases showed concordant results except for the DNA hyperdiploid subclass, in which 6 clones were found in the DCIS portion compared to 18 clones in the IC portion. S-phase fractions were also comparable in the two groups. A comparison of the DCIS component from the present series of breast cancers to our previous series of pure DCIS also showed similar results with respect to the DNA index distribution, DNA heterogeneity, and S-phase fraction. No differences could be demonstrated between DCIS with and without invasion. The results indicate that the DNA ploidy pattern of breast cancer, as detected by flow cytometric DNA analysis, is established at the preinvasive stage of carcinogenesis. 相似文献
The interaction of platelets with collagens of the vessel wall is a critical event in primary haemostasis. Although numerous studies have examined the ability of various collagen types to support platelet adhesion, little is known concerning the relative ability of different collagens to elicit specific activation markers in platelets. In this report, flow cytometric analysis has been utilized to evaluate the ability of various native collagen types to elicit secondary activation events in human platelets. Collagen types I, III, V and VI induced alpha-granule secretion and up-regulation of cell surface glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa. In contrast, collagen type IV did not elicit these responses in the concentration ranges examined. Dose-response curves for alpha-granule secretion induced by the various collagen types indicated that human type III and human type I collagens were less effective than human type V, human type VI and calf skin type I. In addition, the ability of these various collagens to activate GPIIb/IIIa to its ligand binding conformation was even more heterogenous with only human type VI and calf skin type I readily promoting this transition. These data demonstrate that flow cytometric analysis of collagen-induced platelet activation is feasible and that collagen-mediated alpha-granule secretion and membrane glycoprotein redistribution in human platelets are separate events from activation of GPIIb/IIIa. 相似文献
H Okamoto Y Tsuruta H Miyahara O Tanaka T Matsunaga 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,101(6):849-855
BACKGROUND: In a previous study, it was shown that a spontaneously tolerated DA (RT1a) liver allograft in a PVG (RT1c) recipient was able to induce tolerance of a DA small bowel graft performed 17 days later in spite of infiltration of the intestinal grafts by mononuclear cells. AIMS: To compare the phenotype of graft infiltrating cells in rejecting and tolerated small bowel grafts in order to elucidate the mechanism(s) which block the graft infiltrating cells from mediating rejection. METHODS: Multiparameter immunofluorescence was used to compare the phenotype and state of activation of donor and recipient cells isolated from intestinal grafts rejected or tolerated after liver transplantation. RESULTS: Three differences were found. Firstly, there was a more rapid replacement of lamina propria (LP) cells by recipient lymphocytes in tolerated than in rejected grafts. Secondly, the proportion of LP recipient CD8alphabeta+ lymphocytes bearing the high affinity receptor for interleukin 2 was significantly less in tolerated grafts (1.1%, range 0-2%) than in rejected grafts (21.3%, range 9-26%). Finally, tolerated grafts contained significantly less NK lymphocytes (NKR-P1+) and macrophages than rejected intestinal allografts. CONCLUSIONS: These observations make it possible to delineate clear cut differences in the phenotype of cells infiltrating rejecting versus tolerated grafts. Furthermore, the data suggest that liver transplantation induces tolerance of intestinal grafts by hampering the activation of recipient TcRalphabeta+ CD8alphabeta+ T cells and subsequently the recruitment of non-specific effector cells. 相似文献
K Aogi K Kitahara I Buley M Backdahl H Tahara T Sugino D Tarin S Goodison 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,4(8):1965-1970
The telomerase enzyme is capable of replacing telomeric DNA sequences that are lost at each cell division. It has been suggested that the function of this enzyme is necessary for cells to become immortal, and in concordance with this hypothesis, telomerase activity has been detected in malignant tumor cells, whereas the enzyme is inactive in normal somatic cells. The measurement of this activity in human tissue samples may have diagnostic value, and in this study, we examined whether such a measurement may be useful for the detection of malignant cells within the thyroid. Telomerase activity was assayed using the telomeric repeat amplification protocol and related to the histological diagnosis of thyroid biopsy tissue samples and of cells obtained from the thyroid by fine-needle aspiration (FNA). Extracts from 9 of 11 (82%) carcinoma biopsy tissue samples contained telomerase activity, whereas enzyme activity was detected in only 2 of 14 (14%) benign tissue sample extracts. These two positive cases were subsequently diagnosed as Graves' disease with severe lymphocytic infiltration. Five of six (83.3%) histologically confirmed carcinoma FNA samples were identified by using the telomeric repeat amplification protocol assay, and two samples considered to be suspicious by FNA cytology were also positive. Conversely, only 4 of 48 (8.3%) benign FNA samples had telomerase. These promising data indicate that this sensitive assay could become a useful adjunct to microscopic cytopathology in the detection of cancer cells in small tissue biopsies and in fine-needle aspirates of the thyroid. 相似文献
The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of dengue type 2 virus (DV) and DV-induced cytokines (CF and CF2) on T lymphocyte subpopulations of spleen by flow cytometry. Following DV-ic inoculation in mice the percent number of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in the spleen was reduced, the peak reduction in both was observed on the 6th day post-inoculation (p.i.). Intravenous inoculation of CF or CF2 in mice also decreased the percent number of CD4+ as well as CD8+ T lymphocytes subpopulation in the spleen, the maximum reduction being observed at 1 and 2 hr, respectively. The reduction in T lymphocyte subpopulation by CF and CF2 was found to be dose dependent. Thus, the alterations of T lymphocyte subpopulations during DV infection are mediated via cytokines. 相似文献
G Hoffmann G Gajdos M Czakó M Kerényi V Tóth L Em?dy T Tomcsányi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,288(3):351-360
Previous findings indicate that wheel running can have either an aversive or an appetitive effect. That is, wheel running for 30 min induces conditioned taste aversion (CTA) in rats trained while hungry and thirsty but facilitates feeding in non-deprived rats. In Experiment 1, wheel running was also found to be effective in producing CTA in non-deprived rats. Therefore, Experiment 2 tested whether wheel running produces the aversive and appetitive effects simultaneously. During each of four training trials, two groups of non-deprived rats were given a flavored solution to drink for 10 min. Then those in the wheel group were put in running wheels for 30 min whereas those in the cage group spent 30 min in small cages. Finally, all rats were given a 60-min feeding test. After the first trial, the wheel group drank less flavored solution than the cage group during each of the remaining trials. The wheel group also ate more than the cage group on each feeding test. These results indicate that wheel running produces CTA and facilitates eating at the same time. A role for the mesolimbic dopamine reward system in these effects was considered. 相似文献