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A simple hardware realization of direct torque control (DTC) scheme for fast control of induction motor torque has been presented. The proposed hardware scheme mimics the conventional switching table based DTC scheme and does not require use of any online fast computing device like microprocessor, PC or DSP. The controller uses only commonly used discrete hardware components. The experimental results of the proposed hardware implementation have been presented and supported with simulation results. Another alternate hardware scheme without using the switching table has also been proposed and the experimental results of both the schemes have been compared and found to be in agreement with each other. 相似文献
Development of torque and flux ripple minimization algorithm for direct torque control of induction motor drive 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
M. Vasudevan R. Arumugam S. Paramasivam 《Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik)》2006,89(1):41-51
Direct torque control (DTC) is known to produce quick and robust response in AC drives. However, during steady state, notable
torque and flux ripple occur. They are reflected in speed estimation, speed response and also in increased noise. This paper
proposes a new control algorithm, which provides decoupled control of the torque, and flux with constant inverter switching
frequency and a minimum torque and flux ripple. Compared to the other DTC methods, this algorithm is much simpler and has
less mathematical operations, and can be implemented on most existing digital drive controllers. Algorithm is based on imposing
the flux vector spatial orientation and rotation speed, which defines the unique solution for reference stator voltage. This
paper contributes (a) Calculation of stator flux vector, torque and flux increments (b) The position of new stator flux vector
determination (c) Calculation of the stator reference voltage (d) comparison of errors of different control strategies. In
this paper, computer simulations and experimental results have been discussed for the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
Induction motor drive based on the stator flux vector control 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Djordje Stojic Slobodan Vukosavic 《Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik)》2005,87(1):23-32
This paper presents a new torque control algorithm for induction motors, based on the stator flux vector control. For each sampling period, the value of the stator voltage is calculated to keep the stator flux equal to the reference vector, while the stator flux reference vector is calculated to keep the rotor flux amplitude constant at all operating conditions. An improved stator and rotor flux estimation algorithm is proposed, enabling robust and stable operation of the drive, even at low speeds. The induction motor torque is manipulated by variations of the flux angular velocity, enabling drive operation with fixed switching frequency and ripple-free torque in the steady state. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested through various experimental runs, proving good behavior of the drive in both transient and steady-state operating conditions. 相似文献
基于SVPWM五相感应电机直接转矩控制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对感应电机直接转矩控制(DTC)采用开关表的滞环方法时,存在电流和转矩脉动等问题,提出在DTC中应用空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)的方法。根据五相感应电机模型和DTC基本原理,推导出参考电压矢量。分析了五相逆变器的空间电压矢量,并从中选取出22个有效电压矢量,根据最近四矢量SVPWM算法,计算出第k扇区中工作电压矢量的作用时间。建立了基于双DSP控制的实验系统,实验结果表明,该方法减小了电流和转矩脉动,具有良好的稳态和动态性能。 相似文献
Wang Huangang Xu Wenli Yang Geng Li Jian 《Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik)》2005,87(2):93-102
Compared with field orient control (FOC), direct torque control (DTC) is known to provide fast and robust response for induction motors. However, while offering high dynamic performance, classical DTC produces notable torque, flux, and current ripples, and operates with a variable inverter switching frequency. In this paper, a novel torque control scheme for induction motors is proposed. The stator flux and the electrical torque are directly controlled by variable-structure controllers, and stator voltage vectors calculated by the variable-structure controllers are applied to the motor by means of space vector modulation. The proposed scheme therefore provides smooth, fast and robust regulations of the electrical torque and the stator flux. Moreover, the implementation of the scheme is simple. Theoretical analysis shows the asymptotical convergence of electrical torque and stator flux tracking. Simulation and experimental results are provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. 相似文献
A quasi-resonant inverter-fed induction motor operated under direct torque control (DTC) scheme is modeled and analyzed with SABER simulator. The dc link voltage is clamped to source voltage. All the devices in the resonant link and inverter except auxiliary switch in the resonant link are operated soft under zero-voltage switching (ZVS). The auxiliary switch is turned on under zero-current switching (ZCS), but turned off hard. This scheme has been implemented on a laboratory-sized experimental setup. A comparison of simulation and experimental results under identical operating conditions were presented. 相似文献
异步电机直接转矩控制(DTC)方法在数字实现时,由于电压矢量个数的有限和采样及数值运算带来的滞后,使稳态输出转矩的波动远大于给定转矩容差。提出一种新的DTC控制方法,可以在不增加功率管开关频率的前提下明显改善转矩和电流波动(尤其在低速时),且不增加硬件电路的复杂性。仿真实验证明了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
关于异步电机直接力矩控制的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
直接力矩控制是交流调速中一种新颖、有效的控制方法。首先介绍了异步电机的数学模型 ,在此基础上对直接力矩控制进行了理论分析 ,并介绍其磁通、力矩控制方法 ,给出磁通观测器和力矩观测器 ,同时也对无速度传感器的直接力矩控制作了简要介绍 相似文献
一种无差拍直接转矩控制方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对现有的感应电动机无差拍直接转矩控制方法计算比较复杂,且计算得到的两个控制电压与控制对象磁链和转矩不是一一对应的问题,提出了一种在定子磁场定向的同步旋转坐标系下进行无差拍直接转矩控制计算方法.由d轴磁链方程推导出磁链无差拍控制电压的计算式;利用和定子磁链相垂直的q轴电流方程,推导出转矩控制电压计算式.计算出的电压矢量由空间电压矢量脉宽调制方法实现.这种方法计算简单,不需要解二次方程,分离的磁链和转矩控制计算有利于控制安排.对采用这种方法的直接转矩控制系统进行仿真表明,系统转矩控制和磁链控制响应快,对参数的变化不敏感. 相似文献
Zhou Yangzhong Hu Yuwen Huang Wenxin Zhong Tianyun 《Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China》2007,2(4):425-431
The electrically excited synchronous motor (ESM) has typically small synchronous inductance values and quite low transient
values because of the damper windings mounted on the rotor. Therefore, the torque and stator flux linkage ripples are high
in the direct torque control (DTC) drive of the ESM with a torque and flux linkage hysteresis controller (basic DTC). A DTC
scheme with space vector modulation (SVM) for the ESM was investigated in this paper. It is based on the compensation of the
stator flux linkage vector error using the space vector modulation in order to decrease the torque and flux linkage ripples
and produce fixed switching frequency under the principle that the torque is controlled by the torque angle in the ESM. Compared
with the basic DTC, the results of the simulation and experiment show that the torque and flux linkage ripples are reduced,
the maximum current value is decreased during the startup, and the current distortion is much smaller in the steady-state
under the SVM-DTC. The field-weakening control is incorporated with the SVM-DTC successfully.
Translated from Proceedings of the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, 2006, 26(7): 152–157 [译自: 中国电机工程学报] 相似文献
传统的直接转矩控制采用六边形磁链控制或六区间的圆形磁链控制,特别是当考虑定子电阻压降的影响时,转矩脉动很大。针对传统六区段控制方式电压选择表的缺陷,提出了十二区段控制方法及其电压选择表的实现方法。实验结果表明十二区段控制方法较六区段控制方法具有更好的控制性能。 相似文献
直接转矩控制是继矢量控制后的一种新型控制方法,此方法的调速性能取决于高效稳定的定子磁链。由于定子电阻压降的存在使得电机运行在低速区时难以控制。因此,提出了一种新型的改善直接转矩控制系统低速性能的磁链观测方法。该方法采用低通滤波器代替纯积分环节,并提出对磁边幅值进行闭环反馈补偿和用模糊控制器补偿引入低通滤波器造成的磁链角的误差。仿真结果表明,采用此控制方法,直接转矩控制系统的低速性能有十分明显的提高,仿真结果证实了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
一种感应电机直接转矩控制系统性能改善方案 总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16
该文首先从理论上对数字化控制感应电机传动系统的性能进行了推导,对电机转矩的变化量进行了详细的分析。然后结合直接转矩控制的原理,提出了一种新型的控制方案。从仿真结果可以看出:不仅系统的动态响应依然很快,而且可以有效地改善稳态转矩脉动较大的情况:同时由于采用了空间电压矢量调制,稳定了逆变器的开关频率。 相似文献
针对传统异步电机直接转矩控制系统低速转矩脉动大、电流畸变严重、磁链轨迹内陷以及开关频率不固定等问题,基于离散空间电压矢量调制(DSVM)技术和模糊控制技术,提出了一种改善低速性能的控制策略.利用DSVM技术合成19种电压矢量,使低速区可供选择的电压矢量数目增加,提高了转矩调节器的控制精确度,采用模糊控制器选择电压工作矢量,明显抑制了转矩脉动.仿真结果表明,改进的DSVM控制策略及模糊控制算法的应用,在保证开关频率恒定的前提下,明显克服了低速磁链轨迹内陷、转矩脉动大、电流畸变严重等缺点,有效地改善了直接转矩控制的低速运行性能. 相似文献
空间矢量调制的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
提出一种基于空间电压矢量调制的表贴式永磁同步电机直接转矩控制方法.基于表贴式永磁同步电机的数学模型,通过计算在一个控制周期内能同时精确补偿转矩误差和磁链误差的空间电压矢量,得出基于磁链与转矩的无差拍控制方法.相对于传统的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制方法,该方法能够明显减小磁链与转矩脉动,并且保持了传统直接转矩控制中转矩动态响应快的优点.不同于传统的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制方法,该方法由于使用了空间电压矢量调制,系统在不同工况下具有恒定的开关频率.仿真和实验结果验证了所提出方法的正确性和可行性. 相似文献
Tetsuo Yamada Yasuhiro Yamamoto Tadashi Ichioka Tohru Niwa 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1993,113(3):65-78
In the vector control system using the slip frequency control method, the rotor resistance of an induction motor is used to calculate a slip frequency. Thus the change in temperature of the rotor resistance causes the deterioration of the torque control characteristic. This paper presents a new method of compensating for the rotor resistance change which is robust for the stator resistance change. A current control loop is composed of the λ-δ axes in which the λ axis is coincident to the stator current. In this method, the stator voltage error on the δ axis which is directly obtainable from this current control loop was used. The change in the stator voltage was able to be detected accurately, therefore the torque control accuracy was improved, particularly in the low-speed region. The experimental results of the current response and the compensation for the rotor resistance deviation also are shown. Moreover, although the mutual inductance has been treated as an invariable value, the value does change by a frequency and an exciting command. In this control method, an initial tuning of the equivalent mutual inductance was achieved by detecting the deviation component of the stator voltage on the δ axis at the no-load running condition. Furthermore, in the region with the constant power where the field weakening control was achieved, the excellent experimental results of the compensation for the deviation of the equivalent mutual inductance are shown. 相似文献