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Standardized methods of data collection and analysis ensure quality and facilitate comparisons among systems. We evaluated the importance of three recommendations from the Standard Operating Procedure for hydroacoustics in the Laurentian Great Lakes (GLSOP) on density estimates of target species: noise subtraction; setting volume backscattering strength (Sv) thresholds from user-defined minimum target strength (TS) of interest (TS-based Sv threshold); and calculations of an index for multiple targets (Nv index) to identify and remove biased TS values. Eliminating noise had the predictable effect of decreasing density estimates in most lakes. Using the TS-based Sv threshold decreased fish densities in the middle and lower layers in the deepest lakes with abundant invertebrates (e.g., Mysis diluviana). Correcting for biased in situ TS increased measured density up to 86% in the shallower lakes, which had the highest fish densities. The current recommendations by the GLSOP significantly influence acoustic density estimates, but the degree of importance is lake dependent. Applying GLSOP recommendations, whether in the Laurentian Great Lakes or elsewhere, will improve our ability to compare results among lakes. We recommend further development of standards, including minimum TS and analytical cell size, for reducing the effect of biased in situ TS on density estimates.  相似文献   

We compared Bythotrephes population demographics and dynamics to predator (planktivorous fish) and prey (small-bodied crustacean zooplankton) densities at a site sampled through the growing season in Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie. Although seasonal average densities of Bythotrephes were similar across lakes (222/m2 Erie, 247/m2 Huron, 162/m2 Michigan), temporal trends in abundance differed among lakes. In central Lake Erie where Bythotrephes' prey assemblage was dominated by small individuals (60%), where planktivorous fish densities were high (14,317/ha), and where a shallow water column limited availability of a deepwater refuge, the Bythotrephes population was characterized by a small mean body size, large broods with small neonates, allocation of length increases mainly to the spine rather than to the body, and a late summer population decline. By contrast, in Lake Michigan where Bythotrephes' prey assemblage was dominated by large individuals (72%) and planktivorous fish densities were lower (5052/ha), the Bythotrephes population was characterized by a large mean body size (i.e., 37–55% higher than in Erie), small broods with large neonates, nearly all growth in body length occurring between instars 1 and 2, and population persistence into fall. Life-history characteristics in Lake Huron tended to be intermediate to those found in Lakes Michigan and Erie, reflecting lower overall prey and predator densities (1224/ha) relative to the other lakes. Because plasticity in life history can affect interactions with other species, our findings point to the need to understand life-history variation among Great Lakes populations to improve our ability to model the dynamics of these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Boundary organizations are institutions that interface between science and policy by facilitating interactions between scientists, policy specialists, and other stakeholders to inform collaborative decision-making. Natural resource management in the Great Lakes Basin is complex and a shared exercise among two federal governments, eight states, two provinces, and over 200 sovereign Tribes, First Nations, and Métis. Many governmental agencies have recognized a need to effectively engage with other jurisdictions in order to bridge the gaps between scientific knowledge and policy decisions. As a result, boundary organizations have emerged to facilitate planning and implementation of collaborative governance frameworks. This commentary highlights how decades of shared governance of the world’s largest freshwater surface water system is augmented and assisted by boundary organizations in addressing two key Great Lakes management issues – Western Lake Erie Basin nutrient levels and Lake Michigan fisheries – which are complex, broad in scale, and pose challenges that must be addressed collaboratively across jurisdictions. While there are many governmental and non-governmental entities that engage in boundary organization-like behaviors, this commentary will be centered on three key institutions: The Great Lakes Executive Committee’s Annex 4 (Nutrients) Subcommittee, the Great Lakes Commission, and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. We illustrate how each organization procedurally engages stakeholders, especially within state and provincial jurisdictions, to produce information and products that add breadth and capacity to manage the ecosystems of the Great Lakes. We also highlight areas of success and opportunities for improvement in collaborative governance frameworks now and into the future.  相似文献   

Low ambient concentrations of trace metals including Zn may limit phytoplankton productivity in the North American Great Lakes. The microalgae Chlorella sp. UTCC 522 (Chlorophyta) and Cyclotella sp. UTCC 520 (Heterokontophyta), indigenous to the Great Lakes, were assayed for their Zn requirement and the ability for Co and Cd to metabolically substitute for Zn under conditions in which Zn bioavailability was limiting cell growth. Bioassays were conducted in the laboratory using chemically defined media and the metal buffer EDTA to control the free-ion concentrations of Zn2+ (10−15.3−10−10 mol/L), Cd2+ (10−15.1−10−10 mol/L), and Co2+ (10−14−10−10 mol/L). Influence of the metals on the phytoplankton was measured by the effect on specific growth rate. Both microalgae required Zn and could use Co and Cd as Zn substitutes; Cd was used less-effectively, although to a greater extent by the diatom Cyclotella than by the chlorophyte, Chlorella. The observed ability of the phytoplankton to use Cd and Co as Zn substitutes suggests that microalgae play an important role in the geochemical cycling of Zn, Cd and Co in large lakes, and the mobilization of Cd in lake ecosystems impacted by pollution.  相似文献   

Changes in water levels and development of shorelines are expected to negatively affect coastal marshes. The small-bodied fish assemblage was sampled in the inner marsh vegetation zone in five Les Cheneaux bays with differing levels of development. Observations were made from 1996 to 2004 during which time summer water levels varied from 177.2 m to 176.0 m (chart datum = 176.0 m). Each marsh was sampled for 10 consecutive days in July and August using gangs of five baited commercial minnow traps. Assemblage composition was assayed by species richness, the number of native minnow species, the percentage of selected tolerant fishes (bowfin, Amia calva, mudminnow, Umbra limi, common carp, Cyprinus carpio, and brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus), and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE). There were no consistent relationships between fish assemblage measures and year, water level, annual change in water level, exposure, and water temperature. Fish assemblage measures except CPUE were impacted by the density of building along the shoreline, a measure of development. Impervious surface area was < 4.5% and was not consistently related to fish assemblage measures.  相似文献   

The influence of water level fluctuation on sediment–water nutrient exchange in coastal wetlands of Lakes Michigan and Huron was investigated using controlled, laboratory experiments. At each wetland, sediment cores were collected from 5 locations along a transect perpendicular to the shoreline, desiccated for 8 weeks, and then re-wetted with original site water for 24 h to simulate water level fluctuation. Soluble reactive phosphorus release declined exponentially along transects, with highest release rates from sediments collected at the ordinary high water mark (OHWM), and lowest rates from sediments underlying water > 0.25 m in depth. Nitrate exchange showed no obvious pattern in the Lake Michigan wetlands but nitrate was lost at all locations in the Lake Huron wetlands, suggesting denitrification. Ammonium was released at all sites, but with no obvious pattern along transects. Sulfate release was low at the OHWM locations and increased in a lakeward direction, plateauing by the 0.25 m water depth.  相似文献   

In 2013 the Laurentian Great Lakes are at historically low levels; but they will undoubtedly rise again as they always have in an ongoing pattern of seasonal, annual and decadal fluctuations. Those fluctuations, coupled with other physical dynamics unique to the Great Lakes system, will continue to shift shorelines lake-ward and land-ward dramatically over time, perhaps more so because of increased storminess from climate change. These shifting shores implicate legal doctrines that attempt to balance public interests and private property rights at the shore, and they complicate the Great Lakes states' efforts to effectively and fairly manage their Great Lakes shorelands. One challenge comes from using an elevation-based standard to mark ordinary high water, a method that is difficult conceptually to administer and that yields multiple marks over time. We describe briefly Great Lakes shoreline dynamics and the application of state Public Trust Doctrines to those shorelines, and we discuss in detail recent litigation in Michigan regarding use of an elevation-based standard to mark ordinary high water, illustrating the inherent problems with that standard. We conclude that the elevation-based standard should be abandoned, or if not abandoned applied in a manner to adequately safeguard public trust shorelands.  相似文献   

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