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青海湖流域降水量变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
降水是地球上陆地各种水体的直接或间接补给源。根据青海湖流域降水量资料采用Kendall秩次检验、Spearman秩次检验及线性趋势回归检验3种方法对流域内降水量变化趋势进行了分析计算,得出了降水量增加趋势比较明显的结论,说明青海湖水位近十几年下降趋势变缓是由于降水量的增加引起的。研究结果为该流域降水和水资源预测提供参考。  相似文献   

青海湖水平衡要素水文过程分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文将湖泊与湖滨作为一个整体,对1965~2002年逐日水文过程进行模拟,以研究青海湖各项水文要素的变化过程。分析出多年平均入湖总径流量为21.01亿m3,湖面降水16.62亿m3,湖泊水面蒸发量40.93亿m3,平均年亏缺水量为3.25亿m3。近10多年来,增温幅度比较大,每年亏缺水量约5.19亿m3。同时分析了与湖滨生态演变有关的岸冰冻融过程和稳定入湖的地下水过程,建立了比较完整的水量平衡要素系列。  相似文献   

随着? GPS?的快速发展,RTK?测量技术也日益成熟,并逐步在测绘中得到应用.分析? GPS? RTK?技术在第一次水利普查青海湖容积测量中的应用,就? GPS? RTK?技术在水下地形测量中数据处理方法和野外测量优势进行探讨.在青海湖容积测量中的应用说明,RTK?技术改变了水下地形测量的作业模式,真正实现高精度、高效率,减轻了劳动强度,经过不断发展和完善,RTK?技术将改变测绘领域其他如控制测量、纵横断面测量、施工放样等的手段.  相似文献   

Lake Qinghai on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau is the largest lake in China. This study investigated the concentration and geochemical processes of boron (B) in lake water, lake sediment and river samples collected from Lake Qinghai and the Buha River. In addition, lake sediment pore water samples were analyzed. The concentrations of B and major ions, including K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl? and SO42?, were analyzed in all the water samples. The average concentration of B was 0.07?mg?L?1, 6.37?mg?L?1, 12.79) mg?L?1 and 59.42?mg?kg?1 for river water, lake water, pore water, and sediment, respectively. There were significant (p?<?0.05) and positive (r?=?0.70) relationships between the B concentrations in bottom water of the lake and in lake sediment, indicating that B diffusion from the sediment plays an important role in the concentration of B in bottom lake water. The differences in B concentrations and B/major ion molar ratios of the river water, lake water, and pore water indicated the following geochemical processes: 1) B is enriched in the lake water through evaporative concentration; 2) B is removed from the lake water through mineral precipitation as well as sorption onto colloids; 3) Solid-phase B in sediments was released through dissolution driven by organic matter mineralization. B/Cl and Na/Cl molar ratios alone are not enough to identify the sources of B in the water of inland closed-basin saline lakes because of these processes.  相似文献   

由于乌伦古河河川径流具有连续枯水年且枯水时段长的特点,且乌伦古河在连续枯水年份出现断流是一种不可抗拒的自然因素,需要在流域综合规划指导下,具体研究吉力湖和布伦托海入湖水量及水位变化情势,尽可能恢复乌伦古河流域原有生态,保障洄游性鱼类所需要的流量要求,显著减少布伦托海湖水向吉力湖倒灌发生的时间和倒灌水量,使乌伦古湖和周边生态系统有所好转。  相似文献   

稳定同位素方法在湖泊水量平衡研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了稳定同位素质量平衡方法,根据青海湖各水体的实测稳定同位素值和相关的水文气象资料,利用稳定同位素方法计算的青海湖多年平均蒸发量和地下水入湖水量分别为40.9亿、6.40亿m3,与实测值40.5亿、6.03亿m3相比十分接近,结果表明利用稳定同位素方法估算湖泊水量各收支项的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn the central Yangtze Basin in China ,there were thou-sands of large lakes .In the past , most of them were naturallyconnected with rivers ,such as the Yangtze ,but gradually losttheir hydrological and biological linkages due to both natura…  相似文献   

长江中游涨渡湖的水平衡分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在识别和计算所有入流和出流成分的基础上,建立了涨渡湖的水平衡方程和模型,分析了当前平常年该湖的总水量增减状况。然后,在气候变化研究以及由此归纳出的未来可能出现的气候变化情景下,对2030、2050、2080和2100年的年度湖水位变化趋势进行了预测,同时对未来可能出现的干旱和极端干旱情景进行了水的可获得性(可用性)风险分析。  相似文献   

湖泊既是陆地水资源的重要储蓄场所,也是区域和全球水文循环系统的重要水汽源,是气候变化的重要载体和指示器。为了评估ICESat-2/ATLAS(ice, cloud and land elevation satellite-2/advanced topographic laser altimeter system)测高数据在湖泊水位估计中的精度和应用潜力,以地处青藏高原地区的青海湖为例,基于2018年10月31日至2019年11月8日期间ATL13产品提取的青海湖湖区瞬时水位数据,并结合水文观测、LEGOS(Laboratoire d’Etudes en GéOphysique et ceanographie Spatiales)水位和风浪观测资料,验证了ATL13产品在青海湖的湖泊日均、月均水位估计精度。结果表明:ATL13产品中6束脉冲的光斑脚点高程与高程实测值的绝对误差为0.07 m,标准误差为0.18 m;2018年10月至2019年11月青海湖日均水位呈上升趋势,2018年10月青海湖月均水位估计值为3 195.75 m,2019年11月的月均水位估计值为3 196.21 m,年内湖泊月均水位上升了0.46 m;青海湖的LEGOS水位和水位观测显示,时段内月均水位分别增加了0.29±0.20 m和0.58±0.10 m;ATL13产品估计的湖泊月均水位与水位观测值较为一致,与LEGOS水位的绝对误差为0.17 m,可能受到观测时段、数据质量和空间异质性影响。  相似文献   

湖泊的水位数据作为评价湖泊变化的重要指标,对于研究区域水资源变化和生态环境状况具有重要意义.但绝大多数高原湖泊位于人烟稀少、自然条件恶劣的高海拔地区,往往难以获取基础观测数据.以卫星测高数据和遥感影像数据为基础,获得2008—2018年库赛湖水位和面积数据,并结合气象数据对水位变化原因进行分析.结果表明:库赛湖水位变化...  相似文献   

水温变化特性对衡水湖湿地生态环境影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衡水湖供水水源主要以汛期上游来水和外流域调水为主,调水时段多为每年冬季,水源供给时间相对集中。衡水湖水体水温与其他湖泊有所不同,在秋季、冬季和春季多高于一般性湖泊。通过实测资料对衡水湖内水温及气温变化规律进行分析研究,并与其他河流湖泊水体进行对比,阐明了水温变化对衡水湖湿地生态环境和水质的影响,为制定衡水湖生态系统发展规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为得到太湖长期动态变化过程,利用1975—2015年Landsat数据,基于归一化差异水体指数法(NDWI)和改进型归一化差异水体指数法(MNDWI)提取湖泊面积数据,并基于ICESat和Hydroweb数据提取太湖水位数据。将两者相结合,得到了太湖容积变化和水量平衡数据。据此,分析了太湖水位、面积和容积变化的规律和趋势,并对其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,太湖面积和容积变化近40年来呈缓慢增长趋势,分别从1975年的2 320.07 km~2和-0.047 0 km~3增长到了2015年的2 341.06 km~2和0.275 9 km3,增长趋势不明显;太湖水位总体上呈波动变化趋势,水位从1975年的0.982 6 m变为2015年的1.135 9 m。因此,太湖水位与面积相关性中等(R2≈0.65),容积变化与面积和水位变化的相关性较高(R~20.85)。太湖水量平衡为正平衡且变化不大,为0.009 2 km~3。入湖水量的增加、年降雨量和年蒸发量的变化及政府"退地还湖"政策是导致太湖发生变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

近50年洞庭湖水位总体变化特征及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洞庭湖是长江中下游重要的吞吐型湖泊,由于地理位置和来水条件的特殊性,湖泊水位变动不仅受气候因素等自然条件的影响,同时受到长江和四水来水等的重要影响,特别是近50年来水利工程等人类活动影响加剧,洞庭湖水位变化呈现出新的变化特征和趋势。对近50年(1961年-2008年)洞庭湖水位的整体变化特征及年际和年内变化成因进行了分析。针对年际变化,重点分析了三峡等水利工程的影响,而年内变化,则主要对水位与各补给水源相关性进行了定量研究,得到丰枯水季各月水位变化的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

湖泊既是陆地水资源的重要储蓄场所,也是区域和全球水文循环系统的重要组成部分,其水量波动对气候变化较为敏感。为了掌握湖泊面积、水位和水量的变化规律,借助1988-2018年Landsat TM/ETM/OLI影像和归一化差异水体指数NDWI(normalized difference water index)提取青海湖湖泊水域面积;利用ICESat-GLAS(ice, cloud, and land elevation satellite-geoscience laser altimeter system)测高数据提取青海湖湖泊水位变化,并结合观测资料检验陆地GLAS光斑脚点高程和湖泊水位的估测精度。根据湖泊面积与水位、水量与水位的关系,构建1988-2018年青海湖湖泊面积-水位-水量波动时变序列,并探讨湖泊水位、面积、水量的年内和年际变化特征。结果表明:GLAS光斑脚点高程与高程实测值的标准误差为0.14 m,与SRTM3高程标准误差为0.26 m;1988-2018年青海湖年均水位和水量总体上呈增加趋势,其中年均水位最低值出现于2004年,平均水位为(3 193.0±0.16) m,湖泊面积为(4 190±13) km2;与1988年年均水位相比,2018年青海湖年均水位上升了(1.93±0.22) m,湖泊年均面积扩张了(197.75±6.3) km2,湖泊水量增加了(8.93±0.12) km3。  相似文献   

西部开发、南水北调和水资源合理配置是我国新世纪初的重大建设任务.西部开发是涉及全国、贯串古今的大课题;南水北调是西部开发和合理配置水资源的重要途径和设施;水资源合理配置是调水决策的基础和规划工作的核心.文章论述三者相互连通结合的关系,阐述现代水利科学技术对支持保证重大建设成功的必要性和迫切性.  相似文献   

Water level change of Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile was analyzed. Correlations between the water level change and global sea surface temperature (GSST) were calculated and teleconnections were found. Prediction of water level was performed using a recurrent artificial neural network model. First, the seasonal change of water level was divided into three phases, the rising, recession 1, and recession 2 phases. The water level increased during the rising phase, decreased rapidly during the recession 1 phase, and decreased at a uniform rate during the recession 2 phase. To find teleconnections of the water level change in the rising phase with GSST, correlations between the level change and GSST were calculated. Sea regions on the Pacific Ocean indicated significant correlations with the level change at lag 0–1 month and lag 6–7 months. There was a strongly correlated sea zone over the western Pacific Ocean at time lags of 6–7 months. To predict water level change, SST time series of the correlated zone was applied to a recurrent neural network model. Predictions of changes of the rise of the water level of Lake Tana during the rainy season from teleconnections with SSTs via the neural network model simulated the observed changes well (r = 0.795). Prediction of the changes of Lake Tana’s water level with a lead time of 6–7 months can greatly facilitate management of the lake’s water resources.  相似文献   

输沙量法和地形法计算螺山汉口河段淤积量比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在介绍河道冲淤量计算中常用的输沙量法和地形法的基础上 ,采用两种算法同时计算了螺山汉口河段的淤积量。结果表明 :输沙量法能较好地反映整个河槽断面的综合冲淤情况 ,而地形法更侧重于计算平滩水位以下的淤积量。如果考虑相同的情况 ,两种方法计算的结果一致  相似文献   

通过对鄱阳湖口石钟山岩壁的观察,识别出了高于目前水位的6次较为明显的洪水印痕及凹槽,进一步与鄱阳湖全新世沉积剖面以及其它气候信息进行了对比。初步认为,它们分别指示了不同时期鄱阳湖水位的变化以及持续的时间,较低的3次洪水印痕可现性较高,持续时间较短;而较高的3次洪水凹槽则可现性较低,持续时间较长,可能指示全新世中期以来暖期气候背景下鄱阳湖水位。从鄱阳湖东侧全新世沉积剖面特点及相应时期内气候背景2个角度对比,推测各不同高度洪水印痕及凹槽可能形成的时间,并从石钟山崖壁历史洪水痕迹初步揭示了全新世中晚期鄱阳湖水位变化的历史洪水信息,同时为鄱阳湖水位与气候背景的密切相关性提供了佐证。  相似文献   

In the last 5 years, Lake Victoria water level has seen a dramatic fall that has caused alarm to water resource managers. Since the lake basin contributes about 20% of the lakes water in form of discharge, with 80% coming from direct rainfall, this study undertook a satellite analysis of the entire lake basin in an attempt to establish the cause of the decline. Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE), Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) satellites were employed in the analysis. Using 45 months of data spanning a period of 4 years (2002–2006), GRACE satellite data are used to analyse the variation of the geoid (equipotential surface approximating the mean sea level) triggered by variation in the stored waters within the lake basin. TRMM Level 3 monthly data for the same period of time are used to compute mean rainfall for a spatial coverage of .25°×.25° (25×25 km) and the rainfall trend over the same period analyzed. To assess the effect of evaporation, 59 CHAMP satellite’s occultation for the period 2001 to 2006 are analyzed for tropopause warming. GRACE results indicate an annual fall in the geoid by 1.574 mm/year during the study period 2002–2006. This fall clearly demonstrates the basin losing water over these period. TRMM results on the other hand indicate the rainfall over the basin (and directly over the lake) to have been stable during this period. The CHAMP satellite results indicate the tropopause temperature to have fallen in 2002 by about 3.9 K and increased by 2.2 K in 2003 and remained above the 189.5 K value of 2002. The tropopause heights have shown a steady increase from a height of 16.72 m in 2001 and has remained above this value reaching a maximum of 17.59 km in 2005, an increase in height by 0.87 m. Though the basin discharge contributes only 20%, its decline has contributed to the fall in the lake waters. Since rainfall over the period remained stable, and temperatures did not increase drastically to cause massive evaporation, the remaining major contributor is the discharge from the expanded Owen Falls dam.  相似文献   

基于2007—2019年阳澄西湖入湖河道逐月水质监测数据,分析了阳澄西湖入湖河道水质时空变化特征。结果表明:阳澄西湖入湖河道呈现出氮磷营养盐春季含量较高的特点;氨氮、总氮和高锰酸盐指数年均质量浓度整体呈下降趋势,2019年比2007年分别下降78.7%、47.9%和34.8%;总磷年均质量浓度2015年后有较大幅度下降,2015—2019年均值比2007—2014年均值下降45.3%;阳澄西湖主要入湖河道中,水质较差的是蠡塘河和白荡,主要污染因子为氨氮、总磷及总氮。  相似文献   

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