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Detection of perfluorooctane surfactants in Great Lakes water   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Widespread use of perfluorooctane surfactants has led to ubiquitous presence of these chemicals in biological tissues. While perfluorooctane surfactants have been measured in blood and liver tissue samples of fish, birds, and mammals in the Great Lakes region, data for the aqueous concentrations of these compounds in the Great Lakes or other ambient waters is lacking. Sixteen Great Lakes water samples were analyzed for eight perfluorooctane surfactants. The monitored perfluorooctane surfactants were quantitatively determined using single quadrupole HPLC/MS and qualitatively confirmed using ion trap MS/MS. Additionally, PFOS was quantitatively confirmed using triple quadrupole LC/MS/MS. Concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in the two lakes ranged from 21-70 and 27-50 ng/L, respectively. Analysis also showed the presence of PFOS precursors, N-EtFOSAA (range of 4.2-11 ng/L) and FOSA (range of 0.6-1.3 ng/L), in all samples above the LOQ. PFOSulfinate, another precursor, was identified at six of eight locations with a concentration range, when present, of <2.2-17 ng/L. Other PFOS precursors, N-EtFOSE, PFOSAA, and N-EtFOSA were not observed at any of the sampling locations. These are the first reported concentrations of perfluorooctane surfactants in Great Lakes water and the first report of PFOS precursors in any water body.  相似文献   

Of the 13, current-use, non-polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants (FRs) monitored, hexabromobenzene (HBB), pentabromoethylbenzene (PBEB), pentabromotoluene (PBT), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane (BTBPE) and alpha- and gamma-isomers of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), and the syn- and anti-isomers of the chlorinated Dechlorane Plus (DP) were quantified in egg pools of herring gulls (Larus argentatus) collected in 2004 from six sites in all five of the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America. alpha-HBCD concentrations ranged from 2.1 to 20 ng/g (wet weight (ww)). Other "new" FR levels ranged from 0.004 to 1.4 ng/g ww and were much lower than those of the major BDE congeners that are in technical mixtures (namely BDE-47, -99, -100), where sigma3PBDE ranged from 186 to 498 ng/g ww. Nineteen hepta-BDEs (sigma(hepta) = 4.9-11 ng/g ww), octa-BDEs (alpha(octa) = 2.6-9.1 ng/g ww), and nona-BDEs (sigma(nona) = 0.12-5.6 ng/g ww) were detectible at all six colonies, while BDE-209 was low but quantifiable (< 0.1-0.21 ng/g ww) at two colonies. sigma-DP (syn- and anti-isomers) concentrations in eggs from all sites ranged from 1.5 to 4.5 ng/g ww. Our findings indicate that mother herring gulls are exposed to several, current-use flame retardants via their diet, and in ovo transfer occurred to their eggs. Given the aquatic diet of herring gull, this suggests that there are non-PBDE BFRs present in the gull-associated aquatic food web of the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Various water quality and treatment characteristics were evaluated under controlled chlorination conditions to determine their influences on the formation and distribution of nine haloacetic acids and four trihalomethanes in drinking water. Raw waters were sampled from five water utilities and were coagulated with alum and fractionated with XAD-8 resin. The resulting four fractions--raw and coagulated water and the hydrophobic and hydrophilic extracts--were then chlorinated at pH 6 and 8 and held at 20 degrees C for various contact times. The results show that increasing pH from 6 to 8 increased trihalomethane formation but decreased trihaloacetic acid formation, with little effect on dihaloacetic acid formation. More trihalomethanes were formed than haloacetic acids at pH 8, while the reverse was true at pH 6. Hydrophobic fractions always gave higher haloacetic acid and trihalomethane formation potentials than their corresponding hydrophilic fractions, but hydrophilic carbon also played an important role in disinfection byproduct formation for waters with low humic content. The bromine-containing species comprised a higher molar proportion of the trihalomethanes than of the haloacetic acids. The hydrophilic fractions were more reactive with bromine than their corresponding hydrophobic fractions. Coagulation generally removed more haloacetic acid precursors than trihalomethane precursors. Waters with higher specific ultraviolet absorbance values were more amenable to removal of organic material by coagulation than waters with low specific ultraviolet absorbance values. Experimental evidence suggests that haloacetic acid precursors have a higher aromatic content than trihalomethane precursors.  相似文献   

An increasing number of brominated flame retardants and other brominated substances are being reported in herring gull eggs from the Laurentian Great Lakes basin. Yet, in extracts from gulls' eggs, numerous bromide anion response peaks in electron capture negative ion (ECNI) mass chromatograms remain unidentified. Using archived herring gull egg homogenates, we characterize the structures of three major and three minor, new and unique brominated substances. After extensive cleanup and separation to isolate these substances from the extracts, high-quality ECNI and electron impact (EI) mass spectra revealed fragmentation patterns consistent with congeners of methoxylated polybrominated diphenoxybenzene (MeO-PBDPB), where four congeners contained five bromines and the other two contain four and six bromines, respectively. Optimized, semiquantitative analysis revealed sum concentrations of the MeO-PBDBP congeners ranged from <0.2 to 36.8 ng/g ww in pooled egg homogenates (collected in 2009) from fourteen herring gull colony sites across the Great Lakes, with the highest concentration being for Channel-Shelter Island in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron). To our knowledge, there are no published reports on the environmental presence and sources of MeO-PBDPBs. We hypothesize that these MeO-PBDPBs are degradation products of the polybrominated diphenoxybenzenes, for example, tetradecabromodiphenoxybenzene (currently marketed as SAYTEX 120) or polybromo 3P2E. MeO-PBDPBs in Great Lakes herring gull eggs indicates their bioaccumulation potential, and raises concerns about their origin, environmental behavior and influences on wildlife and environmental health.  相似文献   

We developed an assay for measuring 7α,12α,24-trihydroxy-5a-cholan-3-one-24-sulfate (3kPZS), a mating pheromone released by male sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus), at low picomolar concentrations in natural waters to assess the presence of invasive populations. 3kPZS was extracted from streamwater at a rate of recovery up to 90% using a single cation-exchange and reversed-phase mixed-mode cartridge, along with [(2)H(5)]3kPZS as an internal standard, and quantified using ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The limit of detection was below 0.1 ng L(-1) (210 fM), which was the lowest concentration tested. Intra- and interday coefficients of variation were between 0.3-11.6% and 4.8-9.8%, respectively, at 1 ng 3kPZS L(-1) and 5 ng 3kPZS L(-1). This assay was validated by repeat measurements of water samples from a stream spiked with synthesized 3kPZS to reach 4.74 ng L(-1) or 0.24 ng L(-1). We further verified the utility of this assay to detect spawning populations of lampreys; in the seven tributaries to the Laurentian Great Lakes sampled, 3kPZS concentrations were found to range between 0.15 and 2.85 ng L(-1) during the spawning season in known sea lamprey infested segments and were not detectable in uninfested segments. The 3kPZS assay may be useful for the integrated management of sea lamprey, an invasive species in the Great Lakes where pheromone-based control and assessment techniques are desired.  相似文献   

目的 采用正化学源电离技术检测气相色谱-质谱法测定生活饮用水中9种卤乙酸化合物。方法 样品采用甲基叔丁基醚进行液-液萃取,取上层有机相经酸化甲醇衍生后上机测试,采用基质校正曲线内标法定量。结果 在0.2~100μg/L范围内,9种卤乙酸化合物均呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数均大于0.99,定量限(S/N=10)为0.107~1.640μg/L。对实际样品进行低、中、高3个添加水平进行加标回收实验,9种卤乙酸化合物的平均回收率为81.8%~110.2%,相对标准偏差为3.9%~8.8%。结论 该方法精密度好,灵敏度高,可用于生活饮用水中卤乙酸化合物含量的测定。  相似文献   

Sediment cores were taken in 2001 and 2002 in Lake Superior at six locations away from lakeshores and segmented at 0.5-5 cm intervals. The year of sediment deposition was estimated for each segment of four cores using the 210Pb dating technique. Samples were Soxhlet-extracted and cleaned up by silica gel fractionation, and the concentrations of 10 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and 19 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured by GC-MS in SIM mode. In contrast to recent declining or level-off trends in PCB fluxes, the sedimentary records of PBDEs generally show a significant increase in recent years. The load of total PBDEs to Lake Superior was estimated to be 2-6 metric tons, and the current loading rate was about 80-160 kg yr(-1). With the exclusion of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209), the surficial concentration of sumPBDE (sum of 9 congeners) ranged from 0.5 to 3 ng g(-1), and the current sumPBDEs flux was 8-31 pg cm(-2) yr(-1). The concentrations of BDE209 were about an order of magnitude higher than the sum of other congeners, comprising 83-94% of the total PBDE inventory in the sediments. Among the other nine PBDEs detected, congeners 47 and 99 were the most abundant, and congeners 100, 153, 154, and 183 were also detected in all the cores. Congener analysis demonstrated that the pattern of PBDEs in Lake Superior sediments differs from those in air and fish.  相似文献   

Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are a family of compounds whose environmental concentrations have been extensively studied, primarily in Europe. Depending on the compound, their sources are believed to be both natural and anthropogenic. To better understand possible sources and contribute to the knowledge of the global distribution of these compounds, especially between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, samples of precipitation, soils, and conifer needles were collected from Canada, Malawi, Chile, and the U.K. Precipitation samples exhibited highest HAA concentrations in collections from Canada, and lowest in those from Malawi. Malawi samples contained measurable levels of monobromoacetic acid (MBA) (56 ng/ L) unlike those from most other locations (< 9 ng/L). Soil HAA concentration levels were highest in the U.K. (e.g., 7.3 ng/g average TCA) and lowest in Malawi (0.8 ng/g average TCA), with Chile having higher levels (4.8 ng/g average TCA) than Canada (3 ng/g average TCA). Malawi soils contained small amounts of MBA (2 ng/g), in common with the two most southern of the 11 Chilean sites. Analysis of soil cores (10-cm depth sliced at 1 cm) from sites in Malawi and Chile showed that trichloroacetic acid (TCA) generally declined with depth while mono- and dichloroacetic acid (MCA and DCA) showed no trend. MCA, DCA, and TCA concentrations in archived U.K. soil samples increased by factors of 2, 4, and 5-fold over 75 years while TFA showed no consistent trend. Monochloroacetic acid (MCA) was detected in pine needles collected from Malawi. U.K. needle samples had the highest concentrations of all chloroacetic acids (CAAs): MCA, 2-18 ng/g; dichloroacetic acid (DCA), 2-38 ng/g; and trichloroacetic acid (TCA), 28-190 ng/g. Conifer needles from Canada and Chile contained CAAs at levels ranging from < 2 to 16 ng/g wet wt. Trifluoroacetic acid concentrations generally declined with increasing elevation in the samples from the Rocky Mountains in western Canada. The results indicate that concentrations of HAAs are greatest in the industrialized Northern Hemisphere but there are significant amounts of these compounds in the less industrialized Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

DecaBDE is a current-use, commercial formulation of an additive, polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardant composed of > 97% 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'-decabromoDE (BDE-209). Of the 43 PBDE congeners monitored, we report on the temporal trends (1982-2006) of quantifiable PBDEs, and specifically BDE-209, in pooled samples of herring gull (Larus argentatus) eggs from seven colonies spanning the Laurentian Great Lakes. BDE-209 concentrations in 2006 egg pools ranged from 4.5 to 20 ng/g wet weight (ww) and constituted 0.6-4.5% of sigma39PBDE concentrations among colonies, whereas sigma(octa)BDE and sigma(nona)BDE concentrations constituted from 0.5 to 2.2% and 0.3 to 1.1%, respectively. From 1982 to 2006, the BDE-209 doubling times ranged from 2.1 to 3.0 years, whereas for sigma(octa)BDEs and sigma(nona)BDEs, the mean doubling times ranged from 3.0 to 11 years and 2.4 to 5.3 years, respectively. The source of the octa- and nona-BDE congeners, e.g., BDE-207 and BDE-197, are the result of BDE-209 debromination, and they are either formed metabolically in Great Lakes herring gulls and/or bioaccumulated from the diet and subsequently transferred to their eggs. In contrast to BDE-209 and the octa- and nona-BDEs, congeners derived mainly from PentaBDE and OctaBDE mixtures, e.g., BDE-47, -99, and -100, showed rapid increases up until 2000; however, there was no increasing trend post-2000. The data illustrates that PBDE concentrations and congener pattern trends in the Great Lakes herring gull eggs have dramatically changed between 1995 and 2006. Regardless of BDE-209 not fitting the pervasive criteria as a persistent and bioaccumulative substance, it is clearly of increasing concern in Great Lake herring gulls, and provides evidence that regulation of DecaBDE formulations is warranted.  相似文献   

A chlorinated compound (Chlordene Plus, CP), structurally related to Dechloranes (Dec) 602, 603, 604, and Dechlorane Plus (DP), was identified, and concentrations and spatial trends of Dec 602, 603, 604, CP, and DP in tributary sediments of the Laurentian Great Lakes are reported. The dechloranes were widely detected with their concentrations varying considerably across the Great Lakes basin. Spatial trends of Dec 602, 604, and DP in Canadian tributary sediments were similar to that of BDE 209, which suggested these flame retardant chemicals in tributaries were associated with industrial and urban areas. The highest concentrations of Dec 602, 604, and DP observed in tributaries of the Niagara River confirmed that past or ongoing manufacturing of these compounds at plants along the river were important sources to Lake Ontario. Dec 603 was detected in technical products of aldrin and dieldrin, and its spatial trend was consistent with historic pesticide usage. Similarly, CP was detected in technical products of chlordene and chlordane, and it was found in higher concentrations in sediments near urban areas, possibly related to past chlordane use in home termite control.  相似文献   

Flame retardants in the atmosphere near the Great Lakes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
As part of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN), air samples were collected at five sites around the Great Lakes (two urban, two rural, and one remote) every 12 days during 2005-2006, and the concentrations of polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)-ethane (TBE), Dechlorane Plus (DP), and decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBD PE) were measured. The highest mean concentrations of total PBDEs were found at the urban sites in Chicago and Cleveland (65 +/- 4 and 87 +/- 8 pg/m3, respectively), and the lowest at the remote site in Eagle Harbor (5.8 +/- 0.4 pg/m3). With the exception of Chicago, the atmospheric concentrations of BDE-47 and 99 (summed over the gas and particle phases) are decreasing rapidly with half-lives of approximately 2 years, but the concentrations of BDE-209 are not decreasing at any of the five sites. The atmospheric partial pressures of BDE-47 and 99 showed a strong Clausius-Clapeyron relationship with reciprocal atmospheric temperature. TBE, DBDPE and DP were detected at all sites, but with the exception of Chicago, there were insufficient data to determine temporal trends for these compounds. The influence of human population density and synoptic atmospheric transport patterns was explored to explain the relatively high concentrations of BDE-209 in Cleveland.  相似文献   

Sediment cores were taken in 2002 in Lakes Ontario and Erie at four locations. A total of 48 sediment samples were characterized, dated using 210Pb, and analyzed for 10 congeners of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) including BDE209 as well as 39 congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The surficial concentrations of nine tri- through hepta-BDE congeners (sigma9PBDE) are 4.85 and 6.33 ng g(-1), at sampling sites ON40 and ON30 in Lake Ontario, and 1.83 and 1.95 ng g(-1) at ER37 and ER09 in Lake Erie, respectively, based on dry sediment weight. The surficial BDE209 concentrations are 242 and 211 ng g(-1) at ON40 and ON30 and 50 and 55 ng g(-1) at ER37 and ER09. The sigma(9-) PBDEs fluxes to the sediment around 2002 are 147 and 195 pg cm(-2) year(-1) at ON40 and ON30 and 136 and 314 pg cm(-2) year(-1) at ER37 and ER09, respectively. The fluxes of BDE209 are 6.5 and 7.3 ng cm(-2) year(-1) at ON30 and ON40 and 3.7 and 8.9 ng cm(-2) year(-1) at ER37 and ER09, respectively. Dramatic increases in PBDE concentrations and fluxes upward toward the sediment surface and the present time are evident at both locations in Lake Ontario, while PCBs concentrations peak in the middle of sediment cores around the dated time of 1970s and 1960s. For both locations of Lake Erie, the increasing trends of both PBDEs and PCBs from the bottom to the surficial segments were distorted by sediment mixing. BDE209 is the most abundant congener among PBDEs in the sediments, constituting about 96 and 91% of the total PBDEs on mass basis in Lakes Ontario and Erie, respectively.  相似文献   

Sediment cores were taken in 2002 in Lakes Michigan and Huron at six locations. A total of 75 samples were characterized, dated using 210Pb, and analyzed for 10 congeners of polybromodiphenyl ether (PBDE) including BDE209, as well as 39 congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The concentrations of nine tri- through hepta-BDE congeners (Sigma9PBDE) in the surficial sediments range from 1.7 to 4 ng g(-1) for Lake Michigan and from 1.0 to 1.9 ng g(-1) for Lake Huron, on the basis of the dry sediment weight. The Sigma9PBDEs fluxes to the sediment around the year 2002 are from 36 to 109 pg cm(-2) yr(-1) in Lake Michigan and from 30 to 73 pg cm(-2) yr(-1) in Lake Huron, with spatial variations in both lakes. The flux of BDE209 ranges from 0.64 to 2.04 ng cm(-2) yr(-1) and from 0.67 to 1.41 ng cm(-2) yr(-1) in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, respectively. Dramatic increases in PBDE concentrations and fluxes upward toward the sediment surface and the present time are evident at all locations. The inventory of PBDEs in both lakes appears to be dependent upon latitude and the proximity to populated areas, implying that north-bound air plumes from urban areas are the major sources of PBDEs found in the lake sediments at locations away from the shores. Heavier congeners are more abundant in the sediments than in air and fish samples in the region. BDE209 is about 96% and 91% of the total PBDEs on a mass basis in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, respectively; both are higher than the 89% found in Lake Superior, although a t test shows that the value for Lake Huron is not statistically different from that for Lake Superior at the 95% confidence level.  相似文献   

Atmospheric loadings of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH) from May 1, 1998, to April 30, 1999, to the Great Lakes simulated by a coupled soil-air and water-air atmospheric transport model are presented. Modeling results on an annual basis indicate that Lake Superior received the highest dry deposition load of 2.17 kg yr(-1). Dry deposition to the lower Great Lakes (Lakes Erie and Ontario) was 2-6 times lower as compared to the upper Great Lakes. Greater deposition in the upper Great Lakes is due mainly to their larger surface area and greater proximity to sources of gamma-HCH. Dry deposition fluxes (pg m(-2)) to lake surfaces were much lower than to land as a result of lower deposition velocities and lower air concentrations of gamma-HCH over the lakes. The highest gamma-HCH loading (kg yr(-1), in 1998-99) due to wet deposition occurred for Lake Ontario. This was mainly attributed to greater annual rainfall over Lake Ontario. An investigation of average seasonal fluxes predicted by the model shows that deposition fluxes to the Great Lakes are considerably higher in the summer than that in the autumn and winter seasons. The net direction of gas exchange also exhibits a seasonal dependence. Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario show net absorption in the summer 1998 whereas at all other times net outgassing occurred at all of the lakes. Overall, gas exchange was the dominant process affecting loadings to the Great Lakes. Model-derived loadings and total deposition flows across the Great Lakes basin due to dry and wet depositions and net gas exchange agree reasonably well with the summer estimates compiled by the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network whereas autumn values show greater discrepancies. Better agreement was also observed for dry deposition as compared to wet deposition. Specifically, to improve short-term loading estimates (e.g., over days to months), the model results indicate the need for better spatially and temporally resolved information on concentrations in air and surface water and better estimates of precipitation and deposition velocities over the lakes.  相似文献   

Dechlorane plus in the atmosphere and precipitation near the Great Lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Air (vapor and particle) and precipitation samples were collected at five sites (two urban, one rural, and two remote) on the shores of the Great Lakes from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2009 as a part of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN). The concentrations of the syn and anti isomers of Dechlorane Plus (DP), a highly chlorinated flame retardant, were measured in these samples. The highest concentrations of these compounds were generally observed at the rural site at Sturgeon Point, New York, which is located near DP's manufacturing facility in Niagara Falls, New York, and at the urban site at Cleveland, Ohio. A multiple linear regression model was applied to the concentrations of these compounds in the vapor phase, particle phase, precipitation, and for the three phases combined. This regression resulted in an overall (three phases combined) doubling time for the anti-DP isomer of 9.5 ± 3.6 years, but for the syn- and total DP (syn + anti) concentrations, the overall regression was not statistically significant. These results suggest that there has been no significant change in the atmospheric concentrations of these compounds over the 2005-2009 time period. The effect of distance from the source in Niagara Falls was highly significant; for example, doubling the distance from Niagara Falls decreased the DP concentrations by about 30%. The effect of the number of people living and working within a 25-km radius of the sampling site (population density) was also highly significant but small; for example if this population doubled or halved, then the atmospheric DP concentrations would increase or decrease by only a few percent.  相似文献   

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