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To address the challenges of the parameterization of ocean color inversion algorithms in optically complex waters, we present an adaptive implementation of the linear matrix inversion method (LMI) [J. Geophys. Res.101, 16631 (1996)], which iterates over a limited number of model parameter sets to account for naturally occurring spatial or temporal variability in inherent optical properties (IOPs) and concentration specific IOPs (SIOPs). LMI was applied to a simulated reflectance dataset for spectral bands representing measured water properties of a macrotidal embayment characterized by a large variability in the shape and amplitude factors controlling the IOP spectra. We compare the inversion results for the single-model parameter implementation to the adaptive parameterization of LMI for the retrieval of bulk IOPs, the IOPs apportioned to the optically active constituents, and the concentrations of the optically active constituents. We found that ocean color inversion with LMI is significantly sensitive to the a priori selection of the empirical parameters g0 and g1 of the equations relating the above-surface remote-sensing reflectance to the IOPs in the water column [J. Geophys. Res.93, 10909 (1988)]. When assuming the values proposed for open-ocean applications for g0 and g1 [J. Geophys. Res.93, 10909 (1988)], the accuracy of the retrieved IOPs, and concentrations was substantially lower than that retrieved with the parameterization developed for coastal waters [Appl. Opt.38, 3831 (1999)] because the optically complex waters analyzed in this study were dominated by particulate and dissolved matter. The adaptive parameterization of LMI yielded consistently more accurate inversion results than the single fixed SIOP model parameterizations of LMI. The adaptive implementation of LMI led to an improvement in the accuracy of apportioned IOPs and concentrations, particularly for the phytoplankton-related quantities. The adaptive parameterization encompassing wider IOP ranges were more accurate for the retrieval of bulk IOPs, apportioned IOPs, and concentration of optically active constituents.  相似文献   

Wang P  Boss ES  Roesler C 《Applied optics》2005,44(19):4074-4085
We present a method to quantify the uncertainties in the in-water constituent absorption and backscattering coefficients obtained from an inversion of remotely sensed reflectance (rrs). We first find a set of positive inversion solutions within a given uncertainty range around the values of the inverted rrs. The uncertainties of the solutions are then computed based on the statistics of these solutions. We demonstrate the uncertainty calculation algorithm using a specific semianalytic inversion model applied to both a field and a simulated data set. When the associated uncertainties are taken into account, the inverted parameters are generally within the uncertainties of the measured (or simulated) parameters, highlighting the success of the inversion and the method to obtain uncertainties. The specific inversion we use, however, fails to retrieve two spectral parameters within a usable range. The method presented is general and can be applied to all existing semianalytical inversion algorithms.  相似文献   

Analytic model of ocean color   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ocean color is determined by spectral variations in reflectance at the sea surface. In the analytic model presented here, reflectance at the sea surface is estimated with the quasi-single-scattering approximation that ignores transspectral processes. The analytic solutions we obtained are valid for a vertically homogeneous water column. The solution provides a theoretical expression for the dimensionless, quasi-stable parameter (r), with a value of ~0.33, that appears in many models in which reflectance at the sea surface is expressed as a function of absorption coefficient (a) and backscattering coefficient (b(b)). In the solution this parameter is represented as a function of the mean cosines for downwelling and upwelling irradiances and as the ratio of the upward-scattering coefficient to the backscattering coefficient. Implementation of the model is discussed for two cases: (1) that in which molecular scattering is the main source of upwelling light, and (2) that in which particle scattering is responsible for all the upwelled light. Computations for the two cases are compared with Monte Carlo simulations, which accounts for processes not considered in the analytic model (multiple scattering, and consequent depth-dependent changes in apparent optical properties). The Monte Carlo models show variations in reflectance with the zenith angle of the incident light. The analytic model can be used to reproduce these variations fairly well for the case of molecular scattering. For the particle-scattering case also, the analytic and Monte Carlo models show similar variations in r with zenith angle. However, the analytic model (as implemented here) appears to underestimate r when the value of the backscattering coefficient b(b) increases relative to the absorption coefficient a. The errors also vary with the zenith angle of the incident light field, with the maximum underestimate being approximately 0.06 (equivalent to relative errors from 12 to 17%) for the range of b(b)/a studied here. One implication of this result is that the model could also be used to obtain approximate solutions for the Q factor, defined for a given look angle as the ratio of the upwelling irradiance at the surface to the upwelling radiance at the surface at that angle. This is a quantity that is important in remote-sensing applications of ocean-color models. An advantage of the model discussed here is that its implementation requires inputs that are in principle accessible only in a remote-sensing context.  相似文献   

Alakian A  Marion R  Briottet X 《Applied optics》2008,47(11):1851-1866
A semianalytical model, named APOM (aerosol plume optical model) and predicting the radiative effects of aerosol plumes in the spectral range [0.4,2.5 microm], is presented in the case of nadir viewing. It is devoted to the analysis of plumes arising from single strong emission events (high optical depths) such as fires or industrial discharges. The scene is represented by a standard atmosphere (molecules and natural aerosols) on which a plume layer is added at the bottom. The estimated at-sensor reflectance depends on the atmosphere without plume, the solar zenith angle, the plume optical properties (optical depth, single-scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter), the ground reflectance, and the wavelength. Its mathematical expression as well as its numerical coefficients are derived from MODTRAN4 radiative transfer simulations. The DISORT option is used with 16 fluxes to provide a sufficiently accurate calculation of multiple scattering effects that are important for dense smokes. Model accuracy is assessed by using a set of simulations performed in the case of biomass burning and industrial plumes. APOM proves to be accurate and robust for solar zenith angles between 0 degrees and 60 degrees whatever the sensor altitude, the standard atmosphere, for plume phase functions defined from urban and rural models, and for plume locations that extend from the ground to a height below 3 km. The modeling errors in the at-sensor reflectance are on average below 0.002. They can reach values of 0.01 but correspond to low relative errors then (below 3% on average). This model can be used for forward modeling (quick simulations of multi/hyperspectral images and help in sensor design) as well as for the retrieval of the plume optical properties from remotely sensed images.  相似文献   

Recent advances in global biogeochemical research demonstrate a critical need for long-term ocean color satellite data records of consistent high quality. To achieve that quality, spaceborne instruments require on-orbit vicarious calibration, where the integrated instrument and atmospheric correction system is adjusted using in situ normalized water-leaving radiances, such as those collected by the marine optical buoy (MOBY). Unfortunately, well-characterized time-series of in situ data are scarce for many historical satellite missions, in particular, the NASA coastal zone color scanner (CZCS) and the ocean color and temperature scanner (OCTS). Ocean surface reflectance models (ORMs) accurately reproduce spectra observed in clear marine waters, using only chlorophyll a (C(a)) as input, a measurement for which long-term in situ time series exist. Before recalibrating CZCS and OCTS using modeled radiances, however, we evaluate the approach with the Sea-viewing Wide-Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). Using annual C(a) climatologies as input into an ORM, we derive SeaWiFS vicarious gains that differ from the operational MOBY gains by less than +/-0.9% spectrally. In the context of generating decadal C(a) climate data records, we quantify the downstream effects of using these modeled gains by generating satellite-to-in situ data product validation statistics for comparison with the operational SeaWiFS results. Finally, we apply these methods to the CZCS and OCTS ocean color time series.  相似文献   

Yan B  Stamnes K  Toratani M  Li W  Stamnes JJ 《Applied optics》2002,41(30):6243-6259
For the atmospheric correction of ocean-color imagery obtained over Case I waters with the Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) instrument the method currently used to relax the black-pixel assumption in the near infrared (NIR) relies on (1) an approximate model for the nadir NIR remote-sensing reflectance and (2) an assumption that the water-leaving radiance is isotropic over the upward hemisphere. Radiance simulations based on a comprehensive radiative-transfer model for the coupled atmosphere-ocean system and measurements of the nadir remote-sensing reflectance at 670 nm compiled in the SeaWiFS Bio-optical Algorithm Mini-Workshop (SeaBAM) database are used to assess the validity of this method. The results show that (1) it is important to improve the flexibility of the reflectance model to provide more realistic predictions of the nadir NIR water-leaving reflectance for different ocean regions and (2) the isotropic assumption should be avoided in the retrieval of ocean color, if the chlorophyll concentration is larger than approximately 6, 10, and 40 mg m(-3) when the aerosol optical depth is approximately 0.05, 0.1, and 0.3, respectively. Finally, we extend our scope to Case II ocean waters to gain insight and enhance our understanding of the NIR aspects of ocean color. The results show that the isotropic assumption is invalid in a wider range than in Case I waters owing to the enhanced water-leaving reflectance resulting from oceanic sediments in the NIR wavelengths.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral remote sensing for shallow waters. I. A semianalytical model   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
For analytical or semianalytical retrieval of shallow-water bathymetry and/or optical properties of the water column from remote sensing, the contribution to the remotely sensed signal from the water column has to be separated from that of the bottom. The mathematical separation involves three diffuse attenuation coefficients: one for the downwelling irradiance (K(d)), one for the upwelling radiance of the water column (K(u)(C)), and one for the upwelling radiance from bottom reflection (K(u)(B)). Because of the differences in photon origination and path lengths, these three coefficients in general are not equal, although their equality has been assumed in many previous studies. By use of the Hydrolight radiative-transfer numerical model with a particle phase function typical of coastal waters, the remote-sensing reflectance above (R(rs)) and below (r(rs)) the surface is calculated for various combinations of optical properties, bottom albedos, bottom depths, and solar zenith angles. A semianalytical (SA) model for r(rs) of shallow waters is then developed, in which the diffuse attenuation coefficients are explicitly expressed as functions of in-water absorption (a) and backscattering (b(b)). For remote-sensing inversion, parameters connecting R(rs) and r(rs) are also derived. It is found that r(rs) values determined by the SA model agree well with the exact values computed by Hydrolight (~3% error), even for Hydrolight r(rs) values calculated with different particle phase functions. The Hydrolight calculations included b(b)/a values as high as 1.5 to simulate high-turbidity situations that are occasionally found in coastal regions.  相似文献   

Sanchez R  McCormick NJ 《Applied optics》2002,41(30):6276-6288
A discrete ordinates code is developed with which to compute the beam spread function (BSF) without invoking the small-angle scattering approximation or performing Monte Carlo calculations. The computed BSF is used to predict the response of a detector versus its distance to the origin of a highly collimated beam, its angle with respect to the beam, and the two local angles that specify the detector orientation. Numerical results have been obtained for water models that simulate a clear ocean, a coastal ocean, and a turbid harbor. Six orders of magnitude or more change in the detector response caused by scattered photons can be predicted for different detector locations while simultaneously obtaining small changes for different detector orientations. This capability is useful for assessment of the sensitivity of the detector response to the interpretation of time-independent underwater imaging systems or visibility models.  相似文献   

Gregg WW 《Applied optics》1999,38(3):476-485
The ocean color and temperature scanner (OCTS) collected global ocean color data from November 1996 to June 1997. Analyses of OCTS imagery indicate three features that impair scientific research uses: (1) band misalignments, (2) image striping, and (3) image noise. These are due to (1) band offsets in the sensor design, (2) detector radiometric response variability, and (3) primarily cloud contamination, respectively. Methods are analyzed to ameliorate the effects of each that facilitate use of OCTS ocean color data for quantitative scientific analyses.  相似文献   

Hoge FE  Swift R  Yungel J 《Applied optics》1995,34(18):3468-3476
It is shown that airborne active-passive (laser-solar) ocean color data can be used to develop and validate oceanic radiance models. The two principal inputs to the oceanic radiance model, chlorophyll pigment and incident solar irradiance, are obtained from a nadir-viewing laser-induced fluorescence spectrometer and a zenith-viewing radiometer, respectively. The computed water-leaving radiances are validated by comparison with the calibrated output of a separate nadir-viewing radiometer subsystem. In the North Atlantic Ocean, the calculated and the observed airborne radiances are found to compare very favorably for the 443-, 520-, and 550-nm wavelengths over an ~ 170-km flight track east of St. John's, Newfoundland. The results further suggest that the semianalytical radiance model of ocean color, the airborne active (laser) fluorescence spectrometer, and the passive (solar) radiometric instrumentation are all remarkably precise.  相似文献   

Gregg WW  Patt FS  Esaias WE 《Applied optics》1999,38(27):5692-5702
We assessed the geometric and radiometric performance of the ocean color and temperature scanner (OCTS) using data acquired over the United States. Initial results indicated a geometric offset in the along-track direction of 4-5 pixels that was attributed to a tilt bias. OCTS radiometric data appeared to suffer from near-field and possibly far-field scatter effects. Analysis of radiometric stability was inconclusive because of daily variability and the absence of a full seasonal cycle. Comparison of OCTS-computed water-leaving radiances with colocated in situ measurements showed that the prelaunch calibration required adjustment from -2% to +13%. Minor modification of OCTS data processing based on these results and avoidance of near-field scatter effects can enable improved and more-reliable OCTS data for quantitative scientific analyses.  相似文献   

Smyth TJ  Moore GF  Hirata T  Aiken J 《Applied optics》2006,45(31):8116-8131
A semianalytical approach to the problem of determining inherent optical properties from satellite and in situ ocean color data is presented. The model uses empirically derived spectral slopes between neighboring wavebands in combination with radiative transfer modeling to determine the spectral absorption (alpha) and backscatter (b(b)); these values are then further decomposed into absorption due to phytoplankton, detrital, and colored dissolved organic matter components. When compared with over 400 in situ data points the model makes good retrievals of the total absorption and backscatter across the entire spectrum, with regression slopes close to unity, little or no bias, high percentage of variance explained, and low rms errors.  相似文献   

Existing atmospheric correction algorithms for multichannel remote sensing of ocean color from space were designed for retrieving water-leaving radiances in the visible over clear deep ocean areas and cannot easily be modified for retrievals over turbid coastal waters. We have developed an atmospheric correction algorithm for hyperspectral remote sensing of ocean color with the near-future Coastal Ocean Imaging Spectrometer. The algorithm uses lookup tables generated with a vector radiative transfer code. Aerosol parameters are determined by a spectrum-matching technique that uses channels located at wavelengths longer than 0.86 mum. The aerosol information is extracted back to the visible based on aerosol models during the retrieval of water-leaving radiances. Quite reasonable water-leaving radiances have been obtained when our algorithm was applied to process hyperspectral imaging data acquired with an airborne imaging spectrometer.  相似文献   

Spaceborne ocean color sensors require vicarious calibration to sea-truth data to achieve accurate water-leaving radiance retrievals. The assumed requirements of an in situ data set necessary to achieve accurate vicarious calibration were set forth in a series of papers and reports developed nearly a decade ago, which were embodied in the development and site location of the Marine Optical BuoY (MOBY). Since that time, NASA has successfully used data collected by MOBY as the sole source of sea-truth data for vicarious calibration of the Sea-viewing Wide field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer instruments. In this paper, we make use of the 10-year, global time series of SeaWiFS measurements to test the sensitivity of vicarious calibration to the assumptions inherent in the in situ requirements (e.g., very low chlorophyll waters, hyperspectral measurements). Our study utilized field measurements from a variety of sources with sufficient diversity in data collection methods and geophysical variability to challenge those in situ restrictions. We found that some requirements could be relaxed without compromising the ability to vicariously calibrate to the level required for accurate water-leaving radiance retrievals from satellite-based sensors.  相似文献   

偏振问题是卫星水色遥感需要解决的一个重要问题.通过对带偏振的辐射传输方程进行求解得到精确的Rayleigh散射计算结果,便可以对水色遥感器进行偏振修正.本研究将矢量辐射传输方程进行傅立叶展开,得到与方位角独立的矢量辐射传输方程,利用逐次散射法对其进行求解.本文给出了HY-1卫星上水色遥感器COCTS在不同观测角度和不同风速情况下的精确Rayleigh散射结果,并通过比较得到了在不同观测条件下Rayleigh散射结果之间的差异.  相似文献   

基于大洋多金属结核具有的特殊物理化学性质,本文重点介绍国内外开展的大洋多金属结核非冶金加工利用的研究情况。  相似文献   

In the framework of an European project aiming at the realization of a system for the calibration of capacitance standards based on the quantum Hall effect (QHE), optimized QHE devices for the metrological application as dc as well as ac standards of resistance are developed. The present paper describes the dc characterization of a large number of devices with different layouts, contact configurations, carrier concentrations, and mobilities. The results demonstrate the influence of the device parameters on the critical current, the width of the quantized plateaus, the longitudinal voltages along the device and the quantized Hall resistance. Recommendations are given for the layout and mobility of QHE devices in view of their use as dc standards of resistance  相似文献   

Ko FJ  Shieh HP 《Applied optics》2000,39(7):1159-1163
High-efficiency color filters composed of a microprism array, optical interference color filters, and a microlens array light compressor were developed to increase the optical throughput of liquid-crystal projection systems. The new devices utilize the energy of whole spectra by taking full advantage of a light compressor and interference dichroic filters to distribute the energy of spectra to the respective color pixel area. Thus high-efficiency micro-optical color filters allow efficient utilization of the energy of incident light and maximize the optical throughput of the projection system.  相似文献   

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