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Bei großflächig verglasten, mehrgeschossigen Bürogebäuden liegen doppelschalige, hinterlüftete Glasfassaden nach wie vor im gestalterischen Trend. Die Konstruktionsdetails der Fassade haben einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die sommerliche Überhitzung der Luft im Fassadenzwischenraum (FZR), in dem auch der Sonnenschutz platziert ist. Es empfiehlt sich daher, die Details einer doppelschaligen Fassade im Hinblick auf die sommerlichen Temperaturverhältnisse zu optimieren. Die üblichen Methoden einer standardmäßigen bauphysikalischen Planung sind für eine derartige Optimierung nur sehr bedingt verwendbar. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird anhand des Projektes Neues K & H Bank‐Gebäude in Budapest exemplarisch aufgezeigt, wie mit Hilfe von moderner Simulationstechnik die Ausbildung einer doppelschaligen Fassade evaluiert und anschließend optimiert werden kann. Evaluation and optimization of a double skin façade with the help of computational simulations. Natural ventilated double skin façades still prove to be trendy design choices for multi‐story office buildings with large glazed surfaces. The construction design details of these façades have a significant impact on the summer overheating of the air in the façade cavity, in which the shading is positioned also. Therefore it is recommended to investigate and optimize the parameters of the double skin façade concerning the summer temperature conditions. The usual methods of standard building physical planning have limited application possibilities for optimizing these kinds of systems. Therefore in the following article through the example of the K°&°H Bank, Budapest, we are going to explain how the modern simulation techniques can support the constructional design of double skin façades first by evaluation, then subsequently, by optimization.  相似文献   

Munich Airport Terminal 2 – Computerized simulation as a part of integrated planing. Dynamic computer simulations were used to optimize the architectural concept of the Munich Airport Terminal 2. With these simulations, the various requirements on architecture, building science issues, indoor climate conditions and energy demand could be fine‐tuned. Among others, comparing the design of different double wall facades has enabled the selection of optimal controls for the double wall facades ventilation louver and shading devices. Daylight simulations allowed the determination of a roof type that meets the demands on natural illumination without the negative detraction of glare.  相似文献   

Influence of the internal Tension Parameter k in DIN 1045‐1 for the Evaluation of the minimal Reinforcement under Constraint The definition of the parameter k given in DIN 1045‐1 does not lead to appropriate results for cross section thicknesses between 0, 30 m und 0, 80 m. The function for the necessary minimal reinforcement shows a kink point for thicknesses of h = 0, 80 m which is due to the linear interpolation of parameter k. This article presents two alternatives for replacing the internal tension parameter k by proper algebraic functions which leads to realistic curves. Diagrams show and explain the problem discussed.  相似文献   

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