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Recommendations of the DGGT committee “Geotechnics of landfill structures”. The committee “Geotechnics of landfill structures” published up to now 76 recommendations. The series is continued by the revised recommendation E 2‐31 “Recultivation layers”, published in 2000 as first edition. The recent experiences of practicing engineers with planning, construction and behaviour of such layers helped to develop this new edition.  相似文献   

Der Arbeitskreis Geotechnik der Deponiebauwerke hat in fünf Themengruppen bisher 76 Empfehlungen zur Planung, zum Bau und zur Qualitätsüberwachung von Abfalldeponien veröffentlicht. In diesem Bericht werden zwei überarbeitungen vorgestellt, eine grundsätzliche Neubarbeitung der E 2‐4, Oberflächenabdichtungssysteme und die an neuere Erfahrungen angepasste E 2‐33, Kapillarsperren in Oberflächenabdichtungen. Recommendations of the DGGT Committee “Geotechnics of Landfill Structures”. The Technical Committee ”Geotechnics of Landfill Structures” of the German Geotechnical Society published up to now 76 recommendations (GDA‐Geotechnical Landfill Recommendations) structured in 5 main issues. This paper introduces two new editions of currently important recommendations, the fundamentally reviewed E 2‐4, Capping Systems, and a new edition of E 2‐33, Capillary Barriers in Landfill Capping Systems.  相似文献   

Der Arbeitskreis “Geotechnik der Deponiebauwerke” hat in 5 Themengruppen bisher 76 Empfehlungen zur Planung, zum Bau und zur Qualitätsüberwachung von Abfalldeponien veröffentlicht. Der diesjährige Bericht zu den Arbeitsergebnissen stellt den Bezug zwischen der im Juli in Kraft getretenen Verordnung zur Vereinfachung des Deponierechts und den GDA‐Empfehlungen her. Recommendations of the DGGT Committee “Geotechnics of Landfill Structures”. The Technical Committee “Geotechnics of Landfill Structures” of the German Geotechnical Society published up to now 76 recommendations (GDA‐Geotechnical Landfill Recommendations) structured in 5 main issues. This report on the recent results of the working group delivers the link between the requirements of the new German Directive on the Landfilling of Waste and the detailed technical standard described in the GDA‐Recommendations.  相似文献   

Recommendations of the DGGT Committee “Geotechnics of Landfill Structures”. The Technical Committee “Geotechnics of Landfill Structures” published up to now 76 recommendations. The series is continued by the fundamentally revised recommendation E 2‐7 “Analysis of planar surface failure in lining systems”, at last published in 1998. Experience learned from recent failures as well as the concept of partial safety factors recommended in Eurocode 7 has been considered in this new edition.  相似文献   

Recommendations of the DGGT Committee “Geotechnics of Landfill Structures“. The Committee “Geotechnics of Landfill Structures”, formerly “Geotechnics of Landfills and Contaminated Land”, published up to now 75 recommendations. The series is continued by the revised recommendations E2‐18 “Geotechnical aspects of gascollektion” and some more recommendations concerning the use and quality insurance of geosynthetics. Other subjects and recommendations revised during this year are reported.  相似文献   

Recommendations of the DGGT Committee “Geotechnics of Landfill Structures”. The Committee “Geotechnics of Landfill Structures” published up to now 76 recommendations. The series is continued by the fundamentally revised recommendation E2‐36 “Capping Systems with Geosynthetic Clay Liners”, published in 2001 as first edition. Recent results of research as well as experiences of practicing engineers with planning, construction and monitoring of such liners are considered in this new edition.  相似文献   

Michael Lepique 《Bautechnik》2008,85(9):623-627
Indirect tensile test of rock samples – splitting tensile test. The Commission on Rock Testing of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e. V. (German Geotechnical Society) is compiling suggestions for rock testing in laboratory and in‐situ and for performing monitoring of rock masses and civil engineering structures. The revised version of recommendation No. 10 deals with the splitting tensile test (Brazilian Test) on rock samples and incorporates for the recent developments of testing machines and testing procedures since the first version from 1985. The requirements for the testing machines and specimens are given as well as the procedures to perform the test and to evaluate the data. Essential modifications regard the definition of standard testing layouts for splitting tensile tests on anisotropic rock samples. The splitting tensile strength of a rock sample is determined in an indirect tensile test. A cylindrical shaped specimen is loaded by linear distributed loads until failure. The tensile strength is determined on the basis of the elasticity theory.  相似文献   

Kurosch Thuro 《Bautechnik》2010,87(6):322-330
Der Arbeitskreis AK 3.3 “Versuchstechnik Fels“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e. V. erarbeitet Empfehlungen für felsmechanische Labor‐ und Feldversuche sowie Messungen im Gebirge und an Bauwerken. Die vorliegende Neufassung der Empfehlung Nr. 5 behandelt den Punktlastversuch an Gesteinsprobekörpern und berücksichtigt die Weiterentwicklung der Versuchstechnik und ‐auswertung seit der gleichnamigen Empfehlung Nr. 5 von 1982. Es werden die Anforderungen an die Prüfeinrichtung und die Probekörper sowie die Vorgehensweisen für die Durchführung und Auswertung von Punktlastversuchen festgelegt. Die wesentliche Neuerung besteht darin, dass nicht mehr der Lastpunktabstand allein, sondern die Probekörperfläche zur Berechnung des Punktlastindex verwendet wird. Beim Punktlastversuch wird ein Indexwert für die Festigkeit eines Gesteins bestimmt, indem ein zylinderförmiger, quaderförmiger oder unregelmäßig geformter Probekörper zwischen zwei Lasteinleitungsspitzen bis zum Bruch belastet wird. In dieser Empfehlung werden der Zweck, die Begriffe, die Prüfeinrichtung, die Anforderungen an den Probekörper und die Versuchsdurchführung erläutert. Drei mögliche Optionen der Versuchsauswertung werden aufgezeigt, die Darstellung der Ergebnisse beschrieben und mit Hilfe von Beispielen illustriert. Abschließend wird erläutert, wie die einaxiale Druckfestigkeit aus der Punktlastfestigkeit abgeleitet werden kann. Recommendation No. 5 (revised) of the Commission on Rock Testing of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. — “point load tests on rock samples”. The Commission on Rock Testing of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. (German Geotechnical Society) is compiling instructions for rock tests conducted in the laboratory and in‐situ, and for performing monitoring of rock masses and civil engineering structures. The revised version of recommendation No. 5 deals with the point load test on rock samples and incorporates recent developments in testing machines and testing procedures since the first version from 1982. The requirements for the testing machines and the specimens are given, as well as the procedures to perform the tests and evaluate the data. The essential modification is the use of the sample area instead of the platen tip distance alone. The point load test is used to derive an index value for rock strength. Therefore rock specimens in the form of core, cut blocks or irregular lumps are loaded until failure between a pair of load tips. In this recommendation, scope, terms, apparatus, specimen requirements and procedure of the test are explained. Three possible options of test evaluation are given, the reporting of results described and illustrated by examples. Finally it is shown, how the uniaxial compressive strength can be derived by the point load strength.  相似文献   

Thomas Mutschler 《Bautechnik》2004,81(10):825-834
Recommendation No. 1 (revised) of the Commission on Rock Testing of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e. V. – “Uniaxial compression tests on rock samples“. The Commission on Rock Testing of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e. V. (German Geotechnical Society) is compiling instructions for rock tests in laboratory and in‐situ and for performing monitoring of rock masses and civil engineering structures. The revised version of recommendation No. 1 deals with the uniaxial compression test on rock samples and incorporates for the recent developments of testing machines and testing procedures since the first version from 1979. The requirements for the testing machines and the specimens are given as well as the procedures to perform the tests and evaluate the data. Essential modifications are the options to separate reversible (elastic) and irreversible (anelastic) deformations in the pre‐failure range and to record the post‐failure behaviour. Twelve options cover the most common applications.  相似文献   

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