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Prevention of Damages to Concrete Gutters – Considerations on the Design of Expansion Joints In the last few years at some airports cracking was observed in concrete gutters, which are implemented in large areas as drainage. In order to reveal the influences on this cracking both laboratory investigations as well as numerical analyses referring the expansion joints and the gutters were carried out. The main focus was on the stiffness of the joint filling materials. Due to seasonal variations in temperature concrete pavements casted in wintertime tend to expand by higher temperatures in summer, whereas the deformations of the free edges can amount up to 5 to 10 mm. Such deformations should be met without any restrain. If this can not be ensured, horizontal pressures on the side‐walls of the gutters are raised. These pressures mainly depend on the stiffness of the joint filling material. In the adequate laboratory tests the stress‐strain‐relations for various materials was determined. For the mostly used bituminous soft board a comparatively stiff behaviour was proved. Thus the observed cracking mostly can be correlated with restraint stresses raised by such joint filling material. 相似文献
Stefan Rhling 《Beton- und Stahlbetonbau》2005,100(10):880-885
Determination of Crack Width limiting Reinforcement due to Constraint in Hardening Concrete If restraint‐induced tensile stresses can occur, for the guarantee of the serviceability and durability the appearing crack width has to be limited due to the purpose and the environmental conditions of the building up to now in accordance to DIN 1045 (Edition 7.88), section 17.6, and furthermore to DIN 1045‐1 (2001‐07), section 11.2. The control of a defaulted crack width has a key position within the standard for durability and serviceability of the structures. The parallel selection of constructive or concrete‐technological measures for the decrease of the restraint stresses is always reasonable, because the defaulted crack widths can be hold and in consideration of the minimum reinforcement und crack injection the building costs can be optimized. Although in the following only the limitation of crack width of early restraint stresses will be considered in the planning of bearing structure the development of further tension situation have to be included. For example, in external building members under winter conditions restraint strain can occur which lead to a crack force in connection with higher tensile strength, for which the minimum reinforcement is not sufficient. 相似文献
Lars Meyer 《Beton- und Stahlbetonbau》2007,102(8):493-493
Detection and localization of structural damages by means of guided waves. The procedure presented serves for an automatic large‐area monitoring of steel structures by means of non‐destructive testing. Piezoceramic members are applied as a cluster to the structure under observation. These elements are used both as sensors and as actuators and initiate guided wave propagation in the structure. Damages are detected by the changed structural response. Beside other methods of signal processing the principle of beamforming is used with the sensor signals. The example of a 6 mm steel plate shows the sensitivity of the developed procedure for damage detection. 相似文献
Slab Punching Tests with Reinforcement with High‐Strength Bond In this paper there is given an account of punching tests, in which the tested concrete slabs were reinforced against punching by reinforcement with high‐strength bond. The test results show that very good load capacities are obtainable. The pictures of the cracks, which were to be seen after the test slabs were cut up, gave interesting conclusions about the carrying behaviour of the system. Comparing these cracks with those of test slabs with double headed punching anchors clearly shows the differences of the carrying behaviours. The analysis of the test results also gives new knowledge about the carrying mechanisms at the critical punching zone of reinforced concrete slabs, which also build a basis for a proposal how to modify the existing design rules. 相似文献
Assessment of damage due to flood impact: the case study of Eilenburg. Estimating damage caused by flood impact is an important, yet scientifically and methodically insufficiently investigated task, which is necessary for preparing the management of catastrophes. Alluding to the procedure developed in the risk analysis of earthquakes it is checked, whether methodical fundamentals can be transferred or have to be modified, and which parameters must be derived from data surveys. As an essential improvement, in addition to the inundation level, the influence of the buildings' parameters are considered. Subsequently, the building types are sorted into vulnerability classes, to which characteristic structural damages, depending on the impact, or humidity penetration ratios can be assigned, which ultimately determine the extent of the damage and the resulting cost. As can be shown for the case study of Eilenburg, areas with unusually high vulnerability of the building stock can be identified by applying the chosen approach assuming a defined scenario, leading to recommendations for future decisions on building in the area. A key element of the procedure lies in the preparation of the required or, respectively, usable data, which must be linked by damage functions. The paper gives an overview of the approaches for observations on mesoscale and microscale. As can be shown on the example of the town Eilenburg, with the provided tools and data, the damages caused by the flood in August 2002 can be reinterpreted regarding their height and distribution. 相似文献