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Implementation of an Adaptive Cable Damper on a Cable‐stayed Bridge for Experimental Investigations An adaptive cable damper with variable damping characteristics has been installed on a cable‐stayed bridge for long term experimental investigations. The cable‐stayed bridge is the 412 m long Eiland Bridge nearby Kampen, The Netherlands, that was brought into service in January 2003. The cables consist of strands with elastomeric bearings near the anchorages. The elastomeric bearings reduce the bending momentum of the cable near the anchor and provide damping as well. In October 2004, in accordance with the bridge operator Rijkswaterstaat, an adaptive cable damper (ACD) has been installed whose working principle is the one of magnetorheological fluid dampers. The aim is to test its damping potential and long‐term durability. By measuring the decay characteristics of the cables, the damping of the cable without and with ACD with different settings has been identified. The experiments clearly demonstrate that the damping of the cable may be increased by a factor of approximately four for the passively operating ACD and by a factor of approximately nine for the optimally adjusted ACD. Furthermore, the measurements clearly point out the high accuracy of the model‐based damper design used in this project. Since late October 2004, the ACD is controlled by an on/off control strategy for long‐term observations.  相似文献   

Zur Zeit befindet sich der Lückenschluss der BAB 30 als sogenannte Nordumgehung Bad Oeynhausen im Bau. In diesem Rahmen werden am östlichen und westlichen Ende der Nordumgehung die Bauwerke 29 und 4 erstellt. Hierbei handelt es sich um Schrägseilbrücken in Verbaundbauweise, welche architektonische Landmarken an den Enden der Nordumgehung Bad Oeynhausen setzen. Beide Bauwerke überführen die BAB 30 über den Fluss Werre. Die Stromöffnungen betragen ca. 68 m bzw. ca. 83 m und sind damit für Schrägseilbrücken vergleichsweise gering. Aufgrund der Lage im Krümmungsbereich, der örtlichen Randbedingungen (u. a. große Schiefe wegen des Kreuzungswinkels) sowie des FFH‐Status der Werre ergab sich im Rahmen der Entwurfsplanung eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabenstellung. Trotz eines ähnlichen Erscheinungsbildes unterscheiden sich beide Bauwerke jedoch maßgeblich in ihrer Konstruktion durch die Anzahl der Seilebenen und die Ausbildung der Seilquerträger. Der Aufsatz beschreibt die wesentlichen statisch‐konstruktiven Besonderheiten der Bauwerke aus Sicht der Entwurfsverfasser. New cable‐stayed bridges (Structure 29 and 4) in the course of the Autobahn A 30 – Northern bypass at Bad Oeynhausen. Closing a gap in the course of the Autobahn A 30, the Northern bypass at Bad Oeynhausen is currently under construction. Within this project two cable‐stayed bridges, Structure 29 and 4, are being constructed at the Western and Eastern ends of the bypass. The bridges are of composite construction and they have been architecturally designed to form landmarks at the respective ends of the Bad Oeynhausen bypass. Both structures carry the Autobahn A 30 across the river Werre. The main spans measure 68 m and 83 m respectively and are thus fairly short for cable‐stayed bridges. Due to the location in curved sections of the Autobahn, local constraints (such as a large skew because of the crossing angle) and the Werre being a nature reserve with FFH status, the structural design has been a demanding task. In spite of having a similar appearance both structures differ significantly in number of cable planes and the construction of the transversal girder for cable anchorages. This article describes the distinctive features of both bridges from a static and structural point‐of‐view.  相似文献   

The Elbebridge Niederwartha ‐ the first cable‐stayed bridge in Saxonia. The following article describes the preliminary studies and the design of the new roadwaybridge across the river Elbe near Dresden. The new bridge will have a total length of 367 m and a main span of 192 m. It will be come the longest main span and the first cable‐stayed bridge in Saxonia.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the new cable‐stayed bridge over the Chao Phraya, Nonthaburi, Thailand To the north of Bangkok (Thailand), a new motorway section has been realized in recent years to relieve the surrounding routes in Nonthaburi Province, whose main characteristic is an extra‐dosed bridge over the Chao Phraya river with a total length of 460 m. The building consists of two pylons with golden domes and 96 stay cables carrying a box girder cross‐section designed for six lanes across the river. To monitor the structural behavior of the bridge an extensive monitoring system was awarded by the client to DYWIDAG Systems International GmbH in cooperation of Schimetta Consult who have optimized, designed and realized the system. 45 sensors are monitoring permanently temperatures, strains and deflections of the bridge, inclinations of the pylons, movements of the expansion joints, wind velocities, accelerations and cable forces. The data are automatically stored on site, provided via a UMTS connection to an external server within a few minutes, enabling continuous display of the signals on a homepage for easy access by the client. In addition, the measurement data are being summarized on a half‐year base and the results are submitted to the clients by a measurement report. The monitoring system is continuously acquiring data since opening of the structure early 2015 to regular traffic, enabling a very good insight to the structural behaviour.  相似文献   

Cable‐stayed bridge for tramway, pedestrians, and bike traffic. For the development of the new quarter “Parkstadt Schwabing” in den North of Munich, the transport connection is established by a new tramway, the line 23. Thereby, a new bridge construction became necessary for the crossing of the main circular roadway “Mittlerer Ring” at the Schenkendorfstraße. The extraordinary bridge structure in direct conjunction with the glass enclosure of the Petuel‐tunnel belongs to the most spectacular metropolitan crossing locations of Munich.  相似文献   

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