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方亮 《能源》2013,(11):105-109
苏联能源从煤炭到石油的进化史,伴随着苏联革命导师们的意志,同时也夹杂着导师们也无法左右的政治妥协。  相似文献   

煤炭运输:能源与环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

从高碳能源到低碳能源——煤炭清洁转化的前景   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
张玉卓 《中国能源》2008,30(4):20-23
我国是以煤为主要能源的国家,发展煤的清洁转化,实现煤炭资源利用从高碳向低碳最终走向无碳的转换,是保持我国能源、经济、环境协调发展的重要途径。本文简要分析了我国能源生产和消费的现状及特点,重点阐述了煤炭清洁转化技术及其发展,提出了煤炭清洁转化的前景和方向。  相似文献   

山西以煤为主的“高碳”型能源结构和煤炭产业粗放式发展,必须加快结构调整和转型发展的升级换代.关键是要积极加快低碳产业和清洁能源产业的发展,积极推进高碳能源低碳化利用战略实施和高碳能源的多联产循环经济建设,全力打造“高碳”煤炭低碳化利用新体系.  相似文献   

4.进口煤炭(烟煤) 韩国的烟煤市场结构非常简单。由于国内没有烟煤资源,因此完全依赖进口煤炭(烟煤)。韩国主要从澳大利亚、美国和加拿大等许多国家进口烟煤。这些国外市场稳定,可以根据需求方要求的数量提供烟煤,价格也相对稳定。韩国主要的烟煤需求部门是钢铁工业、水泥工业和电力工业(见表6),由于这些工业的持续发展,烟煤的需求量亦将不断地增加,1992年从国外进口烟煤2920万吨,而1981年仅进口720万  相似文献   

对我省动力煤,无烟煤,炼焦煤产量进行相应调整,以适应市场需求的变化。分析了近年来及1999年三大煤种的生产销售情况,得出当前煤炭市场需求主导性增强,选择性增多,需求供货及时及无烟煤销售看好等特点,提出2000年在控制产量的同时,应充分考虑市场需求,加快煤炭产品结构调整,增加适销对路的产品产量,以赢得更多的市场。  相似文献   

1.简介 随着韩国经济的稳定发展,其一次能源消耗以每10年1倍的速度增长。1991年全国能源消耗总量相当于10360万吨原油,1991年全国人均能耗仅相当于2.39吨原油,估计为主要发达国家人均能耗的30%~67%。这一相对低的数字表明,在今后的10年中韩国  相似文献   

惠婧璇  万里扬 《中国能源》2020,(3):42-47,24,33
近年来我国风力发电、太阳能发电的装机并网规模迅速增加。如何科学、准确、全面地评估可再生能源发展所带来的生态环境影响也成为政府、学界和公众普遍关注的问题。在众多的评估方法中,生命周期评价是一种常见和有代表性的方法。该方法起源于西方并逐渐引入我国,已经在我国可再生能源领域的研究中有所应用。本文综述了生命周期评价的生产流程分析法、环境扩展的投入产出法以及混合分析方法等方法学研究进展,然后综述了基于上述方法学的我国可再生能源领域的有关研究进展,包括生命周期方法的应用、本土数据库的发展以及影响评价方法的进展。认为研究高技术单元分辨率的混合生命周期研究方法、拓展建立本土化生命周期评价数据库和开发标准化的生命周期评价指标体系是我国可再生能源生命周期评价研究发展中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The paper assesses the life cycle of biodiesel from used cooking oil (UCO). Such life cycle involves 4 stages: 1) collection, 2) pre-treatment, 3) delivery and 4) transesterification of UCO. Generally, UCO is collected from restaurants, food industries and recycling centres by authorised companies. Then, UCO is pre-treated to remove solid particles and water to increase its quality. After that, it is charged in cistern trucks and delivered to the biodiesel facility to be then transesterified with methanol to biodiesel.  相似文献   

高碳能源低碳化利用途径分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
煤炭领域是中国发展低碳经济的重点领域,本文主要围绕发电、工业锅炉、煤化工三大用煤领域阐述煤炭提质加工技术、高效燃煤发电技术、工业锅炉洁净燃煤技术以及新型煤化工技术等低碳化途径的碳减排潜力和发展态势,为煤炭领域如何依托洁净煤技术实现高碳能源低碳化利用提供方向。  相似文献   

This paper presents specific life cycle GHG emissions from wind power generation from six different 5 MW offshore wind turbine conceptual designs. In addition, the energy performance, expressed by the energy indicators Energy Payback Ratio (EPR) Energy Payback Time (EPT), is calculated for each of the concepts.There are currently few LCA studies in existence which analyse offshore wind turbines with rated power as great as 5 MW. The results, therefore, give valuable additional environmental information concerning large offshore wind power. The resulting GHG emissions vary between 18 and 31.4 g CO2-equivalents per kWh while the energy performance, assessed as EPR and EPT, varies between 7.5 and 12.9, and 1.6 and 2.7 years, respectively. The relatively large ranges in GHG emissions and energy performance are chiefly the result of the differing steel masses required for the analysed platforms. One major conclusion from this study is that specific platform/foundation steel masses are important for the overall GHG emissions relating to offshore wind power. Other parameters of importance when comparing the environmental performance of offshore wind concepts are the lifetime of the turbines, wind conditions, distance to shore, and installation and decommissioning activities.Even though the GHG emissions from wind power vary to a relatively large degree, wind power can fully compete with other low GHG emission electricity technologies, such as nuclear, photovoltaic and hydro power.  相似文献   

A Life Cycle Assessment, LCA, of a nanocrystalline dye sensitized solar cell (ncDSC) system has been performed, according to the ISO14040 standard. In brief, LCA is a tool to analyse the total environmental impact of a product or system from cradle to grave. Six different weighing methods were used to rank and select the significant environmental aspects to study further. The most significant environmental aspects according to the weighing methods are emission of sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide emission was selected as the environmental indicator depending on the growing attention on the global warming effect. In an environmental comparison of electricity generation from a ncDSC system and a natural gas/combined cycle power plant, the gas power plant would result in 450 g CO2/kWh and the ncDSC system in between 19–47 g CO2/kWh. The latter can be compared with 42 g CO2/kWh, according to van Brummelen et al. “Life Cycle Assessment of Roof Integrated Solar Cell Systems, (Report: Department of Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 1994)” for another thin film solar cell system made of amorphous silicon. The most significant activity/component contributing to environmental impact over the life cycle of the ncDSC system is the process energy for producing the solar cell module. Secondly comes the components; glass substrate, frame and junction box. The main improvement from an environmental point of view of the current technology would be an increase in the conversion efficiency from solar radiation to electricity generation and still use low energy demanding production technologies. Also the amount of material in the solar cell system should be minimised and designed to maximise recycling.  相似文献   

The management of riparian vegetation which includes cutting operations of grass, reeds, bushes and trees, is very important to reduce hydrogeologic risk.In Tuscany, riparian biomass and residues are mainly left shredded along courses or disposed in landfills as special wastes: actually different laws prohibit that tree trunks are abandoned in areas naturally affected by flooding, because they can be moved contributing to increase the water level and to maximize the hydraulic risk of some other nearby areas. In some cases, it is also possible to store the logs in specified sites from where they can be taken and used as a fuel in fireplaces or domestic heating plants.This work studies the possibility of the reuse of riparian vegetation as biomass for energy production and evaluates benefits and drawbacks from the economical, environmental and managerial points of view. Particularly, a specific methodology has been developed for two hydrological districts of Tuscany, with different typologies and densities of vegetation. First, an estimation of biomass distribution on the land and an evaluation of annual wood availability have been carried out; then, different chains concerning harvesting operation, biomass transport, storage conditions and final utilisation, have been defined and compared by a specific multicriteria analysis (MCA); finally, for the most suitable bio-energy chains the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been implemented. Results of the LCA have also permitted to validate some environmental indicators used in the MCA, as mechanisation level of yards, energy efficiency of plants or transport distances.The decision making tool developed allows to compare costs and environmental benefits of the energy use of riparian vegetation, supporting local authorities involved in energy planning: in this way it is possible to confront different alternatives to match the energy demand and meet the energy saving and sustainability issues at the lowest cost for the community.In conclusion, the most interesting bio-energy chains, based on technology of direct combustion, are those that require a limited forestry mechanisation, the short transport distances and the medium sized plants. The LCA applied to these most suitable chains has also shown significant environmental benefits to promote the energetic use of riparian biomass instead of fossil fuels.  相似文献   

煤富氧燃烧对节能与环境的影响分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析了煤富氧燃烧的节能效果及对环境的影响,煤富氧燃烧可显著减少助燃空气量、烟气生成量,显著节约能源,且有利于减少和控制SO2、CO2的排放,但会明显增加NOx的排放。  相似文献   

Waste-to-Energy (WtE) technologies seem to be an option to tackle the growing waste management problems in developing Asia. This paper presents a quantitative assessment of the environmental and economic attributes of two major WtE technologies: landfill gas to energy (LFG-to-energy) and incineration in Thai cities. Net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, net fossil resource consumption and net life-cycle cost (LCC) were used as the basic indicators for measuring performance of these two technologies from a life cycle perspective. The assessment found that at the current efficiency level, both the LFG-to-energy project and the incineration facility contribute to GHG mitigation and fossil resource savings as compared to the Business as Usual (BAU) practice. However, the financial returns from these operations are very low and insufficient to compensate the costs. The paper argues that substantial improvements of WtE plants can be made by adopting proper management practices, enhancing the efficiencies of energy production. Such upgrading would further reduce GHG emissions, increase fossil resource savings and strengthen the financial performance to the benefit of local governments. The authors recognize the potential of incorporating other treatment options along with WtE technologies, for moving towards more sustainable waste management approaches like integrated waste management systems.  相似文献   

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study of HidroBioDiésel (HBD) was carried out. This partly renewable diesel fuel is obtained from the co-processing of soybean vegetable oil with conventional fossil fuel in hydrotreating facilities of crude oil refineries. The environmental profile of HBD was assessed for the fossil energy use and climate change impact categories. The production systems of equivalent fuels -blends of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME, a biofuel obtained by means of transesterification of vegetable oil) and mineral diesel with sulphur content below 10 ppm were also assessed for comparison purposes. The environmental performance of HBD systems compares favourably to those of FAME and diesel blends for the selected impact categories. The estimated environmental benefits of HBD (assuming a 13% renewable blend) include reductions of up to 2% in fossil energy use and 9% in climate change impacts.  相似文献   

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