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由于沉浸式环境下的三维交互方式对二维界面操作不够友好,使得依赖于二维列表界面的流场数据管理任务变得复杂且低效。为了实现沉浸式虚拟环境下对流场数据高效的组织和管理,增强用户对流场空间信息的理解,提出一种基于多视图结合交互的沉浸式流场可视化数据块管理方法。该方法构建了一个三维小视图用于提供场景概览,并通过“主视图交互+小视图辅助“”小视图交互+主视图反馈”等多种多视图组合交互方式完成对多块流场数据的管理交互操作。最后构建了一个基于手势的沉浸式流场可视化系统,定义多项交互任务,从学习时长、完成时间和用户反馈几个方面对比了多视图方法和传统交互方法差异。实验结果表明,相比于传统交互方法,多视图方法可以显著提高数据管理任务的效率。  相似文献   

沉浸式可视化是一个新兴的研究领域,旨在通过沉浸式交互界面所提供的沉浸感与参与感充分运用人们的感知与操作能力,为数据分析推理与决策提供支持.以最新的沉浸式可视化研究为基础,首先从沉浸式感知的评估与运用出发,介绍视觉感知以及非视觉辅助感知在信息可视化中的应用方式与评估结果;然后对于可视化中的交互设计,分别从触摸、手势、注视...  相似文献   

针对目前沉浸式虚拟现实相关工作通常是基于局部环境构建的,在全球大范围场景方面仍存在空白和不足的问题,提出一种面向沉浸式虚拟现实的数字地球交互漫游方法.首先,确立以观察者为中心的视点控制基本范式;其次,推导设备坐标系与大地坐标系、空间直角坐标系之间的2种基本对应关系,将真实世界中人的活动空间连续映射到数字地球中;然后,考虑当前硬件条件,提出一种综合使用头盔和手柄进行全球范围漫游浏览的方法,能够对观察方向、移动方向、移动速度进行灵活且准确的控制,并符合人在真实世界的经验和直觉;最后,融合地表影像、高程、高精度倾斜模型数据构建多尺度数字地球场景,设计多种类型漫游任务进行实验,通过完成度、耗费时间、视线偏角等指标,评估漫游方法的有效性、合理性和舒适度.实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地支撑用户在全球虚拟环境中的漫游浏览,可以更自然、高效地完成多种类型的漫游任务,为后续全球范围沉浸式虚拟现实相关工作提供基础.  相似文献   

本文简述了沉浸式虚拟现实四个阶段的发展概况,分析了沉浸式虚拟现实的优缺点,探讨了沉浸式虚拟现实的发展趋势.未来,头显设备将会更加轻巧,人机交互将会更加自然,沉浸式虚拟现实将会在各行各业得到普遍的应用.  相似文献   

孟阳 《信息与电脑》2023,(2):157-159
为准确展示出室内沉浸式展示系统中所包含的大量数据信息,设计基于虚拟现实的休闲农业园区室内沉浸式展示系统。基于3D建模和虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)系统,构建系统的数据层、业务层、表示层,从而完成系统结构的设计。在硬件设计方面,重置初始服务器后增加了浏览器/服务器(Browser/Server,B/S)结构服务器。在软件设计方面,利用不规则状态三角网表达复杂的结构外形,计算阻尼因子并建立数字可视化模型;设计Wi-Fi无线通信模式,在模块中增加里德-所罗门码(Reed-Solomon codes,RS)编码程序,纠正错误信号的数量;基于虚拟现实技术,融合影像数据与实景数据。测试结果表明:当休闲农业园区的信息增加到1200个时,设计系统的平均准确率为95.17%,说明设计系统可达到预期效果。  相似文献   

虚拟现实可视化技术是一门多学科交叉技术。首先,给出了以图形图像技术为两大支柱的虚拟现实可视化技术的体系结构;进而,对图形、图像、虚拟现实和可视化技术目前取得的主要研究成果和将来的研究动向分别进行了较详尽的介绍;最后,对图形、图像、虚拟现实和可视化技术之间的内在的本质联系进行了阐述。  相似文献   

沉浸式虚拟现实系统舒适性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了影响沉浸式虚拟现实系统舒适性的有关因素,重点分析了电磁式位置跟踪器的误差来源及修正补偿技术,提出了一种简单有效的位置跟踪器数据滤波算法.实践结果表明,该方法能有效地提高位置跟踪器实时跟踪性能,改善显示效果及头戴式耳机声源定位精度,缓解或减少使用者出现的头晕、恶心等症状,对沉浸式系统的开发有较大的参考价值.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术和科学计算可视化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
0 引 言90年代初 ,从图形学方向上派生出虚拟现实和科学计算可视化这两个新的研究领域 ,目前 ,已经成为计算机界广泛关注的热点 .虚拟现实技术和科学计算可视化可以说是新兴的交叉学科 ,它们涉及了计算机图形学 (主要是三维立体图形 )、图象处理、计算机辅助设计、计算机视觉和人机交互技术 ,以及相关的人工智能等多个领域 .随着计算机技术的迅猛发展 ,它们的应用也越来越广泛 ,不仅在军事、娱乐行业 ,而且在商业、CAD/CAM、生物医学、GIS等领域也得到了广泛应用 .而科学计算可视化在医学、地质勘探、气象预报、分子生物学、核科学等…  相似文献   

实践教学是巩固理论知识和加深对理论认识的有效途径,是培养学生创新意识的重要环节,能有效提高学生理论联系实际、掌握科学方法和动手实践的能力,然而,实践教学在实际教学过程中是薄弱环节。本文提出的沉浸式虚拟现实展示系统基于计算机软硬件和各种传感器装置,能够生成可交互和具有沉浸感觉的三维虚拟场景,对现实世界环境及对象模拟仿真来说,可用于构建实践教学环境,提高学习效率,促进教学方式创新。尤其是在抽象理论的实践和学习复杂的模型中,能够使学生理解深刻,提高学习效率,进一步提高学生素养。该系统在虚拟仿真类本科课程,如“发动机原理”等的实践教学环节中进行了应用,节约了实践成本,增加了学生兴趣,调动了学生实践探究的积极性。  相似文献   

沉浸式VR技术作为一种新兴技术,发展迅速,效果可观,利用沉浸式VR技术开展在线协作学习,为学生与教师提供了更为广阔的学习模式与教学模式。本文阐述了沉浸式VR技术及在线协作学习的内涵,以此论证了沉浸式VR技术在开展在线协作学习方面的优势,提出基于沉浸式VR技术的协作学习活动设计与评价设计,以期有效指导基于沉浸式VR技术的在线协作学习活动的开展。  相似文献   

This study explored the novel use of immersive virtual environments as a nonpharmacologic pain control technique and whether it works for both men and women. Fourteen female and 8 male students underwent pain induced via a blood pressure cuff ischemia lasting 10 min or less. Pain ratings increased significantly every 2 min during the no distraction phase (0 to 8 min) and dropped dramatically during the last 2 min period when participants were in the virtual environment (a 59% drop for women and a 41% drop for men). Five visual analog pain scores for each treatment condition served as the primary dependent variables. All 22 participants reported a drop in pain in the virtual environment, and the magnitude of pain reduction from the virtual environment was large (a 52% drop) and statistically significant. This is the first study to show immersive virtual environment distraction is also effective for women. The results show that virtual environments can function as a strong nonpharmacologic pain reduction technique, showing the same pattern of results obtained from recent clinical studies using virtual environments with burn patients during physical therapy. Practical applications of virtual environment pain reduction, and the value of a multidisciplinary approach to studying pain are discussed.  相似文献   

为了最小化运动画面延时对沉浸式虚拟现实系统的影响,提出了一种具有运动画面延时抖动补偿功能的卡尔曼滤波算法,用于对用户头部位姿进行预测.首先对运动画面延时进行分析和预测,然后根据头部运动相关性分析结果选择位姿预测方式,并在头部运动建模和位姿预测时分别利用延时预测结果对延时抖动进行补偿.实验结果表明,相比设备原有预测方法,其在一般情况下的姿态预测绝对误差的均值分别减小45.74%、47.25%和40.96%,最大值分别减小11.49%、26.34%和36.79;位置预测绝对误差的均值分别减小35.94%、45.90%和55.81%,最大值分别减小1.05%、25.60%和44.74%.  相似文献   

The recent release of the Oculus Rift, originally developed for entertainment applications, has reignited the interest of researchers and clinicians toward the use of head-mounted-displays in basic behavioral research and physical and psychological rehabilitation. However, careful evaluation of the Oculus Rift is necessary to determine whether it can be effectively used in these novel applications. In this article we address two issues concerning the perceptual quality of the Oculus Rift. (a) Is the Oculus able to generate an acceptable degree of immersivity? In particular, is it possible to elicit the sensation of presence via the virtual stimuli rendered by the device? (b) Does the Virtual Reality experienced through the Oculus Rift induce physical discomfort? To answer these questions, we employed four virtual scenarios in three separate experiments and evaluated performance with objective and subjective outcomes. In Experiment 1 we monitored observers’ heart rate and asked them to rate their Virtual Reality experience via a custom questionnaire. In Experiment 2 we monitored observers’ head movements in reaction to virtual obstacles and asked them to fill out the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (Kennedy et al., 1993) both before and after experiencing Virtual Reality. In Experiment 3 we compared the Oculus Rift against two other low-cost devices used in immersive Virtual Reality: the Google cardboard and a standard 3DTV monitor. Observers’ heart rate increased during exposure to Virtual Reality, and they subjectively reported the experience to be immersive and realistic. We found a strong relationship between observers’ fear of heights and vertigo experienced during one of the virtual scenarios involving heights, suggesting that observers felt a strong sensation of presence within the virtual worlds. Subjects reacted to virtual obstacles by moving to avoid them, suggesting that the obstacles were perceived as real threats. Observers did not experience simulator sickness when the exposure to Virtual Reality was short and did not induce excessive amounts of vection. Compared to the other devices the Oculus Rift elicited a greater degree of immersivity. Thus our investigation suggests that the Oculus Rift head-mounted-display is a potentially powerful tool for a wide array of basic research and clinical applications.  相似文献   

雏形展示了在3D中产生一个无线电通信网络共享影像的能力。这种生动的影像给用户增加了带有规划信息带宽和产生更多的易于理解的当前信息的通信。  相似文献   

Context cognition involves abstractly deriving meaning from situational information in the world and is an important psy-chological function of higher cognition...  相似文献   

Visualization plays a crucial role in molecular and structural biology. It has been successfully applied to a variety of tasks, including structural analysis and interactive drug design. While some of the challenges in this area can be overcome with more advanced visualization and interaction techniques, others are challenging primarily due to the limitations of the hardware devices used to interact with the visualized content. Consequently, visualization researchers are increasingly trying to take advantage of new technologies to facilitate the work of domain scientists. Some typical problems associated with classic 2D interfaces, such as regular desktop computers, are a lack of natural spatial understanding and interaction, and a limited field of view. These problems could be solved by immersive virtual environments and corresponding hardware, such as virtual reality head-mounted displays. Thus, researchers are investigating the potential of immersive virtual environments in the field of molecular visualization. There is already a body of work ranging from educational approaches to protein visualization to applications for collaborative drug design. This review focuses on molecular visualization in immersive virtual environments as a whole, aiming to cover this area comprehensively. We divide the existing papers into different groups based on their application areas, and types of tasks performed. Furthermore, we also include a list of available software tools. We conclude the report with a discussion of potential future research on molecular visualization in immersive environments.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality Interfaces for Visualization and Control of Remote Vehicles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Autonomy and Robotics Area (ARA) at NASA Ames Research Center has investigated the use of various types of Virtual Reality-based operator interfaces to remotely control complex robotic mechanisms. In this paper, we describe the major accomplishments and technology applications of the ARA in this area, and highlight the advantages and issues related to this technology.  相似文献   

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