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Despite the widespread use of exploratory factor analysis in psychological research, researchers often make questionable decisions when conducting these analyses. This article reviews the major design and analytical decisions that must be made when conducting a factor analysis and notes that each of these decisions has important consequences for the obtained results. Recommendations that have been made in the methodological literature are discussed. Analyses of 3 existing empirical data sets are used to illustrate how questionable decisions in conducting factor analyses can yield problematic results. The article presents a survey of 2 prominent journals that suggests that researchers routinely conduct analyses using such questionable methods. The implications of these practices for psychological research are discussed, and the reasons for current practices are reviewed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent Supreme Court decisions suggest that judges should conduct a gatekeeping inquiry before admitting testimony that is based on psychology or other social sciences. Perspectives from other areas of applied social research may be of use to psychologists and others as they consider these decisions by the Court. A view of research as "assisted sensemaking" highlights (a) the importance of better understanding the capacities and limits of the natural sensemaking of jurors, (b) reasons why the gatekeeping function is appropriate, and (c) possible ways in which researchers can better serve the courts as they deal with the implications of gatekeeping. The possible impact of different types of expert testimony and the potential development of nonadversarial support mechanisms are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Foot-in-the-door (FITD) refers to the process by which gaining another's compliance with an initial small request increases the likelihood of compliance with a subsequent larger request. Variations in the FITD effect were examined as procedures for enhancing client compliance and motivation to change in counseling. A 2?×?2 factorial design was used with the initial request (made or not) and the motivation labeling of the request (provided or not) representing the independent variables. 56 participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 conditions: request-no label (traditional FITD), request-motivation label, motivation label only, and control. In general, a high rate of compliance was obtained in all conditions. However, it was found that both compliance with a small request and positive labeling had a significant effect on participants' motivation to change. Implications of these results for future counseling research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Surveyed, in response to recent criticism of counseling research, 415 present and 234 past subscribers to the Journal of Counseling Psychology (JCP) to examine articles' perceived utility, strengths, and weaknesses in relation to reader characteristics. Questionnaires also secured demographic and professional background information. Results show the following: (a) Present, compared to past, subscribers more often worked in colleges or universities, were involved in research, identified with counseling psychology, were members of the American Psychological Association's Division 17, held doctorates, were teachers or supervisors, and worked with clients aged 13–28 yrs. (b) Present subscribers used the JCP most for research and counseling ideas, and counseling psychology identification was a major reason for subscribing. (c) Strengths included research design/methodology, relevance to practice, writing quality, and scholarly rigor. (d) Weaknesses included esoteric, narrow research and lack of practical relevance. (e) About 45% of the articles read were seen as useful, but definitions of utility varied by major time-use. (f) Ultimately, utility appeared related to individual requirements; 68% of Volume 22's articles were nominated at least once as most significant or useful. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used presentations at Division 17 programs of the American Psychological Association conventions, affiliations of authors of articles in the Journal of Counseling Psychology and The Counseling Psychologist, and Division 17 leaders to determine that the University of Maryland (College Park), Ohio State University, and the University of Iowa were the most highly active institutions in counseling psychology over the period 1980–1983. The size of the faculty and faculty rewards and pressures appear to be factors in determining ratings. Counseling psychologists in nonacademic settings are disadvantaged in making research contributions by these factors. Since most current counseling and clinical psychology graduate students are trained to be practitioners, it is suggested that research and professional leadership dimensions should be measured on their value to practitioners. It is further suggested that quality of supervision, knowledge of practitioner skills, and capacity to meet credentialing and/or licensing requirements should be included in evaluating graduate education in counseling psychology. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

As a part of the SGO Health Research Promotion Programme a research programme on rehabilitation medicine was realized. Aim of the programme was to strengthen clinical research in this field by training clinical researchers and improving clinical research infrastructure. Three clinical specialists have been trained to become senior clinical researchers by a 4-year training programme, concentrated within 2 clusters of a medical faculty, a university hospital and one or more centres for rehabilitation medicine. As a follow-up to the programme a 6-week educational course was developed for intending MDs in rehabilitation medicine and five intending rehabilitation medicine specialists receive a PhD research training during their clinical specialisation.  相似文献   

Used the 2-choice transposition problem to examine children's judgments of "same" and "different." When instructed to choose "the same" object in the test phase, kindergartners (n = 24) chose the same dimensional value whereas 3rd graders (n = 24) chose the specific stimulus which had been positive during training. When instructed to choose "the different" or "a different" object, both groups chose on the basis of individual identity. Ontogenetic changes in children's use of individual identities and dimensional values, and the relation between linguistic and cognitive factors, are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored the self-perceived multicultural competencies and adequacy of multicultural training of play therapists across the United States. Registered play therapists belonging to the Association for Play Therapy (N=134) completed the Multicultural Counseling Survey (MMCTS) (C. C. Holcomb-McCoy & J. E. Myers, 1999). Results indicate that play therapists perceive themselves as competent on Multicultural counseling competence. The results also suggest that play therapists perceived their multicultural training as less than adequate. Although results indicate no difference between play therapists' competence and training based on years of experience, there was a difference in multicultural competence and training based on coursework in multicultural counseling. Implications for practice and future research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents: Nature, assessment and treatment by David A. Wolfe and Eric J. Mash (see record 2005-16249-000). The primary goal of this edited volume is to capture the current state of knowledge about the important behavioural and emotional adjustment problems and disorders of adolescence. Through 20 chapters by foremost experts, the reader is apprised of the unique features of these disorders in adolescents in comparison with children and adults, and of the importance of developmental issues and a developmental perspective. Any thought that adolescent disorders are adequately addressed by upward extension of knowledge of child disorders and downward extension of knowledge of adult disorders is compellingly dispelled. The unique compilation of empirical findings specifically for adolescents is a boon to those pursuing research, teaching or evidence- based practice with this age group. This book will be mandatory reading for any mental health professional, including academics, graduate students, and clinicians working with or teaching about troubled adolescents. As a text, it is excellent for a graduate course on the subject, and an essential reference source for those teaching abnormal development at the undergraduate level or providing clinical service to adolescents and their families. The book will be a classic in the field and a mandatory starting point for any professional interested in a detailed overview of the state of the art in Western societies, including researchers interested in an overview of areas outside their own specific expertise. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article traces the historical development of Canadian medicare and its significant influence on shaping not only the clinical services provided within Canada's public health care system but also its major impact on the nation's overall health research agenda. Particular emphasis is placed on how this has influenced the development and role of psychology in the public health care system. It is argued that all psychologists, whether their work is focused on the applied or experimental areas of the discipline, have much to offer Canadians across the entire health care spectrum. Nevertheless, psychological services in the public health care system, and particularly in hospitals, have mainly developed within and continue to be primarily focused around mental health. Services in nonmental health areas of health have been more limited, although their importance is well recognized. The current situation partly reflects the limited training in general health issues that clinical psychologists-in-training generally receive in many graduate school programs in Canada. However, it also reflects the overall influence of medicare on the development of Canada's health care system. Medicare has tended to focus the activities of Canada's health care system primarily on treating illness rather than on preventing it and/or maintaining health. Also, medicare has oriented Canada's health care system mainly toward delivering medical services rather than providing more comprehensive health services (e.g., the "medically necessary" criterion for funding). However, times are changing. The growing emphasis among health policymakers in Canada on illness prevention and health promotion (e.g., the creation of the federal government Public Health Agency of Canada in 2004) will significantly expand psychology's role across all areas of health. Psychology education and training programs are urged to seriously examine whether psychology practitioners and researchers are being adequately prepared at present for the much broader array of future interdisciplinary professional, research, and educational activities and responsibilities that will emerge. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the report by the APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice (see record 2006-05893-001) entitled Evidence-based practice in psychology. The Task Force is to be commended for their report valuing evidence from "clinical expertise" on a par with "research data" (p. 272) in guiding psychological practices. The current author suggests that the APA not only should make a place at psychology's policymaking table for "clinical expertise" but should prioritize clinical and subjective sources of data--the essence of the psychological--and set policies to ensure that objective data, such as behaviors and DSM diagnoses, are considered in their subjective context. The APA should also encourage researchers to devise ways to preserve as much as possible the personal "feel" of the clinical encounter in their data analysis and published conclusions. The APA also needs to assign priority to subjective emotional and relational skills on a par with academic and analytic skills in the selection and training of clinical psychology students. Reconnecting clinical psychology with its subjective evidentiary roots in ways such as these should help to bring us out from under the dominance of medicine, to the benefit of our profession and our clients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Content analyses of research published in the 1982 volumes of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology indicate that social psychologists have largely failed to study subjects drawn from meaningfully defined social groups, to consider social structural variables, to study genuine social interaction, to observe social influences on psychological functioning, or to ask Ss about social issues. It is maintained that with few exceptions, personality researchers have failed to study groups other than college students, to use biographical materials or personal documents, to devise appropriate experimental treatments, to study persons over time, or even to retain the individual as a unit of analysis. Currently, the 2 fields of social and personality psychological research appear to be linked mainly by their deficiencies and appear to have little content worth sharing. Reexamination of each field's traditions and priorities is urgently needed. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Contends that the title clinical psychologist no longer ensures uniform training and that the profession is in danger of losing its uniqueness and credibility that were largely derived from the scientist-practitioner training model. The model does not demand that all of its graduates be both active researchers and busy clinicians. It does affirm the belief that clinicians trained with skills in both areas will do more significant research and be better practitioners. The model supports broad-based scientific-professional programs housed within universities rather than free-standing schools that claim to adhere to a professional model. It is suggested that (1) the scientist-practitioner model be reaffirmed; (2) clinical training programs implement the core of this model in scientific and applied areas; and (3) accreditation, credentialing and licensing more precisely identify and enforce standards. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Does an education in clinical psychology affect relationships between personality or emotional adjustment and clinical knowledge or clinical practice ability? Two groups were assessed at the beginning of their professional development and 1 year later. The 1st group was studying clinical psychology, and the 2nd group was obtaining training under a workplace supervision model. At pretest, measures of defensiveness were correlated with practice ability, and participants who had emotional adjustment problems obtained lower practice ability scores. At posttest, neither pretest personality nor emotional adjustment was correlated with clinical performance. An interaction between education group and problem group suggests that a clinical education enhances the performance of students with emotional problems at the onset of their education. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although the current philosophy of education in clinical psychology allows for the existence of a program of training clinical psychologists who primarily want to be practitioners in conjunction with the more traditional scientist-practitioner (Boulder model) program, the controversy over the value of the 2 types of program continues. The criticism of the Boulder model is that the rationale for requiring clinical psychology students to learn to do research as well as train to be clinicians was spurious; the Boulder model trains students as researchers, a role that is incompatible with their interests and abilities. The history of the development of the Boulder model is reviewed together with data regarding the personality traits, interests, and abilities of people interested in research as opposed to service work. Findings indicate that the objections of the critics are well founded. (6 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replies to the comments by Tyron (see record 2009-06923-008), Silverstein and Auerbach (see record 2009-06923-009), and Raps (see record 2009-06923-010) on the authors original article (see record 2008-03389-001). I was very pleased to read these comments about the priority of bridging research and clinical practice and to have the benefit of further perspectives on how this goal might be achieved. The article to which these comments were addressed suggested changes in both clinical research and practice that might develop or strengthen such a bridge. Suggestions for clinical research included evaluating the mechanisms of change in psychotherapy so we know what is critical to include in practice, evaluating who responds to treatment in ways that can be integrated into practice, and increasing the use of qualitative research. Suggestions for practice included using systematic measures to evaluate patient progress, codifying the experiences of practitioners so they contribute to our accumulated knowledge base, and promoting direct collaborations of researchers and practitioners. The above commentaries emphasized specific points about research on mechanisms, qualitative research methods, and the challenges of providing treatments given the nature and scope of the problems that clients present. These commentaries add to the discussion in novel ways and also illustrate the obstacles that may compete with bridging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research suggests that Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT), tailored to treat alcohol problems, produces significant reduction in alcohol consumption and improvement in marital functioning. Having established basic clinical protocols for Alcohol Behavioral Couples Therapy (ABCT) and provided support for their efficacy, clinical researchers around the country continue to develop and study new applications of the basic ABCT treatment models, such as adding relapse prevention or Alcoholics Anonymous components. Recent research supporting the heterogeneity in the population of individuals with alcohol problems has prompted some researchers on ABCT to consider additional adaptations of the treatment models for specific subgroups of alcoholics, and for particular individual and couples characteristics. Adaptation of ABCT to treat new populations such as drug abusers, female alcoholics, and problem drinkers is under investigation. The current article provides an overview of theoretical and clinical aspects of ABCT, and research on efficacy of the basic model and on areas of innovation and adaptation to new populations. Directions for future research on ABCT are suggested.  相似文献   

Describes a questionnaire sent to 239 academic clinical psychologists in American Psychological Association (APA)-approved clinical training programs to obtain their attitudes towards a number of critical issues in clinical psychology. 75% returned the questionnaire. A PhD degree in psychology, with equal emphasis on scientific and applied training, was endorsed by most respondents, as was the training of MA and MS clinicians. Other doctoral programs for training clinicians, including PsyD degrees, did not receive strong endorsement. Activity areas of clinical psychologist were rated from 6 reference points ranging from adequacy of present training to training emphasis expected in 7 yr. Results indicate that: (a) therapy and research were rated high by most respondents; (b) many respondents believed that consulting and teaching should be emphasized more and that their clinical training programs did not adequately train in these areas; (c) the emphasis on diagnosis was expected to decline in training and future usefulness; (d) in addition to research, respondents believed that APA should support other interest areas; and (e) clinical psychology should be more attuned to social problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Academic and internship training directors (TDs) were surveyed regarding practicum training. The most frequently endorsed definition was that a variety of specific activities at a practicum site constituted a legitimate part of a practicum hour, including supervised clinical assessment, clinical intervention, and community consultation, advocacy, or training. Academic and internship TDs differed in their views regarding the minimum number of practicum hours necessary and whether the number of hours should be capped. Implications for points of agreement and disagreement are discussed, and applications of these data to future education and training initiatives are proposed. Suggestions for turning the focus toward competencies rather than hours obtained are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Clinical applications of the Adult Attachment Interview edited by Howard Steele and Miriam Steele (see record 2008-04549-000). Although the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI), created by Mary Main and her colleagues, is among the most important research instruments in developmental and clinical psychology, the details of its administration and scoring are known only to certified coders and examples of its clinical utility are, for the everyday clinician, difficult to find. This edited volume draws the curtain far enough to reveal the major inner-workings of the interview and throws light on the penetrating ways it can inform any psychotherapy. The editors, Howard and Miriam Steele, themselves clinically minded attachment researchers and well versed in the AAI and its sister interviews, have done a remarkable job of recruiting clinicians and clinician-researchers who more than make good on the promise of the volume’s title. This volume is best suited to those already acquainted with attachment theory and the major findings of attachment research. It will help clinical graduate students tune their ears to attachment-informed ways of listening and thinking, help established clinicians attend to the nuances of linguistic structure to inform clinical understanding and intervention, and inspire researchers new to interview-based methods of investigation. Readers will not find, and the editors did not intend to include, debates on the merits of the interview’s complexity or a discussion of the much needed rapprochement between researchers who favor the AAI and researchers who rely on paper-and-pencil inventories of attachment security. The Steeles fill an critical gap in the clinical literature on attachment; outside of single chapters that give high quality but necessarily brief overviews of the AAI (e.g., Hesse, 2008; Levy & Kelly, 2009), I am not aware of another book that offers as unobstructed a view of how the AAI is conducted and coded or of the many ways the interview can be used as a clinical tool. Outside the expensive, labor-intensive AAI trainings given around the world, this volume may be as close as many of us will get to the means to appreciate, learn, and use the AAI in practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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