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2009年,美国纽约州能源研究和开发机构(NYSERDA)出资金8百万美元用来帮助开发或商品化19个先进的储能项目。这笔奖金要授予全纽约参与先进储能应用研发的公司和大学,  相似文献   

目前,能源互联网已经成为我国电力系统发展的主要方向。能源互联网的建设将在很大程度上改变目前能源利用现状和管理模式。从需求侧管理的角度,阐述能源互联网条件下的新型控制策略,传统的需求侧管理是基于电网与用户的相互作用,通过相关协议达到对负荷的部分可控,能源互联网的发展,使得用户侧的信息交互更加重要与频繁,同时由于各种能源发电形式的接入,使得对用户的负荷管理也越来越重要。提出一种面向能源互联网的需求侧管理方法,该方法利用用户侧健全的通讯基础设施,在每个用户的智能量测设备中增加用电计划控制模块,该模块借助博弈论的思想使每个用户根据其他用户的用电计划制定出使得自己用电支出最小的用电计划,最终得到所有用户的能源消费计划。在整体的能源消费计划下,达到系统运行的峰均比和发电成本最小。最后,通过实例仿真证明了该负荷管理模式的有效性。  相似文献   

全球经济社会的发展、国际格局的变化和科学技术的进步,使得能源行业正在经历前所未有的深刻变革。近期中国电力出版社出版的《中国电力与能源》一书中,作者刘振亚为理清我国能源发展思路,深化能源战略研究,推动能源可持续发展提供了参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

我国能源发展的国际对比及存在问题的解决途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源消费的持续增长以及能源供应的逐渐紧缺,给我国能源发展带来了系列问题.从多个角度出发。将我国能源发展与国外进行对比和分析,从中发现我国能源发展中存在的问题,并借鉴国外经验,提出解决问题的战略途径,从而为我国能源生产结构优化、能源消费结构调整、能源政策制定等提供参考。  相似文献   

澳大利亚广泛分布着可再生能源资源基地。除了水电资源被大规模开发外,澳大利亚风电增势迅猛。基于对能源安全的高度关注,澳大利亚鼓励可再生能源电力生产以实现"可再生能源目标"。成立可再生能源管制办公室(ORER)负责监督大规模可再生能源目标(LRET)和小规模可再生能源计划(SRES)。  相似文献   

王雪  陈昕 《中国电力》2018,51(8):85-91
当前中国城市智慧能源系统建设还存在建设内容不明、框架不清、与城市规划建设脱节等系列问题,亟需明确城市智慧能源系统顶层架构。在系统梳理世界主要国家城市智慧能源系统建设情况的基础上,分析了其可供借鉴的建设经验,描绘了中国城市智慧能源系统的总体图景,重点从建设条件、整体规划、综合服务平台、政策机制等方面对城市智慧能源系统的顶层设计进行了初步探讨,并对城市智慧能源系统的发展路径进行了展望,对未来能源互联网和城市智慧能源系统的规划、建设、运行等提供参考。  相似文献   

德国环境部(BMU)近日公布了德国2020年之前的能源政策路线图计划。该计划是在分析了德国能源现状的基础上,就今后的气候变化、能源价格、能源安全保障等所提出的综合性对策。该能源政策路线图计划提出,2020年之前,德国的可再生能源占电力供应总量的比率要达到30%以上,以替代核能发电。此外,建筑物在改扩建时,要促进其对可再生能源的利用,  相似文献   

城市能源变革下智慧能源系统建设研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城市的能源消费中心地位决定了城市能源变革在能源生产和消费革命中的核心位置。城市智慧能源系统是城市升级与能源转型的融合点,未来发展空间巨大。伴随其中的是能源在城市建设发展中的角色变化、消费模式升级、新技术广泛应用、产业业态创新和体制机制变革。本文着眼于城市能源变革的挑战,试图从发展前景、设计思路、建设要点等方面展望未来的城市综合能源系统,为城市智慧能源系统建设提供参考。  相似文献   

随着气候变化及环境压力的增大,改变能源结构,减少排放已成共识。可再生能源及相关技术的发展日益受到各国政府及国际组织的重视。各国纷纷制定了雄心勃勃的可再生能源发展计划。例如:欧盟计划2010将可再生能源发电的份额由目前的6%提高到12%;澳大利亚计划2010年可再生能源发电量增加9.5亿kWh,占发电量的12.5%;  相似文献   

对于在过去数年曾购买家用电器的人而言,能源之星标签可谓非常熟悉。能源之星计划的一名代表阿贝尔森表示,到今年晚些时候,他们会发布面向平板电视机的修正版规范。目的是促使企业生产更节能的产品。这一计划彰显出一个现代化家庭不断增长的电能需求,更不要说企业的电能需求了。阿贝尔森说,随着能源成本的大幅度增长,人人都在关注能耗问题。能源使用效率真的非常重要。  相似文献   

This paper describes the performance of different line protection schemes during testing and operation which were used to protect the first commercially operated six phase transmission line in the world-the New York State Electric and Gas 93 kV (phase to phase and phase to ground) line from Goudey station to Oakdale substation. This project was sponsored by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Department of Energy (DOE), Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation (ESEERCO), New York State Energy Office (SEO), New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and New York State Electric and Gas Corporation (NYSEG)  相似文献   

In 2003, New Yorkers experienced a major power outage that was the first indication of an impending energy crisis. But it has spurred one bank to see the value of investing in alternative energy, writes Lawrie Wiegler. Manhattan investment bank Ardour Capital has an ordinary name, and resides in an ordinary location, the Empire State Building. But it is unique. For, while its brokers are committed to helping institutional investors find strong-performing stocks, the focus is solely green or 'clean'.  相似文献   

A type of feedback linearizing excitation control is simulated on a very large (5000-bus) model of the Northeast Power Coordinating Council System. The control is implemented on two groups of machines, one in the New York City/Long Island area and one in the Lake Ontario area of New York State. A series of system faults is simulated, the most serious involving the loss of a very large portion of the transmission capacity from Northwest New York State to the New York City area, under extreme loading conditions. The nonlinear control prevents a breakup of the system which would otherwise result in a widespread blackout, at the expense of a rise in the system voltage at the Lake Ontario end. Simulations are also run with PSS/static exciter combinations on the same groups of generators, as a rough comparison of the performance of conventional vs. feedback linearizing control  相似文献   

《Fuel Cells Bulletin》2004,2004(5):10
Fuel cell research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in upstate New York will get a significant boost, thanks to an unusual package received recently by chemistry professor Brian Benicewicz, director of the New York State Center for Polymer Synthesis at Rensselaer. The center is working with German-based Celanese Ventures GmbH, the state of New York and nearby Plug Power to develop a more economical polymer membrane for use in PEM fuel cells.  相似文献   

This paper reports on, and summarizes the major ramifications of, the New York State study of technology education at the baccalaureate level; reviews those rationales giving rise to the development of bachelor of technology degree programs; poses problems and issues associated with the degree; and discusses dangers and challenges for the future. While not necessarily advocating the cessation of these programs, the research reveals areas of serious conflict between the original intent of the educational programs and the reported actual needs of industry and students. The paper has the express purpose of highlighting the areas of confusion, demonstrating the potential problems caused thereby, and suggesting areas for urgent attention by students, educators, employers, and engineering professionals. Such attention is necessary to stimulate or reinforce action by licensing boards, professional societies, and accrediting organizations.  相似文献   

Distributed energy resources present opportunities to serve grid and customer need through two-way power flow. New values, methods, and planning are required to efficiently interconnect and utilize DERs. This paper analyzes New York’s and California’s DER proceedings to provide a comparison of the similarities and differences between these and other states that will result in different levels of deployments and valuations of DERs.  相似文献   

New technologies are transforming the US energy sector. Unprecedented opportunities lie ahead for local renewable energy development. Proper system and resource integration is therefore an economic imperative. Technical and economic integration will require policy alignment and collaboration among cities, counties, energy utilities (both gas and electric), and state government. There is also a potentially invaluable role for higher education in support of local planning and integration. State policy interventions in support of collaborative local renewable integration will be a necessary supplement to existing market and regulatory structures.States can affirm fundamental property rights that empower communities and citizens to actively support local climate action and adaptation. State policy can drive the evolution of existing market and regulatory structures to account for local differences and provide increased flexibility for local jurisdictions to address their diverse local resource opportunities and usage profiles.In parallel, states can encourage cities and counties to increase their capacity to take on vital new roles. State energy regulators will need to balance public interest in the economic health of the companies against they regulate against the opportunity to secure important benefits of local clean energy resource development and integration. They will need to create new processes for harmonizing and cross-leveraging progress toward diverse local goals with progress toward over-arching state goals.The key enabling factor will be a culture of collaboration between energy service providers and local governments. Collaborative local renewable integration can be empowered by state action that creates new points of coordination, integration and assistance.Through policy interventions, states can reduce or eliminate barriers to collaborative local renewable integration while capturing opportunities to bring together local government and energy utility capacities and data, plus capacities of universities, non-profit and utility training programs.  相似文献   

Many historians have portrayed the late nineteenth century as a period of great technological utopianism or enthusiasm. Closely intertwined with this technological enthusiasm, however, was also a strong strand of technological pessimism. Americans of this period desired innovations like electric lighting and communication, rapid transit, and gas cooking and heating, but they also feared the physical hazards created by these innovations. They believed that new technology would improve society, but at the same time worried that they had no control over the pace and direction of this change. An early example of the technological pessimism of this period was the electric wire panic that took place in New York City in the 1880s. At this time, the streets of the city were darkened by dangerous, overhead electric wires. The failure of the city to bury these wires, along with debate over electrical safety, generated great fear of electricity. This fear reached its height in 1889 when a series of horrible electrical accidents terrorized the city. Despite their fears, most New Yorkers found it impossible to give up electrical technology. The tension between technological enthusiasm and pessimism created a profound anxiety about electricity and the new urban world it was creating  相似文献   

"新基建"是国网公司立足于高新科技的基础设施建设,聚焦大数据中心、工业互联网、5G应用及人工智能4个领域,明确建设能源互联网新战略下的数字新基建工作思路。国网天府新区供电公司有机融合了天府新区"公园城市"的建设理念,提出基于工业互联网和5G技术的综合能源服务平台,构建基于能源互联网的开放共享、绿色环保、智能高效的公园城市绿色生态体系。首先,简单介绍了"5G+工业互联网"技术;然后,介绍了综合能源系统的功能;最后,提出了一个以客户为中心、逐步构建产业生态圈、可持续发展的综合能源服务平台方案,并聚焦天府新区兴隆湖示范区落地实施,获得了卓有成效的建设成果。  相似文献   

In his article ‘The REVolution Yields to a More Familiar Path,’ Dr. Makholm argues that the New York commission’s REV efforts are misguided because the traditional regulatory framework is efficient and well developed. Looking to the entire set of REV dockets, this article argues that the REV is attempting to overcome deeply entrenched incumbency advantages and is therefore both ‘radical’ and necessary to the successful transition to a clean, distributed energy infrastructure.  相似文献   

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