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为评估压水堆核电厂燃料包壳破损时的工作人员辐射风险和燃料包壳破损程度,基于特征物理量建立一回路冷却剂系统中锕系核素质量评估方法。本文基于锕系核素的生成和迁移机理,建立了一回路冷却剂系统中锕系核素的平衡方程组,并选取3种易监测的特征物理量用以评估锕系核素向一回路冷却剂系统的释放量及其分布,并建立了一回路冷却剂系统中锕系核素质量的评估方法。然后分别采用国内在役压水堆核电厂无燃料包壳破损和有燃料包壳破损的实测数据对建立的评估方法进行了验证,验证结果表明:建立的评估方法可在无燃料包壳破损和有燃料包壳破损的情况下对一回路冷却剂系统中锕系核素质量进行评估,评估结果和预期符合。本文研究成果可为压水堆核电厂运行期间一回路冷却剂系统中锕系核素质量及其分布评估提供指导,从而优化后端的工作人员防护措施,降低辐射风险。 相似文献
针对动态排气后提升一回路剩余空气体积标准值的改进方案,提出含高溶解度空气的冷却剂在主泵启动瞬态下的压力预测方法和是否释放为两相分离流动的判断方法,对一回路及其辅助系统进行热工水力建模,空气体积标准值提升为24标准立方米(1标准立方米=1.293 kg)后,对主泵启动的瞬态过程进行了仿真,得到了一回路主要节点压力变化规律;结合冷却剂中气体溶解-释放模型,得到饱和氮气溶解度、氧气溶解度变化规律。结果表明,主泵启动瞬态过程中,一回路主要节点压力均在机组运行正常范围内,一回路中溶解的氮气、氧气不会释放成为两相流动。因此,就流动特性而言,空气体积标准值提升到24标准立方米可行。 相似文献
CARR冷却剂净化系统管网较庞大,据有关原则,应力分析时将管网拆分成几个相对独立的计算模型(图1),各个模型分别计算评定。因管道较细系统柔性较好,自重载荷和热载荷的要求容易满足,但同时系统刚度较差,抗震要求的满足是应力分析的难点。计算时充分利用PIPESTRESS软件的强大功能,结合系统振型显示,在最佳位置添加刚性架,以提高管道局部刚度,增强抗震能力, 相似文献
Guo-Qing Zhang Shuai Wang Hai-Qing Zhang Xing-Wang Zhu Chao Peng Jun Cai Zhao-Zhong He Kun Chen 《核技术(英文版)》2017,28(3)
The release of fission products from coated particle fuel to primary coolant,as well as the activation of coolant and impurities,were analysed for a fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactor (FHR) system,and the activity of radionuclides accumulated in the coolant during normal operation was calculated.The release rate (release fraction per unit time) of fission products was calculated with STACY code,which is modelled mainly based on the Fick's law,while the activation of coolant and impurities was calculated with SCALE code.The accumulation of radionuclides in the coolant has been calculated with a simplified model,which is generally a time integration considering the generation and decay of radionuclides.The results show that activation products are the dominant gamma source in the primary coolant system during normal operation of the FHR while fission products become the dominant source after shutdown.In operation condition,health-impacts related nuclides such as 3H,and 14C originate from the activation of lithium and coolant impurities including carbon,nitrogen,and oxygen.According to the calculated effective cross sections of neutron activation,6Li and 14N are the dominant 3H production source and 14C production source,respectively.Considering the high production rate,3H and 14C should be treated before being released to the environment. 相似文献
Guo-Qing Zhang Shuai Wang Hai-Qing Zhang Xing-Wang Zhu Chao Peng Jun Cai Zhao-Zhong He Kun Chen 《核技术(英文版)》2017,28(2)
The release of fission products from coated particle fuel to primary coolant,as well as the activation of coolant and impurities,were analysed for a fluoride saltcooled high-temperature reactor (FHR) system,and the activity of radionuclides accumulated in the coolant during normal operation was calculated.The release rate (release fraction per unit time) of fission products was calculated with STACY code,which is modelled mainly based on the Fick's law,while the activation of coolant and impurities was calculated with SCALE code.The accumulation of radionuclides in the coolant has been calculated with a simplified model,which is generally a time integration considering the generation and decay of radionuclides.The results show that activation products are the dominant gamma source in the primary coolant system during normal operation of the FHR while fission products become the dominant source after shutdown.In operation condition,health-impacts related nuclides such as 3H,and 14C originate from the activation of lithium and coolant impurities including carbon,nitrogen,and oxygen.According to the calculated effective cross sections of neutron activation,6Li and 14N are the dominant 3H production source and 14C production source,respectively.Considering the high production rate,3H and 14C should be treated before being released to the environment. 相似文献
以秦山核电二期工程为例,论述了核电站反应堆冷却剂系统主管道安装焊接技术及质量控制要点,并对反应堆冷却剂系统主管道的安装顺序、安装技术要求、焊接质量检验方法以及焊接变形的控制等方面给予了详细的阐述,对核电站反应堆冷却剂系统主管道安装焊接及质量控制具有借鉴作用。 相似文献
~(16)N是压水堆一回路冷却剂中的主要活化产物,也是一回路中的主要辐射源。本文在传统~(16)N源项计算模型的基础上,根据堆芯内冷却剂的流向,考虑堆芯区域以及下降段区域的中子通量差异,将堆芯划分为活化区域以及反射区域,并建立了相应的计算模型,以典型三代压水堆核电站为例进行了计算与验证,计算结果与技术文件吻合良好,偏差在10%以内,验证了模型的正确性。最后分析了一回路典型部位的~(16)N平衡放射性活度浓度,发现在反应堆堆芯出口处最高,随着冷却剂流向逐步减少。研究结果表明,优化的计算模型可更准确计算压水堆核电站冷却剂的~(16)N源项,为分析反应堆一回路的辐射源项提供参考依据。 相似文献
以福清核电应急柴油发电机组为研究对象,结合国内某运行核电厂应急柴油发电机组的相关检修经验,通过分析应急柴油发电机组充气冷却水系统压力波动过大、最低压力低于限值的典型故障事例,阐述了运行中出现故障的各种可能原因,介绍了排查方法。通过对典型故障处理过程的论述,为今后同类事件提供了借鉴和思路。 相似文献
Inesh Kenzhina Keisuke Okumura Hai Quan Ho Noriyuki Takemoto Yevgeni Chikhray 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2021,58(1):1-8
ABSTRACT The sources and mechanisms for the tritium release into the primary coolant in the JMTR and the JRR-3M containing beryllium reflectors are evaluated. It is found that the recoil release from chain reaction of 9Be is dominant and its calculation results agree well with trends derived from the measured variation of tritium concentration in the primary coolant. It also indicates that the simple calculation method used in this study for the tritium recoil release from the beryllium reflectors can be utilized for an estimation of the tritium release into the primary coolant for a water-cooled research and testing reactors containing beryllium reflectors. 相似文献
HTR-10一回路冷却剂中氚活度的测量 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
详细介绍了测量10 MW高温气冷试验堆一回路冷却剂中氚活度的方法。设计适用于HTR-10特点的氚收集装置,先后两次收集冷却剂中的氚,制成液样进而用液闪法进行测量,并根据试验结果推算HTR-10一回路冷却剂中氚的总活度。针对两次试验结果进行分析并与理论计算值相比较,验证了理论计算的正确性并由此进一步证明高温气冷堆的燃料包覆颗粒对放射性产物的阻挡作用完好,反应堆对环境的氚释放完全在设计要求范围内,符合相应的国家标准。 相似文献