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论述了用于支持应用软件开发的多种系统模式,分析了各种系统模式的特点并详细介绍了它们在应用软件开发中所起的作用和适用场合。  相似文献   

针对汽油调合的工艺过程,用遗传算法和复合形法相结合的方法,开发了在线优化系统。根据实时控制的要求,不论是调度指令还是组分汽油的性质发生变化,在很短的时间内,系统就能使调合油品的各项指标达到最优范围之内,且每一步调整都是在变量的可控范围内相对最优化,从而实现装置连续生产和全局最优经济效益。文中还介绍了开发的油品优化调合软件的体系结构、设计思想和使用说明。  相似文献   

介绍了一个基于RMI通信的应用软件分发系统。该系统改进了传统软件分发的安装模式,采用分布式管理模式,使得管理员可以利用网络内任何一台计算机,实现对网络内其他计算机的软件分发、远程安装、远程删除和远程管理。  相似文献   

尤枫  汪须忠  李铮  赵恒永 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(10):2478-2480,2483
基于组装软件技术,提出了一种实现应用软件开发自动化的新方法,给出了可进行自动化开发的应用软件系统架构和自动化开发平台架构.设计实现了集方法和工具于一体的应用软件自动化开发平台,并对业务组件的自动生成和基于业务流程的应用软件系统组装作了进一步研究.该方法是对传统组构件技术和工作流技术的突破,已成功获得应用.  相似文献   

基于构件的应用软件系统的体系结构及其开发模型   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
文中介绍了一个基于构件的应用软件系统的体系结构及共开发模型。基于领域分析方法抽取出的领域构件,使体系结构具有可扩展性。系统能随着需求的变化作相应的修正。解决了本系统在同一领域的复用问题。  相似文献   

基于Google的GAE平台对云计算SaaS模式下的应用软件开发进行了简单探讨,设计并实现了人力资源管理的原型系统,并对系统进行了部署和测试.通过对测试结果的分析,提出了云平台开发SaaS模式软件的需要解决的相关问题.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了企业应用软件总线的定义和特点,然后应用J2EE技术对企业应用软件总线的架构设计提出了总体的设计思路和方法。指出了企业应用软件总线在企业软件应用信息系统中的地位、层次和作用,最后设计了我们的企业应用软件总线所提供的功能。  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of large‐scale distributed applications is driving the Software Engineering community to adopt new software technologies for the development of distributed systems. In this sense, the emergence of component‐based software engineering represents a significant advance towards assembling applications by plugging in pre‐fabricated components. Additionally, the principle of ‘advanced’ separation of concerns is nowadays widely applied to improve modularity, reusability and adaptability of software components. In this way, the aspect‐oriented software development paradigm separates into a new dimension, named aspect, those properties that crosscut the system ‘objects’ or ‘components’, reducing their dependencies. However, the development of software based on the composition of components and aspects is still in its early stages. Part of the reason for this is the lack of well‐defined development processes and tools that help software developers in the use of existing component and aspect‐based approaches. Therefore, the primary aim of this paper is to propose an integrated development process for deriving applications by the assembly of a set of prefabricated components and aspects. This process supports the development of Component‐Aspect Model/Dynamic Aspect‐Oriented Platform (CAM/DAOP) applications, where CAM/DAOP is a new model and platform based on components and aspects. Our intention is to show how, with the support of the integrated development process presented in this paper, it is possible to use CAM/DAOP as an alternative to current distributed platforms. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the most evident characteristics of robotic applications is heterogeneity: large robotic projects involve many different researchers with very different programming needs and areas of research, using a variety of hardware and software that must be integrated efficiently (i.e.: with a low development cost) to construct applications that satisfy not only classic robotic requirements (fault-tolerance, real-time specifications, intensive access to hardware, etc.) but also software engineering aspects (reusability, maintainability, etc.). Most existing solutions to this problem either do not deal with such heterogeneity or do not cover specific robotic needs. In this paper we propose a framework for the integration of heterogeneous robotic software through a software engineering approach: the BABEL development system, which is aimed to cover the main phases of the application lifecycle (design, implementation, testing, and maintainance) when unavoidable heterogeneity conditions are present. The capabilities of our system are shown by its support for designing and implementing diverse real robotic applications that use several programming languages (C, C++, JAVA), execution platforms (RT-operating systems, MS-Windows, no operating system at all), communication middleware (CORBA, TCP/IP, USB), and also a variety of hardware components (Personal Computers, microcontrollers, and a wide diversity of sensor and actuator devices in mobile robots and manipulator arms).  相似文献   

大多数危险化学品都具有火灾爆炸危险特性,尤其是化学品贮罐,一旦发生泄漏事故,遇到火源,极有可效预防和扑灭贮罐火灾爆炸的关键。应用计算机来模拟评价危险化学品贮罐火能发生灾难性的火灾爆炸事故。研究火灾的发生、发展规律,预测其危险性是有灾爆炸事故的后果及其对环境的影响已成为更为可行的手段。针对化学品贮罐的危险特性,研究了贮罐火灾爆炸模拟评价的方法,并据此开发一种化学品贮罐火灾爆炸模拟评价软件。软件系统主要由贮罐重大危险源辨识系统、火灾爆炸模拟评价系统和后台数据库系统等3个子系统组成。应用表明,本软件可进行重大危险源辨识和快速分级,能够对每种事故伤害模型的后果(危险区域范围、人员伤亡和经济损失等)进行定量的模拟计算和定性的等级划分。  相似文献   

Recovery‐oriented software is built with the perspective that hardware or software failures and operation mistakes are facts to be coped with, as they are problems that cannot be fully solved while developing real complex applications. Consequently, any software will always have a non‐zero chance of failure. Some of these failures may be caused by defects that may be removed or encapsulated. From the point of view of removing or encapsulating defects, a failure is considered to be trivial, when (i) the required effort to identify and eliminate or encapsulate the causing defect is small, (ii) the risk of making mistakes in these steps is also small and (iii) the consequences of the failure are tolerable. It is highly important to design systems in such a way that most (ideally all) of the failures are trivial. Such systems are called ‘debuggable systems’. In this study, we present the results of systematic applying techniques that focus on creating debuggable software for real embedded applications. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

化工原理课程设计多媒体课件的开发   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
以Authorware、VC 为开发工具,开发了化工原理塔设备课程设计多媒体CAI应用软件。该软件以其完善的界 面设计和动态计算,产生传统方式无法达到的效果,更适合于塔设备设计的教学。  相似文献   

化工模拟软件的应用与开发   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
化工过程模拟与实验研究的结合是最有效和最廉价的化工过程研究方法。可以大大节约实验成本,加快新产品和新工艺的开发过程。文中综述了化工模拟软件的发展过程,应用领域与开发。对当前流行的国际国内商业化化工过程模拟软件AspenPlus、ChemCAD、PRO/Ⅱ、HYSYS、DesignⅡ、ESCC等进行了全面的介绍。综述了化工模拟软件的研究开发现状及以后的发展方向。根据化工模拟软件的现状对化工模拟软件的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

Nowadays, most human daily tasks can be performed by means of Mobile Applications (MobApps). Devices running such applications have some limitations (e.g., processing and storage) compared to personal computers. Therefore, integration of MobApps into service-based systems has been a feasible alternative to overcome these limitations. Moreover, these applications must be prepared to deal with the changes at runtime (e.g., user’s new needs or modifications in their execution environment). In parallel, Reference Architectures (RA) have been used as an important way to support the development, standardization, and evolution of software systems. Although relevant, RA for the domain of MobApps based on services that require adaptation at runtime is still an issue to be explored in depth. This paper presents a RA for Self-MobApps (named RA4Self-MobApps), which aims to support the development of such applications. To show the applicability of our RA, a case study was conducted. As result, we observe our RA has good perspective to efficiently contribute to the Self-MobApps domain.  相似文献   

The development of distributed systems is an intricate task due to inherent characteristics of such systems. In this paper these characteristics are categorised into software engineering, concurrency, distribution and non-functional criteria. Popular classes of distributed systems are classified with respect to these challenges, and it is deduced that modern technological trends lead to the inception of new application classes with increased demands regarding challenges from more than one area. One recent example is the class of ubiquitous computing, which assumes dynamic scenarios in which devices come and go at any time. Furthermore, it is analysed to which extent today's prevailing software development paradigms – object, component, service and agent orientation – are conceptually capable of supporting the challenges. This comparison reveals that each of the paradigms has its own strengths and weaknesses and none addresses all of the challenges. The new active component approach is proposed aiming at a conceptual integration of the existing paradigms in order to tackle all challenges in an intuitive and unified way. The structure, behaviour and composition of active components are explained, and an infrastructure for active components is introduced. To underline the usefulness of the approach real-world applications is presented and an evaluation according to the challenges is given.  相似文献   

王鹏  白燕  伍郁杰 《微计算机信息》2007,23(17):219-220,187
数字频率计是电子测试、自动化控制等设备中不可或缺的重要模块.本文给出了一种较小规模CPLD(Xilinx XC95144)和单片机(AT 89C51)相结合的高性能数字频率计设计方案,其以直接测频法为基础、软件补偿技术为辅助,大大降低了设计成本和实现复杂度.该方案不仅体积小、保密性强,而且设计简单、成本低、精度高、可测频带宽.  相似文献   

Three pointing devices (mouse, touch pad, touch screen) were evaluated for usability with a Windows-style menu selection task while in a moving off-road environment. A pilot study determined which commercially available devices had the potential to promote good performance in the environment. Eighteen subjects performed a series of complex pointing tasks that simulated the use of a standard application in a moving tractor. The devices were also rated for subjective usability. The mouse and the touch screen produced the best performances, with the mouse receiving the best subjective usability ratings. The participants had a significantly lower performance with the touch pad, which also received lower ratings in the subjective usability ratings.  相似文献   

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