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大豆豆腥味严重影响大豆制品的口感、风味和营养价值,选育无豆腥味大豆是克服大豆豆腥味的重要途径之一。 一、豆腥味产生的原因及无腥味大豆的 营养优势 大豆蛋白制品产生豆腥味是油脂中不饱和脂肪酸促氧化反应的结果,其中的关键酶是脂肪氧合酶(Lipoxygenase,简称Lox),脂肪氧合酶催化不饱和脂肪酸中双顺式1,4- 戊二烯结构,通过加氧反应,形成氢过氧化物,进而分解形成小分子的醛、醇等挥发性物质,产生豆腥味和苦涩味。并且脂肪氧合酶产生的脂肪酸氢过氧化物能直接与食品中的蛋白质和氨基酸结合,降低食品食用性和营养价值。  相似文献   

1、无豆腥味的大豆蛋白质 由法国EBS健康和营养公司生产的新豆大豆蛋白质“活性大豆蛋白TS”,是一种完全除去了豆腥味的新产品,而大豆蛋白的豆腥味是以大豆为原料的众多食品所固有的那种令人不快的异味,过去一直是影响大豆食品市场扩大的不利因素。该公司采用了新开发的方法,将包括豆腥味在内的大豆原料中所含的可溶性碳水化合物充分除去后才制成新产品。  相似文献   

<正> 不论是对传统食品还是新开发的产品,当代消费者都追求新的感受。传统大豆食品的豆腥味阻碍了西方消费者对大豆食品的消费。如今,大豆食品的保健作用已经使大豆蛋白和其他大豆制品的供应商在大豆的加工技术上突飞猛进,制备的原味大豆饮料和一系列其他代乳制品  相似文献   

本发明是关于除去大豆粉中令人不快的豆腥味和酱味的制造方法。将大豆蛋白质作为食品时,应限制其特有的不快的腥味和苦味成分。除去这种不快的豆腥味和苦味成分(以下简称腥味成分),虽然发前有许多方法。但作为(?)  相似文献   

大豆蛋白及大豆乳制品□王仲礼大豆富含蛋白质,不仅具备人体必需的氨基酸,而且不含胆固醇,是动脉硬化、脑溢血、心脏病、肥胖症等患者理想的食物。但大豆的豆腥味、胀气和抗胰蛋白酶等因子严重地影响了食品的品质与风味。因此,进行大豆处理再制成大豆乳制品,已是食品...  相似文献   

无腥味大豆在河北选育成功河北省农科院粮油作物研究所经过6年的研究,选育成功一种无豆腥味的大豆新品种,这种大豆既稳产高产,又能使大豆食品加工成本大幅下降,具有较高的 推广价值。大豆食品加工产生的豆腥味,使许多人不愿接受。为此,工业上不得不选用高温脱腥和化学脱腥工艺进行大豆加工。但这两种脱腥方式既降低大豆蛋白溶解度,又对大豆制品造成不同程度的污染,还增加了成本。河北省农科院粮油作物研究所于1994年开始选育无腥大豆新品种,并于今年获得成功,在今年河北省夏播大豆区域试验中,平均亩产165.5公斤。专家认为,无腥…  相似文献   

大豆的生化特性及其深加工   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文扼要地叙述了大豆的成分和化学特性,以及大豆在人们的物质生活中和诸多食品中的重要作用,着重阐述了用“粒状谷物连续膨化装置”生产全大豆速食品,不仅可以充分利用大豆原料,简化生产工艺简化设备,降低能耗,且无废水污染。由于加热温度加热时间易控制,使大豆有害成分易被“钝化”能彻底去除豆腥味,使之成为好消化吸收的速食食品,还容易复配成多种廉价的高蛋白食品。为大豆深加工找到了投资少见效快的新工艺。  相似文献   

大豆组织蛋白食品不仅具有丰富的营养,还有类似于肉类的口感。对纤维状大豆组织蛋白进行复水、调味、滚揉、包装、杀菌等工序处理,制得的香辣豆筋休闲食品不但能有效掩盖大豆组织蛋白自身的豆腥味,而且香辣风味浓郁。  相似文献   

大豆富含优质蛋白质和必需脂肪酸,磷脂及多种矿质营养素,它是动物饲料及人类食品的主要蛋白质来源。随着人类膳食结构的改变,各国目前高度重视大豆的加工与利用。豆制食品种类日趋增多,但是由于大豆的胀气因子和植酸含量较高,又有明显的豆腥味,胰蛋白酶抑制物和植物凝血素活性也高,加之含有大豆皂角苷,大大妨碍了大豆食  相似文献   

绪言 大豆是优质蛋白质的来源,不仅含蛋白质高,而且品质好,价格便宜。在各种豆类蛋白质食品中,大豆所提供的蛋白质比其他任何豆类要高1~2倍,又是婴幼儿与老年人、糖尿病、心血管疾病患者的饮料。因此就植物性蛋白质的含量与价格而言,是值得国家大力提倡发展的食品。 大豆最容易制得的产品是豆浆,它有牛奶的外观,因此有“豆奶”之称。不幸的是此种优良的大豆蛋白质饮料,常带有一种强烈而使人厌恶的风味,即所谓“豆味”、“豆腥味”或“青臭味”。我们已经知道大豆中自然存在着的脂肪氧化酶,是引起豆腥味的  相似文献   

大豆制品腥味控制研究进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
该文对导致大豆制品产生腥味的化学物质组成,脂肪氧化酶及相关作用进行论述,比较国内外抑制及脱除大豆制品腥味所采用的多种方法及各自优缺点,展望基因工程控制的脂肪氧化酶缺失体大豆品种推广前景及对大豆制品行业可能带来影响。  相似文献   

The effect of presoaking soyabeans in solutions of various chemicals on the reduction of beany flavour in soymilk was investigated. Of the chemicals used, sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide had a significant effect on the reduction of beany flavour in soymilk. Sodium carbonate soaking at 0.4 M concentration for 18-24 h was significantly better than any other presoak treatment. The activity of lipoxidase as a major source of beany flavour in soymilk is questioned. Soymilk prepared from beans presoaked in carbonate contained more protein and had a higher viscosity than milks prepared from beans presoaked in water or sodium hydroxide. Beans presoaked in carbonate were easier to process than the other two. There was no significant difference in the amino acid pattern of the proteins in the soymilks prepared by the three methods.  相似文献   

Volatile concentrates were prepared from whole soybeans, roasted at 200°C for 10, 20 and 30 min, by steam distillation under reduced pressure followed by ether extraction, and analysed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, in comparison with the volatile concentrate from raw soybean flour.Major flavour components of raw soybean, such as n-hexanol, 1-octen-3-ol and n-hexanal, decreased during the course of roasting, but the rate of this decrease was not rapid, especially between 10 and 20 minutes' roasting. During the roasting period, alkylated pyrazines, oxygenated furans, oxygenated pyrroles and phenols were formed or increased markedly. On the other hand, sensory evaluation showed that a flavour change to ‘desirable’ from ‘beany’ or ‘objectionable’ occurred between 10 and 20 minutes' roasting. These results suggest that roast flavour masks the ‘beany’ flavour in soybean.  相似文献   

 By application of aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) to an extract prepared from raw French beans, 25 odour-active compounds with flavour dilution (FD) factors in the range 4–2048 were detected and subsequently identified. Among them, (Z)-3-hexenal (green, leaf-like), 1-octene-3-one (mushroom-like), 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine (earthy, beany) and (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal (cucumber-like) showed the highest FD factors. In an extract prepared from the same amount of cooked beans, 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine was identified as the most potent odorant, followed by 1,5-(Z)-octadiene-3-one (geranium-like), 3-isopropyl-2-methoxypyrazine (earthy, beany), 3-(methylthio)propanal (methional; cooked potato), 4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal (metallic) and an unknown compound (FD 256) with a smell of geranium leaves. A decrease in (Z)-3-hexenal and 1-pentene-3-one (etheral, pungent) and an increase in methional during cooking were shown to be mainly responsible for the flavour changes induced by cooking the beans. Received: 22 January 1998 / Revised version: 16 March 1998  相似文献   

Pisum sativum is of great economic and nutritional interest due to its protein content. Nevertheless, pea products are underused as a protein source in human food because of their strong beany flavour. Therefore, the objective of this study was to select an efficient and representative method to extract volatile molecules of pea flour. In the first step, three extraction methods were chosen: solid phase micro extraction (SPME); Purge and Trap extraction and solvent assisted flavour evaporation (SAFE). The corresponding extracts were analysed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. In the second step, the sensory representativity of the extracts was assessed either by direct gas chromatography-olfactometry for SPME and for Purge and Trap extracts, or by sniffing for the aqueous SAFE extract. It appeared that SAFE extraction was the most suitable method because of its good extraction capacities and its high sensory representativity of the global odour of pea flour.  相似文献   

 By application of aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) to an extract prepared from raw French beans, 25 odour-active compounds with flavour dilution (FD) factors in the range 4–2048 were detected and subsequently identified. Among them, (Z)-3-hexenal (green, leaf-like), 1-octene-3-one (mushroom-like), 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine (earthy, beany) and (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal (cucumber-like) showed the highest FD factors. In an extract prepared from the same amount of cooked beans, 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine was identified as the most potent odorant, followed by 1,5-(Z)-octadiene-3-one (geranium-like), 3-isopropyl-2-methoxypyrazine (earthy, beany), 3-(methylthio)propanal (methional; cooked potato), 4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal (metallic) and an unknown compound (FD 256) with a smell of geranium leaves. A decrease in (Z)-3-hexenal and 1-pentene-3-one (etheral, pungent) and an increase in methional during cooking were shown to be mainly responsible for the flavour changes induced by cooking the beans. Received: 22 January 1998 / Revised version: 16 March 1998  相似文献   

A biotechnological method for the modification of grain legume meals (pea, faba bean) is proposed. The essence of this method is the inducing of biochemical processes, which occur at the germination, through the treatment of a meal with an acid protease. Modified meals can replace soybean protein isolate as meat extenders. In particular, the modification of pea meal improves the colour of combined meat products and eliminates their beany off‐flavour. The concentration of six‐carbon aldehydes in combined sausages is reduced after the modification of pea meal.  相似文献   

Modification of tempeh with the addition of bakla (Vicia faba Linn)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bakla ( Vicia faba Linn), an indigenous pulse, was subjected to fermentation by the strains of Rhizopus oligosporus either alone or blended with soybean ( Glycine max ). Mycelial growth as viewed on the surface of the fermented mass was best obtained when strain NRRL 3271 was used. Increase in moisture content and pH during fermentation was highest in the case of strain NRRL 2710 irrespective of composition of bakla-soybean mixture. The tempeh, the fermented product, in each case had a mushroom-like odour, which was independent of the strain used. Bakla and bakla-soybean (up to 1:1 ratio) tempeh was free of beany flavour but this flavour increased as the soybean content of the blend was further raised and was perceptibly high when soybean content reached 75%. Bakla tempeh was more crisp than soybean tempeh. The crispness decreased with increasing soybean content.  相似文献   

Goat meat nuggets were prepared using commercially available textured soy granules and reduced beany flavour full-fat soy paste (FFSP) made by simple processing technology to compare the performance of these proteins in a comminuted meat system. Addition of soy proteins (soy paste and soy granules) did not significantly affect the product yield, pH, moisture and fat percentage whereas protein content and water holding capacity (% expressible water) were significantly (p>0.05) lower in nuggets with 15% soy paste. Lower force was required to compress or shear the sample as hardness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness decreased in soy paste incorporated nuggets. Soy proteins either paste or granules, did not affect sensory attributes except flavour and overall acceptability. Nuggets with soy paste and control ones did not differ significantly for flavour and overall acceptability whereas nuggets with soy granules were rated significantly (p>0.05) lower. The nuggets remained stable with minor changes in physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory quality during frozen storage (-18±1°C) for 90days. It is concluded from this study that FFSP could be successfully incorporated in comminuted meat systems for producing quality products similar to commercially available soy granules.  相似文献   

Effects of different bambara groundnut protein isolates (BGPIs) at a level of 6 % (w/w) in combination with microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) at a concentration of 0.6 U g?1 surimi on gel properties of sardine (Sardinella albella) surimi were investigated. In the absence of MTGase, all BGPIs showed the adverse effect on gel-forming properties of surimi, as evidenced by the decreases in breaking force and deformation (P?<?0.05). When MTGase was incorporated, the increases in breaking force and deformation were found for all BGPIs used. Water-holding capacity of all gels was improved when BGPIs were added in combination with MTGase (P?<?0.05). Whiteness of gels slightly decreased with the addition of BGPIs; however, MTGase had no impact on whiteness (P?>?0.05). Surimi gel added with BGPI prepared from defatted flour with heat treatment in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (DF-BGPI-HE) and MTGase showed well-ordered network and exhibited the lowest peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances than those containing other BGPIs. Gel containing DF-BGPI-HE had negligible beany flavour. Additionally, DF-BGPI-HE had the lower amount of volatile compounds after storage of 30 days at room temperature than other BGPIs. Thus, the addition of DF-BGPI-HE and MTGase was an effective means to render sardine surimi gel with improved gel property and caused no beany flavour in resulting gel.  相似文献   

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