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Immunoglobulin molecules are localized in the dentinal tubules of non-carious and carious teeth, but their possible role in caries invasion is not understood. This study sought to examine the effects of immunoglobulin molecules on dentine permeability using a fluid-filtration method. Crown segments cut from impacted human third molars were treated by filtration with 100 micrograms/ml IgG, 100 micrograms/ml IgA or 30 micrograms/ml IgM under a constant pressure. Flow rates were recorded and percent changes in flow rate analysed over time. Filtrates collected at various times were tested for changes in immunoglobulin concentrations by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and the percent retention of immunoglobulins to dentine was calculated. There was a decreasing non-linear exponential relation between the percent changes in flow rate and filtration time for all three immunoglobulins. The percentage of retained immunoglobulins was significantly related to the filtration time for all three classes of immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulin retention contributed to significant changes in flow rate with time. These in vitro results indicate the potential mechanism of immunoglobulins in decreasing tabular permeability.  相似文献   

Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) at a concentration of 5 mg/ml, significantly inhibited mitogenic responses to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), concanavalin A (conA) and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) by peripheral blood cells from healthy donors. No difference in inhibition by IVIG was seen when stimulating different T-lymphocyte cell subsets. Inhibition by IVIG was dose-dependent. An increased response was observed when IVIG was added more than 12 h after PHA compared to adding 1 h before [P = 0.05]. Intravenous immunoglobulin added to mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC), reduced the median response by more than 60% (range 14-89%; P = 0.03) and almost completely abrogated the lymphocyte response to Staphylococcus aureus protein A (SPA), whose median inhibition was 94% (range 90-99%; P = 0.02). When comparing 12 different commercial IVIG preparations at a concentration of 2.5 mg/ml, the median inhibition of the PHA stimulation ranged from 4% to 35% and the MLC response from 0% to 66%. In the presence of IVIG the lymphocyte response to different herpes virus antigens was reduced by > 50%. No difference in inhibitory effect was seen when comparing IVIG and cytomegalovirus (CMV) hyper Ig, but CMV negative Ig resulted in lower inhibition [P = 0.05]. Three out of five IgG preparations (2.5 mg/ml) made from single donors inhibited PHA stimulation significantly more than commercial IVIG [P < 0.05]. Mean inhibition was 61% compared to 35%. Inhibition by pooled IgG from five donors was 56%. F(ab')2 fragments of IVIG inhibited the MLC response by more than 50% (range 34-75%), SPA stimulation by 97% (83-104%) and PHA stimulation by more than 30% (26-37%). One of two Fc preparations tested had an inhibitory effect, but the inhibition was less than that obtained with the F(ab')2 fragments [P = 0.04]. These results further strengthen the notion that IVIG exerts its immune modulatory effect by binding to leukocyte surface receptors. A clear inhibition was obtained with concentrations corresponding to the serum levels obtained when IVIG is given 250-500 mg/kg bodyweight. F(ab')2 fragments have the same inhibitory effect as intact IgG molecules but the role of Fc fragments still remains unclear. Differences in the immunosuppressive effect of various IVIG preparations may be associated with the method of preparation.  相似文献   

Brequinar is an immunosuppressant with the potential to be combined with cyclosporine in synergistic combination therapy. The drug tends to accumulate when given daily per os, and pharmacokinetic interaction with cyclosporine appears to enhance toxicity. Analogues with similar immunosuppressive activity have been identified at Du Pont Merck Pharmaceutical Co., that do not accumulate upon daily oral dosing in rats, and hence could have an improved potential in combination treatment with cyclosporine. We performed a toxicity study with brequinar and two brequinar analogues, administered orally once daily for 4 weeks, either alone or in combination with cyclosporine (Neoral, Novartis Pharma AG). In a first study relatively high doses were evaluated with cyclosporine at non-toxic doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg/d. The maximum tolerated dose of brequinar alone was estimated between 5 and 10 mg/kg/d; that of the analogues was estimated between 10 and 20 mg/kg/d, and above 20 mg/kg/d, respectively. In combination with cyclosporine at 5 and 10 mg/kg/d, approximately a 2-fold reduction in the maximum tolerated dose was observed. In a second study lower doses were evaluated in combination with cyclosporine at 2.5 and 5 mg/kg/d. Also this study revealed increased toxicity of brequinar (analogues) when given in combination with cyclosporine. The side effects observed were typical for drugs in the brequinar class and included leukocytopenia and thrombocytopenia, reduced body weight gain or body weight loss, thymic atrophy, cellular depletion of bone marrow and splenic white pulp, and villous atrophy in jejunum. Concentrations of brequinar (analogues) were determined in blood sampled 4 h after administration at day 1, 14 and 21-28 of the experiment. There was a tendency for drug accumulation in some groups treated with brequinar and cyclosporine. For one of the analogues at a low dose, higher concentrations were measured in groups treated with combinations of this compound and cyclosporine. We conclude that a potential synergism in immunosuppression using combinations of brequinar (analogues) and cyclosporine can be complicated by enhanced toxicity of the compounds. This indicates the need for a careful evaluation of the therapeutic window in a combined treatment together with detailed pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

This study is part of a long term evaluation of sickle cell disease (SCD) as a paradigm for immunosuppression. Serum was obtained from 43 SCD patients during the steady (healthy) state. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), separated by density gradient were obtained from 8 normal healthy donors. PBMC were utilized in assays directly or as a source for obtaining, total T (CD3) and helper T (CD4) cell populations separated by specific T cell columns. Standard in vitro phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation of lymphocyte cultures was done with culture media containing 10% SCD serum, as compared to normal pooled O, Rh+ (O+) serum. Mitogenic responses were expressed as mean counts per minute (cpm) and stimulation index of triplicate cultures. Results revealed PHA responses were positive in all experiments when a standard stimulation index of 10 or greater was used as a test parameter for comparison. Positive results were demonstrated in 43/43 (100%) of triplicate cultures regardless of serum type in all experiments. Conversely, by using mean cpm as the test criterion, suppression of PHA response was shown in SCD serum supplemented cells as follow; 36/43 (84%) of PBMC, 35/43 (81%) of CD3 and 37/43 (86%) of CD4 cultures. The degree of suppression ranged from > 10% to 98% in individual experiments, as compared to O+ serum. Inhibitors of normal T lymphocyte in vitro PHA response appear to be present in a significant percentage of SCD sera even during the healthy state of disease. Type 2 cytokines which suppress cell mediated immunity would seem to be the most likely inhibitory agents.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study of serum selenium levels in patients (n = 59) with different types of cancer from southeastern Spain was carried out using hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. The subjects were divided into four groups according to the cancer location (respiratory, digestive, haematological and gynaecological groups). Serum selenium levels in all patients (54.41 +/- 24.80 mg/l) were significantly lower (P < 0.001) than those determined in control groups [healthy subjects from the same area (n = 130) and institutionalized elderly people (n = 93)]. Mean serum selenium concentrations were not significantly different among the four groups considered (P > 0.05). Linear regression analyses performed on serum selenium levels and biochemical markers (total cholesterol, triglycerides, transaminases, uric acid and urea) did not establish any statistically significant correlation (P > 0.05). No significant relationships between serum selenium concentrations and sex or age of patients was observed (P > 0.05). Given the marked overlap between the two ranges of the populations (the means are within approx. 1/2 S.D.) the predictive values of serum selenium are low. Thus, there is indeed a statistical significance between the means, but selenium cannot be used to determine whether or not a patient has cancer disease.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the mechanism of human endothelial injury in a human peripheral blood lymphocyte-severe combined immunodeficient (huPBL-SCID) mouse/human skin graft model of allograft injury and examined the effect of immunosuppressive drugs on this process. In this model, split-thickness human skin containing the superficial dermal microvessels was grafted onto immunodeficient C.B-17 SCID or SCID/beige mice and allowed to heal. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) allogeneic to the skin, when subsequently introduced by intraperitoneal injection, caused destruction of the human dermal microvasculature by day 16, evident as endothelial cell sloughing and thrombosis. In the same specimens, mouse microvessels that invaded the human skin graft were uninjured. Human microvascular cell injury was accompanied by a mononuclear cell infiltrate consisting of approximately equal numbers of human CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, some of which contained perforin-positive granules. We found no evidence of human natural killer cells and noted occasional human, but not mouse, macrophages at a frequency indistinguishable from that resident in skin on animals not receiving human PBMCs. These human T cell infiltrates did not extend into adjacent mouse skin. Human immunoglobulin G antibody was detected in the blood and was diffusely present throughout mouse and human tissues in SCID mice receiving PBMCs. Mouse C3 was detected on human dermal vessels in both unreconstituted control animals and those that received PBMCs. Blood and tissues from mice injected with PBMCs depleted of B cells showed no human immunoglobulin, but circulating CD3+ cells were detected by flow cytometry at levels comparable with those of animals receiving whole PBMCs. Significantly, skin graft infiltration by human T cells and human dermal microvascular injury were equivalent in the B cell-depleted and whole-PBMC-reconstituted mice. Mice inoculated with PBMCs depleted of CD8+ T cells developed microvascular injury and infiltrates containing perforin-expressing CD4+ T cells. These data suggested a cytolytic T cell-dependent mechanism of microvessel injury. We then tested the ability of T cell immunosuppressants, cyclosporine and rapamycin, to attenuate vessel damage. Neither cyclosporine nor rapamycin alone effectively reduced either mononuclear cell infiltration or vascular injury. However, a combination of the two agents reduced both parameters. We conclude that the huPBL-SCID/skin allograft model may be used both to study cytolytic T cell-mediated rejection and to test the effect of immunosuppressive drug strategies in vivo in a small-animal model of human immune responses.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of i.v. cocaine, hydromorphone and their combination, and assessed the ability of oral naltrexone, an opioid antagonist, to modulate these effects. Volunteers with cocaine and heroin abuse histories (n = 8) participated in this placebo-controlled, cross-over study while residing on a closed research unit. Daily treatment with capsules containing placebo or naltrexone in ascending doses (3.125, 12.5, 50 and 200 mg) were given for 7-day periods. In thrice weekly experimental sessions, cocaine, hydromorphone and their combination were given in random order. Drug doses were given in an ascending order 1 hr apart as follows: cocaine at 0,20 and 40 mg, hydromorphone at 0, 1.5 and 3.0 mg, and the combination of 0 and 0 mg, 20 mg cocaine and 1.5 mg hydromorphone and 40 mg cocaine and 3.0 mg hydromorphone. Hydromorphone and cocaine produced distinct pharmacodynamic profiles, and the combination produced effects similar to both drugs. In some cases, the magnitude of effects produced by the combination was greater than that produced by either drug alone. Naltrexone produced dose-related blockade of hydromorphone effects, but did not after any of the physiological or subjective effects of cocaine. All naltrexone doses partially attenuated the effects of the combination and this appeared to be attributable to selective opioid blockade. These data do not support the use of naltrexone as a treatment for cocaine abuse, but suggest it may be useful for treating patients with concurrent cocaine and heroin abuse.  相似文献   

Aged individuals (more than 65 years) were classified as antibody (Ab) responders on the basis that they showed increases to more than or = 1:40 in serum Ab titers to all influenza virus strains present in the trivalent influenza vaccine within 4 weeks after immunization. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from pre-immunization samples of blood taken from seven Ab-responders and seven Ab-nonresponders were examined for their ability to exhibit up-regulation of IgD-receptor (IgD-R) after exposure for 2 h to immobilized cross-linked IgD, as shown by rosetting with IgD-coated ox erythrocytes. The responsiveness to IgD was found to be predictive of the ability to produce Ab responses to viral protein Ag: the IgD-R up-regulation was greater than 5% in all Ab-responders and less than 4% in all the Ab-nonresponders. In addition, there was an excellent correlation between mean Ab titers (to the three viruses in sera collected 4 weeks after immunization) and the percentage of IgD-R+ cells obtained in response to IgD in PBMC from the same individual prior to immunization: p = 0.894. Injection of influenza vaccine itself also induced IgD-R on PBMC in vivo. The percentage of IgD-R+ cells peaked after 24 h, was still detectable above background by day 7 or 14, and returned to pre-injection levels by day 28 in young subjects and aged Ab-responders, but not in Ab-nonresponders. Similarly, purified peripheral blood T cells obtained from aged Ab-responders exhibited IgD-R upon immunization in vivo. These findings suggest that Ag injection causes rapid up-regulation of IgD-R by cross-linking IgD in humans as well as in mice as shown previously. In analogy with results in mice, the present data are consistent with a role for IgD-R+ T cells in the humoral response in man. Proliferative responses to influenza proteins in peripheral blood T cells from vaccinated individuals were found to peak on day 7 and were higher in Ab-responders than in Ab-nonresponders.  相似文献   

Cyclosporine A (CsA) is known to have testicular toxicity, leading to male infertility. The occurrence of numerous anomalous spermatids and residual bodies in the epididymal ducts of rats treated with CsA was observed in our previous studies. To examine the fine structural changes of impaired spermiogenesis induced by CsA, rats were treated s.c. with 40 mg/kg/day CsA for 2 weeks. Desquamation of round spermatids still surrounded by a slender Sertoli cell cytoplasm was occasionally observed. A prominent change in the seminiferous tubules was an occurrence of numerous residual bodies containing one or more flagella. They were not phagocytosed by the Sertoli cell, and accumulated in the epididymal ducts. Cellular components in the epididymal lumen included degenerating round spermatids and abnormal spermatozoa and residual bodies. Although separation of the head from the tail of the spermatozoa was rarely seen, various kinds of abnormalities of flagella were frequently encountered; compact aggregation of numerous flagella in a single spermatozoon or residual body, disarrangement of mitochondrial or fibrous sheath with outer dense fibers, and fusion of flagella with a single intervening mitochondrial layer. These findings indicate that CsA gives rise to toxic effects on the spermiogenesis by impairing directly the spermiogenic cell development and by impeding Sertoli cell function including a reduction of its phagocytic activity.  相似文献   

Biotinyl-oligosaccharides are a relatively new generation of saccharide probes that enable immobilization of desired oligosaccharides on streptavidin matrices for studies of carbohydrate-protein interactions. Here we describe the facile preparation of biotinyl-l-3-(2-naphthyl)-alanine hydrazide (BNAH) derivatives of oligosaccharides, containing a strong UV absorbing and fluorescent group, in which the ring of the reducing-end monosaccharide is nonreduced. We evaluate reactivities of immobilized BNAH- N -glycans with plant lectins that recognize aspects of the oligosaccharide core or outer-arms. We make some comparisons with 2-amino-6-amidobiotinyl-pyridine (BAP) derivatives obtained by reductive amination, and 6-(biotinyl)-aminocaproyl-hydrazide (BACH) derivatives which have a longer spacer-arm. N -Glycan-BNAH and-BAP derivatives have, overall, comparable reactivities with lectins which recognize N -glycan outer-arms or the trimannosyl core, but only BNAH and BACH derivatives are bound by lectins which recognize the non-reduced core. Moreover, with Pisum sativum agglutinin (PSA) which additionally requires the fucosyl- N- glycan-asparaginyl core for high affinity binding, the immobilized BNAH derivative (which is an alanine hydrazide beta-glycoside) can substitute for the natural beta-glycosylasparaginyl core, whereas the BACH derivative (aminocaproyl-hydrazide-beta-glycoside) is less effective. BNAH is a derivatization reagent of choice, therefore, for solid phase carbohydrate-binding experiments with immobilized N -glycans.  相似文献   

Iridotomies were made in rabbit and human eyes using a continuous wave argon laser. Several of these have been studied histologically to determine the short- and long-term effects on the iris, cornea, lens and retina. Thirty-three eyes of patients with angle-closure glaucoma were treated by argon laser iridotomy and followed for periods of up to twelve months. In two eyes, planned cataract surgery was performed shortly after the laser iridotomy and histologic specimens of the iris were examined. From the experimental and clinical studies, an evaluation was made of the complications and clinical usefulness of the continuous wave argon laser as a means to produce iridotomies for the treatment of angle-closure glaucoma. Further long-term controlled studies are recommended to document the role of laser iridotomy.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (ConA) activates T lymphocytes and causes T-cell mediated hepatic injury in mice. The intravenous administration of human immunoglobulins has beneficial effects in T-cell mediated diseases such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and adjuvant arthritis. In the present study, we examined the effects of intravenous immunoglobulins in a mouse model of T-cell mediated, acute liver injury induced by concanavalin A. Balb/c mice were inoculated with 12 mg/kg concanavalin A with or without intravenous immunoglobulins at doses of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 g/kg body wt. The serum levels of liver enzymes, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interferon-gamma and interleukin-6 were assayed 2, 6 and 24 h after concanavalin A administration. Intravenous immunoglobulins did not prevent concanavalin A-induced hepatitis, as manifested by elevation of serum aminotransferases and histopathological evaluation. The serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in mice pretreated with immunoglobulins, measured 2 h after ConA treatment were reduced, while interferon-gamma levels measured 6 h after ConA inoculation were 5-fold higher than control levels. There was no effect of intravenous immunoglobulins on the release of interleukin 6. In conclusion, these results indicate that intravenous immunoglobulin is not effective in preventing T-cell mediated concanavalin A-induced hepatitis. The increased secretion of interferon-gamma and the incomplete suppression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha release may explain the lack of efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin in this experimental model.  相似文献   

To analyze the critical parameters for effective antiviral cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity in vivo, control of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in the spleen was studied after adoptive transfer of different spleen cell populations into preinfected recipients. The quantitative, qualitative and kinetic requirements for virus control were defined and related to in vitro assays to compare the antiviral protective function of CTL from naive, acutely infected and memory mice. Treatment of mice with an established but limited LCMV infection by adoptive transfer of spleen cells from acutely LCMV-infected mice led to complete virus elimination mainly mediated by donor-derived CD8+ T cell-mediated, perforin-dependent cytotoxicity. Since virus is continuously spreading and the number of infected target cells rapidly increases, the time until target cell lysis is achieved was critical: if release of viral progeny was not prevented early, additional time to perform effector function did not improve overall virus control. When the function of various cell populations was compared in this model, we found that CTL from naive and memory mice perform considerably less well than CTL from acutely infected mice. In vitro studies indicated that this is probably due to the fact that they can not fulfill the limiting time requirements for immediate antiviral protection: while CTL from acutely infected mice can perform lytic effector function immediately, memory CTL require a considerable reactivation time before they can lyse infected target cells. This reactivation does not necessarily involve cell division. These findings illustrate how critical time limitations are for CTL to mediate early control of a dynamic virus infection in vivo.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the acute effects of cocaine on behavioral control in the presence and absence of motivational conflict. Adults (N=14) with a history of stimulant use received oral cocaine hydrogen chloride (0, 100, 200, and 300 mg) and performed a cue-dependent go/no-go task to measure inhibitory and activational mechanisms of behavioral control either with or without motivated conflict between the inhibition and the activation of responses. Cocaine improved response inhibition in both conflict conditions, as evident by a decrease in inhibitory failures following active doses. The current study provides a useful model to investigate the effects of other drugs reported to have performance-enhancing effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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