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《Biomass & bioenergy》1999,16(5):299-309
Municipal, industrial and agricultural solid wastes, and biomass deposits cause large-scale pollution of land and water. Gaseous products of waste decomposition pollute the air and contribute to global warming. This paper describes the development of a two-phase fermentation system that alleviates methanogenic inhibition encountered with high-solids feeds, accelerates methane fermentation of solid bed, and captures methane (renewable energy) for captive use to reduce global warming. The innovative system consisted of a solid-bed reactor packed with simulated solid waste at a density of 160 kg/m3 and operated with recirculation of the percolated culture (bioleachate) through the bed. A rapid onset of solids hydrolysis, acidification, denitrification and hydrogen gas formation was observed under these operating conditions. However, these fermentative reactions stopped after about 2.5 months of solid-bed fermentation at which time total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration accumulated to 13,000 mg/l (as acetic) at pH 5, and the reactor head-gas consisted of 75% carbon dioxide, 20% nitrogen, 2% hydrogen and 3% methane. The VFA concentration and gas composition remained virtually constant for an additional 2.5 months of solid-bed fermentation indicating inhibition of the hydrolysis–acidification process. Inhibition of acidogenic fermentation was alleviated by moving the bioleachate to a separate methane-phase fermenter, and recycling methanogenic effluents at pH 7.5 to the solid bed. Coupled operation of the two reactors during the following 4.5 months of two-phase fermentation achieved methanogenic conversion of about 30% of the volatile solids (VS) content of the high-solids feed. Process operation was continuing.  相似文献   

Biohydrogen production from cellulosic waste materials using dark fermentation is a promising technology for producing renewable energy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate residual cellulosic materials generated from local sources for their H2 production potential without any pretreatment. Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405, a cellulolytic, thermophilic bacterium that has been shown to be capable of H2 production on both cellobiose and α-cellulose substrates, was used in simultaneous batch fermentation experiments with dried distillers grain (DDGs), barley hulls (BH) and fusarium head blight contaminated barley hulls (CBH) as the carbon source. Overall, the dried distillers grain produced the highest concentration of hydrogen gas at 1.27 mmol H2/glucose equivalent utilized. CBH and BH produced 1.18 and 1.24 mmol H2/glucose equivalent utilized, respectively. Overall, this study indicates that hydrogen derived from a variety of cellulosic waste biomass sources is a possible candidate for the development of sustainable energy.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production from municipal solid wastes was investigated by applying a weak current (0.06 A) to a slurry of municipal solid waste in an anaerobic reactor at 55 °C using 4 electrodes (carbon graphite for the cathode and platinum electroplated titanium for the anode). Current application to the organic waste stimulated the hydrogen producing bacteria especially bacteria related to the Thermotogales and Bacillus families. Measured hydrogen production rates were comprised between 16 and 41 mL/h. Comparison of bacterial and archaeal communities in methane-producing (control) and electro-stimulated reactors showed similar species but with different dynamics correlated to hydrogen or methane production. Energy efficiency of the overall bioelectrolysis process using municipal solid waste and an applied voltage of 3V was approximately 12.4%, which is relatively low compared to values reported in the literature for organic wastes and can be explained by the low organic carbon content and availability in the municipal solid waste. Results of this study highlight some important operational constraints with respect to electro-stimulated hydrogen production from organic wastes; related in particular to electrode lifetime expectancies. Results nevertheless illustrate the potential for hydrogen production from municipal solid waste as a possible route for energy recovery.  相似文献   

A two-step process of sequential anaerobic (dark) and photo-heterotrophic fermentation was employed to produce hydrogen from cassava and food waste. In dark fermentation, the average yield of hydrogen was approximately 199 ml H2 g−1 cassava and 220 ml H2 g−1 food waste. In subsequent photo-fermentation, the average yield of hydrogen from the effluent of dark fermentation was approximately 611 ml H2 g−1 cassava and 451 ml H2 g−1 food waste. The total hydrogen yield in the two-step process was estimated as 810 ml H2 g−1 cassava and 671 ml H2 g−1 food waste. Meanwhile, the COD decreased greatly with a removal efficiency of 84.3% in cassava batch and 80.2% in food waste batch. These results demonstrate that cassava and food waste could be ideal substrates for bio-hydrogen production. And a two-step process combining dark fermentation and photo-fermentation was highly improving both bio-hydrogen production and removal of substrates and fatty acids.  相似文献   

In this work, the Taguchi method was used to optimize the dark fermentative H2 production from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). The experiments were planned using the L16 orthogonal array design with each trial conducted at different levels of substrate concentration, inoculum-to-substrate ratio (ISR), and temperature. Based on the results, the optimal setting of the process parameters was the substrate concentration of 6 g-VS/L, ISR 0.5, and temperature of 55 °C. Furthermore, substrate concentration was the most important parameter affecting bio-H2 production among the three process parameters considered. Finally, a confirmation experiment under optimal conditions yielded 62.5 mL H2/g-VSadded, which was higher than all the bio-H2 yield values obtained in the other conditions tested in this study. The measured and predicted bio-H2 yields in the verification test were also very close to each other, confirming the reliability of the Taguchi method in optimizing the bio-H2 production process.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production from agricultural waste by dark fermentation: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The degradation of the natural environment and the energy crisis are two vital issues for sustainable development worldwide. Hydrogen is considered as one of the most promising candidates as a substitute for fossil fuels. In this context, biological processes are considered as the most environmentally friendly alternatives for satisfying future hydrogen demands. In particular, biohydrogen production from agricultural waste is very advantageous since agri-wastes are abundant, cheap, renewable and highly biodegradable. Considering that such wastes are complex substrates and can be degraded biologically by complex microbial ecosystems, the present paper focuses on dark fermentation as a key technology for producing hydrogen from crop residues, livestock waste and food waste. In this review, recent findings on biohydrogen production from agricultural wastes by dark fermentation are reported. Key operational parameters such as pH, partial pressure, temperature and microbial actors are discussed to facilitate further research in this domain.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a clean energy carrier which has a great potential to be an alternative fuel. Abundant biomass from various industries could be a source for biohydrogen production where combination of waste treatment and energy production would be an advantage. This article summarizes the dark fermentative biohydrogen production from biomass. Types of potential biomass that could be the source for biohydrogen generation such as food and starch-based wastes, cellulosic materials, dairy wastes, palm oil mill effluent and glycerol are discussed in this article. Moreover, the microorganisms, factors affecting biohydrogen production such as undissociated acid, hydrogen partial pressure and metal ions are also discussed.  相似文献   

This work focused on the hydrogen production from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) in solid substrate fermentation (SSF) with a double purpose: (i) to evaluate the effect of the total solids content (20.9 and 35% TS), temperature (35 and 55 °C) and mass retention time (MRT, 21 and 14 d) on semi-continuous fermentation, and (ii) to test the supplementation of OFMSW with nutrient nitrogen in the form of waste activated sludge in batch mini-reactors.  相似文献   

The hydrogen production from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) by anaerobic mixed culture fermentation was investigated using batch experiments at 37 °C. Seven varieties of typical individual components of OFMSW including rice, potato, lettuce, lean meat, oil, fat and banyan leaves were selected to estimate the hydrogen production potential. Experimental results showed that the boiling treated anaerobic sludge was effective mixed inoculum for fermentative hydrogen production from OFMSW. Mechanism of fermentative hydrogen production indicates that, among the OFMSW, carbohydrates is the most optimal substrate for fermentative hydrogen production compared with proteins, lipids and lignocelluloses. This conclusion was also substantiated by experimental results of this study. The hydrogen production potentials of rice, potato and lettuce were 134 mL/g-VS, 106 mL/g-VS, and 50 mL/g-VS respectively. The hydrogen percentages of the total gas produced from rice, potato and lettuce were 57–70%, 41–55% and 37–67%.  相似文献   

The feasibility of operational strategies was investigated for hydrogen and methane production from food waste. Food waste was heat-treated at 70 °C and fed to a two-phase anaerobic sequencing batch fermenting system. Maximum hydrogen productivity of 1.19 m3 H2/m3 d was observed at a food waste concentration of 30 g carbohydrate/L, a hydraulic retention time of 2 d, and a solids retention time of 3.4 d. The effluent from hydrogenesis was efficiently converted to methane at an organic loading rate of up to 3.6 kg COD/m3.d. The methanogenic effluent was then recycled to the hydrogenesis reactor without any pretreatment. The recycled effluent not only successfully replaced external dilution water and decreased alkaline dosage by 75%, but also increased hydrogen production by 48%, resulting in hydrogen productivity of 1.76 m3/m3 d. The two-phase digestion with recycling would convert 91% of organic pollutants in food waste to hydrogen (8%) and methane (83%) without any external dilution water.  相似文献   

Batch dark fermentation experiments were performed to investigate the effects of biomass and substrate concentration on bio-hydrogen production from acid hydrolyzed ground wheat at 55 °C. In the first set of experiments, the substrate concentration was constant at 20 g total sugar L−1 and biomass concentration was varied between 0.52 and 2.58 g L−1. Total sugar concentration was varied between 4.2 and 23.7 g L−1 in the second set of experiments with a 1.5 g L−1 constant biomass concentration. The highest cumulative hydrogen formation (582 mL, 30 °C, 1 atm), formation rate (5.43 mL h−1) and final total volatile fatty acid (TVFA) concentration (6.54 g L−1) were obtained with 1.32 g L−1 biomass concentration. In variable substrate concentration experiments, the highest cumulative hydrogen (365 mL) and TVFA concentration (4.8 g L−1) were obtained with 19.25 g L−1 initial total sugar concentration while hydrogen gas formation rate (12.95 mL h−1) and the yield (200 mL H2 g−1 total sugar) were the highest with 4.2 g L−1 total sugar concentration.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effect of bioaugmentation with three bacterial species (i.e. E. coli, Bacillus subtilis and Enterobacter aerogenes) on the hydrogen production from organic fraction of municipal solid waste was evaluated at different bacteria/sludge ratios (0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35 and 0.40). Cumulative hydrogen production, lag phases, and maximum hydrogen production rates were analyzed using modified Gompertz model. The highest cumulative and volumetric hydrogen production of 564.4 ± 10.9 mL and 1.61LH2/Lsubstrate respectively was achieved for bioaugmentation with Bacillus subtilis at bacteria/sludge ratio of 0.25. The corresponding highest hydrogen yield was 43.68 mLH2/gCarbo. For bioaugmentation with E. coli and Enterobacter aerogenes, the maximum cumulative hydrogen production of 423.4 ± 10.6 mL and 486.3 ± 10.6 mL respectively was obtained from bacteria/sludge ratio of 0.20. Corresponding highest hydrogen yields were 32.9 mLH2/gCarbo and 37.1 mLH2/gCarbo respectively. Bioaugmentation shortened the lag phases and improved COD removal. Volatile fatty acid generation was also improved with the bioaugmentation.  相似文献   

In this paper are presented the results of the investigation on optimal process operational conditions of thermophilic dark fermentation and anaerobic digestion of food waste, testing a long-term run, applying an organic loading rate of 16.3 kgTVS/m3d in the first phase and 4.8 kgTVS/m3d in the second phase. The hydraulic retention times (HRTs) were maintained at 3.3 days and 12.6 days, respectively, for the first and second phase. Recirculation of anaerobic digested sludge, after a mild solid separation, was applied to the dark fermentation reactor in order to control the pH in the optimal hydrogen production range of 5–6. It was confirmed the possibility to obtain a stable hydrogen production, without using external chemicals for pH control, in a long-term test, with a specific hydrogen production of 66.7 l per kg of total volatile solid (TVS) fed and a specific biogas production in the second phase of 0.72 m3 per kgTVS fed; the produced biogas presented a typical composition with a stable presence of hydrogen and methane in the biogas mixture around 6 and 58%, respectively, carbon dioxide being the rest.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the feasibility of improving net energy gain from solid organic wastes by dark fermentation (DF) and its aqueous end products. Batch experiments were conducted with dairy cattle manure as a typical solid waste blended with sucrose at different sucrose:manure ratios. This study differs from previous DF studies in two aspects; these experiments were conducted at ambient temperature without any external nutrient supplements or pH control measures while previous studies had resorted to mesophilic conditions, nutrient supplements, and external pH control; this study evaluated the feasibility of DF in terms of net energy yield rather than in terms of hydrogen yield as in previous studies. Hydrogen yields (2.9–5.3 M H2/M sucrose) and net energy gains (2.0–3.7 kJ/g COD) demonstrated in this study are higher than in previous reports. Based on this study, sucrose:manure ratio of 4.5% is suggested as the optimal ratio.  相似文献   

This paper is a comprehensive review of H2 consumption during anaerobic mixed culture H2 dark fermentation with a focus on homoacetogenesis. Homoacetogenesis consumed from 11% to 43% of the H2 yield in single and repeated batch fermentations, respectively. However, its quantification and extent during continuous fermentation are still not well understood. Models incorporating thermodynamic and kinetic controls are required to provide insight into the dynamic of homoacetogenesis during H2 dark fermentation. Currently, no adequate method exists to eliminate homoacetogenesis because it does not depend on the culture's source, pre-treatment, substrate, type of reactor, or operation conditions. Controlling CO2 concentrations during dark fermentation needs further investigation as a potential strategy towards controlling homoacetogenesis. Incorporating radioactive labeling technique in H2 fermentation research could provide information on simultaneous production and consumption of H2 during dark fermentation. Genetic studies investigating blocking H2 consuming pathways and enhancing H2 evolving hydrogenases are suggested towards controlling homoacetogenesis during dark fermentation.  相似文献   

Waste ground wheat was subjected to acid hydrolysis (pH = 3.0) at 90 °C for 15 min using an autoclave. The sugar solution obtained from acid hydrolysis was subjected to dark fermentation for hydrogen gas production after neutralization. In the first set of experiments, initial total sugar concentration was varied between 3.9 and 27.5 g L−1 at constant biomass (cell) concentration of 1.3 g L−1. Biomass concentration was varied between 0.28 g L−1 and 1.38 g L−1 at initial total sugar concentration of 7.2 ± 0.2 g L−1 in the second set of experiments. The highest hydrogen yield (1.46 mol H2 mol−1 glucose) and the specific formation rate (83.6 ml H2 g−1 cell h−1) were obtained with 10 g L−1 initial total sugar concentration. Biomass (cell) concentration affected the specific hydrogen production rate yielding the highest rate (1221 ml H2 g−1 cell h−1) and the yield at the lowest (0.28 g L−1) initial biomass concentration. The most suitable Xo/So ratio, maximizing the yield and specific rate of hydrogen gas formation was Xo/So = 0.037. Dark fermentation of acid hydrolyzed ground wheat was found to be more beneficial as compared to simultaneous bacterial hydrolysis and fermentation.  相似文献   

The combination of dark and photo fermentation was studied with cassava starch as the substrate to increase the hydrogen yield and alleviate the environmental pollution. The different raw cassava starch concentrations of 10–25 g/l give different hydrogen yields in the dark fermentation inoculated with the mixed hydrogen-producing bacteria derived from the preheated activated sludge. The maximum hydrogen yield (HY) of 240.4 ml H2/g starch is obtained at the starch concentration of 10 g/l and the maximum hydrogen production rate (HPR) of 84.4 ml H2/l/h is obtained at the starch concentration of 25 g/l. When the cassava starch, which is gelatinized by heating or hydrolyzed with α-amylase and glucoamylase, is used as the substrate to produce hydrogen, the maximum HY respectively increases to 258.5 and 276.1 ml H2/g starch, and the maximum HPR respectively increases to 172 and 262.4 ml H2/l/h. Meanwhile, the lag time (λ) for hydrogen production decreases from 11 h to 8 h and 5 h respectively, and the fermentation duration decreases from 75–110 h to 44–68 h. The metabolite byproducts in the dark fermentation, which are mainly acetate and butyrate, are reused as the substrates in the photo fermentation inoculated with the Rhodopseudomonas palustris bacteria. The maximum HY and HPR are respectively 131.9 ml H2/g starch and 16.4 ml H2/l/h in the photo fermentation, and the highest utilization ratios of acetate and butyrate are respectively 89.3% and 98.5%. The maximum HY dramatically increases from 240.4 ml H2/g starch only in the dark fermentation to 402.3 ml H2/g starch in the combined dark and photo fermentation, while the energy conversion efficiency increases from 17.5–18.6% to 26.4–27.1% if only the heat value of cassava starch is considered as the input energy. When the input light energy in the photo fermentation is also taken into account, the whole energy conversion efficiency is 4.46–6.04%.  相似文献   

Biological production of hydrogen (H2) by dark fermentation is an exciting scientific area for the conversion of low-cost residues and waste into biofuel. The main requirement for an efficient H2 production process is the availability of efficient microbial consortia in which H2-utilizing and non-H2-producing bacteria are suppressed. This study was performed to evaluate the H2 production potentials from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) with and without addition of inoculum. The results showed that hydrogen productions from OFMSW without addition of inoculum were comparable to those obtained with inoculum but a latency phase of about 6 days occurred. On the contrary, addition of inoculum resulted in higher H2 production potentials without any latency phase. The use of a properly pre-treated inoculum confirmed to be an interesting and improvable tool to obtain high H2 yields from organic waste. However the indigenous OFMSW microbiota showed promising hydrogen yields especially toward the development of efficient hydrogen producing microbial inoculants.  相似文献   

针对我国城市生活垃圾、废塑料等高热值废弃物,采用比较成熟的焦炉炼焦、蓄热式火焰炉等热解技术,开发高热值城市生活垃圾外热式固定床热解技术、共焦化技术与设备,可以发挥钢铁企业的技术设备优势,减少高热值废弃物热解工艺的研究周期.实现废弃物处理过程的无害化和资源化利用的最大化.  相似文献   

城市有机垃圾车库式干发酵技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市有机垃圾处理和资源再生利用已成为我国建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会中迫切需要解决的问题。欧洲国家中以德国为代表的车库式干发酵技术(Garage-type dry anaerobic digestion)已经成熟,可进行规模化的沼气生产。文章着重介绍了车库式干发酵沼气工程的技术要点,并以德国Loock TNS工艺和黑龙江宾县车库式干发酵项目为例,介绍了有机垃圾车库式干发酵喷淋回流、系统密封等关键技术,以期为我国车库式干发酵工程的工艺设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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