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Using a three-dimensional computational model, numerical simulations are performed to investigate the performance characteristics of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) incorporating either a conventional straight gas flow channel or a novel wave-like channel. The simulations focus particularly on the effect of the wave-like surface on the gas flow characteristics, the temperature distribution, the electrochemical reaction efficiency and the electrical performance of the PEMFCs at operating temperatures ranging from 323 K to 343 K. The numerical results reveal that the wave-like surface enhances the transport of the reactant gases through the porous layer, improves the convective heat transfer effect, increases the gas flow velocity, and yields a more uniform temperature distribution. As a result, the efficiency of the catalytic reaction is significantly improved. Consequently, compared to a conventional PEMFC, the PEMFC with a wave-like channel yields a notably higher output voltage and power density. 相似文献
Computational model of a PEM fuel cell with serpentine gas flow channels 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model of a PEM fuel cell with serpentine flow field channels is presented in this paper. This comprehensive model accounts for the major transport phenomena in a PEM fuel cell: convective and diffusive heat and mass transfer, electrode kinetics, and potential fields. A unique feature of the model is the implementation of a voltage-to-current (VTC) algorithm that solves for the potential fields and allows for the computation of the local activation overpotential. The coupling of the local activation overpotential distribution and reactant concentration makes it possible to predict the local current density distribution more accurately. The simulation results reveal current distribution patterns that are significantly different from those obtained in studies assuming constant surface overpotential. Whereas the predicted distributions at high load show current density maxima under the gas channel area, low load simulations exhibit local current maxima under the collector plate land areas. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the simultaneous flow of liquid water and gaseous reactants in mini-channels of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. Envisaging the mini-channels as structured and ordered porous media, we develop a continuum model of two-phase channel flow based on two-phase Darcy's law and the M2 formalism, which allow estimate of the parameters key to fuel cell operation such as overall pressure drop and liquid saturation profiles along the axial flow direction. Analytical solutions of liquid water saturation and species concentrations along the channel are derived to explore the dependences of these physical variables vital to cell performance on operating parameters such as flow stoichiometric ratio and relative humility. The two-phase channel model is further implemented for three-dimensional numerical simulations of two-phase, multi-component transport in a single fuel-cell channel. Three issues critical to optimizing channel design and mitigating channel flooding in PEM fuel cells are fully discussed: liquid water buildup towards the fuel cell outlet, saturation spike in the vicinity of flow cross-sectional heterogeneity, and two-phase pressure drop. Both the two-phase model and analytical solutions presented in this paper may be applicable to more general two-phase flow phenomena through mini- and micro-channels. 相似文献
《Journal of power sources》2006,157(1):226-243
Water management in a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stack has been a challenging issue on the road to commercialization. This paper presents a numerical investigation of air–water flow in micro-parallel-channels with PEM fuel cell stack inlet and outlet manifolds for the cathode, using a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package FLUENT. Different air–water flow behaviours inside the straight micro-parallel-channels with inlet and outlet manifolds were simulated and discussed. The results showed that excessive and unevenly distributed water in different single PEM fuel cells could cause blockage of airflow or uneven distribution of air along the different flow channels. It is found that for a design with straight-channels, water in the outflow manifold could be easily blocked by air/water streams from the gas flow channels; the airflow could be severely blocked even if there was only a small amount of water in the gas flow channels. Some important suggestions were made to achieve a better design. 相似文献
In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model of the proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) with conventional flow field designs (parallel flow field, Z-type flow field, and serpentine flow field) has been established to investigate the performance and transport phenomena in the PEMFCs. The influences of the flow field designs on the fuel utilization, the water removal, and the cell performance of the PEMFC are studied. The distributions of velocity, oxygen mass fraction, current density, liquid water, and pressure with the convention flow fields are presented. For the conventional flow fields, the cell performance can be enhanced by adding the corner number, increasing the flow channel length, and decreasing the flow channel number. The cell performance of the serpentine flow field is the best, followed by the Z-type flow field and then the parallel flow field. 相似文献
《Journal of power sources》2006,155(2):219-230
A two-phase flow and multi-component mathematical model with a complete set of governing equations valid in different components of a PEM fuel cell is developed. The model couples the flows, species, electrical potential, and current density distributions in the cathode and anode fluid channels, gas diffusers, catalyst layers and membrane, respectively. The modeling results of typical concentration distributions are presented. The coupling of oxygen concentration, current density, overpotential and potential are shown in the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). The model predicted fuel cell polarization curves for different cathode pressures compared well with our experimental data. 相似文献
A three-dimensional mixed-domain PEM fuel cell model with fully-coupled transport phenomena has been developed in this paper. In this model, after fully justified simplifications, only one set of interfacial boundary conditions is required to connect the water content equation inside the membrane and the equation of the water mass fraction in the other regions. All the other conservation equations are still solved in the single-domain framework. Numerical results indicate that although the fully-coupled transport phenomena produce only minor effects on the overall PEM fuel cell performance, i.e. average current density, they impose significant effects on current distribution, net water transfer coefficient, velocity and density variations, and species distributions. Intricate interactions of the mass transfer across the membrane, electrochemical kinetics, density and velocity variations, and species distributions dictate the detailed cell performances. Therefore, for accurate PEM fuel cell modeling and simulation, the effects of the fully-coupled transport phenomena could not be neglected. 相似文献
A full three-dimensional, non-isothermal computational fluid dynamics model of a tubular-shaped proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell has been developed. This comprehensive model accounts for the major transport phenomena in a PEM fuel cell: convective and diffusive heat and mass transfer, electrode kinetics, and potential fields. In addition to the tubular-shaped geometry, the model feature an algorithm that allows for more realistic representation of the local activation overpotentials which leads to improved prediction of the local current density distribution. Three-dimensional results of the species profiles, temperature distribution, potential distribution, and local current density distribution are presented. The model is shown to be able to understand the many interacting, complex electrochemical, and transport phenomena that cannot be studied experimentally. 相似文献
A comprehensive, three-dimensional analysis of a polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell has been developed to study the performance of this device under different operational conditions. This steady-state analysis is single-phase and non-isothermal. A commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program provided a numerical platform for solving the conservation equations for species, energy, charge, mass and momentum. Different boundary conditions were added to a computational domain to simulate single channel PEM fuel cell. The electrochemistry involved in this model was added by a set of user-defined subroutines that feature: electrochemical reactions, electric and ionic charge and heat generation. The calculations were then solved by an iterative method following an adapted computational procedure. The results were validated with other computational models and experimental data. These show a noticeable non-uniform distribution of the current density across the catalyst layer (CL) at different operational conditions. The results emphasize on the differences of anodic and cathodic activation overpotentials, the oxygen transport limitations and the ohmic losses distributions of both proton and electric overpotentials. 相似文献
《Journal of power sources》2006,162(1):415-425
In polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells, serpentine flow channels are used conventionally for effective water removal. The reactant flows along the flow channel with pressure decrease due to the frictional and minor losses as well as the reactant depletion because of electrochemical reactions in the cells. Because of the short distance between the adjacent flow channels, often in the order of 1 mm or smaller, the pressure gradient between the adjacent flow channels is very large, driving part of reactant to flow through the porous electrode backing layer (or the so-called gas diffusion layer)—this cross-leakage flow between adjacent flow channels in PEM fuel cells has been largely ignored in previous studies. In this study, the effect of cross-flow in an electrode backing layer has been investigated numerically by considering bipolar plates with single-channel serpentine flow field for both the anode and cathode side. It is found that a significant amount of reactant gas flows through the porous electrode structure, due to the pressure difference, and enters the next flow channel, in addition to a portion entering the catalyst layer for reaction. Therefore, mixing occurs between the relatively high concentration reactant stream following the flow channel and the relatively low reactant concentration stream going through the electrode. It is observed that the cross-leakage flow influences the reactant concentration at the interface between the electrode and the catalyst layer, hence the distribution of reaction rate or current density generated. In practice, this cross-leakage flow in the cathode helps drive the liquid water out of the electrode structure for effective water management, partially responsible for the good PEM fuel cell performance using the serpentine flow channels. 相似文献
Lixin YouHongtan Liu 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2002,45(11):2277-2287
A unified two-phase flow mixture model has been developed to describe the flow and transport in the cathode for PEM fuel cells. The boundary condition at the gas diffuser/catalyst layer interface couples the flow, transport, electrical potential and current density in the anode, cathode catalyst layer and membrane. Fuel cell performance predicted by this model is compared with experimental results and reasonable agreements are achieved. Typical two-phase flow distributions in the cathode gas diffuser and gas channel are presented. The main parameters influencing water transport across the membrane are also discussed. By studying the influences of water and thermal management on two-phase flow, it is found that two-phase flow characteristics in the cathode depend on the current density, operating temperature, and cathode and anode humidification temperatures. 相似文献
《Journal of power sources》2006,159(1):514-523
The dynamic performance of PEM fuel cell is one of the most important criteria in its design with application to mobile systems and portable devices. To analyze the features, this work employs an unsteady model about single phase transport in cathode side of PEM fuel cell with interdigitated flow field, which considers both convection and diffusion processes. Two types of dynamic performances, start-up and state-to-state operations, are analyzed. The effects of channel width fraction, porosity of the gas diffusion layer, pressure drop and the surface overpotential of the catalyst layer on the dynamic performance are investigated in detail. Predicted results found that the response time is generally quite fast, less than 0.1 s, to reach the 90% response. The time interval from the start-up to a steady state or from one steady state to another steady state mainly depends on the end condition. 相似文献
The main subject of this study are the flooding phenomena in the cathode channels of low-temperature PEM fuel cell. Transparent acrylic materials are used to make various fuel cell models for the experiments. Parameters considered in the experiments include the rate of water injected into the models, the velocity and the temperature of the humidified gas in the cathode channels, the types of flow field, and the temperature of the models. It is found that the parallel and interdigitated flow channels are easily flooded under certain conditions. In order to decrease the chance of flooding, the design of the flow field path should fit the streamline pattern. Furthermore, fuel cells with two different types of flow channels and two different electrode sizes (25, 100 cm2) were made, and their performances were compared to some of the flooding results observed from the transparent physical models. 相似文献
《Journal of power sources》2006,160(1):116-122
In this work, the effects of interdigitated flow channel design on the cell performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are investigated experimentally. To compare the effectiveness of the interdigitated flow field, the performance of the PEM fuel cells with traditional flow channel design is also tested. Besides, the effects of the flow area ratio and the baffle-blocked position of the interdigitated flow field are examined in details. The experimental results indicate that the cell performance can be enhanced with an increase in the inlet flow rate and cathode humidification temperature. Either with oxygen or air as the cathode fuel, the cells with interdigitated flow fields have better performance than conventional ones. With air as the cathode fuel, the measurements show that the interdigitated flow field results in a larger limiting current density, and the power output is about 1.4 times that with the conventional flow field. The results also show that the cell performance of the interdigitated flow field with flow area ratio of 40.23% or 50.75% is better than that with 66.75%. 相似文献
The flow field design in bipolar plates is very important for improving reactant utilization and liquid water removal in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). A three-dimensional model was used to analyze the effect of the design parameters in the bipolar plates, including the number of flow channel bends, number of serpentine flow channels and the flow channel width ratio, on the cell performance of miniature PEMFCs with the serpentine flow field. The effect of the liquid water formation on the porosities of the porous layers was also taken into account in the model while the complex two-phase flow was neglected. The predictions show that (1) for the single serpentine flow field, the cell performance improves as the number of flow channel bends increases; (2) the single serpentine flow field has better performance than the double and triple serpentine flow fields; (3) the cell performance only improves slowly as the flow channel width increases. The effects of these design parameters on the cell performance were evaluated based on the local oxygen mass flow rates and liquid water distributions in the cells. Analysis of the pressure drops showed that for these miniature PEMFCs, the energy losses due to the pressure drops can be neglected because they are far less than the cell output power. 相似文献
Water flooding and membrane dry-out are two major issues that could be very detrimental to the performance and/or durability of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. The above two phenomena are well-related to the distributions of and the interaction between the water saturation and temperature within the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). To obtain further insights into the relation between water saturation and temperature, the distributions of liquid water and temperature within a transparent PEM fuel cell have been imaged using high-resolution digital and thermal cameras. A parametric study, in which the air flow rate has been incrementally changed, has been conducted to explore the viability of the proposed experimental procedure to correlate the relation between the distribution of liquid water and temperature along the MEA of the fuel cell. The results have shown that, for the investigated fuel cell, more liquid water and more uniform temperature distribution along MEA at the cathode side are obtained as the air flow rate decreases. Further, the fuel cell performance was found to increase with decreasing air flow rate. All the above results have been discussed. 相似文献
Guobin Zhang Zhiming Bao Biao Xie Yun Wang Kui Jiao 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(3):2978-2989
It is well-known that flow field design is of primary importance to optimization of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. Traditional channel-rib flow fields, e.g. parallel or serpentine channels, always lead to non-uniform distributions of reactant gas, liquid, current density and so on between the channel and rib regions. Metal foam materials with high porosity (>90%) have been proposed as alternative flow fields for PEM fuel cells. In this study, influences of metal foam flow field on the transport phenomena coupled with the electrochemical reactions in PEM fuel cell are investigated using a three-dimensional (3D) multi-phase non-isothermal model. Specifically, the full morphology of metal foam flow field is taken into account in the 3D simulation after validated against experimental permeability data. The full morphology inclusion enables capture of the detailed gas flow from the flow field into the gas diffusion layer (GDL) and the current collection at the metal foam/GDL interface. In addition, compared with the conventional channel-rib flow fields, the metal foam design greatly increases fuel cell performance in the high current density regime. In addition, the oxygen and current density distributions in PEM fuel cell with the metal foam flow field are more uniform than those in the conventional one. Though the current collection area at the GDL surface is much smaller in the metal foam flow field, the relevant Ohmic loss won't increase significantly due to the improved physical contact by the fine pore structure of metal foam over the GDL. 相似文献
《Journal of power sources》2006,154(1):124-137
Water management in a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stack has been a challenging issue on the road to commercialization. This paper presents a numerical investigation of air–water flow in parallel serpentine channels on cathode side of a PEM fuel cell stack by use of the commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package FLUENT. Different air–water flow behaviours inside the serpentine flow channels with inlet and outlet manifolds were discussed. The results showed that there were significant variations of water distribution and pressure drop in different cells at different times. The “collecting-and-separating effect” due to the serpentine shape of the gas flow channels, the pressure drop change due to the water distribution inside the inlet and outlet manifolds were observed. Several gas flow problems of this type of parallel serpentine channels were identified and useful suggestions were given through investigating the flow patterns inside the channels and manifolds. 相似文献