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开展了建筑荷载作用下能源桩-土力学模型试验及数值模拟,分析了加热(制冷)运行对桩土力学特性的影响。首先,在桩顶分级加载至2kN,待沉降稳定后再对桩土进行加热升温冷却(室温11℃→55℃→11℃),测试了桩顶竖向位移、桩身轴力、土体温度和孔隙水压力、地表竖向位移,分析了循环温度作用下的桩-土力学特性及变化规律;其次,以模型试验为原型,利用ABAQUS软件建立能源桩桩-土计算模型,并将模拟结果与试验结果对比;最后,开展了不同循环温度作用和循环次数下的桩-土力学特性数值模拟。结果表明:在运行工况下,土中超静孔隙水压力随温升的增加而变大,使土体发生热固结现象;随循环次数的增加,桩顶及地表产生不可恢复的变形,且土的沉降大于桩体沉降,导致桩身多处出现负摩阻力,且负摩阻力随温度的升高而增大。 相似文献
针对中线设计的重要性,介绍了中线设计的方法,详细讨论了复曲线和卵型曲线的几何要素和中桩坐标的计算方法,指出导线法适用于大比例地形图上定线、优化设计和立交线形设计中。 相似文献
This paper estimated the liquefaction potential of a saturated soil deposit subjected to a horizontal seismic excitation at its base using the total stress approach.A comparative analysis between the simplified and the nonlinear dynamic methods was used to verify to what extent the simplified method could be reliable.In order to generalise the reliability of the simplified method for any value of the maximum acceleration for the used earthquakes,a correction for the maximum acceleration less than 0.3 g was proposed based on the comparison of safety factor values determined by the dynamic method illustrated by the equivalent linear model with lumped masses and the simplified method for a given profile of soil subjected to 38 earthquakes.The nonlinear behaviour of soil was represented by two hyperbolic models:Hardin and Drnevich,and Masing.To determine the cyclic resistance ratio(CRR),the cone penetration test(CPT) based method,the standard penetration test(SPT) based method,and the shear wave velocity based method were used.The safety factor was calculated as the ratio of CRR/CSR,where CSR represents the cyclic stress ratio.The results of the proposed correction have given smaller values of the safety factor compared to the nonlinear dynamic methods for the maximum acceleration less than 0.3 g.In other words,by considering this correction,the most unfavourable case is always given by the modified simplified method. 相似文献
Stratum ventilation has been proposed to accommodate elevated indoor temperatures recommended by governments in East Asia. TRNSYS is used for computation of the space cooling loads, sensible and latent, as well as system energy consumption. Typical configurations of an office, a classroom and a retail shop in Hong Kong are investigated. Desiccant dehumidification with and without solar assistance is utilized for the air treatment under displacement ventilation and stratum ventilation, while simple reheating is adopted under mixed ventilation. Compared with mixing ventilation and displacement ventilation, stratum ventilation derives its energy saving potential largely from the following five factors: the reduction in ventilation, dehumidification and transmission loads, prolonged free cooling period and increased the COP of the chillers. For the office, the year-round energy saving is found to be substantial at 20% and 40% without the need for solar energy provision when compared with displacement ventilation and mixing ventilation respectively. For the classroom and retail shop, the year-round energy saving is at about 25% and at least 37% with the aid of solar energy provision when compared with displacement ventilation and mixing ventilation respectively. 相似文献
为了延长档案“寿命”或者说延缓档案自然损坏的时间,采取有效措施达到控制档案库房温湿度的目的,本文阐述了如何制作档案库房温湿度曲线图表,意在避免档案工作人员每天记载库房内温湿度,减轻劳动强度,优质高效地做好档案库房的温湿度控制。 相似文献
Dr E. Cuvillier 《国际自然能源杂志》2013,34(1):27-33
This paper introduces a method of selecting the most energy-saving heating system without resorting to too complex and heavy analysis requiring large computers. The method described uses an imaginary ‘year’ of 52 days picked at random, to enable designers to calculate diary heating needs in the various cases to be considered. In the paper the method is applied to a swimming pool for which several heating and management systems liable to be used are studied and compared. 相似文献
Seongmi Kang Seok-gil Yong Jinho Kim Heungshin Jeon Hunhee Cho Junemo Koo 《Building Simulation》2018,11(2):219-233
An automated process is developed to perform dynamic energy simulations for several hundreds or thousands of the conditions required to examine the influence of dozens of building envelope design factor changes on the heating and cooling load of a building. The developed process was applied for 10-factor 128-treatment fractional factorial design, it was experimentally confirmed that the simulated preparation period, which took about 1 day to complete via manual operation, took about 10 min using the automated process; this represents a 400-fold increase in speed. It is shown that the processing time savings obtained with the automation process increase exponentially as the number of design factors considered increases. The regression equations between heating and cooling loads and design factors are analyzed with a multi-objective optimization algorithm to obtain the Pareto-front, which is a combination of optimal design factors that can be used to minimize the building heating and cooling loads and to provide building designers with viable alternatives by considering the building energy performance. 相似文献
介绍了几种冲击荷载的加载方式,通过Matlab软件对不同冲击荷载作用下的位移时程曲线作了分析,得出一定的规律,对于结构抵抗偶然荷载有着至关重要的意义,同时提高建筑物的安全性。 相似文献
根据曲线线路的特点,结合现场实践,就铁路曲线线路养护中曲线缩短轨铺设和曲线方向整治两方面的方法进行了探讨,并将这两点有机的结合,以使铁路线路维修工作更加完善. 相似文献
Regression models are proposed for accurate estimation of storm runoff load. Regression equations are obtained for the relationship between final cumulative load and flow during direct runoff by each storm event. The models are applied to estimate annual nutrients load by all influent rivers into the Lake Kasumigaura for a model year of average annual rainfall. The load in dry weather is calculated from observed data of all influent rivers. Total annual load for a year is the sum of loads in dry weather days and loads in wet weather days. The ratios of the load in a wet weather day to total annual loads are 29 percent for T‐N, 51 percent for T‐P, 53 percent for T‐COD, 22 percent for D‐N, 22 percent for D‐P and 30 percent for D‐COD. 相似文献
目前结构性态地震工程中易损性曲线传统计算流程对强震记录选取不够重视,鲜有对目标场址地震概率危险性的考虑,因而以同时考虑地震概率危险性和结构自振周期特性的条件均值谱作为记录选取依据,将结果应用到IDA方法和条带法中,并与地震事件随机散布的传统云图法进行对比。以某八层平面框架作为算例,将云图法与IDA方法以及条带法在四种极限状态下的结构需求易损性曲线以及结构需求概率危险性曲线进行对比分析。其中,随机选取两组地震事件(M,R)分布范围相仿的强震记录进行云图法计算,二者结果由于不可控的地震动不确定性而存在显著差异,但IDA方法与条带法由于采用条件均值谱对地震动进行了控制,彼此结果基本一致,更符合实际工程场址的危险性需求,同时为后期不同区域的结构性态分析损失评估提供了依据。 相似文献
Arif Hepbasli 《Energy and Buildings》2008,40(3):308-315
In choosing the type of any energy sources for residential and other uses, their prices play in general a big role. These prices are based on energy values. Besides this, the application of the exergy, which is a way to a sustainable future, is more meaningful in providing information for long-term planning of resource management. In the present study, energy and exergy prices of various energy sources are investigated. The energy sources considered include coal, natural gas, furnace oil, diesel oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and wood, while electric resistance along with heat pump and district heating are also covered. In this context, chemical exergy relations of these energy sources are presented first. The prices of various energy sources in the Turkish residential sector, which is given as an illustrative example, are then used in the calculations. Finally, the energy and exergy prices are compared with each other, while the main conclusions are listed. The highest unit energy price is that of diesel oil, while the lowest one is that of natural gas. The differences between the energy and exergy prices are small for all energy carriers. 相似文献
对建筑能耗按照气候条件进行修正是建筑能耗评估的基础,也是提高建筑能耗评估精度的关键。本文讨论了目前通用的修正方法(DD法和EDD法),指出这些方法虽然具有较高的精度,但缺陷也显而易见,并提出了改进建议。 相似文献
《Energy and Buildings》1998,28(3):269-277
Methods to select the outdoor design temperature (ODT) for heating load calculation specified in current design codes in different countries are firstly discussed. Then a new method namely Stochastic Analysis is presented to determine the outdoor synthetic temperature (OST), which fully considers the randomness of weather and internal casual gains, and the thermal performance of buildings. The concept of OST enables the design of space heating system to be the trade-off between economics and risk. Finally, case studies of the influence of different building components on OST of a residential room in Beijing have been studied, which shows that OST depends upon building structures as well as weather conditions. It is recommended that OST rather than ODT should be employed in heating load calculation hence, sizing equipment for space heating systems. 相似文献