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Tail pipe emission reduction, increased use of renewable fuels and efficient supply of auxiliary power for road vehicles using fuel cells have been the main drivers of the European project BIOFEAT (biodiesel fuel processor for a fuel cell auxiliary power unit for a vehicle). Within the project a biodiesel fuelled heat integrated fuel processor for 10 kWe capacity has been designed and constructed. Demonstration tests showed a high quality reformate with less than 10 ppm of CO and a gross efficiency of 87%.  相似文献   

《Journal of power sources》2001,92(1-2):17-25
A thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol has been carried out with respect to solid polymer fuel cell applications. Ethanol processors incorporating either a steam reformer or a partial oxidation reactor connected to water gas shift and CO oxidation reactors were considered and the effect of operating parameters on hydrogen yield has been examined. Employment of feeds with high H2O/EtOH ratio results in reduced energy efficiency of the system. When hydrogen, non-converted in the fuel cell, is used to supply heat in the steam reformer, the effective hydrogen yield is essentially independent of the temperature of the reformer and the water gas shift reactor. Optimal operating conditions of partial oxidation processors have been determined assuming an upper limit for the preheat temperature of the feed. Results are discussed along with other practical considerations in view of actual applications.  相似文献   

Fuel cell coupled with biomass-derived fuel processor can convert renewable energy into a useful form in an environmental-friendly and CO2-neutral manner. It is considered as one of the most promising energy supply systems in the future. Biomass-derived fuels, such as ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, glycerol, and biogas, can be fed to a fuel processor as a raw fuel for reforming by autothermal reforming, steam reforming, partial oxidation, or other reforming methods. Catalysts play an important role in the fuel processor to convert biomass fuels with high hydrogen selectivity. The processor configuration is another crucial factor determining the application and the performance of a biomass fuel processing system. The newly developed monolithic reactor, micro-reactor, and internal reforming technologies have demonstrated that they are robust in converting a wide range of biomass fuels with high efficiency. This paper provides a review of the biomass-derived fuel processing technologies from various perspectives including the feedstock, reforming mechanisms, catalysts, and processor configurations. The research challenges and future development of biomass fuel processor are also discussed.  相似文献   

At least three different definitions of fuel processor efficiency are in widespread use in the fuel cell industry. In some instances the different definitions are qualitatively the same and differ only in their quantitative values. However, in certain limiting cases, the different efficiency definitions exhibit qualitatively different trends as system parameters are varied. In one limiting case that will be presented, the use of the wrong efficiency definition can lead a process engineer to believe that a theoretical maximum in fuel processor efficiency exists at a particular operating condition, when in fact no such efficiency optimum exists. For these reasons, the objectives of this paper are to: (1) quantitatively compare and contrast these different definitions, (2) highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each definition and (3) recommend the correct definition of fuel processor efficiency.  相似文献   

《Journal of power sources》2004,137(2):269-276
Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) systems targeting applications to transfer vehicles for short-term missions and larger spacecraft in the future are being developed at NASDA.First, we designed and manufactured a system with a 100 W class fuel cell. Through our tests, we found that a humidifier is not necessary when using pure hydrogen and oxygen supplied from opposite directions.In a closed simulated environment, the tests could also demonstrate the stable operation of the fuel cell system where the oxygen was recycled and the hydrogen stream was dead-ended.  相似文献   

This paper presented a detailed survey of the catalysts for fuel reforming, including nickel‐based catalysts with alkalis, alkaline earths, rare earths, noble metals, and hydrotalcite‐type precursors. All these additions can enhance the Ni catalysts in regarding with activity, coke resistivity, and sintering resistivity. Smaller Ni particle size, more even particle dispersion, and less free NiO and NiAl2O4 can be obtained with these additions. Physicochemical characterization, activity, stability, coke resistance, and the effects of different precursors were summarized and compared. Development of the most commonly used monolithic reformer was also summarized, and different reformer configurations were presented chronologically. Homogeneous mixing of the completely evaporated fuel with air and steam, as well as uniform distribution of the mixture flow are the two main concerns in reformer design. Reforming energy conversion efficiency around 80%, power density above 3 kW/L, and specific power above 3 kW/kg are also reported in the most recent monolithic reformer. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fuel economy and emission abatement are issues, which are highly prioritized areas in the automotive industry of today. The debate about climate change has in recent years even more emphasized the importance of these issues and has increased the search for finding sustainable technical solutions. This paper describes an effort to develop an innovative and environmentally-benign hydrogen generation system operating on commercial diesel fuel to avoid running the engine to supply electricity at stand-still. The use of a fuel cell-based auxiliary power unit (APU) has the potential of delivering electricity at high efficiencies independent of the heavy-duty truck engine. During the reformer development phase, spray formation and mixing of reactants proved to be crucial to obtain high reforming efficiencies and low diesel slip. The diesel is being injected through a nozzle creating a spray of fine droplets of a size which can establish rapid evaporation. Air and steam are being pre-heated and injected into the mixture chamber and subsequently mixed with the evaporated diesel fuel. Depending on the operating parameters, a part of the fuel is being oxidized and produces heat. Autothermal reforming was chosen to circumvent the heat transfer problem in catalytic steam reforming. By supplying heat directly to the catalyst surface by an oxidation reaction the heat demand of the strongly endothermic steam reforming reaction can be fulfilled. We employed CFD calculations, which revealed the importance of avoiding large recirculation zones leading to a prolonged residence time of the hydrocarbon molecules and causing auto-ignition and excessive temperatures in the catalyst. Five different reformer generations are being described and discussed in detail in this publication. The first one was based on a fixed bed reactor, while the other four all relied on catalytic monoliths enabling low pressure drops. The early reactor designs all suffered from auto-ignition and instability problems. The latter generations exhibited a considerably more stable temperature profile in the reformer. The conversion of diesel and the reformer efficiencies are significantly higher than the early generation diesel reformers.  相似文献   

《Journal of power sources》2005,145(2):675-682
Due to the increasing demand for electrical power in today's passenger vehicles, and with the requirements regarding fuel consumption and environmental sustainability tightening, a fuel cell-based auxiliary power unit (APU) becomes a promising alternative to the conventional generation of electrical energy via internal combustion engine, generator and battery. It is obvious that the on-board stored fuel has to be used for the fuel cell system, thus, gasoline or diesel has to be reformed on board. This makes the auxiliary power unit a complex integrated system of stack, air supply, fuel processor, electrics as well as heat and water management. Aside from proving the technical feasibility of such a system, the development has to address three major barriers:start-up time, costs, and size/weight of the systems. In this paper a packaging concept for an auxiliary power unit is presented. The main emphasis is placed on the fuel processor, as good packaging of this large subsystem has the strongest impact on overall size.The fuel processor system consists of an autothermal reformer in combination with water–gas shift and selective oxidation stages, based on adiabatic reactors with inter-cooling. The configuration was realized in a laboratory set-up and experimentally investigated. The results gained from this confirm a general suitability for mobile applications. A start-up time of 30 min was measured, while a potential reduction to 10 min seems feasible. An overall fuel processor efficiency of about 77% was measured. On the basis of the know-how gained by the experimental investigation of the laboratory set-up a packaging concept was developed. Using state-of-the-art catalyst and heat exchanger technology, the volumes of these components are fixed. However, the overall volume is higher mainly due to mixing zones and flow ducts, which do not contribute to the chemical or thermal function of the system. Thus, the concept developed mainly focuses on minimization of those component volumes. Therefore, the packaging utilizes rectangular catalyst bricks and integrates flow ducts into the heat exchangers. A concept is presented with a 25 l fuel processor volume including thermal isolation for a 3 kWel auxiliary power unit. The overall size of the system, i.e. including stack, air supply and auxiliaries can be estimated to 44 l.  相似文献   

Effective thermal integration could enable the use of compact fuel processors with PEM fuel cell-based power systems. These systems have potential for deployment in distributed, stationary electricity generation using natural gas. This paper describes a concept wherein the latent heat of vaporization of H2O is used to control the axial temperature gradient of a fuel processor consisting of an autothermal reformer (ATR) with water gas shift (WGS) and preferential oxidation (PROX) reactors to manage the CO exhaust concentration. A prototype was experimentally evaluated using methane fuel over a range of external heat addition and thermal inputs. The experiments confirmed that the axial temperature profile of the fuel processor can be controlled by managing only the vapor fraction of the premixed reactant stream. The optimal temperature profile is shown to result in high thermal efficiency and a CO concentration less than 40 ppm at the exit of the PROX reactor.  相似文献   

This study presents a novel fuel sensor-less control scheme for a liquid feed fuel cell system that does not rely on a fuel concentration sensor. The proposed approach simplifies the design and reduces the cost and complexity of a liquid feed fuel cell system, and is especially suited to portable power sources, of which the volume and weight are important. During the reaction of a fuel cell, the cell's operating characteristics, such as potential, current and power are measured to control the supply of fuel and regulate its concentration to optimize performance. Experiments were conducted to verify that the fuel sensor-less control algorithm is effective in the liquid feed fuel cell system.  相似文献   

Ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD) is the preferred fuel for mobile auxiliary power units (APU). The commercial available technologies in the kW-range are combustion engine based gensets, achieving system efficiencies about 20%. Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) promise improvements with respect to efficiency and emission, particularly for the low power range. Fuel processing methods i.e., catalytic partial oxidation, autothermal reforming and steam reforming have been demonstrated to operate on diesel with various sulphur contents. The choice of fuel processing method strongly affects the SOFC's system efficiency and power density.This paper investigates the impact of fuel processing methods on the economical potential in SOFC APUs, taking variable and capital cost into account. Autonomous concepts without any external water supply are compared with anode recycle configurations. The cost of electricity is very sensitive on the choice of the O/C ratio and the temperature conditions of the fuel processor. A sensitivity analysis is applied to identify the most cost effective concept for different economic boundary conditions.The favourite concepts are discussed with respect to technical challenges and requirements operating in the presence of sulphur.  相似文献   

The article explores the thermodynamics of an alternate hydrogen generation process - dry autothermal reforming and its comparison to autothermal reforming process of isooctane for use in gasoline fuel processors for SOFC. A thermodynamic analysis of isooctane as feed hydrocarbon for autothermal reforming and dry autothermal reforming processes for feed OCIR (oxygen to carbon in isooctane ratio) from 0.5 to 0.7 at 1 bar pressure under analogous thermoneutral operating conditions was done using Gibbs free energy minimization algorithm in HSC Chemistry. The trends in thermoneutral points (TNP), important product gas compositions at TNPs and fuel processor energy requirements were compared and analyzed. Dry autothermal reforming was identified as a less energy consuming alternative to autothermal reforming as the syngas can be produced with lower energy requirements at thermoneutral temperatures, making it a promising candidate for use in gasoline fuel processors to power the solid oxide fuel cells. The dry autothermal reforming process for syngas production can also be used for different fuels.  相似文献   

A new configuration of a mixing chamber integrated with a customized porous nozzle has been developed to completely vaporize heavy hydrocarbon fuels (e.g., diesel, biodiesel) and achieve homogenous mixing of fuel/air/steam. This proposed configuration suppresses hydrocarbon thermal pyrolysis and solid carbon formation in the fuel vaporization step. The porous nozzle promotes the micro-explosion of emulsified fuel and accelerates secondary atomization to reduce the droplet size. The mixing chamber with customized nozzle was integrated in a single-tube reformer system in order to analyze its effect on diesel and biodiesel auto-thermal reforming (ATR). It has been demonstrated that the customized nozzle not only improved the hydrogen production rate and the reforming efficiency, but it also stabilized the chemical reactions within the reformer and prevented the reactor inlet from high temperature sintering. For diesel ATR, this mixing chamber–reformer combination enabled operation at relatively low reformer temperature without forming solid carbon. This study is one component of a three-part investigation of bio-fuel reforming, also including biodiesel (Part 2) and biodiesel–diesel blends (Part 3).  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental results of a diesel steam reforming fuel processor operated in conjunction with a gas cleanup module and coupled operation with a PEM fuel cell. The fuel processor was operated with two different precious-metal based reformer catalysts, using diesel surrogate with a sulfur content of less than 2 ppmw as fuel. The first reformer catalyst entails an increasing residual hydrocarbon concentration for increasing reformer fuel feed. The second reformer catalyst exhibits a significantly lower residual hydrocarbon concentration in the reformate gas.  相似文献   

The dc voltage generated from fuel cell is low in magnitude, unregulated and load dependent. Hence, it is required to be regulated and boosted by high performance dc-dc converter. In this paper, a fully soft-switched pulse-width-modulated dc-dc boost converter has been proposed for fuel cell applications. The proposed converter operates at high switching frequency with high efficiency and large power to volume ratio. A laboratory prototype model of the proposed converter has been designed and fabricated for charging a battery bank at 110 V from a fuel cell stack SR-12 of Avista Lab. The experimental results were found in close agreement with the predicted behavior.  相似文献   

In the last decade, production of biogas from biomass degradation has attracted the attention of several research groups. The interest on this hydrogen source is focused on the potential use of this gas as raw material to supply high temperature fuel cells (HTFC). This paper reports a wide research investigation carried out at CNR-ITAE on biogas reforming processes (steam reforming, autothermal reforming and partial oxidation). A mathematical model was developed, in Aspen Plus, and an experimental validation was made in order to confirm model results. Simulations were performed to determine the reformed gas composition and the system energy balance as a function of process temperature and pressure. The value of Gas Hour Space Velocity (GHSV) was selected for calculating compositions at full equilibrium, as it is expected in operative large scale plant. To obtain a realistic evaluation of the reforming processes efficiency, the energy balance for each examined process was developed as available energy of outlet syngas on inlet required energy ratio. The comparison between values of efficiency process gives useful indication about their reliability to be integrate with fuel cell systems.  相似文献   

《Journal of power sources》2005,140(1):88-102
A performance model for a reformer, consisting of the catalytic partial oxidation (CPO), high- and low-temperature water-gas shift (HTWGS and LTWGS), and preferential oxidation (PROX) reactors, has been formulated. The model predicts the composition and temperature of the hydrogen-rich reformed fuel-gas mixture needed for the fuel cell applications.The mathematical model equations, based on the principles of classical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics, were implemented into a computer program. The resulting software was employed to calculate the chemical species molar flow rates and the gas mixture stream temperature for the steady-state operation of the reformer. Typical computed results, such as the gas mixture temperature at the CPO reactor exit and the profiles of the fractional conversion of carbon monoxide, temperature, and mole fractions of the chemical species as a function of the catalyst weight in the HTWGS, LTWGS, and PROX reactors, are here presented at the carbon-to-oxygen atom ratio (C/O) of 1 for the feed mixture of n-decane (fuel) and dry air (oxidant).  相似文献   

Fuel economy of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of on-road energy consumption, fuel economy (FE) of hydrogen fuel cell light-duty vehicles is projected to be 2.5–2.7 times the fuel economy of the conventional gasoline internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV) on the same platforms. Even with a less efficient but higher power density 0.6 V per cell than the base case 0.7 V per cell at the rated power point, the hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are projected to offer essentially the same fuel economy multiplier. The key to obtaining high fuel economy as measured on standardized urban and highway drive schedules lies in maintaining high efficiency of the fuel cell (FC) system at low loads. To achieve this, besides a high performance fuel cell stack, low parasitic losses in the air management system (i.e., turndown and part load efficiencies of the compressor–expander module) are critical.  相似文献   

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