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化工行业节能现状和节能技术发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,发展"低碳经济"已经成为社会经济发展的必然趋势。介绍了低碳经济的概念内涵,结合化工行业在发展低碳经济过程中存在的主要问题,展望了未来化工行业节能技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

<正>全球气候变暖催生新经济,低碳经济正在走进世界经济大舞台。近年来世界太阳能产业飞速发展,成为扮靓低碳经济的光鲜角色,太阳能与建筑相结合技术和太阳能工程技术将成为太阳能产业发展的重要制高点。凭借13年太阳能行业研发与制造经验  相似文献   

<正>全球气候变暖催生新经济,低碳经济正在走进世界经济大舞台。近年来世界太阳能产业飞速发展,成为扮靓低碳经济的光鲜角色,太阳能与建筑相结合技术和太阳能工程技术将成为太阳能产业发展的重要制高点。凭借13年太阳能行业研发与制造经验和500多万m~2太阳能供热采暖系统和光伏系统  相似文献   

<正>全球各个国家致力于低碳经济的发展,将催生一大批新的低碳能源产业、低碳生活方式、低碳技术发展等等,未来新一轮的世界经济竞争必将是低碳经济的竞争。对"低碳经济"的投资必将是最值得投资的行业。  相似文献   

发展低碳经济与能源低碳科技创新紧密相联,并相互作用。发展低碳能源必须发展低碳能源科技。在应对气候变化下,发展低碳能源科技是我们的必然选择。能源低碳科技创新是发展低碳经济动力之源。能源低碳科技创新,将会极大地改变世界的政治格局和地缘政治。我国在低碳技术的研发方面还面临诸多困难,缺乏完整、有效的政策支持体系;低碳技术项目还没有形成稳定的政府投入机制。这就要求我们要大力推进低碳科技创新,加强法律政策对低碳科技创新的支撑力度。  相似文献   

<正>德国在探索发展低碳经济方面已走在世界前列。1低碳经济成"稳定器"(1)向低碳经济转轨。德国政府2009年6月公布了发展低碳经济的战略文件,强调低碳经济为经济现代化的指导方针,它包含  相似文献   

近年来,在节能减排的大潮中,围绕电力能源以低碳经济、新能源和智能电网为基调的新思维已经成为能源产业发展的方向标,在世界范围内,一场另辟蹊径的新能源革命,早已扑面  相似文献   

被称作“人类拯救地球最后一次机会”的联合国气候变化大会的哥本哈根会议已经闭幕,虽然各方评价说法不一,但节能减排、走低碳经济之路却成为各国的共识。中国作为最大的发展中国家,力推节能减排,淘汰落后产能,开发清洁能源,将在发展低碳经济的道路上,创造令世界瞩目的中国速度。  相似文献   

随着低碳经济不断发展,以城市为载体平台的低碳实践已经成为国内外推进低碳经济的重要途径。上海奉贤南桥新城以低碳为核心理念推进新城建设,大力实施六大低碳工程、三大亮点项目和三大公共平台,力争打造功能完善、优质而富有活力的低碳生态新城。  相似文献   

实现碳中和是建成现代化强国的重要标志 何建坤说,全球长期碳中和目标导向将加剧世界经济技术革命性变革,重塑大国竞争格局,也将改变国际经济贸易规则和企业发展业态.如在低碳化导向下,企业产品和原材料的碳含量指标将成为与成本、质量和服务同等重要的竞争要素;全球低碳金融的投资导向,将使高碳排放行业和企业面临融资困难.同时,先进深度脱碳技术和发展能力将成为一个国家核心竞争力的体现,走上深度脱碳发展路径也是现代化国家的重要标志.实现长期碳中和目标需要技术创新的支撑,先进能源和低碳技术将成为大国竞争的高科技前沿和重点领域.从目前情况看,世界主要经济体都在加速这方面的布局.  相似文献   

碳货币——低碳经济时代的全新国际货币   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
《京都议定书》制定了在全球范围内流动的以碳信用为标志的无形商品的贸易体系。近年来全球碳交易市场突飞猛进,成交量从2004年的0.94×108t二氧化碳当量增长到2008年的49×108t二氧化碳当量,成交额从2004年的3.77亿欧元增长到2008年的920亿欧元。预计2009年全球碳交易量为59×108t二氧化碳当量,交易额为626亿欧元。碳交易市场的不断膨胀和交易平台的不断国际一体化,为碳信用在低碳能源和低碳技术的计价以及国际结算方面奠定了基础。同时碳信用的政府信用基础、自由存储和借贷及稀缺性、可计量性和普遍接受性都凸显出其货币特性,使得与低碳能源和低碳经济绑定的碳信用从商品过渡为国际货币的可能性进一步加大。一旦碳货币体系建立起来,碳货币的储存和占有程度就会直接影响一个国家的经济体系。在未来国际碳货币体系下,我国出口的比较优势很可能被购买碳货币所抵消。我国应采取积极政策以应对国际碳货币发展潮流,积极加入到国际碳货币体系的构建中,建立中国碳金融体系,加快健全和完善碳交易市场,使人民币在碳信用的计价和结算中占据一席之地。同时积极发展我国的低碳能源和低碳技术,为今后可能出现的碳货币体系做好储备。  相似文献   

“日月开新元,天地又一春。”伴随着2010年浑厚的钟声,沐浴着冉冉升起的朝阳,低碳经济的曙光正向我们走来。  相似文献   

China now faces the three hard truths of thirsting for more oil, relying heavily on coal, and ranking first in global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Given these truths, two key questions must be addressed to develop a low-carbon economy: how to use coal in a carbon-constrained future? How to increase domestic oil supply to enhance energy security? Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) may be a technological solution that can deal with today's energy and environmental needs while enabling China to move closer to a low-carbon energy future. This paper has been developed to propose a possible CCS roadmap for China. To develop the roadmap, we first explore major carbon capture opportunities in China and then identify critical CCS-enabling technologies, as well as analyze their current status and future prospects. We find that coal gasification or polygeneration in combination with CCS could be a nearly unbeatable combination for China's low-carbon future. Even without CCS, gasification offers many benefits: once coal is gasified into syngas, it can be used for many different purposes including for alternative fuels production, thereby increasing the domestic oil supply and the flexibility of the energy system.  相似文献   

With the proposal of carbon neutral goals in various countries, the deepening of global action on climate change and the acceleration of green economy recovery in the post epidemic era, building a low-carbon and clean hydrogen supply system has gradually become a global consensus. In order to promote the development of clean hydrogen market, the standards of green hydrogen have been discussed at global level. The quantitative definition of different hydrogen production methods based on the greenhouse gases (GHG) emission of life cycle assessment (LCA) methods is gradually recognised by the industry. China issued the “Standard and evaluation of low-carbon hydrogen, clean hydrogen and renewable hydrogen” in December 2020. This is the first formal green hydrogen standard worldwide, which provides calculation methods for GHG of different hydrogen production paths. This chapter discusses the major green hydrogen standards initiative in the world, analyses the key factors of the global green hydrogen standard, and introduces how to establish the quantitative standards and evaluation system of low-carbon hydrogen, clean hydrogen, and renewable hydrogen by using the method in China.  相似文献   

关于发展低碳能源技术的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展低碳经济是应对全球气候变暖、实现可持续发展的迫切需求。论文综合了国际上温室气体排放情景的相关分析,明确了温室气体减排的潜力部门和关键技术,如能效技术、可再生能源发电以及CO2捕获和封存等。为了将应对气候变化的目标与地方贯彻落实的实践有机结合,应加强低碳经济研究,为规划和决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

This study addresses the planning and implementation of energy, industry, and carbon economy policies concerning the development of the Taiwan's energy intensive industries from perspective of climate change. As a newly industrialized country, Taiwan attaches greater importance to the development of green energy and low-carbon industries, in cooperation with global pressure for carbon reduction due to climate changes, through energy and industrial conferences. Thus, in the past year the Taiwanese government constructed four laws concerning energy and carbon reduction in order to drive the green energy industry; furthermore, it plans to reduce current carbon emission benchmarks. Nevertheless, statistical analysis found that in the last decade, energy intensive industries have presented structural unbalance regarding energy consumption, CO2 emissions, energy intensity, contributions to the GDP, and product value. Industries in the industrial sector have high energy consumption, high carbon emissions, and increase total domestic consumption and carbon emissions, which have disproportionate contributions to industrial added value; nevertheless, the government continues to approve investments for such energy intensive industries, and results in continuous increases in energy consumption and carbon emissions. This contradictory phenomenon indicates that newly industrialized countries rely on a manufacturing economic structure, which is difficult to adjust and violates the trends of a global low-carbon economy. Hence, the government must examine and adjust such unbalanced industrial structures, where such adjustments are executed in a fair and just manner, and encourage the development of high value-added measures for low-carbon manufacturing and service sectors to become equal with competitors in a global economy.  相似文献   

The shift to renewable energy options and low-carbon technologies, in response to the concerns over energy security and climate change, is proceeding more slowly than many would like. The usual argument against rapid deployment of new technologies is the costs imposed on the economy, commonly interpreted in terms of upfront costs to be borne or involving large cash transfers to fund, for example, efforts to preserve rainforests. In this contribution I argue that such a perspective provides a continuing barrier to taking effective action, whereas a perspective based on creation and use of carbon credits provides a means of avoiding the shock of abrupt industrial change. Carbon credits granted for bona fide carbon load reductions could be created through private initiative, for example by merchant banks, to constitute a market that will complement regulatory-based initiatives such as national emissions trading systems. This is not a novel idea; indeed it is the way that capitalism has funded every major change, including the Industrial Revolution, through the creation of credit. The emergence of a global carbon credit economy is likely to precede a global regulatory system governing climate change and will doubtless help to stimulate the emergence of such a global system.  相似文献   

中国发展低碳经济面临的挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了中国发展低碳经济的紧迫性和必要性,分析了中国发展低碳经济面临的挑战,提出了发展低碳经济的对策建议。  相似文献   

Hydrogen as a low-carbon clean energy source is experiencing a global resurgence and has been recognized as an alternative energy carrier that can help bring the world to a carbon neutral future. However, getting to scale is one of the main challenges limiting the growth of the hydrogen economy. In particular, the high cost of transporting green hydrogen is bottlenecking the international trading and wider adoption of hydrogen for global carbon natural objectives. In order to explore incentives for the global hydrogen economy and develop new pathways towards the carbon neutral future, the concept of hydrogen credit is proposed by this research and a framework of trading hydrogen credits similar to carbon credits in the international market is established. This research aims to contribute to the overall uptake of green hydrogen financially rather than relying on the physical production, transportation, and storage of hydrogen. Case studies are presented to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed hydrogen credit framework, as well as the great potential of a global hydrogen credit market.  相似文献   

低碳经济是实现经济社会可持续发展的一种模式。中国积极实施节能减排,促进低碳经济发展,构建生态文明社会,已经成为不可逆转的时代趋势。文章结合当前形势,讨论我省发展低碳经济的制约因素,并给出一些建议。  相似文献   

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