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Near-surface soil moisture is a critical component of land surface energy and water balance studies encompassing a wide range of disciplines. However, the processes of infiltration, runoff, and evapotranspiration in the vadose zone of the soil are not easy to quantify or predict because of the difficulty in accurately representing soil texture and hydraulic properties in land surface models. This study approaches the problem of parameterizing soil properties from a unique perspective based on components originally developed for operational estimation of soil moisture for mobility assessments. Estimates of near-surface soil moisture derived from passive (L-band) microwave remote sensing were acquired on six dates during the Monsoon '90 experiment in southeastern Arizona, and used to calibrate hydraulic properties in an offline land surface model and infer information on the soil conditions of the region. Specifically, a robust parameter estimation tool (PEST) was used to calibrate the Noah land surface model and run at very high spatial resolution across the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. Errors in simulated versus observed soil moisture were minimized by adjusting the soil texture, which in turn controls the hydraulic properties through the use of pedotransfer functions. By estimating within a continuous range of widely applicable soil properties such as sand, silt, and clay percentages rather than applying rigid soil texture classes, lookup tables, or large parameter sets as in previous studies, the physical accuracy and consistency of the resulting soils could then be assessed.In addition, the sensitivity of this calibration method to the number and timing of microwave retrievals is determined in relation to the temporal patterns in precipitation and soil drying. The resultant soil properties were applied to an extended time period demonstrating the improvement in simulated soil moisture over that using default or county-level soil parameters. The methodology is also applied to an independent case at Walnut Gulch using a new soil moisture product from active (C-band) radar imagery with much lower spatial and temporal resolution. Overall, results demonstrate the potential to gain physically meaningful soil information using simple parameter estimation with few but appropriately timed remote sensing retrievals.  相似文献   

In the semi-arid region of eastern Australia quantitative field surveys showed that microphytic crusts (lichens, mosses and blue-green algae) contributed up to 27 per cent of the ground cover. Spectral reflectance at wavelengths between 0·4 μm and 2·5 μm were recorded from crusts on two soil types and under a number of different moisture conditions. Results showed that the presence of microphytic crusts on both soil types decreased reflectance throughout the spectrum. When crusts were actively photosynthesising chlorophyll absorption features were observed. A strong photosynthetic response occurred within ten minutes of wetting. This work highlights the importance of microphytic crusts as a ground component in the semi-arid region of Australia and also the importance of a knowledge of soil moisture regimes and their effect on the biotic soil crusts when interpreting remotely sensed imagery of the region.  相似文献   

Dario Fasino 《Calcolo》1996,33(1-2):87-98
We study asymptotic and uniform properties of eigenvalues of a large class of real symmetric matrices that can be decomposed into the sum of a Toeplitz matrix and a Hankel matrix. In particular, we show that their properties are essentially driven by those of the Toeplitz part. A special subclass of structured matrices arising in an approximation problem is analyzed in detail.  相似文献   

李鹏  刘力军  黄永东 《计算机科学》2021,48(z1):220-225
经典的谱聚类算法包含两个步骤.(1)谱嵌入过程:求解Laplacian矩阵的特征值分解,得到分类指示矩阵的连续松弛解.(2)后处理过程:对谱嵌入连续松弛矩阵应用k-means或者谱旋转,得到最终的二值指示矩阵.由于有用信息的丢失,这种单独求解步骤不能保证最佳聚类结果.同时,谱聚类算法在处理大规模数据集时,存在聚类精度低...  相似文献   

为评估电容式土壤水分传感器受土壤电导率的影响及其对农田土壤电导率变化范围的适用性,配制了一系列土壤等效含水率为40.6%、电导率为0~1.91dS/m的土壤等效介电溶液,分别对激励信号频率为40,50,60,70,80,90,100MHz的7种传感器进行了电导变异性试验,并且配制了相同含水率但电导率分别为0,0.31,0.46和0.61dS/m的4种土样进行了验证试验。试验结果表明:1)土样中的测试结果基本上与介电溶液吻合,可采用等效介电溶液评估传感器的电导变异性;2)传感器的电导变异率随待测介质电导率的升高而近似线性增大,相同电导率下,传感器激励信号频率越高其电导变异率越小;3)在农田土壤电导率基本变化区域0.239~0.650 dS/m内,当传感器激励信号频率从不低于80MHz时,其最大电导变异率为9.2%,能满足工程上的实际应用要求。  相似文献   

We consider feedback systems obtained from infinite-dimensional well-posed linear systems by output feedback. Thus, our framework allows for unbounded control and observation operators. Our aim is to investigate the relationship between the open-loop system, the feedback operator K and the spectrum (in particular, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors) of the closed-loop generator AK. We give a useful characterization of that part of the spectrum σ(AK) which lies in the resolvent set of A, the open-loop generator, via the “characteristic equation” involving the open-loop transfer function. We show that certain points of σ(A) cannot be eigenvalues of AK if the input and output are scalar (so that K is a number) and K≠0. We devote special attention to the case when the output feedback operator K is compact. It is relatively easy to prove that in this case, σe(A), the essential spectrum of A, is invariant, that is, it is equal to σe(AK). A related but much harder problem is to determine the largest subset of σ(A) which remains invariant under compact output feedback. This set, which we call the immovable spectrum of A, strictly contains σe(A). We give an explicit characterization of the immovable spectrum and we investigate the consequences of our results for a certain class of well-posed systems obtained by interconnecting an infinite chain of identical systems.  相似文献   

Plant growth and crop yield can be significantly impeded by a number of soil physical parameters including soil water content, mechanical strength and soil electrical conductivity (EC). Therefore, to simultaneously measure these physical parameters along vertical depths in the field, it has been desired for many years. This study focused on developing a multi-sensor system, which contained a cell with three sensors for measuring soil water content, mechanical strength and EC. Additionally a Hall-current sensor was proposed to measure the operating current of a dc-motor, which generated the penetrating force during operating process. Based on the theoretical analysis of the transformation from electrical to mechanical energy, it was feasible to evaluate the soil mechanical strength from the operating current of the dc-motor. In order to verify the performance of the designed system and the theoretical analysis addressed, relevant calibrations and tests were conducted. The results demonstrate that the multi-sensor system could be beneficial and practical for field surveys.  相似文献   

We investigated two approaches for large-scale analysis and prediction of the spatial distribution of soil properties in an agricultural landscape in the Canadian prairies. The first approach was based on the implementation of nine types of digital terrain models (DTMs) and regression analysis of soil and topographic data. The second approach used a concept of accumulation, transit, and dissipation zones of the landsurface. Soil properties were soil moisture, residual phosphorus, solum thickness, depth to calcium carbonate, and organic carbon content. The dependence of soil properties on topography was supported by correlations for the upper soil layer. However, topographic control of soil moisture and residual phosphorus decreased with depth. Also, correlation coefficients and regression equations describing topographic control of soil moisture and residual phosphorus differed among seasons. This imposes limitations on regression-based predictions of the spatial distribution of soil properties. The prediction of soil property distribution with the concept of accumulation, transit and dissipation zones can be more successful and appropriate than the prediction based on linear regression. The variability in relationships between soil and topographic characteristics with depth may stem from spatial variability in the rate of decline of hydraulic conductivity with depth. Temporal variability in soil–topography relationships occurs because soil properties result from interactions of a variety of pedogenetic factors and processes marked by different temporal variability. In soil studies with digital terrain modelling, there is a need to take into account four types of variability in relations between soil and relief: regional, temporal, depth, and scale.  相似文献   

Spatial variability of L-band (21?cm wavelength) microwave brightness temperature over a corn field, caused by spatial heterogeneity of soil hydraulic properties, is simulated by combining physically based models for microwave emission and for dynamics of soil water. The scaling theory is used for the spatial variability of soil hydraulic parameters, the scaling parameter being represented by a histogram corresponding to a log-normal frequency distribution. The mean and the standard deviation of brightness temperatures over a corn field are calculated as a saturated soil dries progressively under clear-sky conditions. Results are presented for two values for the coefficient of variation (CV)of the scaling parameter, namely 0·45 and 0·65, which encompass the range of a few available field observations. For CV=0·45, the mean brightness temperatures are higher and the standard deviations are lower by about 2 deg K compared with those for CV = 0·65. Results of the present simulation suggest that spatial variability of hydraulic parameters might not be an important consideration for interpreting mean brightness temperatures over reasonably large (a few hectares or larger)vegetated fields, although some information about the frequency distribution of hydraulic parameters would be needed in interpreting the standard deviation of the brightness temperature.  相似文献   

D. Fasino 《Calcolo》1988,25(4):301-310
By using suitable bordering and modification techniques, spectral properties of some classes of pentadiagonal symmetric matrices are found.  相似文献   

The changes in the spectrum caused by structured perturbations of pseudo-resolvents and operators on Banach spaces are considered. In particular, if a point is in the resolvent set of an operator, necessary and sufficient conditions for it to remain in the resolvent set under structured perturbations are given. The structured perturbations of an operator are specified by an operator node that has three generating operators and a characteristic function together with an admissible feedback operator. In addition, the robustness of stability under structured perturbations is analyzed. The results are applied to boundary control systems and impedance passive systems.  相似文献   

In order to address the question of the SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) Laplacian conditioning, a spectral analysis of this discrete operator is performed. In the case of periodic Cartesian particle network, the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the SPH Laplacian are found on theoretical grounds. The theory agrees well with numerical eigenvalues. The effects of particle disorder and non-periodicity conditions are then investigated from numerical viewpoint. It is found that the matrix condition number is proportional to the square of the particle number per unit length, irrespective of the space dimension and kernel choice.  相似文献   

Detection of leaking gas pipelines is important for safety, economic and environmental reasons, and remote sensing of vegetation offers the potential to identify gas leakage through spectral responses in the plants growing above. Pot-scale investigations were carried out to determine the effects of soil-oxygen displacement using natural gas, argon, nitrogen and waterlogging on the overlying vegetation and to determine whether changes in spectral characteristics were specific to natural gas or were a generic response to soil-oxygen displacement.

Leaves responded to soil-oxygen displacement by increased reflectance in the visible wavelengths and changes in the position and shape of the red edge. The red edge of control plants shifted towards longer wavelengths as they matured, while the red edge of treated plants remained stationary, indicating an inhibition of maturing. Bean and barley exhibited different shapes in the peaks at the red edge. Argon and waterlogging produced greater responses than natural gas, which was administered non-continuously.

These results suggest that the response to natural gas is generic to soil-oxygen deficiency rather than specific to this agent. Hence, although it might be possible to detect leaking gas by remote sensing of vegetation, ancillary information such as pipeline maps would be required to discriminate natural gas responses from those due to other stresses.  相似文献   

Spectral response of a plant canopy with different soil backgrounds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The spectral behavior of a cotton canopy with four soil types alternately inserted underneath was examined at various levels of vegetation density. Measured composite spectra, representing various mixtures of vegetation with different soil backgrounds, were compared with existing measures of greenness, including the NIR-red band ratios, the perpendicular vegetation index (PVI), and the greenness vegetation index (GVI). Observed spectral patterns involving constant vegetation amounts with different soil backgrounds could not be explained nor predicted by either the ratio or the orthogonal greenness measures. All greenness measures were found to be strongly dependent on soil brightness. Furthermore, soil-induced greenness changes became greater with increasing amounts of vegetation up to 60% green cover. The results presented suggests that soil and plant spectra interactively mix in a nonadditive, partly correlated manner to produce composite canopy spectra.  相似文献   

主要从纳米孔结构角度,考虑生物分子在纳米孔内的位阻效应影响.运用有限元模拟方法分别模拟了3类常见纳米孔的电导,并比较了3种不同纳米孔在检测纳米杆通过纳米孔时的相对堵塞电流值大小.研究了纳米杆上带有亚结构时,在3种纳米孔内的电流堵塞效应的差异.研究方法有助于进一步理解纳米孔结构对检测生物分子的影响.  相似文献   

We develop a quantitative analysis of mixing regimes in an annular MHD-driven micromixer recently proposed by Gleeson et al. as a prototype for biomolecular applications. The analysis is based on the spectral properties of the advection–diffusion operator, with specific focus on the dependence of the dominant eigenvalue–eigenfunction on the Peclet number and on the system geometry. A theoretical prediction for the dominant eigenvalue encompassing all mixing regimes is developed and validated by comparison with numerical simulations. The theoretical prediction is extended to an open inflow–outflow version of the reactor, which shows the occurrence of new regimes associated with the existence of a nonuniform axial flow.  相似文献   

Spectral absorption properties of particulate and dissolved matter were determined for Lake Erie waters in order to investigate the natural variability of the absorption coefficients required as inputs to optical models for converting satellite observations of water colour into water quality information. Particulate absorption measured using the quantitative filter technique yielded absorption spectra containing a fraction that could not be attributed to phytoplankton pigments, living heterotrophs, mineral sediments, or organic detritus but were indicative of additional absorption by a fraction of dissolved organic matter present in colloidal and/or particle-bound form. Erroneously high phytoplankton absorption coefficients measured at short wavelengths using the filter technique suggested that this particle-bound DOM is removed along with phytoplankton pigments during bleaching by sodium hypochlorite and as such is mistakenly incorporated into the phytoplankton absorption signal. Observations suggest that the selective sorption of fractions of DOM onto suspended particles may be responsible for significant variability in the absorption coefficients of particulate and dissolved matter and may be an important contributor to the total spectral absorption signals in Lake Erie waters. This reservoir of coloured organic matter, which to date has not been seriously considered in the optical properties of coastal and inland waters, may produce significant uncertainties in the parameterization of optical models and the interpretation of in situ and remotely sensed aquatic colour signals.  相似文献   

以黑土和自浆土为试材,进行筒栽试验.结果表明,适宜小麦生长的容重范围分别为1.15~1 30g/cm3和0.9~1.05g/cm3.  相似文献   

Modelling of fluid properties in hydraulic positive displacement machines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a numerical model for the simulation of a swash-plate axial piston pump, focusing on the characterization of fluid properties.As it is well known, the reduction of flow oscillations (which generates pressure ripples and produces vibration and noise in the entire circuit) and the avoidance of cavitation are the major problems in the design of these pumps. Developing a simulation code can be very useful for component optimisation in order to predict and reduce the undesired phenomena. The paper first gives a quick overview on a previously developed pump model; afterwards four different models of the fluid are presented: they take into account cavitation in different ways. Their aim at characterizing as well as possible the unsteady and erratic cavitation features in a simplified manner, in order to apply the models to the simulation of hydraulic components.In the second part of the paper an application is shown of these models to an axial piston pump: a few results are presented and compared with available test data. The effects of the fluid models on the predicted pump performance are shown and commented.  相似文献   

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