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Orbital synthetic aperture radar (SAR) C‐band data acquired by ERS‐1/2 in vv‐polarization and Radarsat in hh‐polarization during the period from 1996 to 1999 were used to evaluate their combined information potential for classification of land cover in the arid environment of Kuwait. Individual SAR scenes were orthorectified using a digital elevation model (DEM) of Kuwait, radiometrically adjusted for incidence angle effects, and mosaics were generated for the whole country. The data were coregistered as multichannel composites and integrated with geographical information system (GIS) layers of roads, hydrology, soils and vegetation. An adaptive spatial filter was used to increase the number of effective independent looks prior to generation of feature vectors based on SAR backscatter power values. A total of 13 classes of the joint ERS‐1/2 and Radarsat images were identified based on Bhattacharya distance and geospatial pattern. The C‐band radar backscatter observed by ERS and Radarsat was found to be related to vegetation cover, surface roughness, percentage of coarse material in the surface layer and moisture conditions. These factors are not independent, but are known to be correlated. The complexity of these dependencies made unambiguous classification of surface material difficult when using C‐band data alone. Nevertheless, class labels were assigned using a maximum likelihood supervised classification incorporating field measurements and ancillary data such as soil, and surface sediment maps. When used in a simple two‐class classification (e.g. low vs. high vegetation cover fraction, or smooth vs. rough soils), the overall accuracy of the combined ERS and Radarsat data was between 70 and 80%. The generated dataset is amenable to several label definitions based on the requirements of the intended use.  相似文献   


Since 1984, national and international agencies have sought to improve their ability to forecast famine in sub-Saharan Africa. A number of early warning systems have been implemented for this purpose that monitor physical and social variables that may indicate the likelihood and magnitude of famine. Several famine early warning systems use satellite remote sensing data to supplement ground-based observations. These systems have demonstrated the advantages in timeliness and consistency of remote sensing data. Although user needs have not been clearly defined, experience gained in the operation of early warning systems and the results of related research suggest that: (a) at the continental scale AVHRR GAC data offer many advantages over traditional, ground data sources;

(b) quantitative crop yield estimates might be improved through consideration of both photosynthetic activity of the vegetation and length of growing season;

(c)qualitative comparisons of crop years have provided useful inputs to current early warning needs; and (d) stratification of the region into coherent geographical areas would improve all estimates:  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of an artificial immune‐based supervised classification algorithm for land‐cover classification. This classifier is inspired by the human immune system and possesses properties similar to nonlinear classification, self/non‐self identification, and negative selection. Landsat ETM+ data of an area lying in Eastern England near the town of Littleport are used to study the performance of the artificial immune‐based classifier. A univariate decision tree and maximum likelihood classifier were used to compare its performance in terms of classification accuracy and computational cost. Results suggest that the artificial immune‐based classifier works well in comparison with the maximum likelihood and the decision‐tree classifiers in terms of classification accuracy. The computational cost using artificial immune based classifier is more than the decision tree but less than the maximum likelihood classifier. Another data set from an area in Spain is also used to compare the performance of immune based supervised classifier with maximum likelihood and decision‐tree classification algorithms. Results suggest an improved performance with the immune‐based classifier in terms of classification accuracy with this data set, too. The design of an artificial immune‐based supervised classifier requires several user‐defined parameters to be set, so this work is extended to study the effect of varying the values of six parameters on classification accuracy. Finally, a comparison with a backpropagation neural network suggests that the neural network classifier provides higher classification accuracies with both data sets, but the results are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

The extreme learning machine (ELM), a single hidden layer neural network based supervised classifier is used for remote sensing classifications. In comparison to the backpropagation neural network, which requires the setting of several user‐defined parameters and may produce local minima, the ELM requires setting of one parameter, and produces a unique solution for a set of randomly assigned weights. Two datasets, one multispectral and another hyperspectral, were used for classification. Accuracies of 89.0% and 91.1% are achieved with this classifier using multispectral and hyperspectral data, respectively. Results suggest that the ELM provides a classification accuracy comparable to a backpropagation neural network with both datasets. The computational cost using the ELM classifier (1.25 s with Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) and 0.675 s with Digital Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (DAIS) data) is very small in comparison to the backpropagation neural network.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential of multitemporal/polarization C‐band SAR data for land‐cover classification. Multitemporal Radarsat‐1 data with HH polarization and ENVISAT ASAR data with VV polarization acquired in the Yedang plain, Korea are used for the classification of typical five land‐cover classes in an agricultural area. The presented methodologies consist of two analytical stages: one for feature extraction and the other for classification based on the combination of features. Both a traditional SAR signal property analysis‐based approach and principal‐component analysis (PCA) are applied in the feature extraction stage. Special concerns are in the interpretation of each principal component by using principal‐component loading. The tau model applied as a decision‐level fusion methodology can provide a formal framework in which the posteriori probabilities derived from different sensor data can be combined. From the case study results, the combination of PCA‐based features showed improved classification accuracy for both Radarsat‐1 and ENVISAT ASAR data, as compared with the traditional SAR signal property analysis‐based approach. The integration of PCA‐based features based on multiple polarization (i.e. HH from Radarsat‐1, and both VV and VH from ENVISAT ASAR) and different incidence angles contributed to a significant improvement of discrimination capability for dry fields which could not be properly classified by using only Radarsat‐1 or ENVISAT ASAR data, and thus showed the best classification accuracy. The results of this case study indicate that the use of multiple polarization SAR data with a proper feature extraction stage would improve classification accuracy in multitemporal SAR data classification, although further consideration should be given to the polarization and incidence angle dependency of complex land‐cover classes through more experiments.  相似文献   

This document demonstrates the potential of using an object‐oriented approach to map urban land cover. One objective of this work was to test the ability of the object‐oriented classification in the generation of urban land cover maps. Anotehr was to produce an updated land cover map for the city of Beijing from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflecton Radiometer (ASTER) data, with an evaluation of its accuracy.  相似文献   

A computer program for meteorological radar siting, previously developed for pencil‐beam antenna, long‐range, C‐band radars, has been adapted for fan‐beam antenna, short‐range, X‐band radars. The simulator uses topographic information in the form of a raster digital elevation model and a surface backscattering cross‐section per unit area at grazing angles derived from the literature. It is independent of specific radar sites and radar systems. Its use will enhance optimized scanning strategies, antenna design tailored to mountainous terrain and knowledge of land‐clutter measurements at low grazing angles. The raster‐based approach used in implementing the program makes it compatible with any desired spatial resolution. Simplicity and short simulation times have been pursued as primary goals during the planning and implementation phases of the routines. A preliminary validation of the simulator using backscattering data acquired in the Alps is presented in this letter.  相似文献   

An object‐based approach was utilized in the development of two urban land‐cover classification schemes on high‐resolution (0.6 m), true‐colour aerial photography of the Phoenix metropolitan area, USA. An initial classification scheme was heavily weighted by standard nearest‐neighbour (SNN) functions generated by samples from each of the classes, which produced an enhanced accuracy (84%). A second classification was developed from the initial classification scheme in which SNN functions were transformed into a fuzzy‐rule set, creating a product transportable to different areas of the same imagery, or for land‐cover change detection with similar imagery. A comprehensive accuracy assessment revealed a slightly lower overall accuracy (79%) for the rule‐based classification. We conclude that the transportable classification scheme is satisfactory for general land‐cover analyses; yet classification accuracy can be enhanced at site‐specific venues with the incorporation of nearest‐neighbour functions using class samples.  相似文献   

Classifying original bands and/or image components may cause unsatisfactory results in fields that have heterogeneous reflectance. In such cases, the demand for accurate land‐use, land‐cover, vegetation, and forestry information may require more specific components. The components should represent peculiar information collected from several inputs for target land covers. In this study, a new technique of land‐cover classification was explored to prepare an input which increases the success of landslide susceptibility mapping in a subtropical region, Asarsuyu Catchment Area (Duzce). Land‐cover mapping is a difficult issue in this area by only carrying out field studies and aerial‐photo interpretations. Moreover, applying different classifications of Landsat Thematic Mapper bands and/or their secondary products does not produce acceptable results. For this reason, vegetation indices, soil/surface moisture indices, topographic wetness index and drainage density were calculated to produce feature representative components for the land‐cover classification process. Results obtained from the proposed technique show that feature representative components significantly improve the conventional classification accuracy from 77% to 89% and the resultant land‐cover map is such a valuable input for landslide susceptibility mapping that it increases the success of the landslide susceptibility map from 63% to 88%.  相似文献   

A novel self‐organizing neuro‐fuzzy multilayered classifier (SONeFMUC) is introduced in this paper, with feature selection capabilities, for the classification of an IKONOS image. The structure of the proposed network is developed in a sequential fashion using the group method of data handling (GMDH) algorithm. The node models, regarded as generic classifiers, are represented by fuzzy rule‐based systems, combined with a fusion scheme. A data splitting mechanism is incorporated to discriminate between correctly classified and ambiguous pixels. The classifier was tested on the wetland of international importance of Lake Koronia, Greece, and the surrounding agricultural area. To achieve higher classification accuracy, the image was decomposed into two zones: the wetland and the agricultural zones. Apart from the initial bands, additional input features were considered: textural features, intensity–hue–saturation (IHS) and tasseled cap transformation. To assess the quality of the suggested model, the SONeFMUC was compared with a maximum likelihood classifier (MLC). The experimental results show that the SONeFMUC exhibited superior performance to the MLC, providing less confusion of the dominant classes in both zones. In the wetland zone, an overall accuracy of 89.5% was attained.  相似文献   

Regional climate modeling studies now have numerous choices in selecting land use/land cover (LULC) products to provide land surface parameter information. The various LULC products were developed with different objectives, methods and data sources. Not all new LULC products have land classes that match the land class types defined in climate models. More importantly, when used in regional climate models, simulation results can vary significantly depending on the LULC products. Thus, developing appropriate LULC parameterization for climate models becomes critical depending on objectives and efforts. The objective of this paper is to develop the most accurate LULC scheme possible for East Africa for implementation in the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). A crosswalk procedure, based on assessments of various LULC products, was performed connecting land class types in RAMS and the newly created LULC scheme. No simulations are discussed here; rather, we present an outline of the procedures that were carried out to take advantage of the strengths of currently available LULC products, Africover and Global Land Cover 2000, for the purpose of conducting regional climate simulations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a land cover classification methodology in agricultural contexts that provides satisfactory results with a single satellite image per year acquired during the growing period. Our approach incorporates ancillary data such as cropping history (inter‐annual crop rotations), context (altitude, soil type) and structure (parcels size and shape) to compensate for the lack of radiometric data resulting from the use of a single image. The originality of the proposed method resides in the three successive steps used: S1: per‐pixel classification of a single SPOT XS image with a restricted number of land cover classes (RL) chosen to ensure good accuracy; S2: conversion of RLs into a per‐parcel classification system using ancillary parcel boundaries; and S3: parcel allocation using exhaustive land cover classes (EL) and its refinement through the application of decision rules. The method was tested on a 120?km2 area (Sousson river basin, Gers, France) where exhaustive knowledge of land cover for two successive years allowed complete validation of our method. It allocated 87% of the parcels with a 75% accuracy rate according to the exhaustive list (EL). This is a satisfactory result obtained with one SPOT XS image in a small agricultural parcel context.  相似文献   

This paper describes single‐date and multi‐date land‐cover classification accuracy results using segment‐based, gap‐filled Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper data compared with Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data captured one day apart. Maximum likelihood and Decision tree classification algorithms were evaluated. The same training and verification sets of ground data were used for each classification evaluation. For the comparison with the single‐date classification, an average decrease of 2.8% in the classification accuracy was obtained with the use of the gap‐filled Landsat data. Area estimates for the mid‐summer images differed, on average, from 0.6% to 1.9% for a four‐class and eight‐class classification, respectively. A multi‐date land‐cover classification was also completed with the addition of a late spring Landsat 5 image, resulting in an average decrease in classification accuracy of 1.8%.  相似文献   

The limited spatial resolution of satellite images used to be a problem for the adequate definition of the urban environment. This problem was expected to be solved with the availability of very high spatial resolution satellite images (IKONOS, QuickBird, OrbView‐3). However, these space‐borne sensors are limited to four multi‐spectral bands and may have specific limitations as far as detailed urban area mapping is concerned. It is therefore essential to combine spectral information with other information, such as the features used in visual interpretation (e.g. the degree and kind of texture and the shape) transposed to digital analysis. In this study, a feature selection method is used to show which features are useful for particular land‐cover classes. These features are used to improve the land‐cover classification of very high spatial resolution satellite images of urban areas. The useful features are compared with a visual feature selection. The features are calculated after segmentation into regions that become analysis units and ease the feature calculation.  相似文献   

BIOPRESS – Linking pan‐European land cover change to pressures on biodiversity – is a European Community Framework 5 project, which aims to develop a standardised product that will link quantified historical (1950–2000) land cover change to pressures on biodiversity. It exploits archived historic and recent aerial photographs (a data source that has remained consistent over the last 60 years) to assess land cover change around Natura 2000 sites within 30×30 km windows and 15×2 km transects. The CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) land cover mapping methodology has been adapted for use with aerial photographs. Sample sites are mapped to CORINE Land Cover (CLC) classes, and then backdated to assess change. Results from eight UK transects (and associated windows) are presented. Changes in land cover classes are interpreted as pressures: urbanisation, intensification, abandonment, afforestation, deforestation and drainage. Urbanisation was the major pressure in all but two transects (both in the uplands), and intensification was of similar importance in most transects. Afforestation was a significant pressure in two transects. In six out of the eight transects, annual change was greater in the 1990–2000 period than in the 1950–1990 period. The methodology has been demonstrated to provide quantitative results of long‐term land cover change in the UK rural landscape at a spatial scale that is relevant to management decisions. The methods are transferable and applicable to a wide range of landscape studies.  相似文献   

Boreal forests and wetlands play an important role in the climate system, in particular through biosphere–atmosphere flux exchanges. They are an important pool of carbon and their role as sink or source of greenhouse gases is not fully understood. Accurate mapping of the vegetation of Siberia can therefore contribute to a better understanding of these processes at regional scale and of their effects on the climate through regional biosphere modeling. The potential of the combination of radar data with medium‐resolution optical data to obtain regional‐scale land cover mapping is investigated using multi‐spectral imagery from the MERIS sensor at 300 m resolution and a high resolution radar mosaic (pixel spacing of 100 m) covering Western and Eastern Siberia compiled in the framework of the Global Boreal Forest Mapping project. For this purpose, capabilities of oriented‐object image analysis associated to wavelet multi‐resolution techniques are investigated. Results show that wavelet multi‐resolution textures bring relevant additional information for land cover classification. Suggestions are made for the implementation of an object‐based wavelet multi‐resolution texture estimator.  相似文献   

This study investigates fire‐induced spectral changes detected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) in different land‐cover types in Borneo. Linear discriminant analysis is used to determine the most powerful band combinations among the MODIS reflective bands for discrimination between burnt and unburnt areas in each land‐cover type. The results show that the nature of fire‐induced changes is dependent on pre‐fire vegetation characteristics in this region. Bands 1 (0.64 µm), 2 (0.86 µm), and 7 (2.14 µm) are found to be the most sensitive bands in land‐cover types dominated by green vegetation, and consequently indices or combinations of indices using these three bands are potentially effective for burnt‐area detection in the majority of areas. In land‐cover types dominated by dry vegetation and soil, MODIS band 5 (1.24 µm) alone showed the greatest statistical separability and could not be significantly improved by any multiband index.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to test a per‐field approach for classifying detailed urban land use, such as single‐family, multi‐family, industrial and commercial. Tax parcel boundaries are used as the field boundaries for classification. Twelve attributes of parcels, such as parcel sizes, parcel shape, building counts and building heights, are used as the discriminant factors between different land use types. For our study area that consists of 33 025 parcels, we first derived parcel attributes from geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing data. We then converted the parcel vector data to an image of 12 bands with pixel values from parcel attributes. After that, we performed a standard supervised classification to classify the image into nine land use types. The best classification result with a decision tree classifier had an overall accuracy of 93.53% and a Kappa Coefficient of 0.7023. This study shows the feasibility of applying a per‐field approach based on tax parcel boundaries to classify detailed urban land use.  相似文献   

The Intensity Hue Saturation (IHS) transform, a popular image fusion technique to exploit the complementary nature of multi-sensor image data, can be expressed in spherical or cylindrical coordinates. This letter discusses the differences between both transforms with respect to image fusion.  相似文献   

Land‐cover classification with remotely sensed data in moist tropical regions is a challenge due to the complex biophysical conditions. This paper explores techniques to improve land‐cover classification accuracy through a comparative analysis of different combinations of spectral signatures and textures from Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Radarsat data. A wavelet‐merging technique was used to integrate Landsat ETM+ multispectral and panchromatic data or Radarsat data. Grey‐level co‐occurrence matrix (GLCM) textures based on Landsat ETM+ panchromatic or Radarsat data and different sizes of moving windows were examined. A maximum‐likelihood classifier was used to implement image classification for different combinations. This research indicates the important role of textures in improving land‐cover classification accuracies in Amazonian environments. The incorporation of data fusion and textures increases classification accuracy by approximately 5.8–6.9% compared to Landsat ETM+ data, but data fusion of Landsat ETM+ multispectral and panchromatic data or Radarsat data cannot effectively improve land‐cover classification accuracies.  相似文献   

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