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Mapping the land-cover distribution in arid and semiarid urban landscapes using medium spatial resolution imagery is especially difficult due to the mixed-pixel problem in remotely sensed data and the confusion of spectral signatures among bare soils, sparse density shrub lands, and impervious surface areas (ISAs hereafter). This article explores a hybrid method consisting of linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA), decision tree classifier, and cluster analysis for mapping land-cover distribution in two arid and semiarid urban landscapes: Urumqi, China, and Phoenix, USA. The Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery was unmixed into four endmember fraction images (i.e. high-albedo object, low-albedo object, green vegetation (GV), and soil) using the LSMA approach. New variables from these fraction images and TM spectral bands were used to map seven land-cover classes (i.e. forest, shrub, grass, crop, bare soil, ISA, and water) using the decision tree classifier. The cluster analysis was further used to modify the classification results. QuickBird imagery in Urumqi and aerial photographs in Phoenix were used to assess classification accuracy. Overall classification accuracies of 86.0% for Urumqi and 88.7% for Phoenix were obtained, much higher accuracies than those utilizing the traditional maximum likelihood classifier (MLC). This research demonstrates the necessity of using new variables from fraction images to distinguish between ISA and bare soils and between shrub and other vegetation types. It also indicates the different effects of spatial patterns of land-cover composition in arid and semiarid landscapes on urban land-cover classification.  相似文献   

Forest succession is a fundamental ecological process which can impact the functioning of many terrestrial processes, such as water and nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration. Therefore, knowing the distribution of forest successional stages over a landscape facilitates a greater understanding of terrestrial ecosystems. One way of characterizing forest succession over the landscape is to use satellite imagery to map forest successional stages continuously over a region. In this study we use a forest succession model (ZELIG) and a canopy reflectance model (GORT) to produce spectral trajectories of forest succession from young to old-growth stages, and compared the simulated trajectories with those constructed from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery to understand the potential of mapping forest successional stages with remote sensing. The simulated successional trajectories captured the major characteristics of observed regional mean succession trajectory with Landsat TM imagery for Tasseled Cap indices based on age information from the Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis Integrated Database produced by Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service. Though the successional trajectories are highly nonlinear in the early years of succession, a linear model fits well the regional mean successional trajectories for brightness and greenness due to significant cross-site variations that masked the nonlinearity over a regional scale (R2 = 0.8951 for regional mean brightness with age; R2 = 0.9348 for regional mean greenness with age). Regression analysis found that Tasseled Cap brightness and greenness are much better predictors of forest successional stages than wetness index based on the data analyzed in this study. The spectral history based on multitemporal Landsat imagery can be used to effectively identify mature and old-growth stands whose ages do not match with remote sensing signals due to change occurred during the time between ground data collection and image acquisition. Multitemporal Landsat imagery also improves prediction of forest successional stages. However, a linear model on a stand basis has a limited predictive power of forest stand successional stages (adjusted R2 = 0.5435 using the Tasseled Cap indices from all four images used in this study) due to significant variations in remote sensing signals for stands at the same successional stage. Therefore, accurate prediction of forest successional stage using remote sensing imagery at stand scale requires accounting for site-specific factors influence remotely sensed signals in the future.  相似文献   

A hybrid method that incorporates the advantages of supervised and unsupervised approaches as well as hard and soft classifications was proposed for mapping the land use/cover of the Atlanta metropolitan area using Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data. The unsupervised ISODATA clustering method was initially used to segment the image into a large number of clusters of pixels. With reference to ground data based on 1?:?40?000 colour infrared aerial photographs in the form of Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle (DOQQ), homogeneous clusters were labelled. Clusters that could not be labelled because of mixed pixels were clipped out and subjected to a supervised fuzzy classification. A final land use/cover map was obtained by a union overlay of the two partial land use/cover maps. This map was evaluated by comparing with maps produced using unsupervised ISODATA clustering, supervised fuzzy and supervised maximum likelihood classification methods. It was found that the hybrid approach was slightly better than the unsupervised ISODATA clustering in land use/cover classification accuracy, most probably because of the supervised fuzzy classification, which effectively dealt with the mixed pixel problem in the low-density urban use category of land use/cover. It was suggested that this hybrid approach can be economically implemented in a standard image processing software package to produce land use/cover maps with higher accuracy from satellite images of moderate spatial resolution in a complex urban environment, where both discrete and continuous land cover elements occur side by side.  相似文献   

This research aims to improve land-cover classification accuracy in a moist tropical region in Brazil by examining the use of different remote-sensing-derived variables and classification algorithms. Different scenarios based on Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) spectral data and derived vegetation indices and textural images and different classification algorithms, maximum likelihood classification (MLC), artificial neural network (ANN), classification tree analysis (CTA) and object-based classification (OBC), were explored. The results indicate that a combination of vegetation indices as extra bands into Landsat TM multi-spectral bands did not improve the overall classification performance, but the combination of textural images was valuable for improving vegetation classification accuracy. In particular, the combination of both vegetation indices and textural images into TM multi-spectral bands improved the overall classification accuracy (OCA) by 5.6% and the overall kappa coefficient (OKC) by 6.25%. Comparison of the different classification algorithms indicated that CTA and ANN have poor classification performance in this research, but OBC improved primary forest and pasture classification accuracies. This research indicates that use of textural images or use of OBC are especially valuable for improving the vegetation classes such as upland and liana forest classes that have complex stand structures and large patch sizes.  相似文献   

The spatial and spectral variability of urban environments present fundamental challenges to deriving accurate remote sensing products for urban areas. Multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) is a technique that potentially addresses both challenges. MESMA models spectra as the linear sum of spectrally pure endmembers that vary on a per-pixel basis. Spatial variability is addressed by mapping sub-pixel components of land cover as a combination of endmembers. Spectral variability is addressed by allowing the number and type of endmembers to vary from pixel to pixel. This paper presents an application of MESMA to map the physical components of urban land cover for the city of Manaus, Brazil, using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) imagery.We present a methodology to build a regionally specific spectral library of urban materials based on generalized categories of urban land-cover components: vegetation, impervious surfaces, soil, and water. Using this library, we applied MESMA to generate a total of 1137 two-, three-, and four-endmember models for each pixel; the model with the lowest root-mean-squared (RMS) error and lowest complexity was selected on a per-pixel basis. Almost 97% of the pixels within the image were modeled within the 2.5% RMS error constraint. The modeled fractions were used to generate continuous maps of the per-pixel abundance of each generalized land-cover component. We provide an example to demonstrate that land-cover components have the potential to characterize trajectories of physical landscape change as urban neighborhoods develop through time. Accuracy of land-cover fractions was assessed using high-resolution, geocoded images mosaicked from digital aerial videography. Modeled vegetation and impervious fractions corresponded well with the reference fractions. Modeled soil fractions did not correspond as closely with the reference fractions, in part due to limitations of the reference data. This work demonstrates the potential of moderate-resolution, multispectral imagery to map and monitor the evolution of the physical urban environment.  相似文献   

Vegetation water content is an important parameter for retrieval of soil moisture from microwave data and for other remote sensing applications. Because liquid water absorbs in the shortwave infrared, the normalized difference infrared index (NDII), calculated from Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper band 4 (0.76-0.90 μm wavelength) and band 5 (1.55-1.65 μm wavelength), can be used to determine canopy equivalent water thickness (EWT), which is defined as the water volume per leaf area times the leaf area index (LAI). Alternatively, average canopy EWT can be determined using a landcover classification, because different vegetation types have different average LAI at the peak of the growing season. The primary contribution of this study for the Soil Moisture Experiment 2004 was to sample vegetation for the Arizona and Sonora study areas. Vegetation was sampled to achieve a range of canopy EWT; LAI was measured using a plant canopy analyzer and digital hemispherical (fisheye) photographs. NDII was linearly related to measured canopy EWT with an R2 of 0.601. Landcover of the Arizona, USA, and Sonora, Mexico, study areas were classified with an overall accuracy of 70% using a rule-based decision tree using three dates of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper imagery and digital elevation data. There was a large range of NDII per landcover class at the peak of the growing season, indicating that canopy EWT should be estimated directly using NDII or other shortwave-infrared vegetation indices. However, landcover classifications will still be necessary to obtain total vegetation water content from canopy EWT and other data, because considerable liquid water is contained in the non-foliar components of vegetation.  相似文献   

Detection of alpine tree line change using pixel-based approaches on medium spatial resolution imagery is challenging because of very slow tree sprawl without obvious boundaries. However, vegetation abundance or density in the tree line zones may change over time and such a change may be detected using subpixel-based approaches. In this research, a linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA)-based approach was used to examine alpine tree line change in the Northern Tianshan Mountains located in Northwestern China. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery was unmixed into three fraction images (i.e. green vegetation – GV, shade, and soil) using the LSMA approach. The GV and soil fractions at different years were used to examine vegetation abundance change based on samples in the alpine tree line. The results show that Picea schrenkiana abundance around the top of the forested area increased approximately by 18.6% between 1990 and 2010, but remained stable in the central forest region over this period. Juniperus sabina abundance around the top of the forested area, in the central scrub region, and at the top of the scrub region increased approximately by 19.3%, 8.2%, and 15.6%, respectively. The increased vegetation abundance and decreased soil abundance of both P. schrenkiana and J. sabina indicate vegetation sprawl in the alpine tree line between 1990 and 2010. This research will be valuable for better understanding the impacts of climate change on vegetation change in the alpine tree line of central Asia.  相似文献   

Crop and land cover classification in Iran using Landsat 7 imagery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remote sensing provides one way of obtaining more accurate information on total cropped area and crop types in irrigated areas. The technique is particularly well suited to arid and semi‐arid areas where almost all vegetative growth is associated with irrigation. In order to obtain more information with regard to crop patterns in the irrigated areas in the Zayandeh Rud basin, a classification analysis was made of the Landsat 7 image of 2 July 2000. The target of the classification was to primarily focus on the agricultural land use. The date of the image fell in the transition period where the first crops were harvested and many fields were being prepared for the second crop. The image has therefore captured an instantaneous picture of a system generally in transition from the first to the second crop, but with significant differences from system to system, both with respect to crop types and agricultural cycles. The overall accuracy of image registration was about 30 m (one pixel). Fieldwork was conducted on various occasions in August–October 2000 and May–October 2001. Farmers were interviewed to determine the situation on 2 July 2000. Fields were mapped in detail with the GPS instruments, and data compiled for 112 fields. Using a supervised classification system, training areas were selected and initial classifications were made to determine the validity of the classes. After merging several classes and testing several new classes a final classification system was made. All seven Landsat bands were used in the determination of the feature statistics. The final classification was made with the minimum distance algorithm. The statistics with respect to areas and crop type for the districts was obtained by crossing the raster map with the irrigation district raster map. The results with respect to crop type and total irrigated area per district were compared with those of previous studies. This included both NOAA/AVHRR and conventional agricultural district statistics.  相似文献   

Spectral unmixing is a technique that has been developed to derive fractions of spectrally pure materials that contribute to observed spectral reflectance characteristics of a mixture through a inverse least-squares deconvolution using end-member spectra. This technique has been shown to be very successful when applied to high spectral resolution imaging or non-imaging data where subtle diagnostic absorption features largely determine the spectral characteristics of the data. A large and vastly growing number of papers where spectral unmixing is applied to analyse low resolution image data (e.g. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), NOAA AVHRR, etc.) often to derive abundances of different materials as input parameters for models (i.e. land degradation models, crop growth models, hydrologic models, etc.) has evolved throughout recent years. This justifies efforts put into the quality assessment of these abundance estimates. In this paper we evaluate the effect of end-member redundancy on the deconvolution of spectral mixtures in unconstrained unmixing using simulated, one-dimensional spectral mixtures of three end-members that we unmix with two out of three of these components. Our analysis shows a relationship between the unmixing error and the difference between the true and estimated abundance with an index which combines (1) the weighted correlation of end-members in the mixture, (2) the correlation between the end-members used in unmixing this mixture, and (3) the amount of 'information' mapped in the end-members. Given this result we investigate the reduction of correlation in the spectral unmixing process and present an application of unmixing to decorrelated Landsat TM data using the minimum noise fraction transformation. The statistical evaluation of this experiment shows that over-and undershooting rather than the error in the unmixed spectrum can be significantly improved when decorrelating the data.  相似文献   


Abstract. A regional survey (1978-1982) in the Virunga National Park (Zaire) led to the mapping of land systems with the help of aerial photographs and fieldwork, following the morphopedological approach. The use of classification techniques on Landsat Thematic Mapper data (1987 scene) enabled us to assess the detectability of the morphopedological limits.

The statistical clustering by an unsupervised classification did not give results which were readily interpretable in terms of morphopedological and vegetation units. A supervised classification gave better control in the attribution of the classes. The reasons for the relative discrimination of the morphopedological units are analysed on the basis of ground information.  相似文献   

Improvement in remote sensing techniques in spatial/spectral resolution strengthens their applicability for urban environmental study. Unfortunately, high spatial resolution imagery also increases internal variability in land cover units and can cause a ‘salt-and-pepper’ effect, resulting in decreased accuracy using pixel-based classification results. Region-based classification techniques, using an image object (IO) rather than a pixel as a classification unit, appear to hold promise as a method for overcoming this problem. Using IKONOS high spatial resolution imagery, we examined whether the IO technique could significantly improve classification accuracy compared to the pixel-based method when applied to urban land cover mapping in Tampa Bay, FL, USA. We further compared the performance of an artificial neural network (ANN) and a minimum distance classifier (MDC) in urban detailed land cover classification and evaluated whether the classification accuracy was affected by the number of extracted IO features. Our analysis methods included IKONOS image data calibration, data fusion with the pansharpening (PS) process, Hue–Intensity–Saturation (HIS) transferred indices and textural feature extraction, and feature selection using a stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA). The classification results were evaluated with visually interpreted data from high-resolution (0.3 m) digital aerial photographs. Our results indicate a statistically significant difference in classification accuracy between pixel- and object-based techniques; ANN outperforms MDC as an object-based classifier; and the use of more features (27 vs. 9 features) increases the IO classification accuracy, although the increase is statistically significant for the MDC but not for the ANN.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine Landsat TM satellite multispectral imagery and several image processing strategies to determine the most accurate method to detect and map white spruce understories in deciduous and mixed-wood stands in Alberta. These stands may be considered as part of the conifer land base that is defined as stands which contain or are projected to contain a minimum conifer volume at rotation. Images acquired in late April (leaf-off) and late July (leaf-on) were used to generate signatures for three levels of understory (heavy, light, nil) in five overstory classes. Separability statistics indicate that a reasonable degree of success can be obtained in mapping some of the understory classes with conventional classification tools. Linear discriminant functions using different classification schema and discriminating variables are presented to indicate the level of accuracy that may be obtained in a supervised classification mapping exercise.  相似文献   

Our objective was to provide a realistic and accurate representation of the spatial distribution of Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) in the Earth Observing 1 (EO1) Hyperion hyperspectral image coverage by using methods designed and tested in previous studies. We transformed, corrected, and normalized Hyperion reflectance image data into composition images with a subpixel extraction model. Composition images were related to green vegetation, senescent foliage and senescing cypress‐tupelo forest, senescing Chinese tallow with red leaves (‘red tallow’), and a composition image that only corresponded slightly to yellowing vegetation. These statistical and visual comparisons confirmed a successful portrayal of landscape features at the time of the Hyperion image collection. These landscape features were amalgamated in the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) pixel, thereby preventing the detection of Chinese tallow occurrences in the Landsat TM classification. With the occurrence in percentage of red tallow (as a surrogate for Chinese tallow) per pixel mapped, we were able to link dominant land covers generated with Landsat TM image data to Chinese tallow occurrences as a first step toward determining the sensitivity and susceptibility of various land covers to tallow establishment. Results suggested that the highest occurrences and widest distribution of red tallow were (1) apparent in disturbed or more open canopy woody wetland deciduous forests (including cypress‐tupelo forests), upland woody land evergreen forests (dominantly pines and seedling plantations), and upland woody land deciduous and mixed forests; (2) scattered throughout the fallow fields or located along fence rows separating active and non‐active cultivated and grazing fields, (3) found along levees lining the ubiquitous canals within the marsh and on the cheniers near the coastline; and (4) present within the coastal marsh located on the numerous topographic highs.  相似文献   

Processing of Landsat-5 TM thermal images for lake surface temperature determination is addressed. A specific preprocessing algorithm to reduce sensor noise is presented and calibration and atmospheric correction is discussed. The atmospheric impact on thermal radiation measurements is modelled using Lowtran-7 utilizing radiosonde data. Comparing ground truth measurements acquired for 21 images between 1987 and 1994 with satellite derived temperatures yielded a mean square error of 0.53 deg K. A systematic overestimation or underestimation of Landsat derived temperatures was not found. The emissivity effect upon the accuracy of the derived surface temperature is discussed as well as effects of using alternate atmospheric profile data.  相似文献   

The Korucu-Dugla study area ( 225km2 ) located in western Turkey was selected for the application of Landsat Thematic Mapper ( TM) data to geological studies. A wide variety of image processing techniques including; principal component analysis ( PC) intensity-saturation-hue transformation ( ISH), TM band ratios, and edge enhancement were applied to discriminate the lithologies and structure as well as associated areas of hydrothermal alteration. Colour composites of PCI, 2 and 3, always encoded red, green and blue respectively, PC4, 3 and 2, ISH transformation of TM bands 1, 3 and 5, were found most suitable for lithology and boundary discrimination in the area. A colour composite of 3/ 1, 4/ 3, and 5/ / 7 ratio images was prepared to separate altered areas. Altered areas, which have potential for mineralization, were mapped on the constructed geological map. A number of previously unmapped faults and subunits of the formations were discriminated successfully. A lineament map and rose diagram were prepared using high-pass Laplacian niters. The rose diagram showed a good correspondence with the strike of previously mapped earthquake fault breaks. The linear features of the area have dominant directions at N 30-40° E and N 60-80° E. Alteration and mineralization in the Korucu-Dugla area are mostly controlled by NNE and EW trending structures.  相似文献   


An autologistic regression model, which takes into account neighbouring associations, was developed and applied for burned land mapping using Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper data. The integration of the autocovariate component (estimated using a moving window of 3 @ 3 pixels) into the ordinary logistic regression model increased significantly the overall accuracy from 88.18% to 92.44%. In contrast, the accuracy derived with application of post-classification majority filters, which follow the same principles, were not significantly different to that derived with ordinary logistic regression.  相似文献   

Remote sensing data from both Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 systems were utilized to assess urban area thermal characteristics in Tampa Bay watershed of west-central Florida, and the Las Vegas valley of southern Nevada. To quantitatively determine urban land use extents and development densities, sub-pixel impervious surface areas were mapped for both areas. The urban-rural boundaries and urban development densities were defined by selecting certain imperviousness threshold values and Landsat thermal bands were used to investigate urban surface thermal patterns. Analysis results suggest that urban surface thermal characteristics and patterns can be identified through qualitatively based urban land use and development density data. Results show the urban area of the Tampa Bay watershed has a daytime heating effect (heat-source), whereas the urban surface in Las Vegas has a daytime cooling effect (heat-sink). These thermal effects strongly correlated with urban development densities where higher percent imperviousness is usually associated with higher surface temperature. Using vegetation canopy coverage information, the spatial and temporal distributions of urban impervious surface and associated thermal characteristics are demonstrated to be very useful sources in quantifying urban land use, development intensity, and urban thermal patterns.  相似文献   

Discriminant analysis and canonical variates analysis on principal components of a number of extracts from multi-spectral images showed that low order components with large eigenvalues are not necessarily the most important for distinguishing classes of landcover and discarding components with small eigenvalues may reduce the accuracy of discrimination. It is therefore inadvisable to use principal components analysis for reducing the number of wavebands used for discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

The Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago near the continental edge in the Russian high Arctic is one of few land areas along the Eurasian Arctic margin. It is of particular interest for investigating the Arctic's tectonic history. This study focuses on the Palaeozoic bedrock of October Revolution Island. In the Russian high Arctic detailed topographic maps and aerial photography often are not available. The potential of low-cost satellite imagery as a substitute is shown in this study. High-resolution Corona KH-4A panchromatic satellite imagery and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) multispectral data have been integrated. In combination with field investigations in key areas, these data provide the basis for new interpretations of the geology. Corona images were digitized and georeferenced to provide a basis for conventional and digital geological mapping. Merging Corona and Landsat TM data resulted in a high-resolution multispectral image of enhanced interpretability. Lithological contacts have been traced, supported by a bedrock image extracted from the Landsat TM data. Stereoscopic coverage of the Corona KH-4A photographic sensor allowed a structural interpretation. All results were integrated into a geological interpretation of southern October Revolution Island which provides an encouraging platform for further work in the high Arctic.  相似文献   

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