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Leaf area index (LAI) is an important surface biophysical parameter as a measure of vegetation cover, vegetation productivity, and as an input to ecosystem process models. Recently, a number of coarse-scale (1-km) LAI maps have been generated over large regions including the Canadian boreal forest. This study focuses on the production of fine-scale (≤30-m) LAI maps using the forest light interaction model-clustering (FLIM-CLUS) algorithm over selected boreal conifer stands and the subsequent comparison of the fine-scale maps to coarse-scale LAI maps synthesized from Landsat TM imagery. The fine-scale estimates are validated using surface LAI measurements to give relative root mean square errors of under 7% for jack pine sites and under 14% for black spruce sites. In contrast, finer scale site mean LAI ranges between 49% and 86% of the mean of surface estimates covering only part of the sites and 54% to 110% of coarse-scale site mean LAI. Correlations between fine-scale and coarse-scale estimates range from near 0.5 for 30-m coarse-scale images to under 0.3 to 1-km coarse-scale images but increase to near 0.90 after imposing fine-scale zero LAI areas in coarse-scale estimates. The increase suggests that coarse-scale image-based LAI estimates require consideration of sub-pixel open areas. Both FLIM-CLUS and coarse-scale site mean LAI are substantially lower than surface estimates over northern sites. The assumption of spatially random residuals in regression-based estimates of LAI may not be valid and may therefore add to local bias errors in estimating LAI remotely. Differences between fine-scale airborne LAI maps and 30-m-scale Landsat TM LAI maps suggests that, for sparse boreal conifer stands, LAI maps produced from Landsat TM alone may not always be sufficient for validation of coarser scale LAI maps. In addition, previous studies may have used biased LAI estimates over the study site. Fine-scale spatial LAI maps offer one means of assessing and correcting for effects of sub-pixel open area patches and for characterising the spatial pattern of residuals in coarse-scale LAI estimates in comparison to the true distribution of LAI on the surface.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) is an important structural parameter in terrestrial ecosystem modelling and management. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an investigation on using moderate-resolution satellite imagery to estimate and map LAI in mixed natural forests in southeastern USA. In this study, along with ground-measured LAI and Landsat TM imagery, the potential of Landsat 5 TM data for estimating LAI in a mixed natural forest ecosystem in southeastern USA was investigated and a modelling method for mapping LAI in a flooding season was developed. To do so, first, 70 ground-based LAI measurements were collected on 8 April 2008 and again on 1 August 2008 and 30 July 2009; TM data were calibrated to ground surface reflectance. Then univariate correlation and multivariate regression analyses were conducted between the LAI measurement and 13 spectral variables, including seven spectral vegetation indices (VIs) and six single TM bands. Finally, April 08 and August 08 LAI maps were made by using TM image data, a multivariate regression model and relationships between April 08 and August 08 LAI measurements. The experimental results indicate that Landsat TM imagery could be used for mapping LAI in a mixed natural forest ecosystem in southeastern USA. Furthermore, TM4 and TM3 single bands (R 2 > 0.45) and the soil adjusted vegetation index, transformed soil adjusted vegetation index and non-linear vegetation index (R 2 > 0.64) have produced the highest and second highest correlation with ground-measured LAI. A better modelling result (R 2?=?0.78, accuracy?=?73%, root mean square error (RMSE)?=?0.66) of the 10-predictor multiple regression model was obtained for estimating and mapping April 08 LAI from TM data. With a linear model and a power model, August 08 LAI maps were successfully produced from the April 08 LAI map (accuracy?=?79%, RMSE?=?0.57), although only 58–65% of total variance could be accounted for by the linear and non-linear models.  相似文献   

On the relationship of NDVI with leaf area index in a deciduous forest site   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Numerous studies have reported on the relationship between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and leaf area index (LAI), but the seasonal and annual variability of this relationship has been less explored. This paper reports a study of the NDVI-LAI relationship through the years from 1996 to 2001 at a deciduous forest site. Six years of LAI patterns from the forest were estimated using a radiative transfer model with input of above and below canopy measurements of global radiation, while NDVI data sets were retrieved from composite NDVI time series of various remote sensing sources, namely NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR; 1996, 1997, 1998 and 2000), SPOT VEGETATION (1998-2001), and Terra MODIS (2001). Composite NDVI was first used to remove the residual noise based on an adjusted Fourier transform and to obtain the NDVI time-series for each day during each year.The results suggest that the NDVI-LAI relationship can vary both seasonally and inter-annually in tune with the variations in phenological development of the trees and in response to temporal variations of environmental conditions. Strong linear relationships are obtained during the leaf production and leaf senescence periods for all years, but the relationship is poor during periods of maximum LAI, apparently due to the saturation of NDVI at high values of LAI. The NDVI-LAI relationship was found to be poor (R2 varied from 0.39 to 0.46 for different sources of NDVI) when all the data were pooled across the years, apparently due to different leaf area development patterns in the different years. The relationship is also affected by background NDVI, but this could be minimized by applying relative NDVI.Comparisons between AVHRR and VEGETATION NDVI revealed that these two had good linear relationships (R2=0.74 for 1998 and 0.63 for 2000). However, VEGETATION NDVI data series had some unreasonably high values during beginning and end of each year period, which must be discarded before adjusted Fourier transform processing. MODIS NDVI had values greater than 0.62 through the entire year in 2001, however, MODIS NDVI still showed an “M-shaped” pattern as observed for VEGETATION NDVI in 2001. MODIS enhanced vegetation index (EVI) was the only index that exhibited a poor linear relationship with LAI during the leaf senescence period in year 2001. The results suggest that a relationship established between the LAI and NDVI in a particular year may not be applicable in other years, so attention must be paid to the temporal scale when applying NDVI-LAI relationships.  相似文献   

Large-scale leaf area index (LAI) inversion algorithms were developed to determine the LAI of a forest located in Gatineau Park, Canada, using high-resolution colour and colour infrared (CIR) digital airborne imagery. The algorithms are parameter-independent and developed based on the principles of optical field instruments for gap fraction measurements. Cloud-free colour and CIR images were acquired on 21 August 2007 with 35 and 60 cm nominal ground pixel size, respectively. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), maximum likelihood and object-oriented classifications, and principal component analysis (PCA) methods were applied to calculate the mono-directional gap fraction. Subsequently, LAI was derived from inversion and compared with ground measurements made in 54 plots of 20 by 20 m using hemispherical photography between 10 and 20 August 2007. There was high inter-correlation (the Pearson correlation coefficient, R > 0.5, p < 0.01) among LAI values inverted using the classifications and PCA methods, but neither were highly correlated with LAI inverted from the NDVI method. LAI inverted from the NDVI-based gap fraction significantly correlated with ground-measured LAI (R?=?0.63, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.52), while LAI inverted from the classification and PCA-derived gap fraction showed poor correlation with ground-measured LAI. Consequently, the NDVI method was used to invert LAI for the whole study area and produce a 20‐m resolution LAI map.  相似文献   

A satellite sensor image based model suggested by Price was investigated for the estimation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) using data acquired by Linear Imaging Self Scanner-III (LISS-III) onboard Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-1C (IRS-1C) over two wheat growing sites in India (Karnal and Delhi) for crop seasons 1996-97 and 1997-98, respectively. Besides red and near-infrared (NIR) measurements over vegetation canopy, the model only requires a priori crop specific attentuation constants. These constants were computed for wheat using published and field ground reflectance measurements. Application of the model over 36 fields on which ground estimates of LAI were available, indicated a RMSE of 1.28 and 1.07 for the Karnal and Delhi sites, respectively.  相似文献   

In this article, the Kuusk–Nilson forest reflectance and transmittance (FRT) model was inverted to retrieve the overstorey and understorey leaf area index (OU-LAI) of forest stands in the Longmenhe forest nature reserve in China. Data from detailed sample sites were collected in 30 forest stands representing the typical vegetation community in the study area. An uncertainty and sensitivity matrix (USM) was used to analyse the sensitivity of the FRT model parameters based on these data. The results indicated that overstorey LAI strongly influenced stand reflectance, whereas understorey LAI had a much lower impact. To predict OU-LAI in forest stands, FRT model inversion is carried out by minimizing a merit function that provides a measure of the difference between the reflectance simulated by the FRT model and the reflectance originating from optimal band selection of Hyperion data. Various combinations of Hyperion bands were tested to evaluate the most effective wavelengths for the inversion of OU-LAI. The best estimates from 17 Hyperion bands (5 VIS, 8 NIR, 4 SWIR) by the FRT model inversion showed an R 2?=?0.41 and RMSE/mean?=?0.21 for overstorey LAI and R 2?=?0.49 and RMSE/mean?=?0.91 for understorey LAI. Advantages and disadvantages of FRT inversion for retrieval OU-LAI combined with Hyperion data are discussed.  相似文献   

A new vegetation index, the Normalized Hotspot-signature Vegetation Index (NHVI), is proposed for a better quantitative estimation of leaf area index (LAI) than with the remotely sensed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), especially in the boreal forest. To obtain this new index, the Hotspot-Dark-spot index (HDS) (Lacaze et al., 2002) was introduced. HDS is calculated by the difference between the strongest vector (hotspot) and the weakest vector (dark-spot) of bi-directional reflectance, a given tract of vegetation returns in the reflecting solar position, and the geometric structure of the vegetation canopy, which are poorly represented by NDVI alone. The validity of NHVI was statistically tested using two field data sets of multi-angular observations and LAI from the boreal forests of Canada; one set was our own observations, and the other was from the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS). The range of linear correspondence of NHVI with LAI is much wider than that of NDVI alone, indicating significant representation of leaf biomass in the canopy geometry captured by HDS. With the technical innovation of multi-angular remote-sensing and kernel-driven models in the future, this index has the potential to provide a more accurate evaluation of regional and global LAIs.  相似文献   

Reflectance data in the green, red and near-infrared wavelength region were acquired by the SPOT high resolution visible and geometric imaging instruments for an agricultural area in Denmark (56°N, 9°E) for the purpose of estimating leaf chlorophyll content (Cab) and green leaf area index (LAI). SPOT reflectance observations were atmospherically corrected using aerosol data from MODIS and profiles of air temperature, humidity and ozone from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), and used as input for the inversion of a canopy reflectance model. Computationally efficient inversion schemes were developed for the retrieval of soil and land cover-specific parameters which were used to build multiple species and site dependent formulations relating the two biophysical properties of interest to vegetation indices or single spectral band reflectances. Subsequently, the family of model generated relationships, each a function of soil background and canopy characteristics, was employed for a fast pixel-wise mapping of Cab and LAI.The biophysical parameter retrieval scheme is completely automated and image-based and solves for the soil background reflectance signal, leaf mesophyll structure, specific dry matter content, Markov clumping characteristics, Cab and LAI without utilizing calibration measurements.Despite the high vulnerability of near-infrared reflectances (ρnir) to variations in background properties, an efficient correction for background influences and a strong sensitivity of ρnir to LAI, caused LAI-ρnir relationships to be very useful and preferable over LAI-NDVI relationships for LAI prediction when LAI > 2. Reflectances in the green waveband (ρgreen) were chosen for producing maps of Cab.The application of LAI-NDVI, LAI-ρnir and Cab-ρgreen relationships provided reliable quantitative estimates of Cab and LAI for agricultural crops characterized by contrasting architectures and leaf biochemical constituents with overall root mean square deviations between estimates and in-situ measurements of 0.74 for LAI and 5.0 μg cm− 2 for Cab.The results of this study illustrate the non-uniqueness of spectral reflectance relationships and the potential of physically-based inverse and forward canopy reflectance modeling techniques for a reasonably fast and accurate retrieval of key biophysical parameters at regional scales.  相似文献   

Leaves are the primary interface where energy, water and carbon exchanges occur between the forest ecosystems and the atmosphere. Leaf area index (LAI) is a measure of the amount of leaf area in a stand, and the tree crown size characterizes how leaves are clumped in the canopy. Both LAI and tree crown size are of essential ecological and management value. There is a lot of interest in extracting both canopy structural parameters from remote sensing. The LAI is generally estimated with spectral information from remotely sensed images at relatively coarse spatial resolution. There has been much less success in estimating tree crown size with remote sensing. The recent availability of abundant high spatial resolution imagery from space offers new potential for extracting LAI and tree crown size, particularly in the spatial domain. This study found that the spatial information in Ikonos imagery is highly valuable in estimating both tree crown size and LAI. When the conifer‐ and hardwood‐dominated stands are pooled, tree crown sizes of conifer stands relate best to the ratio of image variance at 2×2 m spatial resolution to that at 3×3 m spatial resolution, while LAI relates best to image variance at 4×4 m spatial resolution. When the conifer‐ and hardwood‐dominated stands are separated, image spatial information estimates tree crown size much better for conifer‐dominated stands than for the hardwood‐dominated stands, while the relationship between image spatial information and LAI is strengthened after the two types of stands are combined. Tree crown size is more sensitive to image spatial resolution than LAI. Image variance is more useful in estimating LAI than normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and simple ratio vegetation index (SRVI). Combining both spatial and spectral information provides some improvement in estimating LAI compared with using spatial information alone. Therefore, future efforts to estimate canopy structure with high resolution imagery should also use image spatial information.  相似文献   

Effective leaf area index (LAI) retrievals from a scanning, ground-based, near-infrared (1064 nm) lidar that digitizes the full return waveform, the Echidna Validation Instrument (EVI), are in good agreement with those obtained from both hemispherical photography and the Li-Cor LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer. We conducted trials at 28 plots within six stands of hardwoods and conifers of varying height and stocking densities at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, Bartlett Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, and Howland Experimental Forest, Maine, in July 2007. Effective LAI values retrieved by four methods, which ranged from 3.42 to 5.25 depending on the site and method, were not significantly different (β < 0.1 among four methods). The LAI values also matched published values well. Foliage profiles (leaf area with height) retrieved from the lidar scans, although not independently validated, were consistent with stand structure as observed and as measured by conventional methods. Canopy mean top height, as determined from the foliage profiles, deviated from mean RH100 values obtained from the Lidar Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS) airborne large-footprint lidar system at 27 plots by − 0.91 m with RMSE = 2.04 m, documenting the ability of the EVI to retrieve stand height. The Echidna Validation Instrument is the first realization of the Echidna® lidar concept, devised by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), for measuring forest structure using full-waveform, ground-based, scanning lidar.  相似文献   

Airborne laser scanner systems provide detailed forest information that can be used for important improvements in forest management decisions. Planning systems under development use plot-survey data to represent forest stands in large forest holdings which enables new flexible methods to model the forest and optimize selection of silvicultural treatments. In Sweden today, only averages of forest stand variables are used, and the survey methods used do not provide plot-survey data for all stands in large forest holdings. This is a task possibly solved using airborne laser scanner data. Various measures can be derived from laser data, each describing different forest variables, such as tree height distribution, vegetation density and vertical tree crown structure. Here, imputation of field plot (10 m radius) data using measures derived from airborne laser scanner data (TopEye) and optical image data (SPOT 5 HRG satellite sensor) were evaluated as a method to provide data for new long-term management planning systems. In addition to commonly applied measures, the semivariogram of laser measurements was evaluated as a new measure to extract spatial characteristics of the forest. The study used data from 870, 10 m radius field plots (0 to 812 m3 ha− 1) surveyed for a 1200 ha large forest estate in the south of Sweden. At the best, combining measures derived from laser scanner data and SPOT 5 data, stand mean volume was estimated with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 20% of the sample mean and stem density with 22% RMSE. Bias of stem density estimates was 5%, and stand stem volume 4%. Although these accuracies are sufficient for operational application, estimates of tree species proportions and within-stand variation were clearly not.  相似文献   

The long-time historical evolution and recent rapid development of Beijing, China, present before us a unique urban structure. A 10-metre spatial resolution SPOT panchromatic image of Beijing has been studied to capture the spatial patterns of the city. Supervised image classifications were performed using statistical and structural texture features produced from the image. Textural features, including eight texture features from the Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method; a computationally efficient texture feature, the Number of Different Grey-levels (NDG); and a structural texture feature, Edge Density (ED), were evaluated. It was found that generally single texture features performed poorly. Classification accuracy increased with increasing number of texture features until three or four texture features were combined. The more texture features in the combination, the smaller difference between different combinations. The results also show that a lower number of texture features were needed for more homogeneous areas. NDG and ED combined with GLCM texture features produced similar results as the same number of GLCM texture features. Two classification schemes were adopted, stratified classification and non-stratified classification. The best stratified classification result was better than the best non-stratified classification result.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to serve as a pilot study for running a physically based forest reflectance model through an operational forest management data base in Finnish coniferous forests. The LAI values of 250 boreal coniferous stands were retrieved with the physically based model by inversion from a SPOT HRVIR1 image. The use of three spectral vegetation indices (NDVI, RSR and MSI) in LAI estimation was tested for the same stands. Ground-truth LAI was based on an allometric model which can be applied to routine stand inventory data. Stand reflectances were computed as an average of reflectances of the pixels located within the digital stand borders.The relationships of LAI and spectral vegetation indices calculated from the SPOT data were very scattered. RSR exhibited the widest range of values (and the highest correlation with LAI), suggesting it to be more dynamic than MSI or NDVI. Inversion of the reflectance model was done twice: first using as simultaneous input three wavelength bands (red, NIR and MIR), then only the red and NIR bands. The aim was to observe whether including the MIR band in the inversion would improve the inverted LAI estimates or if using only the red and NIR bands would result in the same reliability of inverted values. The motivation for examining the influence of the MIR band resulted from several recent studies from the boreal zone which suggest that the pronounced understory effect could be minimized by the inclusion of the MIR band. The LAI values inverted by the model were slightly larger than the ground-truth LAI values. A minor improvement in LAI estimates was observed after the inclusion of the MIR band in reflectance model inversion. The errors in the ground-truth LAI were uncertain and the background understory reflectance was expected to be highly variable. Thus, the quality of the data used may be to a large extent responsible for the observed low utility of the tested channels.  相似文献   

In this study, the consistency of systematic retrievals of surface reflectance and leaf area index was assessed using overlap regions in adjacent Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper-Plus (ETM+) scenes. Adjacent scenes were acquired within 7-25 days apart to minimize variations in the land surface reflectance between acquisition dates. Each Landsat ETM+ scene was independently geo-referenced and atmospherically corrected using a variety of standard approaches. Leaf area index (LAI) models were then applied to the surface reflectance data and the difference in LAI between overlapping scenes was evaluated. The results from this analysis show that systematic LAI retrieval from Landsat ETM+ imagery using a baseline atmospheric correction approach that assumes a constant aerosol optical depth equal to 0.06 is consistent to within ±0.61 LAI units. The average absolute difference in LAI retrieval over all 10 image pairs was 26% for a mean LAI of 2.05 and the maximum absolute difference over any one pair was 61% for a mean LAI of 1.13. When no atmospheric correction was performed on the data, the consistency in LAI retrieval was improved by 1%. When a scene-based dense, dark vegetation atmospheric correction algorithm was used, the LAI retrieval differences increased to 28% for a mean LAI of 2.32. This implies that a scene-based atmospheric correction procedure may improve the absolute accuracy of LAI retrieval without having a major impact on retrieval consistency. Such consistency trials provide insight into the current limits concerning surface reflectance and LAI retrieval from fine spatial resolution remote sensing imagery with respect to the variability in clear-sky atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a forest inventory study of the Mao-shan area, a region which is partly representative of the forest types of southern China. In the study, the effectiveness of various feature extraction techniques was investigated, new classification algorithms were developed and supervised classification schemes were implemented and assessed. A scheme involving two-dimensional spectrum decomposition classification, manual editing and Bayes classification is proposed. Its application gives results which show promising potential for forest inventory in southern China using computer processing of LANDSAT imagery.  相似文献   

Biomass and leaf area index (LAI) are important variables in many ecological and environmental applications. In this study, the suitability of visible to shortwave infrared advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) data for estimating aboveground tree and LAI in the treeline mountain birch forests was tested in northernmost Finland. The biomass and LAI of the 128 plots were surveyed, and the empirical relationships between forest variables and ASTER data were studied using correlation analysis and linear and non‐linear regression analysis. The studied spectral features also included several spectral vegetation indices (SVI) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA) transformed reflectances. The results indicate significant relationships between the biomass, LAI and ASTER data. The variables were predicted most accurately by CCA transformed reflectances, the approach corresponding to the multiple regression analysis. The lowest RMSEs were 3.45 t ha?1 (41.0%) and 0.28 m2m?2 (37.0%) for biomass and LAI respectively. The red band was the band with the strongest correlation against the biomass and LAI. SR and NDVI were the SVIs with the strongest linear and non‐linear relationships. Although the best models explained about 85% of the variation in biomass and LAI, the undergrowth vegetation and background reflectance are likely to affect the observed relationships.  相似文献   

A simple data analysis technique for vegetation leaf area index (LAI) using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data is presented. The objective is to generate LAI data that is appropriate for numerical weather prediction. A series of techniques and procedures which includes data quality control, time-series data smoothing, and simple data analysis is applied. The LAI analysis is an optimal combination of the MODIS observations and derived climatology, depending on their associated errors σo and σc. The “best estimate” LAI is derived from a simple three-point smoothing technique combined with a selection of maximum LAI (after data quality control) values to ensure a higher quality. The LAI climatology is a time smoothed mean value of the “best estimate” LAI during the years of 2002-2004. The observation error is obtained by comparing the MODIS observed LAI with the “best estimate” of the LAI, and the climatological error is obtained by comparing the “best estimate” of LAI with the climatological LAI value. The LAI analysis is the result of a weighting between these two errors. Demonstration of the method described in this paper is presented for the 15-km grid of Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC)'s regional version of the numerical weather prediction model. The final LAI analyses have a relatively smooth temporal evolution, which makes them more appropriate for environmental prediction than the original MODIS LAI observation data. They are also more realistic than the LAI data currently used operationally at the MSC which is based on land-cover databases.  相似文献   

The identification of land cover changes on a continental scale is a laborious and time-consuming process. A new methodology is proposed based exclusively on SPOT VGT data, illustrated for the African Continent using GLC2000 as reference to select 26 distinct land cover types (classes). For each class, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time-series are extracted from SPOT VGT images and a hierarchical aggregation is done using two different methods: one that preserves the initial signatures throughout the hierarchical process, and another that recalculates the signatures for each aggregation level. The average classification agreement was above 89% using 26 classes. Reducing the number of classes improves classification agreement. In order to study the influence of temporal variability in the classification results, the methodology was applied on data from 1999, 2001, 2008, and 2010. With 26 classes, the best average classification agreement obtained was 94.5% with annual data, against 74.1% with interannual data.  相似文献   

This article aims at finding efficient hyperspectral indices for the estimation of forest sun leaf chlorophyll content (CHL, µg cmleaf? 2), sun leaf mass per area (LMA, gdry matter mleaf? 2), canopy leaf area index (LAI, m2leaf msoil? 2) and leaf canopy biomass (Bleaf, gdry matter msoil? 2). These parameters are useful inputs for forest ecosystem simulations at landscape scale. The method is based on the determination of the best vegetation indices (index form and wavelengths) using the radiative transfer model PROSAIL (formed by the newly-calibrated leaf reflectance model PROSPECT coupled with the multi-layer version of the canopy radiative transfer model SAIL). The results are tested on experimental measurements at both leaf and canopy scales. At the leaf scale, it is possible to estimate CHL with high precision using a two wavelength vegetation index after a simulation based calibration. At the leaf scale, the LMA is more difficult to estimate with indices. At the canopy scale, efficient indices were determined on a generic simulated database to estimate CHL, LMA, LAI and Bleaf in a general way. These indices were then applied to two Hyperion images (50 plots) on the Fontainebleau and Fougères forests and portable spectroradiometer measurements. They showed good results with an RMSE of 8.2 µg cm? 2 for CHL, 9.1 g m? 2 for LMA, 1.7 m2 m? 2 for LAI and 50.6 g m? 2 for Bleaf. However, at the canopy scale, even if the wavelengths of the calibrated indices were accurately determined with the simulated database, the regressions between the indices and the biophysical characteristics still had to be calibrated on measurements. At the canopy scale, the best indices were: for leaf chlorophyll content: NDchl = (ρ925 ? ρ710)/(ρ925 + ρ710), for leaf mass per area: NDLMA = (ρ2260 ? ρ1490)/(ρ2260 + ρ1490), for leaf area index: DLAI = ρ1725 ? ρ970, and for canopy leaf biomass: NDBleaf = (ρ2160 ? ρ1540)/(ρ2160 + ρ1540).  相似文献   

Remote sensing is the most practical method available to managers of fire-prone forests for quantifying and mapping fire impacts. Differenced Normalised Burn Ratio (ΔNBR) is among the most widely used spectral indices for the mapping of burn severity but is difficult to interpret in terms of fire-related changes in key biophysical attributes and processes. We propose to quantify burn severity as a change in the leaf area index (ΔLAI) of a stand. LAI is a key biophysical attribute of forests, and is central to understanding their water and carbon cycles. Previous studies have suggested that changes in canopy LAI may be a major contributor to ΔNBR and to the composite burn index (CBI) that is frequently used in combination with the NBR to assess burn severity on the ground. We applied remotely-sensed ΔLAI to map burn severity in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest in south-western Australia burnt during the January 2005 Perth Hills wildfires. Ground-based digital photography was used to measure LAI in typical stands representing the full range of canopy densities present in the study area as well as variation in the time since the last fire. Regression models for the prediction of LAI were developed using NBR, the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) or the Simple Ratio (SR) as the independent variable. All three LAI models had equally high coefficients of determination (R2: 0.87) and small root mean squared errors (RMSE: 0.27–0.28). ΔLAI was calculated as the difference between pre- and post-fire LAI, predicted using imagery from January 2004 and February 2005, respectively. The area affected by the January 2005 fire and the burn severity patterns within that area were mapped using ΔLAI and ΔNBR. Landscape patterns of burn severity obtained from differencing pre- and post-fire LAI were similar to those mapped by ΔNBR. We conclude that fire-affected areas and burn severity patterns in the northern jarrah forest can be objectively mapped using remotely-sensed changes in LAI, while offering the important advantage over NBR of being readily interpretable in the wider context of ecological forest management.  相似文献   

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