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Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), which were largely absent from Lake Erie from the 1980s until the mid-late 1990s, have been growing steadily worse in intensity. While much of the phosphorus loading into the lake prior to 1972 was caused by point-source pollution, approximately 88% to 93% of current loading comes from nonpoint sources, of which agriculture is the dominant land use. A reduction target of 860?metric?tons, or 40% of the total phosphorus spring loading in 2008, has been set with the expectation that such a reduction could limit the size and associated impact of HABs in 9 out of every 10?years. We review the effectiveness of recommended practices aimed at reducing phosphorus loss in agriculture and pair this knowledge with behavioral data on likely adoption to identify how best to achieve the reduction target. The data suggests that the target is feasible as a majority of the farming population is willing to consider many of the recommended practices. However, increases in adoption over time have been minimal, and farmers will need better cost-benefit information, site-specific decision support tools, and technical assistance in order to more rapidly adopt and execute the placement of recommended practices. A combination of voluntary and mandatory approaches may be needed, but policies and programs promoting voluntary adoption should be designed to better target known barriers and maximize voluntary program effectiveness.  相似文献   

Harmful algal bloom (HAB) and cyanotoxin studies in the Great Lakes region have been typically focused on surface-water issues, with few investigating or reporting on groundwater. This study aims to theoretically explore whether groundwater can be contaminated by microcystins from HABs in surface water due to surface-water and groundwater interaction. Specifically, a 3-D MODFLOW/MT3DMS model was developed to simulate pumping-induced reverse groundwater flow and solute transport from Lake Erie to the aquifer underneath the South Bass Island in Ohio. Our simulation results based on typical, base case settings showed that after microcystins were detected and released from the lake, it would take about two, three, and 13 months for the water in a well on the island to reach the EPA advisory levels of microcystin for detection (0.1 µg/l), infants and children (0.3 μg/l), and school-age children to adults (1.6 μg/l), respectively. Furthermore, our scenario analyses showed that, as expected, higher pumping rate and higher lakebed leakance would accelerate the microcystin transport to the well. However, higher hydraulic conductivity would increase the time to reach the EPA levels due to mixing and dilution effects. The 3-D modeling scheme developed in this study was suitable to simulate the complex surface-water and groundwater interaction and transport processes occurring in the Great Lakes. This theoretical study provides useful insight for managing coastal groundwater aquifers and resources under threat from HABs in the Great Lakes. Future improvements to the model would include incorporating reactions and fractures and obtaining water-quality data for model calibration.  相似文献   

Lake Erie experiences annual summer cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (HABs), comprised mostly of non-nitrogen-fixing Microcystis, due to excess nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs (eutrophication). Lake Erie's watershed is mostly agricultural, and fertilizers, manure, and drainage practices contribute to high nutrient loads. This study aimed to clarify the role of western Lake Erie sediments in either exacerbating or mitigating conditions that fuel HABs via recycling and/or removal, respectively, of excess N and reactive P. Sediment-water interface N and orthophosphate (ortho-P) dynamics and functional gene analyses of key N transformations were evaluated during a dry, low HAB year (2016) and a wet, high HAB year (2017). On average, western basin sediments were a net N sink and thus perform a valuable ecosystem service via N removal. However, sediments were a source of ortho-P and chemically reduced N. Western basin sediments can theoretically remove 29% of average annual watershed total N loading. Denitrification rates were lower during the high (2017) versus low bloom year (2016), suggesting that high external N loading and large HABs inhibit the capacity of sediments to perform that ecosystem service. Despite being a net N sink on average, western basin sediments released ammonium and urea, chemically reduced N forms that are energetically conducive to non-N-fixing, toxin-producing cyanobacterial HABs, especially during the critical period of low external loading and high biomass. These results support other recent work highlighting the urgent need to include N cycling and internal load dynamics in ecosystem models and mitigation efforts for eutrophic systems.  相似文献   

Lake Erie has experienced dramatic changes in water quality over the past several decades requiring extensive monitoring to assess effectiveness of adaptive management strategies. Remote sensing offers a unique potential to provide synoptic monitoring at daily time scales complementing in-situ sampling activities occurring in Lake Erie. Bio-optical remote sensing algorithms require knowledge about the inherent optical properties (IOPs) of the water for parameterization to produce robust water quality products. This study reports new IOP and apparent optical property (AOP) datasets for western Lake Erie that encapsulate the May–October period for 2015 and 2016 at weekly sampling intervals. Previously reported IOP and AOP observations have been temporally limited and have not assessed statistical differences between IOPs over spatial and temporal gradients. The objective of this study is to assess trends in IOPs over variable spatial and temporal scales. Large spatio-temporal variability in IOPs was observed between 2015 and 2016 likely due to the difference in the extent and duration of mid-summer cyanobacteria blooms. Differences in the seasonal trends of the specific phytoplankton absorption coefficient between 2015 and 2016 suggest differing algal assemblages between the years. Other IOP variables, including chromophoric, dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and beam attenuation spectral slopes, suggest variability is influenced by river discharge and sediment re-suspension. The datasets presented in this study show how these IOPs and AOPs change over a season and between years, and are useful in advancing the applicability and robustness of remote sensing methods to retrieve water quality information in western Lake Erie.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effect of the phosphonate herbicide glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) on the phytoplankton community structure in Lake Erie using lake water incubations, laboratory growth experiments and phylogenetic analysis of phosphonate metabolism genes. In microcosms, addition of glyphosate to Sandusky Bay water resulted in a significant increase in phytoplankton abundance, specifically causing an increase in the abundance of Planktothrix spp. In microcosms using Maumee Bay water, glyphosate did not stimulate phytoplankton growth but caused a decrease in Microcystis spp. abundance. The difference in the ability of Planktothrix spp. and Microcystis spp. to grow in the presence of glyphosate was confirmed in laboratory growth experiments. Further, an examination of the molecular pathways involved in phosphonate metabolism demonstrated that heterotrophic bacteria may be critical in allowing this proliferation. The results indicate that glyphosate has both positive and negative influences on phytoplankton community structure, serving as a nutrient source to microbes able to tolerate the herbicidal effects of the compound while killing those less tolerant. Moreover, this work highlights that in natural environments microorganisms function as communities, and the metabolic abilities of individual species are often less important than the collective ability of the community.  相似文献   

The Maumee River is an important source of phosphorus (P) loading to western Lake Erie and potentially a source of Microcystis seed colonies contributing to the development of harmful algal blooms in the lake. Herein, we quantified P forms and size fractions, and phytoplankton community composition in the river–lake coupled ecosystem before (June), during (August), and after (September) a large Microcystis bloom in 2009. Additionally, we determined the distribution and density of a newly emergent cyanobacterium, Lyngbya wollei, near Maumee Bay to estimate potential P sequestration. In June, dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) was the most abundant P form whereas particulate P (partP) was most abundant in August and September. Green algae dominated in June (44% and 60% of total chlorophyll in river and lake, respectively) with substantial Microcystis (17%) present only in the river. Conversely, in August, Microcystis declined in the river (3%) but dominated (32%) the lake. Lake phytoplankton sequestered < 6% of water column P even during peak Microcystis blooms; in all lake samples < 112 μm non-algal particles dominated partP. Lyngbya density averaged 19.4 g dry wt/m2, with average Lyngbya P content of 15% (to 75% maximum) of water column P. The presence of Microcystis in the river before appearing in the lake indicates that the river is a potential source of Microcystis seed colonies for later lake blooms, that DOP is an important component of early summer total P, and that L. wollei blooms have the potential to increase P retention in nearshore areas.  相似文献   

Lake Erie is a classic case of development, recovery from, and return to eutrophication, hypoxia, and harmful algal blooms. Forecast models are used annually to predict bloom intensity for the whole Western Lake Erie Basin, but do not necessarily reflect nearshore conditions or regional variations, which are important for local stakeholders. In this study we: 1) developed relationships between observed whole basin and nearshore bloom sizes, and 2) updated and extended a Bayesian seasonal bloom forecast model to provide new regional predictions. The western basin was subdivided into 5 km near-shore regions, and bloom start date, size, and intensity were quantified with MODIS-derived images of chlorophyll concentrations for July–October 2002–2016 for each subdivision and for the entire basin. While bloom severity within each subdivision is temporally and spatially unique, it increased over the study period in each subdivision. The models for the 5 km subdivisions explained between 83 and 95% of variability between regional sizes and whole bloom size for US subdivisions and 51% for the Canadian subdivision. By linking predictive basin-wide models to regional regression estimates, we are now able to better predict potential bloom impacts at scales and in specific areas that are vital to the economic well-being of the region and allow for better management responses.  相似文献   

Tracking changes in stream nutrient inputs to Lake Erie over multidecadal time scales depends on the use of statistical methods that can remove the influence of year-to-year variability of streamflow but also explicitly consider the influence of long-term trends in streamflow. The methods introduced in this paper include an extended version of Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) modeling that explicitly considers nonstationary streamflow by incorporating information on changes in the frequency distribution of daily measured streamflow (discharge) over time. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) trends in annual flow-normalized fluxes (loads) at five long-term monitoring sites in the western Lake Erie drainage basin show increases of 109 to 322% over the period 1995 to 2015. About one-third of the increase appears attributable to increasing discharge trends, while the remaining two-thirds appears to be driven by changes in concentration versus discharge relationships reflecting higher concentrations for any given discharge during recent years. Trends in total phosphorus and three nitrogen parameters (total nitrogen, nitrate-nitrite, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen) at the 10 sites analyzed were much less pronounced, and commonly show decreases in concentration-discharge relationships accompanied by increases in discharge, resulting in little net change in total flux. Trends in monthly SRP fluxes and discharge, dissolved versus particulate fractions of nutrients, and N:P flux ratios were also evaluated. The methods described here provide tools to more clearly discern the effectiveness of nutrient-control strategies and can serve as ongoing measures of progress, or lack of progress, towards nutrient-reduction goals.  相似文献   

Timely identification of color-producing agents (CPAs) in Lake Erie is a challenging, but vital aspect of monitoring harmful algal blooms (HABs). In particular, HABs that include large amounts of cyanobacteria (CyanoHABs) can be toxic to humans, posing a threat to drinking water, in addition to recreational and economic use of Lake Erie. The optical signal of Lake Erie is complex (Becker et al., 2009; Moore et al., 2017), typically comprised of phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), detritus, and terrigenous inorganic particles, varying in composition both spatially and temporally. The Kent State University (KSU) spectral decomposition method effectively partitions CPAs using a varimax-rotated, principal component analysis (VPCA) of visible reflectance spectra measured using lab, field or satellite instruments (Ali et al., 2013; Ortiz et al., 2017, 2013). We analyze 2015 imagery acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor and field samples collected during the early 2015 cyanoHAB season. We identified four primary CPA spectral signatures, and the spatial distribution of each identified CPA, in the reflectance spectra datasets of both the MODIS and lab-measured water samples. The KSU spectral decomposition method results in mixtures of specific pigments, pigment degradation products, and minerals that describe the optically complex water. We found very good agreement between the KSU VPCA spectral decomposition results and in situ measurements, indicating that this method may be a powerful tool for rapid CyanoHAB monitoring and assessment in large lakes using instruments that provide moderate resolution imagery (0.3 to 1 km2).  相似文献   

Nearshore-offshore exchanges through upwelling events and subsequent formation of internal Kelvin waves and coastal-jets are expected in the multi-basin coastal waters of Lake Erie; however, these phenomena have yet to be confirmed in the field or numerically modeled. Here, we demonstrate these physical processes in Lake Erie through extensive field data analysis and high-resolution three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling. The validated model successfully reproduces dominant physical processes in the offshore and nearshore waters including surface seiches (~14?h), near-inertial waves (~17?h) and upwelling events (5–10?days). We show that upwelling events are the predominant nearshore physical processes, and are energized when winds accelerate the epilimnetic waters to the south, causing the thermocline front to move up into the north shore. After the wind subsides, the elevated thermoclines simultaneously form two separate cyclonically propagating internal Kelvin waves in the central and the eastern basins following by two coastal-jets at phase speeds of 0.22?ms?1 and 0.37?ms?1 within 5–15?km off the shoreline, respectively. The predominant south-west winds limit the presence of Kelvin waves only to the northern parts of each basin, where the bathymetry allows, and disappear when shoreline morphology no longer maintain these waves due to nonzero cross-shore transports at the coastal boundary layer. Intrusions of hypolimnetic waters through upwelling events contribute 10–30% to the net cross-shore transport, and are most pronounced in May and June when the offshore thermocline is shallow. The intermittent strong westward nearshore currents by Kelvin waves are in the opposite direction of seasonal eastward currents.  相似文献   

Traditional lake eutrophication models predict lower phosphorus concentrations with decreased external loads. However, in lakes where decreased external phosphorus loads are accompanied by increasing phosphorus concentrations, a seeming “trophic paradox” exists. Western Lake Erie is an example of such a paradox. Internal phosphorus loads may help explain this paradox. We examined bioturbation and bioirrigation created from burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia spp., as a possible source of internal phosphorus loading. Phosphorus concentrations of experimental microcosms containing lake sediments, filtered lake water, and nymphs (417/m2) collected from western Lake Erie were compared to control microcosms containing sediments and lake water over a 7-day period. Phosphorus concentrations in microcosms containing Hexagenia were significantly greater than microcosms without nymphs. Further, we estimate the soluble reactive phosphorus flux from the sediments due to Hexagenia is 1.03 mg/m2/day. Thus, Hexagenia are a source of internal phosphorus loading. High densities of Hexagenia nymphs in western Lake Erie may help explain the “trophic paradox.” Furthermore, Hexagenia may be a neglected source of internal phosphorus loading in any lake in which they are abundant. Future studies of phosphorus dynamics in lakes with Hexagenia must account for the ability of these organisms to increase lake internal phosphorus loading.  相似文献   

The management of Lake Okeechobee in Florida has undergone significant changes in the last decade. Socio-political, environmental and demographic factors have driven changes in the environmental and water policy, which in turn have led to wide-ranging institutional changes and a shift toward multiobjective planning and implementation in the Lake management. This article describes the changes in the philosophy and practice of water resources management in South Florida hydrologic system, of which Lake Okeechobee is a crucial component. The impacts of the changes on management goals and decision processes are illustrated through a case study of the use of climate information in Lake management. The article concludes with a brief examination of the implications of the institutional changes, including greater public participation, for the long-term sustainability of the social-ecological system in South Florida.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic-ecological model for Lake of the Woods (LoW) to assess the impact of nutrient inputs on the lake’s ecological processes. LoW is a large bi-national water body with complex geometry and topography and receives significant nutrients mainly from the Rainy River, with additional inputs from a few other smaller tributaries, and suffers from degraded water quality with seasonal cyanobacterial and harmful algal blooms. A high-resolution model developed here has a horizontal grid resolution of 250 m with a variable vertical grid resolution and can simulate hydrodynamics, in-lake nutrients dynamics, and phytoplankton biomass. Our model reproduced observed temporal and spatial distribution of nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations reasonably well. The calibrated model is used to explore simulating the spatial and temporal variability of ecological conditions of the lake and its response to nutrient load reductions. Based on a range of potential nutrient loadings, the model results suggest that different areas within LoW may respond differently to decreased phosphorus loadings. The model simulations predict that as nutrient loads into LoW decrease, water quality conditions will improve in most of the segments. In addition to naturally reducing internal load, external load reductions of 160 MTA from the baseline conditions (877 MTA) are necessary to reduce late summer average TP concentrations to 0.03 mg/L and total chlorophyll-a concentrations in the range of 7–12 μg/L.  相似文献   

Ecosystem‐based fisheries management (EBFM) is an important complement to existing fisheries management approaches to maintain ecosystem health and function; to translate goals and aspirations for sustainability into operational objectives, the preferences of the fishing communities should be considered for successful implementation of EBFM. This study analysed the preferences of the fishing community for alternative EBFM developments for Lake Naivasha, Kenya, and estimated the willingness to pay, using a choice experiment approach. Protection of fish breeding grounds, improving tilapia fish abundance and accessibility of fishing zones were identified as relevant EBFM attributes for the choice experiment. A monetary attribute (payment for fishing permit) was also included. In addition to a conditional logit model, mixed logit models are estimated to account for heterogeneity in preferences. This study results indicated fishing communities are most concerned about tilapia fish abundance and protection of fish breeding grounds. The welfare measures reveal that members of the Lake Naivasha fishing community are willing to pay a considerable sum of money for ecosystem services improvement, relative to their low income derived from fishing. These study findings highlighted that evaluating the preferences of the fishing community and valuing the fishery at an ecosystem level are vital to prioritize and choose between alternative interventions for sound implementation of EBFM.  相似文献   

Comparisons between diatom assemblages preserved in modern and pre-industrial sediments were made to provide a lake-wide paleolimnological assessment of environmental change in 17 sites located throughout the Ontario portion of the Lake of the Woods (LoW). Diatom changes were consistent across all sites, although the magnitude of these changes varied along a trophic gradient (i.e., main channel sites versus isolated bays). The most notable taxonomic shift was towards a higher relative abundance of small, centric Cyclotella taxa and other planktonic, pennate diatoms (e.g., Asterionella formosa, Fragilaria crotonensis) in the modern sediments, with corresponding lower relative abundances of heavily silicified Aulacoseira taxa and small benthic Fragilaria taxa. To aid in determining whether changes in nutrients can explain the diatom trends, weighted-averaging partial-least-squares (WA-PLS) techniques were used to develop a diatom-based inference model to reconstruct changes in total phosphorus (TP) concentrations. Diatom-inferrred TP (DI-TP) reconstructions revealed that 88% of the sites showed either no change or a slight, but not significant decline in DI-TP since pre-industrial times. Diatom-based inferences suggest that TP concentrations at many sites in the Ontario portion of the LoW were moderately elevated in nutrients prior to any major human disturbances (i.e., pre-1850). Results suggest that substantial increases in temperature over the last few decades, and the associated changes to ice cover and water column properties, have likely exacerbated the effects of existing stressors on the system and were key factors influencing a lake-wide restructuring of the diatom communities over the past ca. 150 years.  相似文献   

The impacts of climate change on hydrology and water quality of the Black River, a tributary of Lake Simcoe, Canada, were assessed for the period 2001–2100, by integrating two models, HBV and INCA-P, and using statistically downscaled data from the Global Circulation Model CGCM3 for two IPCC scenarios (A1b and A2). The effectiveness of catchment management strategies was assessed across the 21st century by simulating controls on sewage treatment works and fertiliser applications, and implementing buffer strips and bank erosion controls.  相似文献   

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