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沈德昌 《太阳能》2007,(1):48-49
早在二十世纪三十年代,丹麦、瑞典、苏联和美国就已经研制出一系列小型风力发电机。小型风力发电机的功率一般在5kW以内,曾广  相似文献   

当夕阳西下,暮色将山村笼罩的时候,像点点繁星降临人间,沿着蜿蜒山路列队,那是新安装的太阳能路灯亮了,一抹明亮的光辉照亮了静寂的山路,给山村增添了无限生机.  相似文献   

Challenges in implementing demand side management (DSM) programs in rural electric co-operatives and small municipal utilities are not well understood, yet these organizations sell roughly 15% of electricity in the US, many are more coal-intensive than investor-owned utilities (IOUs), and they are politically important—rural electric co-operatives cover about 75% of the US land area and municipal utilities are found in every state except Hawaii. We provide a background on rural co-operatives and municipal utilities in the context of the US electric sector and highlight the challenges and opportunities of implementing DSM programs in these institutions. Where past studies of utility DSM have mostly focused on IOUs or consisted of qualitative case studies of municipal utilities with exemplary DSM performance, this study makes a unique contribution to the DSM literature by systematically analyzing an entire co-operative and municipal utility population in Minnesota through the use of a survey. In doing so, we provide policy recommendations relevant to energy planners and policy makers to support DSM in rural electric co-operatives and municipal utilities.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel and cost-effective way of providing direct sunlight to the core areas of a multi-storey building. In this system, sunlight is collected by a structure, called the solar canopy illumination system, which attaches to the building directly above the windows on each floor. The sunlight is then redirected by the optical components within the canopy and distributed within the building through a series of special-purpose light guides. These guides pipe the sunlight into the building, and also efficiently incorporate electric light sources so that they can provide supplemental lighting as necessary. This system combines several important energy-saving features and uses components that can be low cost in volume manufacturing. As a result, the system has the potential to be truly cost-effective based on the energy savings. The widespread adoption of such a system could substantially reduce energy consumption worldwide which would make a significant contribution toward greenhouse gas mitigation.  相似文献   

十届人大四次会议在春光明媚的三月胜利闭幕了。这次大会奏响了“建设社会主义新农村”的序曲,谱写了我国未来社会主义现代化建设的主旋律。“三农”问题关乎国家的命运和前途,关乎经济社会的可  相似文献   

A lack of access to energy and, in particular, electricity is a less obvious manifestation of poverty but arguably one of the most important. This paper investigates the extent to which electricity access can be investigated using night-time light satellite data and spatially explicit population datasets to compare electricity access between 1990 and 2000. We present here the first satellite derived estimates of rural population without access to electricity in developing countries to draw insights on issues surrounding the delivery of electricity to populations in rural areas. The paper provides additional evidence of the slow progress in expansion of energy access to households in Sub-Saharan Africa and shows how this might be ascribed in part due to the low population densities in rural areas. The fact that this is a continent with some of the lowest per-capita income levels aggravates the intrinsic difficulties associated with making the investments needed to supply electricity in areas with low population density and high dispersion. Clearly, these spatial dimensions of the distributions of the remaining unelectrified populations in the world have an impact on what options are considered the most appropriate in expanding access to these households and the relative attractiveness of decentralized options.  相似文献   

This study presents design concepts for hydrogen supply chains as a way to investigate how to transport green hydrogen from offshore sites to onshore sites where it would be available to consumers. The six concepts suggested are based on compressed hydrogen, a pipeline, liquefied hydrogen, liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC), ammonia, and a subsea cable. Most of the concepts transported the hydrogen from production to consumption sites, but in the case of the subsea cable transferred electricity from the offshore wind farm. All the design concept were created to satisfy the same specific case study. For this case study, the East Sea was selected as the hydrogen production site, Busan port was chosen as the hydrogen consumption site. The six concepts were applied to the suggested case study before being compared from the viewpoint of each system's complexity. The results show that the pipeline- and subsea cable-based hydrogen supply chains are relatively simple relative to the other concepts, the LOHC- and ammonia-based hydrogen supply chains are inherently more complex because they require de-hydrogenation and cracking processes to extract hydrogen from the LOHC and ammonia. On the other hand, ammonia and liquefied hydrogen have advantages in terms of ship transportation because they both provide high volumetric densities. In the case of ammonia, the infrastructure required would be significantly reduced if it could be directly used as a fuel without the cracking and purification processes. This study proposes and compares various hydrogen supply chain concepts with the goal that the results will prove helpful to those attempting to create an offshore hydrogen supply chain by providing fundamental data to decision-makers in the early design stages.  相似文献   

A new chipper was designed around a versatile wheeled carrier, capable of both in-field and road traffic. This solution reduces relocation cost, and it is especially valuable when dealing with small, scattered fields. At the same time, good off-road mobility allows taking a large industrial operation directly into the field, to the benefit of improved downstream handling. The new machine is especially conceived for use by rural contractors, who must negotiate wood crops established on ex-arable land. Trials were conducted on three sites, representative of the most common conditions encountered by these contractors. Productive potential was very high, averaging 120 m3 loose chips (or 42 tonnes of green chips) per productive machine hour. Such a high productivity may strain the capacity of the chipper support fleet, especially if the latter needs to reach the chipper directly into the field. Therefore, actualizing the potential of the new system requires a good organization, possibly assisted by modern precision control technology.  相似文献   

据各国政府及专家较为公认的统计数据,目前全球石油已知储量大约可开采40年,天然气可开采约50年,原煤可开采约200年,而我国可采储量的原煤为115年、原油仅20年、天然气仅49年.地球上超过50亿年积累的化石能源,在几十至上百年间即将被人类耗尽,能源危机正逐渐蔓延到世界的每个角落,成为经济社会发展的一个瓶颈.因此,大力发展生物质能、水能、风能,尤其是太阳能光伏发电等可再生能源,已成为人类社会可持续发展的重要战略选择.  相似文献   

The presentation provides an overview on the status of European/North American fuel cell commercialisation, what types of fuel cell applications are in use and identifies what the current trends are. It presents the California Fuel Cell Partnership as one example of how joint efforts between companies and political agencies are promoting the fuel cell technology. It also illustrates how influences, such as the fluctuation of the crude oil prices of the past, have impacted the progress of developing renewable technologies. Furthermore, it explains the reasons for a substantial new product growth rate to reach 100 million US customers by 2007. An outlook of the future will show what could be the general conditions for the commercialisation of fuel cells.  相似文献   

在京南大兴有一片这样的村庄:200多户农家小院儿,家家户户房顶上都安装了漂亮的太阳热水器,村民们打开水龙头就能用上充沛的热水。洗个舒坦的热水澡自不用说,洗衣、做饭、洗菜……甚至拖地板都能用上热水。这种原本只有居住在星级宾馆和豪华别  相似文献   

This study analyzes the economic feasibility of sustainable smallholder bio-energy production under semi-arid conditions. The eastern part of Shinyanga region in Tanzania was chosen as a case study area. Three different sustainable biomass energy supply systems were compared by means of cost/benefit analysis: a small-scale forestation project for carbon sequestration, a short rotation woodlot and a Jatropha plantation, thereby using the produced Jatropha oil as a substitute for fuelwood or diesel. Rotational woodlots are most profitable with a Net Present Value of up to US$2007 1165/ha, a return on labour of up to US$2007 6.69/man-day and a fuelwood production cost of US$2007 0.53/GJ, compared to a local market price of US$2007 1.95/GJ. With a production cost of US$2007 19.60/GJ, Jatropha oil is too expensive to be used as an alternative for fuelwood. Instead it can be utilized economically as a diesel substitute, at an observed diesel cost of US$2007 1.49/l. The mean annual biomass increment (MAI) in semi-arid East Shinyanga is too low to collect sufficient benefits from trading forestation carbon credits under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to cover the costs of forestation and forest management.  相似文献   

乌鲁瓦提水利枢纽工程位于南疆和田地区塔里木河支流喀拉喀什河上 ,具有灌溉、发电、生态、防洪等综合利用的大型工程。该工程建成后 ,若采用适当调度运用方案 ,特别是采用优化调度方案 ,将有效缓解和田地区长期以来的春旱、夏洪、风沙以及电力供应不足等影响当地经济发展的问题。调度的首要目标应当是确保向塔里木河干流输水 ,维护整个塔里木盆地的生态环境 ,这样就能在增强民族团结 ,稳定边疆经济中发挥重要作用  相似文献   

A new transparent conducting light trapping structure with no free carrier absorption for solar cells is described. Indium oxide doped with molybdenum (IMO), prepared by the hollow cathode sputtering technique, exhibits high charge-carrier mobility up to 80 cm2/V s. No free-carrier absorption in the near infrared region has been found in the IMO. The superior long-wavelength transparency, however, is not sufficient for thin film Si solar cell applications. To obtain the highest possible short circuit current, the TCO needs to possess additional light trapping structure. Anisotropic etching of fiber texture oriented ZnO has been shown to result in an effective light trapping structure. Here we propose a bilayer structure that consists of light trapping-intrinsic ZnO and IMO (the ZnO/IMO bilayer). Both layers show low free-carrier absorption up to the wavelength of 1200 nm. We demonstrate the use of such a transparent conducting light trapping oxide (TCLO) in nanocrystalline (nc-Si:H) solar cells fabricated by a single chamber, batch-type PECVD process. Incorporation of such a transparent conducting light trapping bilayer can increase solar cell short-circuit current density (Jsc) by >30% compared to flat bilayers.  相似文献   

舒适  谭宏源 《太阳能》2002,(6):21-22
《民法通则》中有这样一条:居民住房,以居室窗台中心点在冬至日日照时间不足1小时的,每户按其居室被遮挡状况给予一次性补偿800~2000元。这就是说,对于花费了巨大代价买房子的人来说,最多2000元就可以买去他们世代采光的权利。享受阳光是每个人的愿望,但是由于土地资源紧张等原因,目前的很多建筑都存在着采光能力不足的问题,走进一幢写字楼,您几乎都会发现灯火通明———即使外面阳光明媚。现在,拥有5项专利的一种新型太阳能利用装置———阳光入室设备的出现将有望解决这些困扰人们多年的问题,成为太阳能利用领域…  相似文献   

非言 《太阳能》2011,(10):22-23
5月11日,由台达电子工业股份有限公司赞助、Energy Trend和LEDinside承办的"第五届上海国际新光源和新能源照明论坛专题峰会"在上海成功举办。  相似文献   

J. Amador  J. Domínguez   《Renewable Energy》2006,31(10):1505-1520
The use of geographical information systems (GISs) in studies of regional integration of renewable energies provides advantages such as speed, amount of information, analysis capacity and others. However, these characteristics make it difficult to link the results to the initial variables, and therefore to validate the GIS. This makes it hard to ascertain the reliability of both the results and their subsequent analysis. To solve these problems, a GIS-based method is proposed with renewable energies for rural electrification structured in three stages, with the aim of finding out the influence of the initial variables on the result. In the first stage, a classic sensitivity analysis of the equivalent electrification cost (LEC) is performed; the second stage involves a spatial sensitivity analysis and the third determines the stability of the results. This methodology has been verified in the application of a GIS in Lorca (Spain).  相似文献   

为了降低西北新农村建筑采暖的能耗,改善室内生活环境,通过试验研究了太阳能主动供暖和传统小型燃煤锅炉供暖的西北新农村建筑的室内热环境、空气质量和采暖能耗的差异。研究结果表明:在室外环境最低温度为-16.2℃条件下,太阳能主动供暖建筑室内平均温度和平均辐射温度分别高出对比建筑5.4℃和3.3℃;在天气晴朗情况下,当室外环境的平均温度高于4.2℃且室外环境的最低温度高于-1.6℃时,仅利用太阳能进行供暖即可满足西北新农村建筑的供暖需求;太阳能主动供暖建筑室内CO,NO2,SO2,CO2及可吸入颗粒物PM10的浓度分别是对比建筑的0.45倍、0.48倍、0.56倍、0.59倍和0.5倍;经过分析得到太阳能主动供暖时室内环境温度与散热片内热水温度以及室外环境温度的二元线性关系;太阳能主动供暖的节能率为86.6%。  相似文献   

为探索新农村建设在北方高寒地区的推进模式,对120套新农村建设节能环保装备系统在东北试验点建设成果的数据进行分析,结果表明,该系统突破了在国内同类产品中存在的3个技术单元的瓶颈。该模式能彻底改善农村环境卫生状况,提高村民生活条件,且整体实用性强,绿色环保效果显著,该技术形成的产品具有巨大的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

Existing policies of household biogas projects focus mainly on supports on construction, but less consider management and maintenance, resulting in high scrap rate and waste of resources. Alternative policies must be explored to balance construction and operation. Taking the costs and benefits from a typical rural household biogas project, this paper assesses the economic performance at three different subsidy levels, i.e., no subsidy, existing standard and positive externality based standard. Furthermore three subsidy alternatives, one-time, annual and combined option are applied to the externality based standard. The results show that household biogas digesters have unsatisfactory economic performance without any subsidy and even in current subsidy policies. Environmental benefits of the digester were estimated as 2732 Chinese Yuan, significantly larger than existing subsidy standard. To keep continuous work during the 20-year lifespans of digesters, the income disparity of farmers among regions must be considered for policy application. With the increasing of labor costs, the ratio of initial subsidies must be reduced. These results provide policy implications to the future development of biogas projects in terms of both their construction and follow-up management, reuse of the abandoned digesters as well as the exploitation of other emerging renewable energy projects.  相似文献   

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