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The lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) is one of the native Lake Ontario fishes that declined severely over the past century. Recent evidence of larval lake whitefish production in a historic spawning area (Chaumont Bay) might signal a recovery of this species in New York waters. We surveyed coastal and open water areas to evaluate densities and estimate total abundance of larval lake whitefish in Chaumont Bay. Other historic spawning areas and embayments with appropriate spawning and nursery habitat were also surveyed, but only a few larvae were found outside of Chaumont Bay. Lake whitefish larvae were found in every embayment sampled within Chaumont Bay, with larval densities of nearly 600/1000 m2 in some samples. Greatest abundances occurred in the northern sectors and near the mouth of the bay. Open water densities were generally less than half that of nearshore sites. The total bay-wide estimate for 2005 was approximately 644,000 lake whitefish larvae, but dropped to 230,000–400,000 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Mean larval growth rates (0.36 mm/day) did not differ by year, but were consistently higher in early May than in late April. Lake whitefish production in Chaumont Bay is encouraging for this species, but the cause and persistence of the decline after 2005 can be determined only by continued monitoring. Other possible bottlenecks of survival may exist at juvenile and adult stages and could significantly affect recruitment dynamics. This species is sensitive to normal climatic fluctuations and increased variability associated with global climatic change could make winter nursery conditions unfavorable for this species.  相似文献   

The Great Salt Lake (GSL) is a unique hypersaline system with an understudied phytoplankton assemblage supporting a productive open water ecosystem in the largest embayment of the lake, Gilbert Bay. Determination of phytoplankton by microscopy has practical limitations that can constrain the scope of a study, but DNA metabarcoding may improve upon this through higher taxonomic resolution and the capacity to generate a large volume of assemblage data in comparatively little time. To determine if metabarcoding could replicate microscopy and expand the assessment of GSL phytoplankton, a 23S SSU rRNA metabarcoding and microscopy survey of Gilbert Bay was conducted in 2017 and 2018. Assemblage composition and relative abundances from each method were compared, and spatial and temporal assemblage changes from metabarcoding data were investigated using non-metric multidimensional scaling. Metabarcoding differed from microscopy in multiple taxonomic assignments and relative abundances, with poor correlation for most categories. Diatoms were overrepresented by metabarcoding relative to microscopy, and chlorophytes underrepresented. However, metabarcoding revealed seasonal and spatial patterns in assemblage, detected seasonal patterns within phytoplankton sequences of very low abundance, and detected potential cryptic speciation within the lake’s dominant Dunaliella viridis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed greater phytoplankton diversity than observed before in GSL, but demonstrated the need to improve taxonomic assignment of the resulting sequences, particularly within the diatoms. The expansion of detectable diversity and isolation of DNA sequences that can be traced through time and analyzed against environmental variables make metabarcoding a potentially effective tool for parallel use with microscopy in future GSL research.  相似文献   

This study analyses the changing characteristics in the level of Poyang Lake during the period 1960–2010. Results show that the changing stage of annual lake level variations is evident, and average onset time of the lake dry season has advanced since the 1990s. Investigation indicates that the Yangtze River discharge has a greater impact on annual lake level variations than the lake’s catchment inflow. Climate change in the Yangtze River basin since the 1990s is possibly the precondition for the advance of the lake dry season, which is further aggravated by the effects of the Three Gorges Dam in the 2000s.  相似文献   

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which is a measure of vegetation vigour, and lake water levels respond variably to precipitation and its deficiency. For a given lake catchment, NDVI may have the ability to depict localized natural variability in water levels in response to weather patterns. This information may be used to decipher natural from unnatural variations of a given lake’s surface. This study evaluates the potential of using NDVI and its associated derivatives (VCI (vegetation condition index), SVI (standardised vegetation index), AINDVI (annually integrated NDVI), green vegetation function (F g ), and NDVIA (NDVI anomaly)) to depict Lake Victoria’s water levels. Thirty years of monthly mean water levels and a portion of the Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS) AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) NDVI datasets were used. Their aggregate data structures and temporal co-variabilities were analysed using GIS/spatial analysis tools. Locally, NDVI was found to be more sensitive to drought (i.e., responded more strongly to reduced precipitation) than to water levels. It showed a good ability to depict water levels one-month in advance, especially in moderate to low precipitation years. SVI and SWL (standardized water levels) used in association with AINDVI and AMWLA (annual mean water levels anomaly) readily identified high precipitation years, which are also when NDVI has a low ability to depict water levels. NDVI also appears to be able to highlight unnatural variations in water levels. We propose an iterative approach for the better use of NDVI, which may be useful in developing an early warning mechanisms for the management of lake Victoria and other Lakes with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Outside of the five Great Lakes, Lake of the Woods (LoW) is the largest transboundary lake shared by Canada and the United States. Over the last two decades, an international consortium of researchers has advanced our understanding of eutrophication science in this complex watershed. This introductory paper outlines eleven research articles included in this special section, within three main themes pertinent to LoW: external phosphorus sources to LoW and internal phosphorus loading, lake and watershed modeling, and new insights into cyanobacterial and harmful algal blooms (cHABs). We conclude with a roadmap to guide future transboundary water quality management in LoW, including remaining research gaps and future monitoring needs.  相似文献   

Zooplankton community composition can be influenced by lake productivity as well as planktivory by fish or invertebrates. Previous analyses based on long-term Lake Huron zooplankton data from August reported a shift in community composition between the 1980s and 2000s: proportional biomass of calanoid copepods increased while that of cyclopoid copepods and herbivorous cladocerans decreased. Herein, we used seasonally collected data from Lake Huron in 1983–1984 and 2007 and reported similar shifts in proportional biomass. We also used a series of generalized additive models to explore differences in seasonal abundance by species and found that all three cyclopoid copepod species (Diacyclops thomasi, Mesocylops edax, Tropocyclops prasinus mexicanus) exhibited higher abundance in 1983–1984 than in 2007. Surprisingly, only one (Epischura lacustris) of seven calanoid species exhibited higher abundance in 2007. The results for cladocerans were also mixed with Bosmina spp. exhibiting higher abundance in 1983–1984, while Daphnia galeata mendotae reached a higher level of abundance in 2007. We used a subset of the 2007 data to estimate not only the vertical distribution of Bythotrephes longimanus and their prey, but also the consumption by Bythotrephes in the top 20 m of water. This epilimnetic layer was dominated by copepod copepodites and nauplii, and consumption either exceeded (Hammond Bay site) or equaled 65% (Detour site) of epilimnetic zooplankton production. The lack of spatial overlap between Bythotrephes and herbivorous cladocerans and cyclopoid copepod prey casts doubt on the hypothesis that Bythotrephes planktivory was the primary driver underlying the community composition changes in the 2000s.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the analysis of operationally defined sedimentary phosphorus species gives a finer resolution of historical land-use changes in lake watersheds than does total phosphorus alone. We measured loosely sorbed/interstitial, reductant soluble, aluminum-bound, apatite, organic and total phosphorus in eleven cores taken from heterogeneous regions of Lake Champlain using sequential extraction. During the pre-settlement period (before 1770 C.E.) concentrations of all P species were low, stable, and dominated by apatite P. With the exception of apatite P, sediment concentrations of all P species increased from pre-settlement times to the present. When accumulation rates were examined, the three P species least susceptible to post-depositional migration (apatite, aluminum-bound, and organic P) were unaffected by deforestation and the development of small, family-scale farms in the 19th century. Increases in accumulation rates were only detected in the early 20th century coincident with afforestation of the watershed as marginal farms were abandoned. By mid-20th century, the accumulation rate of apatite P decreased in all but the lake regions most affected by the industrialization of agriculture and urban development. Aluminum-bound and organic P rates continued to increase in all regions.  相似文献   

Algal carotenoids (n:16) and chlorophylls (n:7) were determined in phytoplankton (n:60), filamentous algae (n:14) and sediments (n:44), collected from two nearshore sites in eastern Lake Erie (Van Buren Point (VBP), 6.5 m; Point Gratiot (PG), 17 m), during summer and fall of 2003, 2004 and 2005. The most prominent biomarkers for diatoms (fucoxanthin), cryptophytes (alloxanthin), chlorophytes (chlorophyll-b) and cyanobacteria (zeaxanthin) revealed temporal variations in phytoplankton community composition, which were correlated to water temperatures: i) seasonal succession, from diatoms with some cryptophytes in June (cool), to an increased percentage of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria in August and September (warm); ii) differences between 2004 (cool; cryptophytes more abundant) and 2005 (warm; chlorophytes more abundant). Filamentous algae (chlorophytes, epiphytic diatoms; some cyanobacteria) varied in condition, according to levels of chl-a, pheopigments, and class biomarkers: high, at VBP (growing; decaying; bont/E suspect); low, at PG (mostly dead). Relative to phytoplankton, sediments were depleted in several biomarkers (chl-a; diadino-, neo- and violaxanthin) but enriched with others, particularly at PG (pheopigments; diatoxanthin; canthaxanthin, echinenone; alloxanthin). Sediment composition was characterized by strong differences between sites (chl-a, chl-b and fucoxanthin nearly 10-fold greater at VBP than PG) and increasing accumulation of biomarkers from year-to-year. A linear log–log function, relating total carotenoids to total chlorophylls (intercept −0.516, slope 1.054, r2 0.96), implied increased biodegradation among specimen types: levels of pigments (pmol/g ww) decreased three orders of magnitude, from phytoplankton, through filamentous algae, to sediments. Deviation from a 1:1 relationship indicated 1.7-fold depletion of carotenoids relative to chlorophylls at mid-range.  相似文献   

A predominance of alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus), a species having high thiaminase activity, in Lake Ontario lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) diets, has been related to thiamine deficiency in lake trout eggs during 1994–2004. The late 1990s invasion by round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), that appear to have thiaminase activity of low biological activity, represented a potential to reduce the dietary importance of alewife and, as a result, increase lake trout thiamine levels if they became sufficiently important in lake trout diets. To evaluate whether lake trout thiamine levels increased as alewives were displaced by round gobies in lake trout diets, we collected 199 lake trout ranging from 305 to 893 mm in 2005–2006 and measured their muscle thiamine levels and diet composition. Diet composition (percent by weight) was estimated from MixSIR based on stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C) measured from lake trout and their prey. Overall, alewife and goby dominated lake trout diet (78%), with round goby dominating the diet (55–57%) of smaller individuals (<600 mm), and alewife dominating the diet (59–73%) of larger, reproductively active individuals. Lake trout muscle thiamine declined with increases in lake trout length and the proportion of alewife eaten (p < 0.01). The proportion of lake trout below 500 pmol/g thiamine also declined; this threshold is associated with a loss of equilibrium in adults. Despite the increasing albeit size-related consumption of round goby, it remains inadequate as muscle thiamine levels in mature lake trout (i.e., >600 mm) during 2005–2006 appear unchanged from levels observed in 1996.  相似文献   

In large lake systems the nearshore habitat is an intermediate zone between the shoreline and offshore, is an important nursery for larval fish, and is highlighted as an area in need of research in the Laurentian Great Lakes. In this study, we used two long-term monitoring programs to characterize the nearshore zooplankton community composition using seasonal data (May – October) and to compare the nearshore and offshore zooplankton community composition changes over time (1998 – 2019) to determine if the changes were synchronized. In the nearshore, we found the highest zooplankton biomass during the late summer/early fall (August 27th – Oct 6th), compared to mid-summer (July 1st – Aug 26th) and late spring (May 20th – June 30th). In the summer, the nearshore zooplankton community was dominated by cladocerans while copepods dominated the offshore community. From 1998 to 2019, both nearshore and offshore copepods shifted from a cyclopoid to a calanoid-dominated state, but the details of this change were different. For example, taxon-specific analysis revealed that despite reduced cyclopoids in both habitats, Mesocyclops edax increased in the nearshore. Additionally, taxon-specific analysis suggested the changes occurred an average of three years earlier in the nearshore. Using Analysis of Similarity, the nearshore and offshore summer zooplankton community compositions became increasingly distinct over time. Results from this study highlight the uniqueness of the nearshore in large lake systems, the importance of seasonal and long-term monitoring, and the potential of the nearshore as an early indicator of offshore changes.  相似文献   

Adult lake whitefish were tagged and released from the Big Bay de Noc (BBN) and Naubinway (NAB) stocks in northern Lake Michigan, and the Detour (DET) and Cheboygan (CHB) stocks in northern Lake Huron during 2003–2006 to describe their spatial and temporal distributions. The contemporary spatial distributions were compared with past distributions of the BBN and NAB stocks. Sixty-two percent of BBN tag recoveries occurred in Wisconsin waters during winter, spring and summer, but 83% of fall tag recoveries were made near the tagging site. Eighty-eight percent of the NAB tag recoveries were made in the management unit of tagging and 7% occurred into northern Lake Huron. Over 90% of the DET stock remained in the vicinity of the tagging sites regardless of the season, while 75% of the CHB tag recoveries were made in northwestern Lake Huron and 17% were made in Ontario. Based on regression tree analysis, there were strong stock, season, and year effects on movement distances, with weaker effects due to sex and length at tagging. Spatial distribution of the BBN stock changed from 1978–1982 to 2003–2008, but spatial distribution of the NAB stock did not. Substantial differences in movement and distribution existed among the four stocks, large seasonal differences in spatial distribution were found within some stocks, and lake whitefish exhibited strong spawning site fidelity. Present management unit boundaries are inappropriate for managing three of our four stocks, and agencies should consider developing single harvest limits for both northern Lake Huron and western Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

In recent years, dramatic decline in China’s largest freshwater lake, Poyang Lake, has raised wide concerns about water supply and ecological crises in the middle–lower Yangtze River reaches. To assist in resolving the debates regarding the low water regime of the lake, the current study quantitatively assessed the enhanced water level decline from the changing underlying surface in the Poyang Lake region. It is the first time that the magnitude, temporal–spatial difference, trend development and background mechanism of lake water level variation and its causes are studied comprehensively. The results revealed that the changing underlying surface in the lake region has caused an average decline of annual water level of 0.26 m ~ 0.75 m across the lake during 2000–2014, which shows great seasonal and spatial differences. The enlarged outflow cross–section due to extensive sand mining was the major reason for the effect on water level decline in the northern lake. While, increased water surface gradient should be attributed to water level decline in the southern lake. The long–term increasing trend of annual lake water level decline reflects the cumulative effects of lake bottom topography change caused by the continuous south movement of sand mining activities.  相似文献   

Unlike other lakes in tropical regions, Lake Naivasha exhibits low fish species diversity. The fishery is based on introduced fish species that are not native to the lake. The lake ecosystem is very fragile, as reflected in its fluctuating fish catches. The fishery almost completely collapsed in 2001, due partly to mismanagement and ignorance about needed conservation measures. The Kenyan government, like many governments around the world, recognized the need to involve fishers and other stakeholders, in order to ensure better management of the lake fisheries resources. Also referred to as collaborative management (co-management), this management approach provides the opportunity to share responsibility for managing the fishery resources between the government and the community. A total ban on fishing was imposed in February 2001, lasting for 1 year, to allow lake fish stocks to recover. This study analyses the co-management process for Lake Naivasha, and discusses the role played by the community during the fishing ban, as well as the successes and challenges encountered, and the tribulations and perceptions of the fishers regarding the new management strategy. It also comprises the first documentation of community participation in fisheries management begun for Lake Naivasha in the year 2001.  相似文献   

A valuation scenario was designed using a contingent-valuation approach and presented to decision makers in business firms in Kenya’s Lake Naivasha basin to test how applicable a water fund might be as a potential financing mechanism for a payment for water-related ecosystem services scheme. The findings indicate that measuring a firm’s willingness to invest in ecosystem services could help determine whether a firm would invest and engage with other stakeholders to pool their investments in ecosystem services. Linking the institutional decision-making behaviour of a firm and its willingness to invest in a water fund is the novelty of this article.  相似文献   

Lake Superior rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) recruitment to 12–13 months of age in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior varied by a factor of 9.3 during 1978–1997. Management agencies have sought models that accurately predict recruitment, but no satisfactory models had previously been developed. In this study, modeling was conducted to determine which factors best explained recruitment variability. The Ricker stock-recruitment model derived from only the paired stock and recruit data accounted for 63% of the variability in recruitment data. The functional relationship that accounted for the greatest amount of recruitment variation (81%) included rainbow smelt stock size, May rainfall, and bloater (Coregonus hoyi) biomass. Model results were interpreted to mean that recruitment was affected negatively by increased river flows from increased rainfall, and affected positively by the biomass of bloater, and those results were interpreted to mean that bloater mediated the effects of lake trout predation on rainbow smelt recruits. Model results were also interpreted to mean that stock size caused compensatory, density-dependent mortality on rainbow smelt recruits. Correlations observed here may be of value to managers seeking approaches to either enhance or control populations of this species, which is not indigenous to the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

A seven-year assessment of lake trout contaminants and statistical trend modeling was conducted on Cayuga Lake, New York as the reference monitoring site for the USEPA Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program (GLFMSP). In all, over 200 individual compounds including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated napthalenes (PCNs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) were monitored for the 2011–2017 study period. Legacy contaminants such as PCBs, OCPs, and PBDEs dominate the whole-fish lake trout contaminant profile in the 24–147 ng/g mean concentration range. Total dioxin-like contaminants monitored included PCDD/Fs, CP-PCBs, and PCNs with a mean concentration range of 2.0–516 pg/g. TEQ concentrations for the dioxin-like compounds ranged between 0.3 and 5.3 pg-TEQ/g, and total TEQ averaged 7.2 pg-TEQ/g for whole-fish lake trout. Contaminant trends were modeled using log-linear correlations for both whole-fish lake trout and lake trout eggs. All select compounds modeled for whole-fish lake trout showed significant decreases (average ?53.4%) over the study period. Tissue residue guidelines for the protection of wildlife were uniformly exceeded for both mammals and birds based on mean 2011–2017 total TEQ concentrations measured. All lake trout skin-on fillets from Cayuga Lake analyzed exceed the USEPA human health screening value of 0.15 pg-TEQ/g-ww. Whole-fish lake trout from Cayuga Lake have significantly lower mean total TEQs (6.5 pg-TEQ/g) as compared with the average total TEQ in the Great Lakes (range: 21.9–50.8 pg-TEQ/g) (U = 10.000, p < 0.001), although rates of contaminant decline, contaminant ratios, and half-life (t1/2) are comparable.  相似文献   

In Côte d’Ivoire, most of the reservoirs built to improve water supply, electricity, agriculture and cattle no longer work because of silt deposits and euthrophication. This study aims at modeling the hydro-sedimentary functioning of Lake Taabo in order to understand the sedimentation phenomena taking place. In this survey, 204 water samples and 31 bottom sediment samples were taken, during different hydrological seasons, to estimate suspended sediment concentrations and characterize the bottom sediments of Lake Taabo. The study showed that suspended solid variations are related to hydrological seasons. During dry seasons, the lake is lightly loaded; the average concentration is 7.89 mg/L. At the other end of the scale, during rainy seasons, suspended sediment concentrations increase and the average concentration is around 16.30 mg/L. The bottom of the reservoir mostly consists of mud. Sands are found near the islands and the dam. Sand size varies from medium grain to coarse. The average grain size is 451.48 μm. The hydro-sedimentary environment of Lake Taabo was simulated by a transport model, coupled with a hydrodynamic model. The various simulation scenarios indicated that Lake Taabo is subject to 20 to 60 mm of annual deposits. The greater thicknesses were observed near the spillway and the power intake.  相似文献   

Lake Simcoe has been influenced by multiple environmental drivers over the past decades, especially by reductions in phosphorus (P) loading, climate change, and invasive species such as dreissenid mussels (DM) which became firmly established in 1996. We examined the cumulative impact of these drivers on the volume-weighted hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen concentration (VWHDO) below 18?m at station K42 in Kempenfelt Bay during ice-free seasons from 1980 to 2012. Hypolimnetic DO depletion began in early spring when thermal stratification was observable but weak and continued throughout the ice-free season until cooling sufficiently lowered water column stability. In comparison to the pre-DM invasion period (1980–1995), mean annual VWHDOinit was 2.4?mg?L?1 higher in the post-DM period (1996–2012), VWHDOmin was 1.54?mg?L?1 higher and the mean duration of the depletion period (L) was 16?days longer. Mean DO depletion rate (DR) and temperature adjusted DO depletion rate (DRadj) were slightly lower (7% and 5%, respectively) after 1996. P controls and DM had a positive effect on VWHDO, presumably by lowering productivity and diverting organic matter away from the hypolimnon. However, longer L apparently offset improvements in VWHDOmin. If lengthening of L associated with regional warming continues, then additional efforts to reduce P loads will be necessary to achieve the goal of maintaining VWHDOmin above the target of 7?mg?O2?L?1 throughout the summer and fall.  相似文献   

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