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We developed an original method to measure nitrification rates at different depths of a vertical flow constructed wetland (VFCW) with variable contents of organic matter (sludge, colonized gravel). The method was adapted for organic matter sampled in constructed wetland (sludge, colonized gravel) operated under partially saturated conditions and is based on respirometric principles. Measurements were performed on a reactor, containing a mixture of organic matter (sludge, colonized gravel) mixed with a bulking agent (wood), on which an ammonium-containing liquid was applied. The oxygen demand was determined from analysing oxygen concentration of the gas passing through the reactor with an on-line analyzer equipped with a paramagnetic detector. Within this paper we present the overall methodology, the factors influencing the measurement (sample volume, nature and concentration of the applied liquid, number of successive applications), and the robustness of the method. The combination of this new method with a mass balance approach also allowed determining the concentration and maximum growth rate of the autotrophic biomass in different layers of a VFCW. These latter parameters are essential inputs for the VFCW plant modelling.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling of subsurface flow constructed wetlands (CWs) gained increasing interest during the last years. The main objective of the modelling work is, on the one hand, to increase the insight in dynamics and functioning of the complex CW system by using mechanistic or process based models that describe transformation and degradation processes in detail. As these mechanistic models are complex and therefore rather difficult to use there is, on the other hand, a need for simplified models for CW design. The design models should be premium to the currently used design guidelines that are mainly based on rules of thumb or simple first-order decay models. This paper presents an overview of the current developments on modelling of subsurface flow CWs based on the modelling work and model developments presented at the WETPOL 2007 symposium. Three kinds of models have been presented: simple transport and first-order decay models, complex mechanistic models, and a simplified model that has been developed for design of CWs. The models are presented and selected results are shown and discussed in relation to the available literature.  相似文献   

The annual course of nitrogen removal in a stable operating subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetland (SSF) in a moderate climate was evaluated using a large pool of data from 4 years of operation. In spring and autumn removal efficiencies were found to depend on the nitrogen load in a linear mode. The efficiencies in winter and summer differed extremely (mean removal rates of 0.15/0.7 g m(-2) d(-1) (11%/53%) in January/August) and were independent of the nitrogen load (0.7-1.7 g m(-2) d(-1)) in principle. Oscillations of the removal rates in spring, forming several maxima, suggest seasonal specific effects caused by the dynamics of the plant-physiology finally determining the nitrification efficiency, i.e. via O(2)-supply. Nitrification is limited by temperature during all seasons and surprisingly in midsummer additionally restricted by other seasonal aspects forming a clear-cut relative nitrification minimum (mean rate of 0.43 g m(-2) d(-1) (32%)) in July. The importance and the effect of the plants' gas exchange and oxygen input into the rhizosphere are discussed. Denitrification was nearly complete in midsummer and was clearly restricted at seasonal temperatures below 15 degrees C.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow (HF CWs) have successfully been used for treatment various types of wastewater for more than four decades. Most systems have been designed to treat municipal sewage but the use for wastewaters from agriculture, industry and landfill leachate in HF CWs is getting more attention nowadays. The paper summarizes the results from more than 400 HF CWs from 36 countries around the world. The survey revealed that the highest removal efficiencies for BOD5 and COD were achieved in systems treating municipal wastewater while the lowest efficiency was recorded for landfill leachate. The survey also revealed that HF CWs are successfully used for both secondary and tertiary treatment. The highest average inflow concentrations of BOD5 (652 mg l− 1) and COD (1865 mg l− 1) were recorded for industrial wastewaters followed by wastewaters from agriculture for BOD5 (464 mg l− 1) and landfill leachate for COD (933 mg l− 1). Hydraulic loading data reveal that the highest loaded systems are those treating wastewaters from agriculture and tertiary municipal wastewaters (average hydraulic loading rate 24.3 cm d− 1). On the other hand, landfill leachate systems in the survey were loaded with average only 2.7 cm d− 1. For both BOD5 and COD, the highest average loadings were recorded for agricultural wastewaters (541 and 1239 kg ha− 1 d− 1, respectively) followed by industrial wastewaters (365 and 1212 kg ha− 1 d− 1, respectively). The regression equations for BOD5 and COD inflow/outflow concentrations yielded very loose relationships. Much stronger relationships were found for inflow/outflow loadings and especially for COD. The influence of vegetation on removal of organics in HF CWs is not unanimously agreed but most studies indicated the positive effect of macrophytes.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used to compare the environmental impacts of vertical flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) and horizontal flow constructed wetlands (HFCW). The LCAs include greenhouse gas (N2O, CO2 and CH4) emissions. Baseline constructed wetland designs are compared to different treatment performance scenarios and to conventional wastewater treatment at the materials acquisition, assembly and operation life stages. The LCAs suggest that constructed wetlands have less environmental impact, in terms of resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The VFCW is a less impactful configuration for removing total nitrogen from domestic wastewater. Both wetland designs have negligible impacts on respiratory organics, radiation and ozone. Gaseous emissions, often not included in wastewater LCAs because of lack of data or lack of agreement on impacts, have the largest impact on climate change. Nitrous oxide accounts for the increase in impact on respiratory inorganic, and the combined acidification/eutrophication category. The LCAs were used to assess the importance of nitrogen removal and recycling, and the potential for optimizing nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands.  相似文献   

In this study, bacterial removal efficiencies of planted and unplanted subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands are compared. Indicator organisms such as faecal coliforms (Escherichia coli, total coliforms) and enterococci, and a number of heterotrophic bacteria (heterotrophic plate counts) have been analysed from the influent and effluent of the constructed wetlands as well as at different depths (water and substrate samples). Furthermore dry matter content and total organic carbon (TOC) have been analysed and correlated. The investigated systems show a high removal rate for indicator organisms (a log removal rate of 2.85 for HPC, 4.35 for E. coli, 4.31 for total coliforms and 4.80 for enterococci was observed). In general no significant difference in the removal efficiency of planted and unplanted vertical flow beds could be measured. Only enterococci measured in the substrate samples of the main layer of the filter could a statistically significant difference be observed.  相似文献   

Four laboratory-scale units of vertical-flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) were fed once a week with faecal sludge (FS) at a constant solids loading rate (SLR) of 250 kg TS/(m2.year) (equivalent to 260-300 g N/(m2.week)) for a period of 12 weeks to study: i) the nitrification and denitrification potential of the sand layer of VFCWs and ii) the effect of percolate impounding regime (permanent or batch-impounding) on nitrogen transformation. The TN content of raw FS was characterised by 65% org-N, 34% NH4-N and 1% NOx-N. After FS application and a six-day impounding period, 8-13% TN were recovered in the percolate exhibiting the following composition: 70-80% NH4-N, 25-30% org-N and <1% NOx-N. A large fraction of the influent organic N (55%) was filtered in the bed and 24-29% of initial NH4-N were lost due to nitrification and volatilisation. In permanent impounding systems, 8-11% TN were recovered in the percolate versus 13% in batch-operated beds. N loss was increased with sand layer depth (20-40 cm) under permanent impounding regimes.  相似文献   

Different conditions (water level, oxygen supply) prevailing in both beds of the Kodij?rve double-bed horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) constructed wetland (CW) (Southern Estonia; constructed in 1996, total area 312.5 m(2), 40 pe) provide the opportunity to compare how different operational methods have altered the efficiency of the purification processes inside the HSSF CW. In summer 2002 a vertical subsurface flow (VSSF) CW (total area 37.4 m(2)) was added as the first stage of the system. Data from 18 sampling wells installed in Kodij?rve HSSF CW from two periods is compared: 1st period -- January 2000-April 2002 (before the VSSF CW was built); 2nd period --October 2002-December 2004 (after the construction of the VSSF filter). The VSSF CW has remarkably improved aerobic conditions in both beds of the HSSF. Apart from total phosphorus concentrations in the right bed and nitrate nitrogen concentrations in the outflow of both beds, all of the water quality indicators (dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, biological oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, total nitrogen and total iron) improved after the construction of the VSSF filter. Typically, purification processes in the HSSF CW were dependent on oxygen supply, which was partly influenced by the water level inside the filter beds.  相似文献   

Seven mesocosm-scale constructed wetlands (CWs) of different configurations were operated outdoors for nine months to assess their ability to remove pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) from urban wastewaters. CWs differed in some design parameters, namely the presence of plants, the species chosen (i.e., Typha angustifolia vs Phragmites australis), flow configuration (i.e., surface flow vs subsurface flow) and the presence of a gravel bed. A nearby conventional activated-sludge wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) fed with the same sewage was simultaneously monitored for comparison. The PPCPs ketoprofen, naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, salicylic acid, carbamazepine, caffeine, galaxolide, tonalide and methyl dihydrojasmonate were monitored. The presence of plants favoured the removal of some PPCPs. The performance of the mesocosm studied was compound-dependant, soilless CWs showing the highest removal efficiency for ketoprofen, ibuprofen and carbamazepine, while free-water CWs with effluent leaving through the bottom of the tank performed well for the degradation of ketoprofen, salicylic acid, galaxolide and tonalide. Finally, subsurface horizontal flow CWs were efficient for the removal of caffeine. Significant linear correlations were observed between the removal of some PPCPs and temperature or redox potential. Hence, microbiological pathways appear to be the most probable degradation route for PPCPs in the CWs studied.  相似文献   

The increasing application of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment coupled with increasingly strict water quality standards is an ever growing incentive for the development of better process design tools. This paper reviews design models for horizontal subsurface flow constructed treatment wetlands, ranging from simple rules of thumb and regression equations, to the well-known first-order k-C* models, Monod-type equations and more complex dynamic, compartmental models. Especially highlighted in this review are the model constraints and parameter uncertainty. A case study has been used to demonstrate the model output variability and to unravel whether or not more complex but also less manageable models offer a significant advantage to the designer.  相似文献   

The main biological conversions taking place in two lab-scale aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactors were evaluated. Reactors were operated at different temperatures (20 and 30 °C) and accomplished simultaneous COD, nitrogen and phosphate removal. Nitrogen and phosphate conversions were linked to the microbial community structure as assessed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Anoxic tests were performed to evaluate the contribution of anoxic phosphate uptake to the overall phosphate removal and to clarify the denitrification pathway. Complete nitrification/denitrification and phosphate removal were achieved in both systems. A considerable fraction of the phosphate removal was coupled to denitrification (denitrifying dephosphatation). From the results obtained in anoxic batch experiments dosing either nitrite or nitrate, denitrification was proposed to proceed mainly via the nitrate pathway. Denitrifying glycogen-accumulating organisms (DGAOs) were observed to be the main organisms responsible for the reduction of nitrate to nitrite. A significant fraction of the nitrite was further reduced to nitrogen gas while being used as electron acceptor by denitrifying polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAO clade II) for anoxic phosphate uptake.  相似文献   

Due to the lack of testing units or appropriate experimental approaches, only little is known about the removal of bacteria in constructed wetlands. However, improved performance in terms of water sanitation requires a detailed understanding of the ongoing processes. Therefore, we analyzed the microbial diversity and the survival of Enterobacteriaceae in six pilot-scale constructed wetland systems treating domestic wastewater: two vertical sand filters, two vertical expanded clay filters and two horizontal sand filters (each planted and unplanted). Samples were taken from the in- and outflow, from the rhizosphere, and from the bulk soil at various depths. Colony-forming units of heterotrophic bacteria and coliforms were analyzed and the removal of bacteria between the in- and outflow was determined to within 1.5-2.5 orders of magnitude. To access the taxon-specific biodiversity of potential pathogens in the filters and to reduce the complexity of the analysis, specific primers for Enterobacteriaceae were developed. While performing PCR-SSCP analyses, a pronounced decrease in diversity from the inflow to the outflow of treated wastewater was observed. No differences were observed between the bulk soil of planted and unplanted vertical filters. Some bands appeared in the rhizosphere that were not present in the bulk soil, indicating the development of specific communities stimulated by the plants. The fingerprinting of the rhizosphere of plants grown on sand or expanded clay exhibited many differences, which show that different microbial communities exist depending on the soil type of the filters. The use of the taxon-specific primers enabled us to evaluate the fate of the Enterobacteriaceae entering the wetlands and to localize harboring in the rhizosphere. The most abundant bands of the profiles were sequenced: Pantoea agglomerans was found in nearly all samples from the soil but not in the effluent, whereas Citrobacter sp. could not be removed by the horizontal unplanted sand and vertical planted expanded clay filters. These results show that the community in wetland system is strongly influenced by the filtration process, the filter material and the plants.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of hydraulic loading rate (HLR), aspect ratio, granular medium size and water depth on the removal of selected contaminants during the start up of horizontal subsurface flow reed beds (HFRBs). Experiments were carried out in a pilot-scale HFRB system comprising four pairs of lined beds of almost equal surface area (54-56 m(2) each bed), with the following aspect ratios: 1:1, 1.5:1, 2:1 and 2.5:1. The size of the granular medium of each pair varied from coarse granitic gravel ( D(60) = 10mm, C(u) = 1.6) to small granitic gravel (D(60) = 3.5 mm, C(u) = 1.7). The beds of the pair with longest aspect ratio were made shallower (0.27 m) than the rest (0.5m) The system was sampled weekly from May 2001 to January 2002. The results indicate that HLR and water depth are determining factors in the performance of the HFRBs. Beds with a water depth of 0.27 m removed more COD (70-80%), BOD(5) (70-85%), ammonia (40-50%) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) (10-22%) than beds with a depth of 0.5m (60-65% for COD, 50-60% for BOD(5), 25-30% for ammonia, and 2-10% for DRP). The higher efficiency observed shallower beds was related to their less reducing conditions (average redox potential (E) ranging from -351 to -338 mV) than beds with a depth of 0.5m (-390 to -358 mV). The difference in E status between two bed types seems to lead to differences in the biochemical processes. In fact, denitrification was estimated to be a significant reaction in shallower beds.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) processing in constructed wetlands (CWs) is often variable, and the contribution to N loss and retention by various pathways (nitrification/denitrification, plant uptake and sediment storage) remains unclear. We studied the seasonal variation of the effects of artificial aeration and three different macrophyte species (Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia and Phalaris arundinacea) on N processing (removal rates, transformations and export) using experimental CW mesocosms. Removal of total nitrogen (TN) was higher in summer and in planted and aerated units, with the highest mean removal in units planted with T. angustifolia. Export of ammonium (NH4+), a proxy for nitrification limitation, was higher in winter, and in unplanted and non-aerated units. Planted and aerated units had the highest export of oxidized nitrogen (NOy), a proxy for reduced denitrification. Redox potential, evapotranspiration (ETP) rates and hydraulic retention times (HRT) were all predictors of TN, NH4+ and NOy export, and significantly affected by plants. Denitrification was the main N sink in most treatments accounting for 47-62% of TN removal, while sediment storage was dominant in unplanted non-aerated units and units planted with P. arundinacea. Plant uptake accounted for less than 20% of the removal. Uncertainties about the long-term fate of the N stored in sediments suggest that the fraction attributed to denitrification losses could be underestimated in this study.  相似文献   

Huett DO  Morris SG  Smith G  Hunt N 《Water research》2005,39(14):3259-3272
Subsurface horizontal flow reed beds are being evaluated for Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) removal from plant nursery runoff water in New South Wales Australia. The need to include plants (Phragmites australis), the effect of reaction time (3.5 v 7.0 d) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on N and P removal in batch fed gravel wetland tubs (55 L) was studied over 19 months. Simulated nursery runoff water containing N (10.1 mg L(-1), 74% as NO3) and P (0.58 mg L(-1), 88% as PO4) and DOC (2-5 mg L(-1)) was used. The planted wetland tubs removed >96% TN and TP over most of the 19-month study period while unplanted tubs were inefficient (<16% N and <45% P removal) and occasionally discharged nutrients. Doubling the reaction time to 7.0 days had no effect on nutrient removal. Plant nutrient uptake accounted for most of the N (76%) and P (86%) removed while roots and rhizomes were the dominant sink (N 58%, P 67%). The addition of methanol (C:N-3:1) to unplanted tubs achieved 81-98% N removal. In Carbon limited low nutrient nursery runoff, plants were essential to a gravel-based wetland to achieve efficient nutrient removal with effluent TN and TP concentrations of <1 mg L(-1) and 0.05 mg L(-1), respectively with a 3.5 day reaction time.  相似文献   

The hybrid systems were developed in the 1960s but their use increased only during the late 1990s and in the 2000s mostly because of more stringent discharge limits for nitrogen and also more complex wastewaters treated in constructed wetlands (CWs). The early hybrid CWs consisted of several stages of vertical flow (VF) followed by several stages of horizontal flow (HF) beds. During the 1990s, HF–VF and VF–HF hybrid systems were introduced. However, to achieve higher removal of total nitrogen or to treat more complex industrial and agricultural wastewaters other types of hybrid constructed wetlands including free water surface (FWS) CWs and multistage CWs have recently been used as well. The survey of 60 hybrid constructed wetlands from 24 countries reported after 2003 revealed that hybrid constructed wetlands are primarily used on Europe and in Asia while in other continents their use is limited. The most commonly used hybrid system is a VF–HF constructed wetland which has been used for treatment of both sewage and industrial wastewaters. On the other hand, the use of a HF–VF system has been reported only for treatment of municipal sewage. Out of 60 surveyed hybrid systems, 38 have been designed to treat municipal sewage while 22 hybrid systems were designed to treat various industrial and agricultural wastewaters. The more detailed analysis revealed that VF–HF hybrid constructed wetlands are slightly more efficient in ammonia removal than hybrid systems with FWS CWs, HF–VF systems or multistage VF and HF hybrid CWs. All types of hybrid CWs are comparable with single VF CWs in terms of NH4-N removal rates. On the other hand, CWs with FWS units remove substantially more total nitrogen as compared to other types of hybrid constructed wetlands. However, all types of hybrid constructed wetlands are more efficient in total nitrogen removal than single HF or VF constructed wetlands.  相似文献   

Horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSFCWs) are a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for sanitation in small communities. SSFCWs are designed to remove suspended solids and organic matter from wastewater but there is little information on the effect of the characteristics of organic matter on the removal efficiency of specific contaminants. In this paper, carbamazepine, ibuprofen and clofibric acid were continuously injected into two SSFCW microcosms fed with synthetic wastewater containing different organic matter sources: dissolved (glucose) and particulate (starch). The response curves of carbamazepine and ibuprofen were compared with that of clofibric acid, which was used as a conservative tracer. The removal efficiencies were found to be independent of the organic matter type (i.e. dissolved or particulate). Carbamazepine was removed inefficiently (5%) by bed sorption, whereas ibuprofen was removed by degradation (51%). In addition, the behaviour of the two main ibuprofen biodegradation intermediates (carboxy and hydroxy derivatives) supported that the main ibuprofen elimination pathway occurs in aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Microbial fuel cells for simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Virdis B  Rabaey K  Yuan Z  Keller J 《Water research》2008,42(12):3013-3024
The recent demonstration of cathodic nitrate reduction in a microbial fuel cell (MFC) creates opportunities for a new technology for nitrogen removal from wastewater. A novel process configuration that achieves both carbon and nitrogen removal using MFC is designed and demonstrated. The process involves feeding the ammonium-containing effluent from the carbon-utilising anode to an external biofilm-based aerobic reactor for nitrification, and then feeding the nitrified liquor to the MFC cathode for nitrate reduction. Removal rates up to 2 kg COD m(-3)NCC d(-1) (chemical oxygen demand: COD, net cathodic compartment: NCC) and 0.41 kg NO(3)(-)-Nm(-3)NCC d(-1) were continuously achieved in the anodic and cathodic compartment, respectively, while the MFC was producing a maximum power output of 34.6+/-1.1 Wm(-3)NCC and a maximum current of 133.3+/-1.0 Am(-3)NCC. In comparison to conventional activated sludge systems, this MFC-based process achieves nitrogen removal with a decreased carbon requirement. A COD/N ratio of approximately 4.5 g COD g(-1) N was achieved, compared to the conventionally required ratio of above 7. We have demonstrated that also nitrite can be used as cathodic electron acceptor. Hence, upon creating a loop concept based on nitrite, a further reduction of the COD/N ratio would be possible. The process is also more energy effective not only due to the energy production coupled with denitrification, but also because of the reduced aeration costs due to minimised aerobic consumption of organic carbon.  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal in artificial wetlands   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This report describes investigations which have demonstrated the exceptional utility of artificial wetlands for the removal of nitrate from secondary wastewater effluents at relatively high application rates. The artificial wetlands (14 in number) were plastic-lined excavations containing emergent vegetation growing in gravel. Without supplemental additions of carbon, total nitrogen removal efficiency was low ( 25%) in both vegetated and unvegetated beds. When methanol was added to supplement the carbon supply and stimulate bacterial denitrification, the removal efficiency was extremely high (95% removal of total nitrogen at a wastewater application rate of 16.8 cm day−1). Since methanol is a relatively expensive form of carbon, we tested the feasibility of using plant biomass, mulched and applied to the surface of marsh beds, as an alternate source of carbon. At a wastewater application rate of 8.4 cm day−1, the mean total nitrogen removal efficiency for the mulch-amended beds was 86%. When the application rate was higher (16.8 cm day−1) the mean total nitrogen removal efficiency was lower, 60% in the mulch-amended beds.By using plant biomass as a substitute for methanol, the energy savings for a treatment facility serving a small community (3785 m3 day−1 or 1 mgd) would amount to the equivalent of 731 day−1 of methanol. As the cost of fossil fuel increases, energy cost will become a predominant factor in the selection of small (0.5–5 mgd) wastewater treatment systems. However, in many cases where natural wetlands are either geographically unavailable or protected from wastewater discharge by environmental, legal, or aesthetic restraints, artificial wetlands offer a viable alternative for energy-effective treatment of municipal and agricultural wastewater effluents.  相似文献   

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