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Because of heterogeneity among members of a bacteria population, deposition rates of bacteria may decrease upon the distance bacteria are transported in an aquifer. Such deposition rate decreases may result in retained bacteria concentrations, which decrease hyper-exponentially as a function of transport distance, and may therefore significantly affect the transport of colloids in aquifers. We investigated the occurrence of hyper-exponential deposition of Escherichia coli, an important indicator for fecal contamination, and the causes for such behavior. In a series of column experiments with glass beads of various sizes, we found that attachment of E. coli decreased hyper-exponentially, or, on logarithmic scale in a bimodal way, as a function of the transported distance from the column inlet. From data fitting of the retained bacteria concentration profiles, the sticking efficiency of 40% of the E. coli population was high (alpha=1), while the sticking efficiency of 60% was low (alpha=0.01). From the E. coli total population, an E. coli subpopulation consisting of slow attachers could be isolated by means of column passage. In subsequent column experiments this subpopulation attached less than the E. coli total population, consisting of both slow and fast attachers. We concluded that the main driver for the observed dual mode deposition was heterogeneity among members of the bacteria population. Intra-population may result in some microbes traveling surprisingly high distances in the subsurface. Extending the colloid filtration theory with intra-population variability may provide a valuable framework for assessing the transport of bacteria in aquifers.  相似文献   

Transport and deposition of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-modified nanoparticles of zero-valent iron (NZVI) were investigated in laboratory-scale sand packed columns. Aggregation resulted in a change in the particle size distribution (PSD) with time, and the changes in average particle size were determined by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). The change in PSD over time was influenced by the CMC-NZVI concentration in suspension. A particle-particle attachment efficiency was evaluated by fitting an aggregation model with NTA data and subsequently used to predict changes in PSD over time. Changes in particle sizes over time led to corresponding changes in single-collector contact efficiencies, resulting in altered particle deposition rates over time. A coupled aggregation-colloid transport model was used to demonstrate how changes in PSD can reduce the transport of CMC-NZVI in column experiments. The effects of particle concentrations in the range of 0.07 g L−1 to 0.725 g L−1 on the transport in porous media were evaluated by comparing the elution profiles of CMC-NZVI from packed sand columns. Changes in PSD over time could reasonably account for a gradual increase in effluent concentration between 1 and 5 pore volumes (PVs). Processes such as detachment of deposited particles also likely contributed to the gradual increase in effluent concentrations. The particle-collector attachment efficiency increased with CMC-NZVI particle concentration due to a rise in dissolved Na+ concentration with increased addition of Na-CMC. This inadvertent change in ionic strength led to decreased effluent concentrations at higher CMC-NZVI concentrations.  相似文献   

对天然硅粉悬浮颗粒在饱和的石英多孔介质中的渗透迁移特性进行圆柱穿透试验,得到6种不同颗粒粒径(10,15,20,25,33,47μm)、3种不同颗粒浓度(0.2,0.5,0.8 mg/ml)、3种不同渗透速度(0.087,0.173,0.260 cm/s)和3种不同渗透方向(即自上向下,水平,自下向上)的颗粒穿透曲线,重点研究这些因素对悬浮颗粒迁移的水动力学过程、弥散效应、沉积效应等物理机制的影响。研究表明,当渗透速度相同时,颗粒穿透过程中的浓度峰值一般随颗粒粒径的增大而减小。而随渗透速度的增大,水动力学作用对颗粒迁移的影响越来越大,此时颗粒粒径大小的影响则逐渐减小。此外,存在一个临界浓度值,当注入的悬浮颗粒浓度大于该值时,随着注入悬浮颗粒浓度的增大,出流液中的颗粒相对浓度反而有减小的趋势,这与大量的悬浮颗粒进入多孔介质造成多孔介质孔隙的堵塞有关。  相似文献   

陈星欣  白冰  俞缙  蔡奇鹏 《岩土工程学报》2014,36(10):1888-1895
基于已有的颗粒一维迁移模型,建立一个考虑加速效应的颗粒三维迁移模型。通过Laplace变换和Fourier变换,给出点源和面源形式下的颗粒瞬时注入和周期形式注入问题的解析表达式,分析了点源瞬时注入情况下时间、距离、沉积系数、弥散系数等的影响机理。研究结果表明:随着时间增大,迁移颗粒浓度峰值逐渐减小,并且浓度峰值所对应的x坐标值逐渐增大。其次,浓度等值线在x-y平面上呈椭圆形状,在x方向上靠近颗粒注入口的等值线排列较密,远离注入口的等值线排列较疏。随着时间增大,低浓度等值线的范围逐渐向四周扩大,高浓度的等值线的范围逐渐缩小。另外,沉积系数越大,浓度等值线的范围越小。然而,随着x方向的弥散系数增大,等值线在x方向上逐渐向两侧拉长,而等值线在y方向上的范围逐渐缩小。  相似文献   

本文发展了一个多孔介质中的化学–热–水力–力学(CTHM)耦合本构模型。该模型基于文献[1]中多孔介质热–水力–力学(THM)本构模型、文献[2,3]中的污染物传输本构模型和文献[4]提出的化学–力学本构模型。在本构模型中引入化学软化函数以模拟孔隙水中有机污染物对多孔介质力学性质的影响。考虑了温度对污染物传输机制的影响。本文CTHM耦合本构模型已在多孔介质的热–水力–力学–污染物传输数学模型中建立。在CTHM本构模拟框架中对计及化学塑性效应、描述在热–水力–污染物传输耦合作用下多孔介质力学行为、在应力–吸力–温度四维空间中包含了五重屈服面的耦合本构模型发展了一致性切线模量矩阵。数值结果突出显示了污染物浓度在多孔介质化学–热–水力–力学(CTHM)耦合系统中的影响。  相似文献   

郭志光  白冰 《岩土工程学报》2017,39(7):1267-1272
由经典的吸附解吸作用下污染物运移控制方程出发,将Freundlich线性等温吸附模型中溶质浓度上升、下降过程视为吸附、解吸过程,从而建立了非均衡吸附问题理论模型;并给出了累计质量分数及相对浓度的相关表达。利用Comsol Multiphysics数值分析方法讨论了三角函数、高斯脉冲函数循环注入下污染物运移规律,结果表明:吸附、解吸平衡常数的差值对污染物吸附量有较大影响,其值越大吸附量则越大;随着弥散度的增大,穿透曲线峰值有先增大后减小趋势,且穿透过程越久。此外,对于连续注入,注入时间存在一个临界值,小于该值时溶质浓度峰值随注入时间的增大而增大,而大于该值时溶质浓度峰值恒等于注入浓度平均值;且注入时间越大峰值出现时刻越晚;而相对浓度随注入时间的增大而减小。  相似文献   

The transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) through intermittent, unsaturated, sand filters used for water and wastewater treatment was investigated using a duplicated, 23 factorial design experiment performed in bench-scale, sand columns. Sixteen columns (dia=15 cm, L=60 cm) were dosed eight times daily for up to 61 days with 65,000 C. parvum oocysts per liter at 15°C. The effects of water quality, media grain size, and hydraulic loading rates were examined. Effluent samples were tested for pH, turbidity, and oocyst content. C. parvum effluent concentrations were determined by staining oocysts on polycarbonate filters and enumerating using epifluorescent microscopy. At completion, the columns were dismantled and sand samples were taken at discrete depths within the columns. These samples were washed in a surfactant solution and the oocysts were enumerated using immunomagnetic separation techniques.

The fine-grained sand columns (d50=0.31 mm) effectively removed oocysts under the variety of conditions examined with low concentrations of oocysts infrequently detected in the effluent. Coarse-grained media columns (d50=1.40 mm) yielded larger numbers of oocysts which were commonly observed in the effluent regardless of operating conditions. Factorial design analysis indicated that grain size was the variable which most affected the oocyst effluent concentrations in these intermittent filters. Loading rate had a significant effect when coarse-grained media was used and lesser effect with fine-grained media while the effect of feed composition was inconclusive. No correlations between turbidity, pH, and effluent oocyst concentrations were found. Pore-size calculations indicated that adequate space for oocyst transport existed in the filters. It was therefore concluded that processes other than physical straining mechanisms are mainly responsible for the removal of C. parvum oocysts from aqueous fluids in intermittent sand filters used under the conditions studied in this research.  相似文献   

The transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) through intermittent, unsaturated, sand filters used for water and wastewater treatment was investigated using a duplicated, 23 factorial design experiment performed in bench-scale, sand columns. Sixteen columns (dia=15 cm, L=60 cm) were dosed eight times daily for up to 61 days with 65,000 C. parvum oocysts per liter at 15°C. The effects of water quality, media grain size, and hydraulic loading rates were examined. Effluent samples were tested for pH, turbidity, and oocyst content. C. parvum effluent concentrations were determined by staining oocysts on polycarbonate filters and enumerating using epifluorescent microscopy. At completion, the columns were dismantled and sand samples were taken at discrete depths within the columns. These samples were washed in a surfactant solution and the oocysts were enumerated using immunomagnetic separation techniques.The fine-grained sand columns (d50=0.31 mm) effectively removed oocysts under the variety of conditions examined with low concentrations of oocysts infrequently detected in the effluent. Coarse-grained media columns (d50=1.40 mm) yielded larger numbers of oocysts which were commonly observed in the effluent regardless of operating conditions. Factorial design analysis indicated that grain size was the variable which most affected the oocyst effluent concentrations in these intermittent filters. Loading rate had a significant effect when coarse-grained media was used and lesser effect with fine-grained media while the effect of feed composition was inconclusive. No correlations between turbidity, pH, and effluent oocyst concentrations were found. Pore-size calculations indicated that adequate space for oocyst transport existed in the filters. It was therefore concluded that processes other than physical straining mechanisms are mainly responsible for the removal of C. parvum oocysts from aqueous fluids in intermittent sand filters used under the conditions studied in this research.  相似文献   

  俊等 《工程勘察》2014,(2):31-34
为掌握孔隙介质级配和均匀性对水源热泵回灌过程中堵塞的影响,通过室内回灌试验测定了不同级配试样回灌渗透能力,利用颗粒级配分形维数分析了试样级配和不均匀性与回灌渗透性能的相关关系。结果表明级配分形维数D与不均匀系数的对数(lnC u)之间呈负相关,与渗透系数和孔隙度n则呈正相关。从而为不同水文地质条件地区水源热泵工程的适宜性分析,回灌堵塞机理的分析以及防止水源热泵工程堵塞技术的选择提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

开展沉积颗粒在多孔介质中脱离过程试验对研究地下水源热泵回灌堵塞过程有重要意义。利用自主研发的砂层沉积–脱离模拟试验系统,研究增加渗流速度和改变渗流方向对多孔介质中已沉积颗粒脱离特性的影响。结果表明:在改变渗流速度大小条件下,渗流速度越大,已沉积的颗粒越容易发生脱离,到达悬浮颗粒相对浓度第二次峰值所需的时间越短,而达到二次峰值时所注入的水量接近;与改变渗流速度大小相比,用改变渗流方向的方式进行沉积颗粒脱离效果更为明显,到达二次峰值所需时间更短、水量更少,但随着时间增加,多孔介质中又会出现类似渗流方向改变前的堵塞现象;渗流条件变化后的初始阶段是已沉积颗粒脱离的主要时期。研究结果为水源热泵回灌过程中悬浮颗粒在地层中的沉积-脱离特性进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The maximum entropy theory has been used in a wide variety of physical, mathematical and engineering applications in the past few years. However, its application in numerical methods, especially in developing new shape functions, has attracted much interest in recent years. These shape functions possess the potential for performing better than the conventional basis functions in problems with randomly generated coarse meshes. In this paper, the maximum entropy theory is adopted to spatially discretize the deformation variable of the governing coupled equations of porous media. This is in line with the well-known fact that higher-order shape functions can provide more stable solutions in porous problems. Some of the benchmark problems in deformable porous media are solved with the developed approach and the results are compared with available references.  相似文献   

陈星欣  白冰 《岩土工程学报》2012,34(9):1661-1667
利用室内土柱试验研究重力对饱和多孔介质中颗粒输运特性的影响,包括渗流方向自上向下和自下向上两种不同的试验系列,每个系列中进行了5种不同渗流速度的试验。研究结果表明,渗流方向自上向下时的流出液中颗粒的浓度峰值要大于自下向上时的浓度峰值,并且前者的浓度峰值出现的也快。同一渗流方向条件下,渗流速度越大,流出液中颗粒的浓度峰值越大。其次,渗流自上向下时,随着渗流速度的增加,弥散度的值随之减小,但在渗流自下向上时,渗流速度的变化对弥散度的影响很小。另外,同一渗流方向中,随渗流速度增大,沉积系数逐渐减小,回收率逐渐增大,并且沉积系数在渗流自下向上时较渗流自上向下时的要大。可见,重力和渗流速度是影响饱和多孔介质中颗粒输运的重要因素,渗流速度越小,重力的作用越明显。  相似文献   

Transport of manufactured nano-TiO2 in saturated porous media was investigated as a function of morphology characteristics, pH of solutions, flow velocity, and the presence of anionic and non-ionic surfactants in different concentrations. Surfactants enhanced the transport of nano-TiO2 in saturated porous media while a pH approaching the point of zero charge of nano-TiO2 limited their transport. The deposition process, a retention mechanism of nano-TiO2 in saturated porous media was impacted by surfactant and pH. In Dispersion 1 systems (pH 7), the size of the nano-TiO2 aggregates was directly related to the presence of surfactants. The presence of non-ionic surfactant (Triton X-100) induced a size reduction of nano-TiO2 aggregates that was dependent on the critical micelle concentration. In Dispersion 2 systems (pH 9), the stability provided by the pH had a significant effect on the size of nano-TiO2 aggregates; the addition of surfactants did impact the size of the nano-TiO2 aggregates but in less significance as compared to Dispersion 1 systems. The electrostatic and steric repulsion forces in connection with the size of nano-TiO2 aggregates and flow velocity impacted the single-collector efficiency and attachment efficiency which dictated the maximum transport distance of nano-TiO2 for the Dispersion 1 and Dispersion 2 systems. By doubling the flow velocity at pH 9, the No Surfactant, 50% CMC Triton X-100, 100% CMC Triton X-100 and 100% CMC SDBS dispersion systems allowed nano-TiO2 to attain maximum transport distances of 0.898, 2.17, 2.29 and 1.12 m, respectively. Secondary energy minima played a critical role in the deposition mechanisms of nano-TiO2. Nano-TiO2 deposited in the secondary energy wells may be released because of changes in solution chemistry. The deposition of nano-TiO2 in primary and secondary energy minima, the reversibility of their deposition should be characterized to analyze the transport of nanoparticles in porous media. This is necessary to assess the risk of nanoparticles to the environment and public health.  相似文献   

The migration behavior of trichloroethylene through porous media made of glass beads of 5, 3 and 1 mm dia is described. Experiments were carried out in three hydraulic conditions: (1) unsaturated (completely dry), (2) saturated and (3) two layers (the upper portion of the porous media being unsaturated and the lower portion being saturated). In the case of the dry condition (1) trichloroethylene easily flows through the porous media regardless of the size of the glass beads, while it remains in the pore space in the saturated medium in the saturated condition (2). The stagnation of test liquid in the saturated medium increases with decreasing glass bead diameter. With 5 mm glass beads, in the case of condition (3), all the liquid coming from the upper portion moved into the saturated zone, whereas with 3 and 1 mm glass beads, the liquid seemed to stagnate on the surface of the saturated zone. With 1 mm glass beads, especially, almost all the liquid remained stagnant in the boundary region between the unsaturated and the saturated zone. The difference of the trichloroethylene behavior in the capillary zone can be qualitatively explained from the results of the visualized testing by means of the Hele-Shaw model.  相似文献   

粒径变化对悬浮颗粒在多孔介质中迁移—沉积过程影响的研究有重要意义。利用自主研发的砂层迁移—沉积模拟试验系统,研究不同粒径的悬浮颗粒在不同尺寸多孔介质中的迁移—沉积特性。结果表明,对于相同尺寸的多孔介质,随着悬浮颗粒粒径的增加,到达相对浓度峰值时间增加,而对应的相对浓度峰值降低;同时,对于相同粒径的悬浮颗粒,随着多孔介质尺寸增大,相对浓度峰值增加;另外,相对于多孔介质,悬浮颗粒粒径的变化对其迁移—沉积过程影响更为显著;随着多孔介质与悬浮颗粒粒径比增大,相对浓度的峰值和终值增大;根据粒径比不同将悬浮颗粒在多孔介质中的迁移—沉积类型划分为“滤饼过滤型”、“迁移—沉积型”、“自由迁移型”3种。研究结果为水源热泵回灌过程中悬浮颗粒在地层中的迁移—沉积特性进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在进行氚在黏土矿物中的滞留试验基础上,对试验结果进行了总结,分析了滞留现象对相关水文地质、环境地质参数试验的影响。结果表明:氚在蒙脱石、高岭石、伊利石等孔隙介质中的平均分配系数分别为0.15 ml/g、0.10 ml/g、0.12ml/g;氚的绝对吸附量随氚水比活度的增加而增大,绝对吸附量的对数与相应氚水比活度的对数呈直线相关关系;氚的滞留将使野外弥散试验获得的弥散度和弥散系数减小,使得室内示踪试验获得的孔隙水流速比实际孔隙水流速减小5%~25%,使得按照3H测龄方法获得的亚砂土等含水层中地下水年龄增大5%~20%,按照3H-3He测龄方法获得的地下水年龄比实际情况增大4%~18%。  相似文献   

Sandra Jansen 《Water research》2010,44(4):1288-120
A study was conducted to understand the role of cell concentration and metabolic state in the transport and deposition behaviour of Pseudomonas fluorescens with and without substrate addition. Column experiments using the short-pulse technique (pulse was equivalent to 0.028 pore volume) were performed in quartz sand operating under saturated conditions. For comparison, experiments with microspheres and inactive (killed) bacteria were also conducted. The effluent concentrations, the retained particle concentrations and the cell shape were determined by fluorescent microscopy. For the transport of metabolically-active P. fluorescens without substrate addition a bimodal breakthrough curve was observed, which could be explained by the different breakthrough behaviour of the rod-shaped and coccoidal cells of P. fluorescens. The 70:30 rod/coccoid ratio in the influent drastically changed during the transport and it was about 20:80 in the effluent and in the quartz sand packing. It was assumed that the active rod-shaped cells were subjected to shrinkage into coccoidal cells. The change from active rod-shaped cells to coccoidal cells could be explained by oxygen deficiency which occurs in column experiments under saturated conditions. Also the substrate addition led to two consecutive breakthrough peaks and to more bacteria being retained in the column. In general, the presence of substrate made the assumed stress effects more pronounced. In comparison to microspheres and inactive (killed) bacteria, the transport of metabolically-active bacteria with and without substrate addition is affected by differences in physiological state between rod-shaped and the formed stress-resistant coccoidal cells of P. fluorescens.  相似文献   

Lerner RN  Lu Q  Zeng H  Liu Y 《Water research》2012,46(4):975-985
The transport of stabilized zerovalent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) has recently been the topic of extensive research due to its proven potential as an in situ remediation tool. However, these studies have ignored the effects of biofilms—complex aggregations of bacterial cells and excreted extracellular polymeric substances present in nearly all aquatic systems—on the transport of these particles. This study examines the effects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1) biofilm, at a cell concentration similar to that reported for saturated aquifers, on the transport of commercially available, poly (acrylic acid) stabilized nZVI (pnZVI) in 14 cm long columns packed with saturated glass beads at salt concentrations of 1 and 25 mM NaCl. Compared to retention on uncoated columns, in the presence of biofilm the retention of pnZVI increased at higher ionic strength, while ionic strength played no role in retention of these nanoparticles in the absence of biofilm. The Tufenkji-Elimelech correlation equation predicts lower retention of pnZVI on biofilm coated columns compared to uncoated columns due to a lower Hamaker constant, and DLVO energy considerations predict the most favorable attachment to uncoated porous media at higher ionic strength. A steric (polymer-mediated) model that considers the combined influence of steric effects of polymers and DLVO interactions is shown to adequately describe particle retention in columns.  相似文献   

给出基于平均化原理的多孔介质动力学分析的基本理论与控制方程,采用适用于饱和砂土的广义塑性本构模型(PastorZienkiewicz模型)进行多孔介质的应变局部化数值模拟,分别对中等松散砂土与密实砂土两类介质进行了应变局部化数值模拟,并进一步对剪切带内孔隙水压力的数值结果进行了分析。可以发现,对密实砂土的模拟孔隙水将会出现负压(吸力)结果,而对中等松散砂土孔隙水则呈受压现象,这种现象出现的原因与材料的塑性膨胀现象密切相关,且计算结果与已有研究成果和试验现象完全一致  相似文献   

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