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要数字时代,如何借助新兴技术完成地理图示绘制以满足人类社会不断涌现的空间认知需求已经成为建成环境领域的重要命题。《数字化党史地图》项目基于地图与空间认知理论,从内容选题、数据搜集、模型制作、呈现表达四个方面进行创新性探索;以城市红色空间为主题,基于三维扫描、数字孪生、虚拟现实等技术构建了面向数字时代人本尺度城市空间认知需求的地理图示实践框架,为城市空间认知研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

个体建成环境暴露对健康的影响 是健康城市研究领域的关键问题。对于建 成环境暴露的测度方法,近年相关研究多用 GIS数据测度建成环境特征,基于5D理论指 标来衡量建成环境暴露情况,以居住地附近 作为个体全天建成环境暴露的测度范围。现 有方法存在两方面的问题:一是在暴露的测 度指标和测度数据方面,较少关注影像数据 评估所能反映的人本尺度建成环境特征;二 是暴露的测度空间方面,由于较少考虑人的 移动性而存在显著的暴露估计误差。而基于 影像数据的建成环境暴露研究还没有考虑 人的移动性。随着科学技术的发展,建成环 境暴露测度可用的工具方法越来越丰富,呼 吁今后的建成环境暴露研究中,在测度数据上关注可反映人本尺度建成环境品质的影像数据,在测度范围上考虑个体的移动性。提出基于 个体移动性和影像数据的两种建成环境暴露测度方法,一是通过个体时空轨迹叠加街景图片 空间分布底图,二是通过个体佩戴穿戴相机的方法测度建成环境暴露。建成环境暴露测度新方 法的将助力健康城市新理论的探索。  相似文献   

光通过视觉与非视觉生物作用,对人的视力健康、生物节律、情绪认知、代谢与免疫等方面产生广泛影响,是建筑、光学、生命科学、环境工程等学科前沿领域共同聚焦的人居健康关键技术。文章分析了光在人居空间中的疗愈作用,阐述了循证研究与设计在营造人居健康光环境中的价值与必要性,并展示了作者团队基于循证理论,以问题为导向、建成环境为载体、实现人居健康为目标,面向全龄人群和各类人居空间,在南极科考站及医养建筑中开展的一系列光与健康的探索与实践。  相似文献   

近年来,建成环境对居民健康的影响成为跨学科研究的重点。在不同的空间尺度上,建成环境对健康影响的机制与研究方法均有所差异。通过对国际上相关理论和实证的文献研究,总结建成环境对公共健康影响的研究基础;分析其研究尺度,包括宏观(全球/国家/区域)、中观(城市/县)和微观(街道/社区)3个层次,明确不同尺度建成环境对健康影响的要素;并围绕指标测度和研究方法进行评述。最后,提出健康导向下不同尺度的建成环境构建策略,以期为我国健康城市的建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

通过理论研究深入解析城市韧性、空间环境与暴雨内涝之间的关联机理,基于暴雨-内涝的全周期发展过程,分解城市建成环境的韧性提升目标。从生态环境和空间形态两方面解读和提取能够发挥韧性提升作用的空间环境要素,总结形成应对暴雨内涝的城市建成环境韧性因子集并提出韧性理论框架。  相似文献   

绿色开放空间是促进老年人身心健康、社会交往的重要空间资源.基于上海市杨浦区公房社区老年人对绿色开放空间的使用偏好,利用GPS轨迹数据识别到4类不同的研究对象,并分别在各类绿色开放空间中针对老年人开展问卷调查(N=614).首先基于社会生态理论构建绿色开放空间对老年人社会交往潜在影响的概念模型,继而针对建成环境特征及关键...  相似文献   

恢复性环境健康绩效的相关研究 表明,自然环境和城市建成环境在健康影响 方面存在差异。然而,不同环境空间类型的 恢复性效能差异还未能得到充分研究。通过 实景图片环境模拟,本研究对不同类型的恢 复性环境的效能进行了比较,分析恢复性环 境的空间特征。结果显示,山景、农田、水景 空间的恢复性显著高于其他类型空间,人群 对水景空间的偏好大于绿色空间,空间开敞 度、复杂度与恢复性有显著相关关系。研究 结论揭示了不同的空间类型及其空间特征,可为健康景观的设计实践提供理论支持。  相似文献   

基于信息时代人与建成环境交互过程巨变所带来的问题,初探数字化生存中人与建成环境传统交互特征的变化、经典理论面临的挑战以及数字技术究竟应以怎样的方式介入人与建成环境交互的研究与设计中;同时,通过梳理人与建成环境交互特征的本质、交互研究的理论发展以及数字技术的应用趋势,找寻其基于"情感关联"的共有价值取向,引入"场所依恋"理论,初构研究的逻辑框架与着眼点。  相似文献   

使用后评价作为评价建筑性能的一种手段,通过评估建成环境对今后的设计策划以及运营提供参考。该文研究以重庆大学B区为例,对校园开放空间进行建成环境空间认知使用后评价,通过基于城市意象理论的认知地图与SD语义法的调研,针对重庆大学B区寻路难、空间认知模糊的问题,剖析校园开放空间在空间认知方面存在的问题,对现有环境提出改进的策略。评价数据将作为现有校园开放空间改造的指导资料,同时为新建校园空间设计提供参考。  相似文献   

提出一种运用视觉影响分析技术定量化评价建成环境空间开敞度的方法。首先将建成环境对人的视觉影响划分为二维视觉影响和三维视觉影响。在此基础上,对日本学者芦原义信提出的建筑外部空间D/H指标进行扩展,构造了一个综合二维视觉影响、三维视觉影响的视觉影响分析模型。基于GIS可视性分析功能,提出了以通视率和平均视觉遮挡距离为核心的定量评价指标,实现对建成环境空间开敞度的定量化评价。提出的方法可用于定量分析城市设计中建筑群体的不同形态、不同布局对开敞空间的影响,从而为城市设计方案评估提供技术手段。  相似文献   

摘要 研究地铁站点周边不同距离范围的建成环境如何影响居民出行方式的选择;以哈尔滨地铁一号线为研究对象, 基于分层结构生活方式理论,对地铁站点周边建成环境和居民出行方式进行调查,采用多项Logit 回归和结构方程模 型相结合的方法,构建站点周边三个不同距离范围内的建成环境特征对居民出行方式的影响模型;地铁站周边不同距 离范围建成环境对居民出行方式选择的影响有差异,同时居民私家车拥有量在不同距离范围的中介效应也存在差异; 为提出地铁站点周边环境精细化优化决策提供参考。  相似文献   

Research on the built environment and physical activity has become a hot topic in the field of urban planning. When discussing the relationship between the built environment and physical activity, how to measure physical activity reasonably and effectively is an important technical link that determines whether the research is accurate and reliable. At present, the measurement methods of physical activity in domestic and foreign research lack a systematic analysis. Based on the analysis of 27 empirical studies on the relationship between the built environment and physical activity, this paper explores the scope of application of different measurement methods of physical activity from the perspectives of economic cost, observation unit, and information collection. The research shows that:(1) Self-report questionnaires can provide information of built environment, but may overestimate the intensity of physical activity;(2) a single motion sensor can record the duration, intensity and frequency of physical activity objectively and precisely, but cannot reflect the environment information and the types of physical activity;(3) the combination of two methods provide more possibilities for measuring physical activity. Currently, the relationship between the built environment and physical activity in urban China has not yet been clarified. In the future research of healthy cities, it is recommended to consider the status quo of China's high-density urban built environment, select appropriate measurement methods and recording tools, and comprehensively record the physical activity characteristics of urban residents, so as to better reveal the influence mechanism of the built environment on physical activity.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of practices is one of the key issues in the built environment. However, with advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), particularly cloud computing, the fragmentation of working practices can be potentially overcome. The technology could enhance communication and information flow in various stages along a project life cycle. Due to the increasing demands and the newly developed cloud computing applications, it is critical to review and identify the appropriate cloud computing applications in the built environment. A total of forty two cloud computing applications consisting of general cloud applications, Building Information Modelling (BIM), and project management cloud applications were selected and critically reviewed. A decision-making model was also developed to assist parties in selecting a suitable application. The explanatory case study has discovered numerous possible cloud computing applications in various disciplines, for example, Google Apps, Autodesk BIM 360, and Viewpoint are the applications with the most features. The findings contribute to creating a certain awareness and an insight to reduce the fragmented working practices in the built environment.  相似文献   

The use of qualitative methodologies in the built environment presents many possibilities for in-depth understandings. This is critical in a world where complex layers of difference must be appreciated and sensitively accommodated in neighbourhoods, towns and cities. Nevertheless, qualitative researchers in the built environment have had to fight for the legitimacy of their approach, arguing that it is of equal significance to more traditionally accepted modes of inquiry. My article is set in this historical context. Focusing on urban planning, it relays a personal journey—that of qualitative researcher, educator and practitioner working to develop understandings of everyday expressions of difference. I discuss specific examples of qualitative research and practice in urban planning, showing how they have enhanced knowledge of contemporary people/place relationships in culturally diverse contexts. In an increasingly multicultural world where change is omnipresent, such awareness must underpin built environment policy and practice. I conclude by suggesting that people-centred environments will only be developed by researchers and practitioners working holistically and in heartful ways.  相似文献   

An alternative approach to conceptualizing and measuring the built environment is developed which forms the basis of a new assessment tool. The role of buildings is reframed to consider what capabilities for sustainability a building can provide to the inhabitants and local community. This capability to support sustainability is defined as the ability to improve the local quality of life (Human Development Index) whilst remaining below the environmental carrying capacity (environmental footprint). This approach has clear implications about the role of buildings in enabling residents and users to achieve these targets and outcomes. This shifts the focus of net-positive development toward configurations and characteristics of the built environment that are appropriate for a particular context. A Built Environment Sustainability Tool (BEST) is presented that defines and assesses these configurations and characteristics. Assessments can be conducted by measuring the extent to which required configurations and characteristics exist (i.e. ‘the capability of the built environment to support sustainability’). BEST is compared with other green building rating tool approaches in order to review the methodology critically and to evaluate this as a means of improving built environment sustainability performance.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the broad range of people responsible for the delivery, operation and maintenance of the built environment need to become more proactively involved in making the built environment resilient to a wide range of known and unforeseen hazards and threats. Accordingly, the (actual and potential) roles of a wide range of stakeholders associated with the integration of disaster risk reduction into the (re-)development of the built environment are examined. A review of literature, government data and interviews with key stakeholders in England highlights that despite regulatory intentions to increase local resilience through the use of public and private sector stakeholders, a number of structural and operational obstacles exist. A range of strategies can be employed to overcome these obstacles: revisions to building codes, tightening planning policy, improving professional training, clarifying roles and missions, enabling complementary bottom-up and top-down approaches, and the provision of good-practice guidance about the broad range of structural and non-structural risk reduction measures. Many of the operational challenges are non-structural and require a coherent, overarching strategy: changing and aligning the social understandings and practices in civil society, government and built environment stakeholders.  相似文献   

Electrochromic (EC) windows for building applications are a major issue within the built environment scientist community. A building envelope equipped with electro-optical glasses makes it possible to improve both its energy performance and the visual environment of the occupants. EC windows act as active components which can modulate the solar light flux input in order to attain energy saving. They also provide a better visual environment and a sensible cut of glare phenomena.  相似文献   

结合花朵幼儿园的设计,从幼儿园建筑的平面布局、立面造型等方面阐述了设计思想,指出幼儿园建筑的设计重点在于对总体布局的把握,使功能、空间、彩色协调配合于一体,以期设计能够适应幼儿心理特点和生理特点,营造出一个温馨、富有情趣的环境。  相似文献   

沈志联 《山西建筑》2010,36(11):23-24
基于对中国知网、维普以及万方三大数据库中对环境与犯罪预防设计研究的相关文献的归纳,首先对建成环境与犯罪之间的基础理论——CPTED的发展历程进行阐述,其次依照CPTED对建成环境的影响分三个不同策略角度进行了分析。  相似文献   

着眼于人与建成环境情感层面的交互。以中国文化思维对“情感”的研究为开端,剖析中国建成环境在时间和空间维度上的情感导向设计特征及这些特征在数字技术介入后的更新与发展,以期提供信息时代建成环境设计表达以及未来中国建筑文化研究的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

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