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中国北方游牧民族在进行艺术创作时,在许多情况下是通过饮食这一物质载体来反映的,如饮食器的造型和装饰艺术。同时,在烹饪和宴饮过程中,都能使艺术创作在饮食制作和饮食行为中表现出来,这是物质文化和精神文化互相结合的一个例证。  相似文献   

饮食传统体现着社会在饮食方面约定俗成的行为规范,因而饮食文化必有其社会功能。北方游牧民族饮食文化就成为一定礼仪规范下的社会生活的一部分,并在各种礼仪中充分地表现出来。其中,人生各个阶段的礼仪都离不开饮食及饮食活动,具体表现在降生、生日、成丁、婚姻、丧葬等方面,通过各个阶段的风尚和习俗来表述饮食文化  相似文献   

在北方游牧民族的宗教礼仪中,饮食种类、饮食器具、饮食行为以及饮食的象征意义等都起着重要的作用。无论是原始宗教,还是人为宗教,在举行各种祭祀和其他礼仪时,必定有饮食作为祭品,献给神灵。饮食行为是指宗教祭祀活动中的外在形式,与饮食祭品一起在沟通人与神联系过程中扮演着媒介角色,并为饮食象征传递信息,使人们现实生活中的各种请求、愿望、情感等得到满足。  相似文献   

本文概括了云南饮食文化的特征,并对云南民族饮食的种类和分布进行了研究。  相似文献   

羊肉是中国北方游牧民族重要的肉类食品来源之一.北方草原地区食羊习俗在形成和发展的过程中,与中原、中亚、西亚、南亚等地饮食文化交流日益密切,丰富了自身的文化内涵,形成了具有地域性、民族性的食羊文化.形成了用米、面等中原地区传统谷物作糁,以胡萝卜、胡豆、洋葱、菠菜等域外食蔬为副料,以姜、桂、橘皮、胡椒、肉蔻等香料调味的食羊...  相似文献   

尚静雅 《食品工业》2021,(1):I0036-I0036
俗话说"民以食为天","天"者,至高之尊谓,也就是说"悠悠万事,唯此为大",这是中国传统政治哲学的出发点。儒家认为民食关系着国家的稳定,传统文化注重从饮食角度看待社会与人生。同时,在经济全球化以及文化多元化的趋势之下,我国的饮食文化在世界各国开始传播,但受饮食文化的差异以及地域文化的影响,中西方对同一菜名的翻译也出现一些差异。王学泰先生的《华夏饮食文化》以历史学、哲学、文化学、民俗学的大视角,从物质和精神两方面对我国饮食文化加以探讨:重点介绍了各时代的食物、肴馔、食品加工、烹调、饮食习俗乃至进餐环境、食具餐具等情况,并论述了不同阶层人群的饮食生活。本文拟根据《华夏饮食文化》的基本思路,刍议中西方菜名翻译的一般原则与方法。  相似文献   

代表中国文化的人文文化与代表西方文化的科学文化存在着多方面差异,尤其在思维方式上的差异对两种文化之下的饮食文化产生了深远的影响,造就了不同的饮食观念,饮食对象的差异,饮食方式的不同。  相似文献   

满族是一个以渔猎经济为主,以农业、采集为辅的民族。在未入关之前,满族及其先人长期生活在白山黑水之间,形成了喜吃猪肉、喜吃粘食、甜食和酸菜的饮食习俗。自1644年入关定鼎北京后,满族人与汉族杂居相处,其生活习俗对北京地区产生了深刻久远的影响,有的饮食习俗至今还在北京地区存在。  相似文献   

邵万宽 《餐饮世界》2009,(11):26-31
我国是一个拥有56个民族的国家,数千年来,各兄弟民族之间不断交流.共同发展,创造了包括饮食文明在内的光辉灿烂的中华文化。由于我国各民族所处的社会历史发展阶段不同,居住在不同的地区,形成了风格各异的饮食习俗。根据各民族的生产生活状况、食物来源及食物结构,从历史发展来看,可大致划分为采集、渔猎型饮食文化,游牧、畜牧型饮食文化,农耕型饮食文化等类型。  相似文献   

由于地理、历史、文化等因素的综合作用,新时期中国北方沿海城市居民的饮食习惯和文化呈现出许多不同于南方甚至北方内陆的特点。辽宁省大连市作为中国北方重要的沿海城市,有着重要代表意义和参考价值。考察大连居民的饮食习惯和文化不仅可以了解当代中国北方沿海城市居民的饮食习惯和文化,还可以反映中国不同地域及中西饮食文化交汇的现状.  相似文献   


Non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) are chemical impurities which can migrate from packaging materials (FCM) into food. Safety assessment of NIAS is required by European law, but currently there is no comprehensive testing strategy available. In this context, one key element is to get insight on the potential presence of genotoxic NIAS in FCM migrates. This raises questions about the limit at which genotoxins can be detected in complex mixtures such as FCM migrates, and if such limits of detection (LOD) would be compatible with safety. In this context, the present review assesses the suitability of the Ames assay to address genotoxicity of FCM migrates. Lowest effective concentrations of packaging-related and other chemicals in test media were retrieved from scientific literature and used as surrogates of LODs to be benchmarked against a value of 0.01 mg kg?1 (10 ppb) in migrates. This is a pragmatic threshold used in FCM safety evaluation to prioritise substances requiring proper identification and risk assessment. The analysis of the data shows that only potent genotoxins can theoretically be detectable at a level of 0.01 mg kg?1 in migrates or food. Only a minority (10%) of genotoxic chemicals reported to be associated with FCMs could be picked up at a level of 0.01 mg kg?1 or lower. Overall, this review shows that the Ames test in its present form cannot be used as standalone method for evaluating the genotoxic potential of FCM migrates, but must be used together with other information from analytical chemistry and FCM manufacturing.  相似文献   

Food safety scandals are recurring events in the food industry worldwide and companies are not immune to these incidents. However, there is a paucity of studies that examine how consumers evaluate and respond to brands involved in food crises and how consumers’ prejudicial views about brands may bias these responses. Following attribution theory, the current study analyzes the psychological mechanisms through which consumers form judgments about a brand’s culpability in the aftermath of a food safety scandal. Furthermore, this study assesses how the dimensions of a brand’s country-of-origin (perceived competence and perceived warmth) affect the mechanism of blame attribution.A real food crisis, the 2013 European horsemeat adulteration scandal, provides the framework for an experimental study with 816 Italian consumers. The results show that perceived country-of-origin warmth diminishes consumers’ perceptions of internal locus, stability, and controllability of the food incident, thus decreasing consumers’ attributions of blame toward the faulty brand. Perceived competence increases consumers’ perceptions of the controllability of the harmful behavior which leads to higher attributions of blame. Higher blame attribution leads to lower intentions to buy the brand in the future. Furthermore, when consumers perceive the food scandal as highly severe and when they are highly ethnocentric, perceived competence diminishes consumers’ perceptions of internal locus and stability of the food incident.The theoretical contribution of the study and practical implications for food brand managers are addressed.  相似文献   

论如何正确利用食品感官质量模糊评判的结果向量   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文剖析了食品感官质量模糊综合评判的结果向量出现分散的两个根本原因,即评委评判意见的不集中和各感官指标质量的不均衡;论述了如何正确地利用模糊评判的结果向量,提出一种新的食品感官质量评价函数,并探讨最大隶属度判别准则和朱余尧、兰景波排序法存在的问题。  相似文献   

吴兴赤 《西部皮革》2005,27(8):13-16
从循环经济的模式出发,详细论述了制革最优化生产安排中,首先要做好的是削减原料皮的重量,提高原料皮的质量,并作好行业有关各方的协作。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the significant factors that drive consumers’ willingness to adopt a more plant-based diet, in both an Asian developing country (China) and a Western developed country (New Zealand), on the basis of three theories: meat attachment factors, the theory of planned behaviour and food choice motives. The data were collected through online surveys in China (n = 604) and New Zealand (n = 581). Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling were used for the data analysis. Consumers’ willingness to adopt a more plant-based diet was significantly linked to all the four meat attachment factors (Hedonism, Affinity, Entitlement and Dependence), four factors based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (Subjective norms, Personal norms, Perceived behavioural control and Attitudes), and one food choice motive (Environmental concern). There were differences between China and New Zealand in the impact of the meat attachment factors and the theory of planned behaviour factors on the willingness to adopt a more plant-based diet.  相似文献   

This paper presents the investigation of strontium isotope ratios of about 650 different European natural mineral waters as part of the food traceability project “TRACE” funded by the EU. Analysed 87Sr/86Sr values in the natural mineral waters range from 0.7035 to 0.7777, which indicates an influence by a great diversity of rocks from young mantle derived basaltic rocks to very old silicic continental crust.  相似文献   

The determination of pesticide residues in food matrices is a formidable challenge mainly because of the small quantities of analytes and large amounts of interfering substances which can be co-extracted with analytes and, in most cases, adversely affect the results of an analysis. However, safety concerns require that pesticides of the wide range of chemical properties (including acidic, basic and neutral) should be monitored. Because of the wide variety of food matrices, the sample must initially be cleaned up before final analysis. That is why the analytical chemist is faced with the need to devise new methodologies for determining such residues to be determined in a single analytical run. To accomplish the goal, QuEChERS methodology has been developed. It is a streamlined and effective extraction and cleanup approach for the analysis of diverse analyte residues in food matrices. So far, there have been achieved promising results by liquid or gas chromatography analysis, including pesticides, but also acrylamide, pharmaceuticals and veterinary drugs.  相似文献   

BackgroundAs a comprehensive discipline that studies food and nutrition, foodomics requires reliable qualitative and quantitative information about the food proteome component in order to extract new integrative information from the complex multivariable space of omics. This new information is necessary to achieve a higher level of understanding of processes in food science and technology, consequently new functions of food and improved markers of food quality and safety and completely transform concept of food safety.Scope and approachWe are making an effort to present mass spectrometry (MS) based proteomic approaches that are being utilized in different proteomic studies, not necessarily in the field of foodomics, which are important and have the potential to advance this field. Current analytical capabilities of MS-based proteomics together with sample preparation procedures and quantification strategies, and recent technical developments were presented.Key findings and conclusionsMS-based proteomics enables the analysis of different aspects of proteins and provides a variety of approaches for reliable quantification of individual proteins and/or food proteome. This is a complex field and its successful implementation requires a dedicated analyst, a thorough design of sample preparation procedure, the selection of an MS technique and approach, an adequate type of mass spectrometer, a thorough data analysis and validation. Improvements in the technology of mass spectrometers are continuously expanding capabilities of MS-based proteomics.  相似文献   

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