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Thirteen behavioral variables from six tasks were measured in alcohol-preferring (AA, FH, and P) and -nonpreferring (ANA, FRL, and NP) rat lines/strains and subjected to Factor Analysis. Four Independent factors accounted for > 90% of the variance. Defecation in the open field and ultrasonic vocalizations after an air puff were negatively correlated with alcohol intake and preference, whereas the increase in daily fluid intake in the presence of saccharin was positively correlated. Other factors could be labeled Activity, Emotionality, and immobility Factors, and each was independent of the Alcohol Factor. When an additional alcohol-preferring rat line (HAD) and two additional nonpreferring groups (LAD and ACI) were tested, they were found to differ on most behaviors that were associated with alcohol intake and preference in the Factor Analysis; vocalizations and saccharin-induced increase in fluid intake, but not defection. A new Factor Analysis was then performed incorporating these three new groups and including five new behavioral measures. The following measures had high loadings on the Alcohol Factor: alcohol intake under choice conditions; alcohol preference; forced alcohol intake; alcohol acceptance (forced alcohol intake/basal water intake x 100); ultrasonic vocalization; saccharin intake; saccharin-induced increase in daily fluid intake; defecation in the open field test; and immobility in a modified forced swim test. These findings indicate that there are indeed certain behavioral characteristics that are common among alcohol-preferring rat lines/strains, but there are also substantial group differences on other behavioral measures. For those behavioral measures reflecting emotionality (defecation and ultrasonic vocalization) that loaded highly on the Alcohol Factor, the alcohol-preferring rats had lower scores.  相似文献   

To further understand the relationship between emotional state and alcohol intake in rats, the tendency to emit ultrasonic vocalizations in response to an aversive, but nonpainful, air puff stimulus was tested in several rat lines. Included in this group were Maudsley Reactive (MR) and Non-Reactive (MNR) rats, and several lines of rats with either high ethanol preference or a low ethanol preference: Preferring, (P), Alko-Alcohol (AA), and Fawn-Hooded (FH) animals; and Non-Preferring (NP), Alko-Non-Alcohol (ANA), and Flinders Resistant Line (FRL). MR rats emitted fewer ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) and showed less preference for ethanol than did MNR animals. An overall analysis that included the P, NP, FH, FRL, AA, and ANA groups demonstrated a significant negative correlation between the total number of USVs emitted and ethanol consumption. NP, FRL, and especially ANA rats (low ethanol-preferring) emitted the most USVs--to an extent similar to that typically found for normal rats. The duration of vocalizing was higher only in the NP and the FRL rats the relative to their P and FH comparison groups, respectively. In the ethanol-preferring and nonpreferring lines, the numbers of USVs emitted correlated positively with the duration of vocalizing, but not with the latency to vocalize, which in turn did not correlate strongly with ethanol intake. The latency to vocalize did not correlate significantly with ethanol intake across all drinking lines or MR or MNR rats, but was found to be higher in FH and AA rats relative to their nondrinking comparison groups. These associations suggest that the relationship between emotional state and ethanol drinking is complex and cannot be attributed to a simple elevated state of anxiety or emotionality. Further examination of the central nervous system mechanisms mediating the difference in USVs between paired lines of ethanol-preferring and nonpreferring rats may identify neurochemical factors that predict ethanol preference.  相似文献   

Bilirubin is oxidized by brain mitochondrial membranes at a rate which may contribute significantly to clearance of bilirubin from brain. Different strains of congenitally jaundiced rats (Gunn rats) vary widely as far as the mortality rate of the homozygous (jaundiced) pups. Because the ability to oxidize bilirubin in brain may protect against toxicity, we hypothesized that the ability to oxidize bilirubin would be lower in Gunn rat strains (ACI/N-j) with a high mortality rate in the homozygous pups. Mitochondria were obtained from young rat brains by differential centrifugation in sucrose gradients. The mitochondria were ruptured by sonication. The change in optical density of a bilirubin solution at 440 nm was measured over time following addition of the membrane suspension. The rate of bilirubin oxidation was significantly lower in rats of the RHA/N-j strain both at 7-8 days of age and in adults, compared to rats of the ACI/N-j and the Sprague-Dawley strains at the same age points. Differences in mortality rates between the RHA/N-j and the ACI/N-j strains of Gunn rats could not be explained on the basis of differences in the ability of brain mitochondrial membranes to oxidize bilirubin, as these activities were lower in the RHA/N-j rats, which also have lower mortality rates, but higher in the ACI/N-j rats, which have remarkably high mortality rates. This study also confirmed previous findings relative to age maturation of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify novel non-major histocompatibility complex (non-MHC) genetic loci controlling the severity of homologous rat type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). METHODS: We conducted a genome-wide scan to identify CIA regulatory quantitative trait loci (QTL) in an F2 cross between DA (CIA highly susceptible) and ACI (CIA resistant) inbred rats immunized with homologous rat type II collagen (RII). These strains share the MHC/RT1av1 haplotype required for susceptibility to RII-induced CIA. RESULTS: F2 females had higher median arthritis scores than did males. Relative resistance in the males was determined by inheriting either a DA or an ACI Y chromosome and was independent of the source of the X chromosome. In addition, a major QTL was localized on chromosome 2 (Cia7, logarithm of odds score 4.6). Cia7 is in a region that shows linkage conservation with chromosomal regions that regulate autoimmune diabetes and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice and multiple sclerosis in humans. CONCLUSION: Sex chromosomes and Cia7 play an important role in regulating CIA in response to RII. This rat model should facilitate positional cloning and functional characterization of regulatory genes that may play a role in several forms of autoimmune disease, including rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Linkage mapping of quantitative trait loci requires analysis of a large number of animals. Although genetic markers isolated by representational difference analysis (RDA) and its modifications meet the needs, the number of these markers has been limited. In the present study, we established the arbitrarily primed (AP)-RDA method to isolate virtually an unlimited number of the high throughput genetic markers. A representation of the genome, an AP-amplicon, was prepared by AP-PCR with a single primer or with a combination of primers using genomic DNA of the ACI/N (ACI) or BUF/Nac (BUF) rat as a template. By subtracting the AP-amplicon of ACI from that of BUF, a total of 40 polymorphic and independent markers were isolated in seven series of AP-RDA using a single primer. Two series of AP-RDA with primer combination yielded seven additional independent markers. All of the markers gave clear positive/negative signals by hybridization of a filter where AP-amplicons from F2 rats of ACI and BUF were dot-blotted at a high density without any concentration or purification. All of the 47 independent markers were mapped to unique chromosomal positions by linkage analysis, even though some arbitrary primers had very similar sequences. The markers were also informative between other strains of rats. Simultaneous hybridization of multiple filters made it possible to genotype a large number of rats simultaneously for multiple genetic loci. The AP-RDA method promises isolation of a large number of high throughput genetic markers in any species and is expected to facilitate linkage mapping of subtle quantitative trait loci.  相似文献   

A key question related to the role of acetaldehyde and aldehyde adducts in alcoholism concerns their relationship to the genetic mechanisms underlying drinking. Experimentally, the low-alcohol-drinking (LAD) rat represents a standard rodent model having a strong aversion to alcohol. In these experiments, preferences for water vs. alcohol, offered in concentrations from 3% to 30%, were determined over 10 days in adult LAD rats (N = 6 per group). Then a saline vehicle or either 10 or 20 mg/kg of the aldehyde dehydrogenase (AIDH) inhibitor, cyanamide, was injected s.c. twice daily for 3 days. Secondly, either 0.5 or 1.0 microg of tetrahydropapaveroline (THP) was infused i.c.v. twice daily for 3 days in LAD rats (N = 8) and, as a genetic control, THP also was infused identically in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (N = 8). The results showed that the lower and higher doses of cyanamide augmented alcohol intakes in 33% and 50% of the LAD rats, respectively, with the patterns of drinking resembling that of genetic high-alcohol-drinking HAD or P rats. Although i.c.v. infusions of THP had little effect on alcohol preference of LAD rats, alcohol drinking was enhanced significantly in the SD rats. In a supplementary study, 200 microg of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) also was infused i.c.v. in LAD rats (N = 7) on two consecutive days; no change occurred in the characteristic aversion to alcohol. These findings suggest that in certain individuals, a perturbation in the synthesis of AIDH can modify the genetically based aversion to alcohol, thus precipitating the liability for alcoholism. In that neither THP nor 6-OHDA lesioning exerted any effect on the genetic nondrinking LAD animal suggests that an unknown endogenous factor in the brain must underlie the cyanamide-induced shift to alcohol preference. We conclude that the genetic elements that normally prevent the progression to addictive drinking in most individuals appear to be invariant and irreversible.  相似文献   

Studies were initiated to characterize behaviorally and biochemically C57BL/6J and DBA/2J inbred mice, as well as BXD Recombinant Inbred (RI) strains derived from them. The C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, and 7 BXD RI strains were tested for voluntary alcohol consumption (VAC) by receiving 4 days of forced exposure to a 10% (w/v) solution of alcohol, followed by 3 weeks of free choice between water and 10% alcohol. Measures of VAC included the absolute intake of alcohol (g/kg), as well as alcohol preference. A wide range of VAC was displayed by the various BXD RI strains with a continuous (rather than bimodal) distribution, indicating that there is likely to be additive effects of several genes involved in regulating alcohol-related behaviors. Kinetic characteristics of aldehyde dehydrogenase and catalase in liver and brain of the C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, and BXD strains of mice were determined to test the hypothesis that the genetic regulation of the levels of alcohol-metabolizing enzymes mediate differences in VAC. Aldehyde dehydrogenase activity was determined spectrophotometrically by observing the change in absorption at 340 nm. Catalase activity was determined by measuring oxygen production with a Yellow Springs Biological Oxygen monitor and oxygen electrode. There was a strong negative relationship between VAC and brain catalase activity in the BXD RI and parental strains. These data suggest that RI strains are likely to be useful genetic models in the examination of quantitative trait loci controlling VAC and other responses to alcohol.  相似文献   

This article reviews some recent studies on alcohol preference, dependence, metabolism and pharmacokinetics which were mainly carried out in our department. The inbred strains of mice with genetically different alcohol drinking behavior and alcohol animal model treated with the neurotoxins, 6-hydroxydopamine and 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, are useful for a behavioral and pharmacological approach to evaluate the contribution of specific neural systems to alcohol, drug dependence mechanism and alcohol drinking behavior. The relations between alcohol preference and some physiological conditions are reviewed. On the drug-alcohol interaction, some drugs containing the chemical group = CHONO2, antimony and methamphetamine are addressed. This article also deals with recent topics in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of alcohol. The dose-dependency of the alcohol elimination rate, the first-pass metabolism during alcohol drinking, and the pharmacodynamic model for describing pulse rate reaction to plasma acetaldehyde are discussed.  相似文献   

(1) There are considerable differences in body constitution in different strains of rats, ranging from very robust to very gracile forms. The differences are greater in the larger males than in the smaller females. (2)Craniofacial and postcranial proportions of the trunk in domesticated strains of rats differ either uniformly or mosaically from the wild form. (3)Nasal shape differs greatly in rats ranging from extreme leptorrhine to extreme platyrrhine forms, giving a total range greater than in human populations. (4)Fisher 344 rats have long tails and extremities and Buffalo and GRL short tails and extremities. (5)Wistar and ACI rats have longer tails than wild rats but do not differ significantly from wild rats in the relative length of their other extremities. (6)The relationship between tail and extremity length is under genetic control which is concordant in Fisher, Buffalo and GRL rats, but discordant in the Lewis, Wistar and ACI strains. (7)There is no connection between relative extremity length and total body constitution since short-limbed strains occupy both the highest (Buffalo) and lowest (GRL) levels o f robusticity, and strains that do not differ in relative extremity length from wild rats differ greatly from each other in constitutional type (Wistar and ACI). (8)Differences of relative extremity length and nasal shape in rats have their parallels in human populations. But in human populations they follow Allen's ecological "rule" and can be duplicated experimentally. In rats here used, however, they do not result from any known ecological pressures, but from the genetic factors acting in breeding isolates.  相似文献   

Rats secrete saliva in response to heat. In the present study, details of thermal salivation were investigated using the FOK rat in comparison with Sprague-Dawley (SD), Donryu, and ACI rats. The FOK rat is a strain inbred for genotypic heat adaptation and endures heat for long periods. Conscious rats of all four strains were exposed to 42.5 degrees C. The order of heat endurance times at this temperature was FOK > SD > Donryu = ACI. FOK rats spread their saliva over their entire ventral surface, their faces, and their outside legs. This saliva area was wider than those made by the other three strains. SD rats spread in an area wider than those of the Donryu and ACI rats. Saliva spreading in the FOK rats continued for 4.0-4.5 h, far longer than in the other strains. Under ketamine anesthesia and exposure to 40 degrees C, the FOK rats secreted saliva at 1390+/-235 microL/100 g of body weight during a 60-min observation period. This was the highest rate among the four rat strains (p < 0.0001). The body temperature increase rate in anesthetized FOK and SD rats was lower than in the other two strains, suggesting a minor contribution of unknown factors. Ligation of the submandibular gland ducts abolished the thermal salivation of the FOK rats, whereas ligation of the parotid duct had no effect. The submandibular, sublingual, and lachrymal glands in the FOK rats were 1.3-1.5, 1.25-1.4, and 1.3-1.5 times heavier, respectively, than those in the other three strains, whereas the parotid gland of the FOK rats was not enlarged. These findings indicate that the rats' saliva spreading and ET values are significantly correlated. A potentiated and long-lasting salivation from the submandibular gland was acquired during development of genotypic heat adaptation. This salivation is actuated in response to heat. The pronounced thermal salivation is probably attributable to adaptive changes in the superior salivatory nucleus-chorda tympani-submandibular gland pathway.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping efforts in alcohol (ethanol) research are beginning to generate promising data that may ultimately lead to the identification of genes influencing alcohol addiction. Rodents have been extensively utilized to study ethanol's rewarding and aversive effects, and to demonstrate the existence of genetic influences on traits such as free-choice ethanol-consumption, ethanol-conditioned place preference and ethanol-conditioned taste aversion. The purpose of the current investigation was to verify or eliminate from further consideration putative QTLs for free-choice ethanol consumption originally identified in BXD Recombinant Inbred (RI) strains and other informative genetic crosses. B6D2F2 mice were utilized in a verification testing strategy to evaluate the viability of putative ethanol consumption QTLs. When data were combined from BXD RI, B6D2F2 and short-term selected line (STSL) mapping studies, verification was obtained for two QTLs, one on Chromosome (Chr) 9 (proximal-mid) and another on Chr 2 (distal), and suggestive verification was obtained for QTLs on Chrs 2 (proximal), 3, 4, 7, and 15. In addition, the possible genetic association of ethanol consumption with conditioned place preference was evaluated. Genetic correlations were estimated from BXD RI strain means, and QTL maps for these traits were compared to evaluate the possibility of a genetic association. The correlational analysis yielded a trend (r = 0.34, p = 0.09), but no statistically significant results. However, comparisons of QTL mapping results between phenotypes suggested some possible genetic overlap for these traits, both putative measures of ethanol reward. These data suggest that the determinants of these two measures are genetically diverse, but may share some common genetic elements.  相似文献   

Conducted an analysis of sensory responsiveness and avoidance learning in 3 experiments using 5 rat strains: MNR/Har/Lu, MR/Har/Lu, RCA/Lu, RHA/Lu, and RLA/Lu. Ss totaled 470. There were significant differences among the strains in response to electric footshock. Also, the strain-specific shock intensity as the UCS elicited significantly higher rates of avoidance learning as compared with the rates of avoidance learning under an equal but average level of shock intensity as the UCS. In general, discrete auditory and visual sensory modes as the CS produced almost the same rate of avoidance learning. The proportion of variation in avoidance learning attributable to strains was significant under all 6 experimental conditions except the no-discrete CS and strain-specific UCS conditions. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The kindling phenomenon, i.e., the progressive development of focal and secondarily generalized seizures upon repeated electrical stimulation of a limbic brain region, occurs in various species, but with marked differences in kindling rate between species and also within the same species. In rats, differences in kindling rates have been reported within the same strain and between different strains, and both genetic and environmental influences are thought to be involved in this variability. In most studies on kindling in rats, outbred strains such as Sprague-Dawley have been used. In the present study, we compared rates of amygdala kindling development in two outbred (Sprague-Dawley, Wistar) and five inbred (Lewis, Fischer 344, ACI, Wistar-Kyoto, Brown Norway) rat strains, including several strains which have not been kindled before. We were particularly interested which parts of the stepwise progression of kindling differ among these strains. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the basolateral amygdala to electrical stimulation was determined before and after kindling. Once daily electrical stimulation of the basolateral amygdala resulted in marked interstrain differences in kindling rates, with Sprague-Dawley and Brown-Norway rats exhibiting the lowest number of stimulations to reach fully kindled (stage 5) seizures, and Lewis rats showing the highest number of the 7 strains. In contrast to the significant differences in number of stimulations to reach the fully kindled state, total (cumulative) afterdischarge duration (ADD) to reach stage 5 did not significantly differ among strains, substantiating that cumulative AD is the principal factor in the acquisition of kindled seizures. Marked differences in ADD of a stage 5 seizure were obtained between strains, with strains kindling rapidly exhibiting longer ADD than strains kindling slowly. Postkindling afterdischarge threshold (ADT) varied significantly among strains, but only 3 of the 7 strains showed a decrease of ADT compared to prekindling values. When the stepwise progression of kindling was evaluated, pronounced interstrain differences were determined in the time spent in the initial phase of kindling, i.e., stage 1 seizures, both in terms of stimulations and cumulative ADD, indicating that variations in kindling rates were predominantly due to the time needed to progress from stage 1 to subsequent stages of the kindling process. The data seem to indicate that inbred rat strains offer an interesting resource for dissecting the underlying genetic basis for phenotypic differences in epileptogenesis as induced by kindling, although the high variability of kindling rates seen within some inbred strains weakens this possibility.  相似文献   

Challenges J. Wilcock's (see record 1973-00346-001) suggestion that psychogenetics is likely to complement if not replace behavioral psychology as a contributor to the study of the evolution of behavior. Viewed with skepticism is the ability of measures of directional dominance made with domestic laboratory strains of rats to reveal information about (1) the genetic architecture of a trait in any single, natural population or (2) the adaptive value of the trait. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared Maudsley reactive (MR) and nonreactive (MNR) (n = 40) and Roman high-avoidance (RHA) and low-avoidance (RLA) (n = 20) male albino rats with respect to emotional reactivity and conditionability. The degree of suppression of water-drinking behavior by unsignaled electric shocks was a measure of emotionality, and the rate of recovery of drinking behavior when the unsignaled shock became signaled was a measure of conditionability. The MR Ss were the most emotional, the MNR Ss were the least emotional, and the 2 Roman strains were intermediate. The RLA Ss were shown to have poor conditionability, while the other 3 strains did not differ from each other. (26 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Bidirectional genetic selection of quail for early color preferences, for 18 generations, resulted in nearly perfect choices of blue over red in one and red over blue in the other selected line. It also enhanced the preference of a grated over a dotted black-and-white pattern. Color and pattern preferences in hybrids of selected and control lines fell back to about halfway between parental values. Choices between composite stimuli of colors and patterns indicated summation of the respective, genetically influenced preference values, with partial dominance of color over pattern effects. Exposure to colors modified color choices. Exposure to colored patterns likewise modified color choices, but it did not change, or only marginally changed, choices between patterns. The phenotypic expression of this selective learning, however, was influenced by the genetically manipulated preference values and preference combinations of colors and patterns in the stimuli with which postexposure performances were tested. Overall, data highlight the need for concepts that would discriminate between the developmental and the episodic expression of genetic influences and genotype–environment interactions in behavior. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The genetic structure of temperature preference of D. immigrans was analyzed by a 4 x 4 diallel cross. Preference for low temperature was dominant to that for high temperature. Partition of the variance showed that most of the variance was additive; the variance caused by dominance was small but significant, and non-additive, non-dominance variance was not significant. Heritability of the temperature preference was 0.81. There may be a few genes involved in variation for temperature preference.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mixed bone marrow chimerism reliably produces donor-specific transplantation tolerance for a variety of solid organ and cellular grafts. We used a rat heterotopic tracheal transplant model for chronic rejection to investigate whether mixed chimerism could successfully prevent obstructive airway disease. METHODS: Mixed allogeneic chimeras were prepared by reconstituting lethally irradiated Wistar-Furth (WF) recipients with a mixture of 5 x 10(6) T-cell-depleted syngeneic (WF) and 100 x 10(6) T-cell-depleted allogeneic (ACI) bone marrow cells (ACI + WF --> WF). Mixed chimerism was present in all animals 28 days after bone marrow transplantation. Donor-specific, syngeneic, or major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-disparate allogeneic tracheas were implanted in recipient's omentum and removed for histologic analysis 30 to 150 days after transplantation. RESULTS: At 30 days after implantation, median luminal obstruction grades (0=none, 4=complete) of syngeneic and allogeneic tracheas were 0 and 4, respectively. Donor-specific (ACI) tracheas implanted in chimeric (ACI + WF --> WF) recipients were remarkably free of obstruction (median luminal obstruction grade=0 at 150 days) and had excellent preservation of respiratory epithelium. Third-party F344 tracheas implanted in chimeric recipients developed progressive luminal obstruction (grade 2 at 30 days, grade 3 at 90 days). CONCLUSIONS: Mixed allogeneic chimerism induces donor-specific tolerance and prevents development of the characteristic fibroproliferative obstructive lesion of bronchiolitis obliterans in a rat heterotopic tracheal transplant model. Excellent preservation of tracheal structure and morphology was achieved across major and minor histocompatibility barriers.  相似文献   

Spontaneous malformations of urogenital organs found in inbred rat foetuses of ACI/NHok strains were further investigated with a postnatal survey involving other inbred strains. A new type of malformation occurred in Kyoto-notched rats. The present findings suggested that the malformations have different hereditary characteristics caused by different maldevelopmental mechanisms and are probably due to recessive polygenes.  相似文献   

Compared to the outbred Wistar rat strain, the Fawn-hooded rat strain has several characteristics which suggest that the Fawn-hooded strain is hyperaroused. Fawn-hooded rats exhibit more freezing behavior in response to stress, have an increased preference for alcohol, develop adult onset hypertension, and have elevated urinary catecholamine levels. We used quantitative in situ hybridization to investigate central components of the corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and noradrenergic stress response and arousal systems in these rats. We also measured basal corticosterone levels and adrenal weights to assess tonic hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity. Compared to Wistar rats, Fawn-hooded rats had significantly increased CRH mRNA in the central nucleus of the amygdala and reduced CRH mRNA in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Fawn-hooded rats also bad reduced AVP mRNA expression in the parvocellular cells of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. There were no differences between strains in glucocorticoid receptor mRNA in the hippocampus or the paraventricular nucleus or in mineralocorticoid receptor mRNA in the hippocampus. There was also no difference between strains in tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA in the locus ceruleus. Finally, adrenal weights were significantly reduced in the Fawn-hooded rats while basal corticosterone levels were similar in the two strains, which suggests central hypoactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in Fawn-hooded rats compared to Wistar rats. Increased CRH mRNA in the central nucleus of the amygdala and reduced tonic hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity may play a role in the unique behavioral and physiological characteristics of Fawn-hooded rats.  相似文献   

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