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Hair mercury level was assessed in four coastal communities in Malaysia with relation to fish consumption between gender, age, and rural and urban area. Mercury level was found at a range of 0.01–21.00 (μg/g dry wt). The average mercury levels were 13.69, 10.85, 9.94, and 6.78 μg/g dry wt for communities in Kedah, Terengganu, Johor, and Selangor, respectively. The same order was found for the average monthly fish consumption, that is 14,620 ± 878, 9,966 ± 563, 8,939 ± 793, and 8,169 ± 658 g/month for communities in the four respective regions. A highly significant positive correlation between hair mercury concentration and fish consumption was observed in all communities. This gives an insight that fish consumption is a significant route of mercury exposure for the coastal communities. Females had higher hair mercury concentration than what males had. Mercury exposure of communities in rural area was higher when compared to that in urban. However, mercury level in all Malaysian communities studied was much lower than no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) of WHO, that is 50 mg/g dry wt.  相似文献   

Total mercury concentrations were measured in the muscle of different kinds of fish: megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii), common sole (Solea vulgaris), striped mullet (Mullus barbatus), anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius), and black-bellied angler (Lophius budegassa  相似文献   

Coastal populations with high seafood consumption in the Mediterranean have a significant exposure to dietary methylmercury, and areas where environmental mercury pollution is an issue due to industrial activities are of special concern. The study was undertaken with the aim of assessing methylmercury exposure through fish consumption in a community of north Morocco and characterizing the relevant health risk. Concentrations of total mercury were determined in human hair, a biomarker of methylmercury exposure, and in locally consumed fish by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Based on consumption frequencies reported by the 108 subjects included in the study the weekly intake of methylmercury was estimated and biomarker data were evaluated in relation to the estimated intake and the sociodemographic characteristics of the population. Multiple regression analysis was employed for the interpretation of hair mercury data in relation to fish consumption frequency, gender and the age of individuals. Mercury concentrations in hair ranged from 0.22 to 9.56 µg g-1 (geometric mean = 1.79 µg g-1) and were closely related to fish intake. Fisherman and their families consumed fish three to five times per week and were the most exposed population subgroup. A high proportion of women of child-bearing age (50%) had relatively high levels of mercury in their hair (3.08-7.88 µg g-1).  相似文献   

Sedimentary records of DDT and HCH in the Pearl River Delta,South China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tropical regions in developing countries are thought to be significant sources of organochlorine pesticides in the global context, owing to high rate of use and only a recent production ban or restriction on application of these pesticides. In the present paper, DDT and HCH in eight 210Pb-dated sedimentary cores from the Pearl River Delta, South China, were analyzed in order to reconstruct the time trends of these persistent organic pollutants in this tropical region. The sedimentary inventories of sigmaDDT and sigmaHCH through the cores ranged from 36.6 to 1109.5 ng/cm2 and from 11.2 to 226.3 ng/cm2, respectively, and their spatial distribution implies that the water flows from the Humen, Jiaomen, Hongqili, and Hengmen outlets rather than the Xijiang flow from Modaomen outlet, supplied the major historical input of DDT to the estuary. Although a production ban of technical HCH and DDT was imposed in China in 1983, their sedimentary fluxes display increasing trends or strong rebounds in the 1990s as recorded in the core profiles, characteristic of the increasing ratios of (DDE + DDD)/DDT and DDE/DDT. It is suggested that an enhanced land soil runoff in the process of large-scale land transform, as well as a higher river water flow in early 1990s, had mobilized these pesticides from soil to the sedimentary system in the region.  相似文献   

Short-chain and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs and MCCPs) were measured in sediments from ponds, rivers and tributaries, and an estuary, as well as a sediment core in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), South China, to comprehensively investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of CPs. The concentrations of SCCPs and MCCPs in sediment were varied from 320 to 6600 ng/g and from 880 to 38,000 ng/g, respectively. Elevated CP concentrations were found in pond sediments (means of 2800 and 21,000 ng/g for SCCPs and MCCPs) in the e-waste recycling area and in river sediments (means of 1200 and 3900 ng/g for SCCPs and MCCPs) in the highly industrialized areas. The significant positive correlations between SCCP concentration and MCCPs/SCCPs in the highly industrialized areas reflected the emission of local industry activities, while the significant negative correlations in the low industrial activity areas could be linked to long-range transportation of CPs. An increased abundance of short chain and low chlorinated congeners was observed in the low industrial activity areas compared to the industrialized areas. The preferred transportation of short chain and low chlorinated congener CPs and the dechlorination of higher chlorinated congeners CPs were the most likely reasons. The vertical profile of CPs in the sediment core indicated a rapid increase in the usage of CPs and a shift to more MCCPs in recent years. The decreased chlorine content of CPs with increasing sediment depth indicated the possibility of dechlorination of higher chlorinated congeners (Cl(9) and Cl(10)) after deposition in sediments with greater dechlorination potential for short chain CPs than long chain CPs.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediments of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) and adjacent South China Sea (SCS) of southern China were examined. A total of 66 surface sediment samples were collected and analyzed to determine the concentrations of 10 PBDE congeners (BDE-28, -47, -66, -100, -99, -154, -153, -138, -183, and -209). The concentrations of BDE-209 and SigmaPBDEs (defined as the sum of all targeted PBDE congeners except for BDE-209) ranged from 0.4 to 7340 and from 0.04 to 94.7 ng/g, respectively. The SigmaPBDEs concentrations were mostly < 50 ng/g, within the range for riverine and coastal sediments around the world, whereas the BDE-209 concentrations at the most contaminated sites were at the high end of the worldwide figures. Congener compositions were dominated by BDE-209 (72.6 - 99.7%), with minor contributions from penta- and octa-BDEs. Slightly different PBDE compositions were observed among samples collected from different locations, attributable to possible decomposition of highly brominated congeners and/or redistribution between particles of various sizes during atmospheric or fluvial transportation. The PBDE patterns in the SCS and Pearl River Estuary sediments were similar to those in sediments of the Zhujiang and Dongjiang Rivers, reflecting the widespread influence from local inputs. Analyses of two short sediment cores collected from the Pearl River Estuary showed that concentrations of BDE-209 rapidly increased in the upper layers of both cores, coincident with the growth of the electronics manufacturing capacities in the PRD region. The major sources of PBDEs were probably waste discharges from the cities of Guangzhou, Dongguan, and Shenzhen, the three fastest growing urban centers in the PRD.  相似文献   

In the framework of a wide monitoring programme on the presence of heavy metals in marine organisms caught in the South Adriatic Sea, cadmium and total mercury concentrations were determined in flesh and hepatopancreas of 512 specimens of two species of cephalopods. The aim of the study was to establish the quality of the marine food with respect to the health of consumers and to investigate cadmium and mercury distribution in organisms representing different habitats. For both elements, higher levels were found in spider octopus (Octopus salutii) than in broadtail squid (Illex coindeti). Between the two different tissues analysed, higher concentrations were observed in hepatopancreas than flesh. According to the rules in force, no flesh sample showed cadmium and total mercury concentrations exceeding the peak permitted values of 2mg/kgwetwt and 0.5mg/kgwetwt respectively.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国3岁及以上城市居民焙烤食品消费量、来源于焙烤食品游离糖摄入量及其供能比。方法采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群随机抽样方法,在我国18个省,采用非连续3天24小时回顾方法,收集13 083名3岁及以上城市居民的焙烤食物消费量。焙烤食品糖含量数据来源于国家食品安全风险评估中心开展的焙烤食品专项监测数据。采用简单分布评估方法计算我国3岁及以上城市居民通过焙烤食品的糖摄入量及供能比。结果 我国3岁及以上城市居民(一般人群)的焙烤食品消费率为24.11%,女性略高于男性,分别为25.69%和22.42%。随年龄增加,各年龄组焙烤食品消费率总体呈下降趋势,3~5岁组最高为39.09%,60岁以上组最低,为17.57%。一般人群焙烤食品平均消费量为10.25 g/d,女性(10.58 g/d)略高于男性(9.92 g/d);各年龄组焙烤食品平均消费量最高为13~17岁组(16.36 g/d),6~12岁组和3~5岁组次之,分别为15.22 g/d和13.25 g/d。一般人群通过焙烤食品游离糖的平均摄入量为1.54 g/d,平均供能比为0.37%(0.37%TE),女性(1.60 g/d,0.41%TE)高于男性(1.47 g/d,0.33%TE);各年龄组,13~17岁组游离糖摄入量最高,为2.21 g/d(0.52%TE),6~12岁组和3~5岁组摄入量次之,分别为2.14 g/d(0.59%TE)和1.94 g/d(0.65%TE)。焙烤食品消费人群平均供能比为1.53%TE(1.43%TE~1.67%TE),焙烤食品消费人群的高消费者(P95)为3.86%。一般人群,通过面包和糕点摄入的游离糖平均值分别为0.68 g/d和0.73 g/d,远高于饼干(0.13 g/d)。结论 我国3岁及以上城市居民一般人群,女性的焙烤食品消费率、游离糖摄入量、游离糖供能比均高于男性,通过焙烤食品摄入的游离糖水平较低。焙烤食品减糖时,建议重点关注3~5岁、6~12岁、13~17岁人群,重点关注面包和糕点这两类食品。  相似文献   

目的 了解2017—2018年我国大城市成年居民蛋类食物消费状况,为制定营养健康政策提供科学依据。方法 数据来源于“2017—2018年中国居民食物消费状况调查”,采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群随机抽样方法,在我国18个省(自治区、直辖市)33个大城市选取12 173名18岁及以上成人作为研究对象。利用非连续3 d 24 h回顾调查数据,分析研究对象蛋类食物消费率和消费量,采用χ2检验与秩和检验比较消费率和消费量的差异。结果 2017—2018年我国大城市成年居民蛋类食物消费率为72.9%(8 875/12 173),全人群蛋类食物平均消费量为28.1 g/d(P25:0,P50:20.5 g/d,P75:43.9 g/d,P95:78.3 g/d),消费人群平均消费量为38.6 g/d(P25:17.6 g/d,P50:33.3 g/d,P75:51.3 g/d,P95:86.9 g/d)。高文化程度、高家庭收入和东部地区的居民,蛋类食物的消费率和消费量较高。蛋类食物消费低于膳食推荐摄入量(40 g/d)的人群比例为71.5%(8 705/12 173),满足推荐摄入量(40~50 g/d)的人群比例为9.9%(1 201/12 173)。结论 蛋类食物在我国大城市成年居民中的消费较为普遍,但人均消费量相对不足。建议针对蛋类食物的营养知识进行宣教科普,适量提高我国居民蛋类食物的消费量。  相似文献   

This paper provides an estimate of the weekly intake of total mercury (THg) and methyl mercury (MeHg) from consumption of fish from the Sagua la Grande River, Villa Clara, Cuba, by determining the THg levels in different fish species. The levels varied between 0.143 and 0.484 μg g?1 on a fresh weight basis. None of the analysed fish was found to have levels above the national and international regulatory levels, although THg levels over 0.2 μg g?1, the threshold concentration established by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the consumption by vulnerable population groups, were found in 75% of samples. The MeHg level was found to be 84% of the THg content. A Food Frequency Survey was given to 127 townspeople to estimate river fish consumption. The weekly intake of MeHg was found to be greater than the value established by the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) in 50% of children, in 80% of pregnant women, and in 75% of women in childbearing age. These weekly intakes can represent an important risk to the population's health, especially for vulnerable groups.  相似文献   

Total and methylmercury residues in tuna-fish from the Mediterranean sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study was carried out to determine the current levels of total mercury and methylmercury in the muscle tissue of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) and bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught in the Mediterranean sea with the purpose of ascertaining whether the concentrations exceeded the maximum level fixed by the European Commission Decision. Total mercury concentrations ranged from 0.84 to 1.45 mg kg-1 w.w. (av. 1.17 mg kg-1 w.w.) and from 0.16 to 2.59 mg kg-1 (av. 1.18 mg kg-1 w.w.) in the muscle of albacore and bluefin tuna, respectively. In 78.6% of albacore and in 61.1% of bluefin tuna analysed, total mercury concentrations exceeded the maximum level fixed by the European Commission Decision (Hg = 1 µg g-1 wet wt). In the two species, mercury was present almost completely in the methylated form, with percentages between 77 and 100% (av. 91.3%) in albacore and between 75 and 100% (av. 91%) in bluefin-tuna. In order to assess the potential health impact, the estimated weekly intake was calculated. The estimated weekly intake was far above the established Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake for both species.  相似文献   

目的 分析云南省基诺族居民膳食结构和食物消费状况。方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法,2020年在云南省基诺族集聚地景洪市抽取12个居(村)民委员会392名20~80岁基诺族居民,采用膳食调查和问卷调查的方法获得基诺族居民膳食结构,采用t检验和非参数Wilcoxon秩和检验分析膳食摄入和营养状况。结果 2020年云南省景洪市20~80岁基诺族居民平均每标准人日各类食物摄入量为:谷薯类食物297.1 g(其中米类及其制品264.5 g,面类及其制品13.0 g,其他谷类0.4 g,薯类19.2 g),蔬菜类食物228.3 g(其中深色蔬菜49.7 g,浅色蔬菜178.6 g),水果59.3 g,动物性食物137.2 g,水产品29.0 g,奶类及其制品7.0 g,豆类及其制品27.5 g,坚果5.0 g,烹调油42.0 g,食盐8.4 g。水果、动物性食物、豆类及其制品、水产品、坚果、烹调油等食物摄入量均分别高于2010—2013年云南省居民平均摄入量,而谷薯类食物、蔬菜、蛋类、奶类及其制品和食盐均显著低于2010—2013年云南省居民平均摄入量(P<0.05)。结论 云南省景洪市基诺族...  相似文献   

随着我国整体经济水平的提升,居民可支配收入不断增加,居民消费观念和结构都有了显著变化。尤其是在食品消费方面,居民的消费需求和习惯都在逐渐发生改变。本文首先分析了我国居民食品消费的现状,主要食品消费量趋于稳定,城乡食品消费占比仍存差距,绿色食品和保健食品消费量不断提升。其次,本文分析了我国居民食品消费的影响因素,包括居民人均可支配收入增加的影响、消费观念的变化、膳食结构的变化、城镇化和生活节奏变化的影响。再次,本文指出了我国居民食品消费的趋势,主要有食品消费结构不断升级、方便食品和健康食品成为消费主要趋势、食品消费更加追求个性化和新颖化。最后,根据居民食品消费趋势的变化得出了相应启示。  相似文献   

目的 通过2019年江西省3城市居民食物消费量调查的研究,了解3城市居民膳食结构与营养素摄入情况。方法 采取多阶段分层整群随机抽样法,抽取南昌市新建区、吉安市井冈山市、九江市濂溪区共362户1 251人进行入户调查。膳食调查采用家庭称重记账法和非连续3 d 24 h回顾询问法相结合,收集食物消费量资料,分析每标准人日各类食物和营养素摄入状况。结果 2019年江西省3城市居民畜禽肉类、食用油和食用盐每标准人日摄入量分别为111.70、31.06、7.78 g;蔬菜类、水果类、蛋类及其制品、奶类及其制品每标准人日摄入量分别为240.53、47.97、27.91、26.31 g;谷薯类、水产品类每标准人日摄入量为398.30、42.95 g;蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物的供能比分别为14.68%、33.74%、51.50%。膳食钙、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C每标准人日摄入量低于平均需要量的分别占89.74%、72.41%、89.04%、82.85%、60.21%;钠每标准人日摄入量超过适宜摄入量100%以上的占74.18%。结论 江西省3城市居民能量、蛋白质摄入量基本满足膳食要求...  相似文献   

Riverine runoff is an important mode to transport anthropogenic pollutants from terrestrial sources to oceans. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were measured in riverine runoff samples from the eight major outlets within the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China, an economically fast developing region housing a vast number of electronics manufacturing and assembling plants. The sigma 17PBDEs (sum of 17 BDE congeners, i.e., BDE-28, -47, -66, -85, -99, -100, -138, -153, -154, -183, -196, -197, -203, -206, -207, -208, and -209) concentrations varied from 344 to 68,000 pg/L, with those of BDE-209, BDE-47, and BDE-99 being 335-65200, 3-143, and <1-200 pg/L, respectively. These levels were in the high end of the global PBDEs concentrations in the aquatic environments. The monthly inputs of sigma 17PBDEs ranged from 0.21 to 215 kg at individual outlets, and the annual input of sigma 17PBDEs from all the outlets was estimated at 2140 kg/year. Of the target BDE congeners, BDE-209 was the most predominant component with an annual input of 1960 kg/year, followed by BDE-47 (13.3 kg/year) and BDE-99 (11.7 kg/year). An extrapolation of the past use of PBDEs in the region concluded that 23 metric tons of sigma 17PBDEs have been discharged into the coastal ocean from the PRD in the last 20 years. The amount of PBDEs imported to China in the form of e-waste was estimated at 35000 metric tons/year, higher than the annual domestic production of brominated fire retardants (approximately 10000 metric tons/year) and the annual riverine input of total PBDEs from the PRD, suggesting that the majority of PBDEs inventory has been accumulated from importation of e-wastes. Because of the continuous importation of e-wastes and strong demand for brominated fire retardants, the impact of PBDEs on China's and the world's environments is expected to persist for many years to come.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国3岁及以上城市居民含糖饮料消费状况,评估含糖饮料的游离糖摄入量及其供能比.方法 采用多阶段分层与人口成比例的整群随机抽样方法,在我国18个省(自治区、直辖市),采用非连续3 d 24 h回顾调查方法,收集13 083名3岁及以上城市居民的各类食物包括含糖饮料的消费量.含糖饮料游离糖的含量数据来源于国家食品...  相似文献   

The present study provides information on the time trend of PBDEs in three sediment cores from the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), South China, using 210Pb dating technique. The sigmaPBDEs (except for BDE 209) concentrations in all sediment cores increased gradually from the bottom (mid-1970s) to the middle layer (later 1980s and early 1990s) followed by different temporal trends in different locations to the surface sediments, reflecting the variations in the consumption of commercial penta-BDEs mixture in different regions of the Pearl River Delta. The BDE 209 concentrations remained constant until 1990 and thereafter increased exponentially to the present, with doubling times of 2.6 +/- 0.5-6.4 +/- 1.6 years, suggesting the increasing market demands for deca-BDE mixture after 1990 in China. The inventories of sigmaPBDEs and BDE 209 in sediments of the PRE were 56.0 and 368.2 ng cm(-2), respectively, and the total burden of PBDEs in the PRE were estimated at 8.6 metric tons. The current sigmaPBDEs and BDE 209 fluxes to the PRE were 2.1 and 29.7 ng cm(-2) yr(-1), respectively. The concurrent increase of BDE 209 fluxes and the annual gross industrial output values of electronics manufacturing revealed that the rapid growth of electronics manufacturing in this region since the early 1990s was responsible for the sharp rise of BDE 209 fluxes in the past decade. The PBDE congener compositions of the cores indicated the various input pathways for PBDEs transport to different locations of the estuary.  相似文献   

Twenty-one sediments collected in urban waterways of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in China were screened for acute toxicity using Chironomus dilutus in addition to being examined for potential contributors of sediment toxicity, including 19 organochlorine, five organophosphate, and nine pyrethroid insecticides, 28 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 27 polychlorinated biphenyls, 15 polybrominated diphenyl ethers, 12 metals, and ammonia. Fifteen of the 21 sediments exhibited acute toxicity to C. dilutus, with 33% of the samples exhibiting 100% mortality. This is one of the first studies in China which directly correlates a broad range of sediment-associated contaminants to ecological effects measured by bioassays. A toxic unit approach showed that pyrethroids contributed most to the observed toxicity; as cypermethrin alone was predicted to cause significant mortality in about half of the sites. Specific toxicity identification evaluation analysis confirmed pyrethroid toxicity. Other contaminants may also be supplemental contributors at a few sites. The current study suggests that pyrethroids are the principal cause of contamination and that future risk assessment and mitigation efforts in this area should focus primarily on pyrethroids but should not disregard other contaminants as potential risk is evident.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid non-chromatographic method was developed to determine methylmercury (MeHg) and inorganic mercury (iHg) levels in muscles tissues of 10 freshwater fish species. The MeHg and iHg were determined by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry after alkaline wet digestion of samples. The digested samples were reduced sequentially with stannous chloride and sodium tetrahydroborate for iHg and MeHg, respectively. Parameters such as carrier gas flow rate (argon), volume of oxidizing and potassium persulphate solutions were investigated in detail. The accuracy of the technique was evaluated by using certified reference material (DORM-2) and spiking the both Hg species in muscles tissue of a fish. The limits of detection were 0.117 and 0.133 μg kg−1 for MeHg and iHg, respectively. The concentrations of MeHg and iHg in muscles tissues of ten fish species were found in the range of (28.4–56.3) and (3.01–8.11) μg kg−1, respectively.  相似文献   

Soils play an important role in the distribution and biogeochemical cycling of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) as they are a major reservoir and sink for PBDEs due to their large sorption capacity. In this study, concentrations, compositional profiles, mass inventories, and fate of sigma9PBDEs (28, 47, 66, 100, 99, 154, 153, 138, 183) and BDE 209 were investigated in 33 surface soils, six profile soils, and three point-source polluted soils (close to e-waste dismantling sites) from the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China. The concentrations of sigma9PBDEs and BDE 209 in the surface soils ranged from 0.13 to 3.81 ng/g with an average of 1.02 ng/g and from 2.38 to 66.6 ng/g with an average of 13.8 ng/g, respectively, and ranged from 1.93 to 19.5 ng/g and from 25.7 to 102 ng/g, respectively, in the point-source contaminated soils. The PBDE compositional patterns in the surface soils indicated deca-BDE, penta-BDE, and octa-BDE products as the main sources, but those in the point-source samples suggested deca-BDE and octa-BDE technical mixtures as the dominant sources. The mass inventories of PBDEs in soils of the PRD were estimated at 3.98 and 44.4 t for sigma9PBDEs and BDE 209, respectively. The average loading of PBDEs in the soils was comparable to that in the sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, suggesting that soil erosion and surface runoff are an important mode to transport PBDEs from terrestrial sources to oceans in the PRD. Individual BDE congeners, sigma9PBDEs, and PBDE 209, were significantly correlated with total organic carbon (TOC), and a good regression (except for BDE 47) between the logarithms of TOC-normalized BDE average concentrations and their log K(ow) was also obtained, indicating that sorption of PBDEs on soil organic matter governed their spatial distribution, transportation, and fate in the soils. Predicted aqueous and gaseous concentrations of PBDEs were derived from the soil-water and soil-air partitioning models, respectively, and good agreements were obtained between the predicted and previously reported values. BDE 47 and/or 28 did not appear to follow the same trend for these models, an indication that an portion of them was likely the biodegradation byproducts in soils.  相似文献   

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