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Discrete-time state-space models were developed to describe contemporaneous responses of plasma insulin and glucose of normal human subjects. Male and female subjects ingested three consecutive identical meals from isocaloric diets classified as high-carbohydrate, high-fat, high-protein, or standard. Distinctly different glucose and insulin responses were measured in men and women. A seven-state system of linear equations, three in insulin and four in glucose, was identified and estimated to describe responses in men. A six-state system, three in insulin and three in glucose, describes responses in women. Model simulations at 15-min intervals closely match measured concentrations over a 12-h period. Effects of diet content and meal timing on insulin and glucose concentrations were quantified. Dynamic insulin and glucose responses to isocaloric meals of pure carbohydrate, fat, and protein diets were projected on the basis of models developed from mixed diets. The symmetry of the projections indicates that positive excursions in glucose concentrations associated with carbohydrate intake may be matched with negative excursions associated with fat and protein intake to help manage postmeal glucose excursions.  相似文献   

The effect of n-methionyl bovine somatotropin (bST) on milk yield was evaluated in crossbred cows (40 1/2 Bos indicus x 1/2 Bos taurus and 18 1/4 B. indicus x 3/4 B. taurus) in Brazil. Cows were randomly assigned to treatments within stage of lactation [stage 1 = 56 to 100 d in milk (DIM); stage 2 = 101 to 199 DIM] and breed groups (1/2 vs. 1/4 B. indicus blood). Treatments were 250 or 500 mg of bST administered every 14 d. Cows in the control group did not receive bST or a placebo. Treated cows received bST injected subcutaneously in the postscapular region, alternating between the left and right sides. The 26-wk experiment consisted of 2 wk of pretreatment and 24 wk of treatment. Cows were housed in an open lot with regulated access to pasture. Cows were milked twice daily and scored for body condition at 2-wk intervals. Compared with controls, milk yield increased equally (22%) for cows receiving 250 or 500 mg of bST. Milk yield response to bST was higher and persisted longer during stage 1 of lactation than during stage 2 of lactation. No difference in response to bST was noted between cows with 1/2 or 1/4 B. indicus blood. Cows treated with 500 mg of bST tended to have more mastitis, but no other adverse health effects were observed. The potential use of 250-mg doses of bST at 14-d intervals in crossbred cattle in Brazil and other subtropical regions throughout the world is suggested, particularly before about 220 DIM.  相似文献   

We conducted three growth trials to evaluate replacing carbohydrate sources with enzymatically modified potato starches in diets for weanling pigs. In Exp. 1, 180 pigs (initially 5.3 kg and 21+/-2 d of age) were used to compare the effects of corn (36.5%), edible-grade oat flour (36.5%), two enzymatically modified potato starches (12%), and added lactose (12%) on pig performance. Potato Starch 1 had a dextrose equivalent (DE) of 6 and Potato Starch 2 had a DE of 20; both were spray-dried maltodextrans. Pigs that were fed Potato Starch 2 had greater (P<.05) ADG and ADFI than pigs fed diets that contained corn or oat flour from d 0 to 14 after weaning, and pigs fed either Potato Starch 1 or added lactose had intermediate ADG and ADFI. However, for the overall trial (d 0 to 35), no differences (P>.10) in growth performance were observed. In Exp. 2, 198 pigs (initially 4.3 kg and 19+/-2 d of age) were used to determine whether modified Potato Starch 2 could replace a portion of the corn or lactose in the diet. The control diet contained 10% dried whey, and additional treatments were formulated by adding 7 or 14% modified Potato Starch 2 or lactose in place of corn. A positive control diet was formulated containing 29% dried whey. From d 0 to 14 after weaning, increasing dietary lactose improved (linear, P<.04) ADG and ADFI. Increasing the potato starch had no effect on ADG but increased ADFI (linear, P<.02). In Exp. 3, 180 pigs (initially 3.9 kg and 14+/-3 d of age) were used to evaluate Potato Starch 2 or 3 (DE = 30, a spray-dried glucose syrup) as replacements for either corn or lactose in the diet. Pigs were fed a control diet containing 15% dried whey and 12% added lactose. Twelve percent modified Potato Starch 2 or 3 replaced either corn or lactose in the diet on a wt/wt basis. From d 0 to 14 and d 0 to 21, pigs fed either modified potato starch substituted for corn had greater (P<.07) ADG than those fed the control diet. Pigs fed diets with either modified starch substituted for lactose had similar ADG as those fed the control diet. These results suggest that when substituted for corn, Potato Starch 2 can improve growth performance of weanling pigs.  相似文献   

Six crossbred lambs (32+/-2 kg) in a 6 x 6 Latin square design were used to determine the effects of predeprivation diet nutrient density and NaCl content on nutrient losses during periods of feed and water deprivation and nutrient repletion. Treatments consisted of two predeprivation dietary nutrient densities (low [LOW] and moderate [MOD]) and three NaCI intakes (0, 2, or 4 g/d) in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. During the 4-d predeprivation phase, lambs fed the M0D diet had greater (P < .05) K retention and lower (P < .01) Na retention than lambs fed the LOW diet. Retention of Na increased linearly (P< .01), whereas retention of K decreased linearly (P < .O01) with increasing NaCl intakes. During the 3-d deprivation phase, lambs fed the MOD diet had lower (P < .01) Na losses than lambs fed the LOW diet. Losses of Na increased linearly (P < .01), whereas losses of K decreased linearly (P < .05) with increasing NaCl intakes. During the predeprivation and deprivation phases, cumulative losses of K were greater (P < .05) and cumulative losses of Na were lower (P < .05) in lambs fed the LOW diet than in lambs fed the MOD diet. Cumulative losses of K increased linearly (P < .05) as predeprivation NaCl intake increased. Predeprivation NaCl intakes did not affect (P > .10) total retention of water, Na, or K for the overall 14-d sampling period. Predeprivation salt intakes affected Na and K losses during a simulated marketing-transport period. However, after 7 d on the realimentation diet, predeprivation diet nutrient density and NaCl intake did not affect the balance of these nutrients.  相似文献   

The response of primary dendrite spacing λ to a change in solidification condition is examined through the directional solidification of a succinonitrile-acetone alloy. While the growth velocity was kept constant, the thermal gradient G was altermately varied between two extreme values. The measured average dendrite spacing is compared to a calculation involving a previously proposed model, revealing good correlation. The investigation results enable us to characterize some important features about dendrite spacing evolution: during alternately changing G, dendrite spacing λ varies along different paths; after changing G-variation direction at turning points, the incubation periods required for the initiation of λ variation are much longer than those at the initial stage; as G changes back to its initial state, λ cannot return to its original value, revealing an unclosed hysteresis loop for the λ-G diagram; and continuing the process of alternately changing G will result in the formation of a closed loop. This kind of hysteresis loop is repeatable and roughly the same for varying G in reverse sequences. Thus, becoming free of the effect of the initial state, λ varies in nearly the same way for the same change in process condition, regardless of the difference in previous history.  相似文献   

The objective of this study were a) to compare the apparent total tract digestibility (TD) between non-cannulated (intact) and cannulated (steered ileo-cecal valve technique, SICV) pigs fed diets differing in energy density (Exp. 1) and b) to compare the direct vs marker (Cr2O3) methods for estimation of the TD and apparent ileal digestibility (ID) in SICV-cannulated pigs (Exp. 2). In Exp. 1, 24 intact and 18 SICV-cannulated castrates of approximately 40 kg initial BW were randomly assigned to six treatments in a 2 x 3 x 2 factorial arrangement (two pig types, three carbohydrate sources, and two fat levels). In Exp. 2, the same SICV-cannulated pigs from Exp. 1 were given those treatments in a 2 x 3 x 2 factorial arrangement (two methods of digestibility estimation, three carbohydrates sources, and two fat levels). In both experiments either cornstarch, soybean hulls, or pure cellulose, without or with fat, were incorporated into a barely-soybean meal based diet to alter energy density. Daily diets were isoenergetic (based on NEf), and water supply was .33 L/MJ of NEf. In Exp. 1, the pig type effect on the TD of DM, OM, CP, and the pig type x carbohydrate interactions for the TD of DM, OM, and crude fiber (CF) were significant (P < .05), merely due to a larger difference found for the diet enriched with cellulose. In Exp. 2, the TD and ID evaluated with the marker method were significantly lower (except for the TD of CF) than with the direct method, mainly because Cr recovery was below 100%. Overall, the marker method seems to be superior because the TD means obtained from Cr ratios were closer to the TD obtained from intact pigs. In general, the SICV technique seems to be suitable for long-term digestibility studies to measure the TD and ID in the same pig fed low-or high-fiber diets.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) balance was determined in 36 pigs (BW 24 to 30 kg) fed diets inducing different ileal endogenous N losses (ENL). We tested the hypothesis that enhanced ENL may be indicative of a higher recycling of endogenous proteins that will induce a greater urinary N loss and a lower efficiency of the dietary N utilization for retention. The cornstarch-based diets contained either soy concentrate (SC), soybean meal (SBM), a mixture of toasted and untoasted soybean meal (mSBM), dehulled-toasted rapeseed cake (RC1), non-dehulled-toasted rapeseed cake (RC2), or dehulled-untoasted rapeseed cake (RC3). The diets were balanced for their content of apparent ileal digestible (ID) CP (108 g/kg feed) and apparent ID of Lys, Thr, Met+Cys, Trp, and Ile. Feeding level was 2.7 times ME for maintenance per kilogram BWx75 and restricted to 88% of the requirements for ID Lys as the first-limiting amino acid. During a 5-d period, urine and feces were collected daily in metabolism cages. Compared with the SC diet (low ENL), the diets with SBM (medium ENL) and mSBM (high ENL) resulted in a greater (P < .05) urinary N excretion. Nitrogen retention tended to be less (P = .08) in pigs fed diets that caused greater ENL. The utilization of ID N for retention in pigs fed the mSBM diet was lower (P < .05) than for those fed the SC diet. There were no differences in urinary N excretion, N retention, and the utilization of ID N for retention in pigs fed the rapeseed diets of different fiber contents (hulls as the NDF source). We concluded that, at similar intakes of the first-limiting ID amino acid, N retention in pigs fed soybeans tended to be reduced by greater ENL as induced by antinutritional factors (e.g., trypsin inhibitors). Rapeseed hulls, as the predominant fiber source, do not affect N retention and the utilization of ID N for retention.  相似文献   

Paired pulse stimulation increases the contractile strength of mammalian myocardium. If stimulation is discontinued the "potentiated state" takes several minutes to decay, as shown by the first contraction following resumption of stimulation. From earlier experiments it has been inferred that contractile force depends on Ca2+ released from intracellular stores rather than on an influx of Ca2+ associated with a given action potential. This view now receives support from the following findings: (1) Ni2+ and Co2+, known to inhibit Ca2+ influx during the action potential, when applied during a 2-minute rest period, are practically without effect on the strength of the first beat but strongly depress steady state contractions. (2) Caffeine, known to enhance Ca2+ efflux from and inhibit Ca2+ uptake into intracellular stores, greatly accelerates the decay of the potentiated state during a rest period. (3) Na+ -poor solution, known to inhibit Ca2+ efflux, has a strong positive inotropic effect. Paired pulse stimulation fails to increase contractile strength in Na+ -poor solution, and a rest period of many minutes is practically without effect on the amplitude of the first beat after resumption of stimulation. The results indicate that contraction is due to Ca2+ released from internal stores whose degree of filling can be altered.  相似文献   

The epidermis is an attractive site for therapeutic gene delivery because it is accessible and capable of delivering polypeptides to the systemic circulation. A number of difficulties, however, have emerged in attempts at cutaneous gene delivery, and central among these is an inability to sustain therapeutic gene production. We have examined two major potential contributing factors, viral vector stamina and involvement of long-lived epidermal progenitor cells. Human keratinocytes were either untreated or transduced with a retroviral vector for beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal) at > 99% efficiency and then grafted onto immunodeficient mice to regenerate human epidermis. Human epidermis was monitored in vivo after grafting for clinical and histologic appearance as well as for gene expression. Although integrated vector sequences persisted unchanged in engineered epidermis at 10 weeks post-grafting, retroviral long terminal repeat (LTR)-driven beta-Gal expression ceased in vivo after approximately 4 weeks. Endogenous cellular promoters, however, maintained consistently normal gene expression levels without evidence of time-dependent decline, as determined by immunostaining with species-specific antibodies for human involucrin, filaggrin, keratinocyte transglutaminase, keratin 10, type VII collagen, and Laminin 5 proteins out to week 14 post-grafting. Transduced human keratinocytes generated multilayer epidermis sustained through multiple epidermal turnover cycles; this epidermis demonstrated retention of a spatially appropriate pattern of basal and suprabasal epidermal marker gene expression. These results confirm previous findings suggesting that viral promoter-driven gene expression is not durable and demonstrate that keratinocytes passaged in vitro can regenerate and sustain normal epidermis for prolonged periods.  相似文献   

An experiment with a 5 x 5 Latin square design was conducted to determine the effects of the addition of soybean oil to high fiber diets on ruminal fermentation and ruminal lipid concentrations. Diets were 50% bermudagrass hay and 50% concentrate. Soybean oil was added to diets at 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8% of the dietary dry matter (DM). Ruminal samples were collected every 2 h on the last day of each period and analyzed for volatile fatty acids and lipids. The addition of soybean oil decreased DM and organic matter intake but increased fatty acid intake. Soybean oil had no effect on total tract digestibility of DM, organic matter, N, or neutral detergent fiber but decreased digestibility of fatty acids. The addition of soybean oil decreased total volatile fatty acid concentrations and the acetate to propionate ratio. Ruminal concentrations of unsaturated free fatty acids increased nonlinearly as soybean oil in the diets increased but remained < 0.67 mg/g of DM or 3% of the total fatty acids. Ruminal concentrations of total fatty acids and total saturated fatty acids increased nonlinearly as soybean oil in the diets increased. Total unsaturated fatty acid concentrations increased linearly as soybean oil increased. Neutral lipid concentrations in the rumen did not respond to increased soybean oil. These data indicate that large amounts of soybean oil can be fed in high fiber diets without greatly increasing the concentration of ruminal unsaturated fatty acids or depressing nutrient digestibility.  相似文献   

Computer simulations have been used by us since the early 1970s to gain an understanding of the spacing and movement patterns of confined animals. The work has progressed from the early stages, in which we used randomly positioned points, to current investigations of animats (computer-simulated animals), which show low levels of learning via artificial neural networks. We have determined that 1) pens of equal floor area but of different shape result in different spatial and movement patterns for randomly positioned and moving animats; 2) when group size increases under constant density, freedom of movement approaches an asymptote at approximately six animats; 3) matching the number of animats with the number of corners results in optimal freedom of movement for small groups of animats; and 4) perimeter positioning occurs in groups of animats that maximize their distance to first- and second-nearest neighbors. Recently, we developed animats that move, compete for social dominance, and are motivated to obtain resources (food, resting sites, etc.). We are currently developing an animat that learns its behavior from the spatial and movement data collected on live pigs. The animat model is then used to pretest pen designs, followed by new pig spatial data fed into the animat model, resulting in a new pen design to be tested, and the steps are repeated. We believe that methodologies from artificial-life and artificial intelligence can contribute to the understanding of basic animal behavior principles, as well as to the solving of problems in production agriculture in areas such as animal housing design.  相似文献   

Five multiparous Holstein cows in midlactation that were fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a 3 x 5 incomplete Latin square. The objective of this study was to examine the effects on nutrient digestion of wheat processing and method of tallow addition to the diets of lactating dairy cows. Diets consisted of 45% forage and 55% concentrate, and each diet contained 20% wheat and 2% tallow (as-fed basis). Treatments were dry-rolled wheat with tallow added to the concentrate, steam-rolled wheat with tallow added to the concentrate, and steam-rolled wheat with tallow added first to the wheat. The dry matter intake; digestion of starch, fiber, and fatty acids; ammonia N concentration; and molar proportions of volatile fatty acids in ruminal fluid were not affected by treatments. The apparent digestibility in the total tract of organic matter and nitrogenous compounds was significantly higher for the steam-rolled treatment with tallow added first to the wheat. Mean ruminal fluid pH was similar across treatments; however, cows fed the diet containing steam-rolled wheat with tallow added first to the wheat had the smallest pH change from 0 to 2 h postfeeding. Milk yield did not differ, regardless of cow diet. Method of tallow addition had marked effects on the apparent digestibility of organic matter and N in the total tract of lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

A subacute toxicity study with administration of tetraethylene glycol in dosages of 0-220-660-2000 mg/kg body weight to male and female Wistar rats via gavage was conducted in order to characterize a possible toxic action of this compound. The structurally related compound ethylene glycol is known to cause kidney toxicity. Therefore, special attention was paid to investigating possible toxic effects of tetraethylene glycol on this organ. In order to compare possible treatment-related effects of tetraethylene glycol with those known from ethylene glycol, a group of male and female rats was treated with 2000 mg ethylene glycol/kg body weight. Daily oral application of tetraethylene glycol over 4 weeks was tolerated without toxic effects up to and including 2000 mg/kg body weight. Daily oral application of ethylene glycol over 4 weeks resulted in treatment-related effects on the kidneys. A slight decrease in the urinary excretion of potassium, calcium and phosphate (males), a diminished pH-value of the urine, and a slight increase in osmolality (females) were observed. In both sexes excretion of oxalate was significantly increased and microscopic examination of urinary sediment revealed calcium oxalate crystals. Kidney weights of males and females were slightly elevated. Histopathology revealed crystals in renal tubuli, renal pelvis, and urinary bladder; tubulopathy and epithelial hyperplasia within the renal pelvis were also observed. Therefore, the study confirmed the kidney as target for ethylene glycol toxicity and gave no indications of tetraethylene glycol-induced toxic effects.  相似文献   

Newborn pigs rely essentially on shivering thermogenesis in the cold. In order to understand the rapid postnatal enhancement of thermogenic capacities in piglets, the oxygen and nutrient uptake of hindquarters was measured in vivo in 1- (n = 6) and 5-day-old (n = 6) animals at thermal neutrality and during cold exposure. The hindquarters were considered to represent a skeletal muscle compartment. Indirect calorimetry and arterio-venous techniques were used. The cold challenge (23 C at 1 day old and 15 C at 5 days old for 90 min) induced a similar increase (+90 %) in regulatory heat production at both ages. Hindquarters blood flow was higher at 5 days than 1 day old at thermal neutrality (26 +/- 3 vs. 17 +/- 1 ml min-1 (100 g hindquarters)-1) and its increase in the cold was much more marked (+65 % at 5 days old vs. +25 % at 1 day old). Oxygen extraction by the hindquarters rose from 30-35 % at thermal neutrality to 65-70 % in the cold at both ages. The calculated contribution of skeletal muscle to total oxygen consumption averaged 34-40 % at thermal neutrality and 50-64 % in the cold and skeletal muscle was the major contributor to regulatory thermogenesis. Based on hindquarters glucose uptake and lactate release, carbohydrate appeared to be an important fuel for shivering. However, net uptake of fatty acids increased progressively during cold exposure at 5 days old. The enhancement in muscular blood supply and fatty acid utilization during shivering is probably related to the postnatal improvement in the thermoregulatory response of the piglet.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the effects of varying the energy density (ED) of high carbohydrate (HC) diets on food and energy intake (EI), subjective hunger and body weight in humans. DESIGN: Randomised cross-over design. Subjects were each studied twice during 14 d, throughout which they had ad libitum access to one of two covertly-manipulated diets. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Six healthy men (mean age (s.d.)=32.17 y s.d. (5.26 y), mean weight=69.74 kg s.d. (2.75 kg), mean height=1.76 m s.d. (0.05 m), body mass index (BMI)=22.57 (2.2) kg/m2) were studied. The fat, carbohydrate (CHO) and protein content (as % energy) and ED of each diet were 21:66:13% and 357 kJ/100 g, (low-energy density (LED)) or 22:66:12% and 629 kJ/100 g (high-energy density (HED)). A medium fat diet was provided at maintenance (1.6 x BMR, MF for 2 d) before each ad libitum period. Subjects could alter the amount, but not the composition of foods eaten. RESULTS: Mean EI was 8.67 and 14.82 MJ/d on the LED and HED diets, respectively. Subjects felt significantly more hungry on the LED diet, than on the HED diet (F(1,160)38.28; P < 0.001) and found the diets to be similarly pleasant (72.72 mm vs 71.54 mm (F(1,392)0.31; P = 0.579)). Mean body weight decreased on the LED diet at a rate of 0.1 kg/d and increased at 0.06 kg/d on the HED diet (F(1,131)86.60; P < 0.001), giving total weight changes of -1.41 kg and +0.84 kg, respectively, both of which were significantly different from zero (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Excess EI is possible on HC, HED diets, at least under conditions where diet selection is precluded. Comparison of these results with previous studies, which altered ED using fat, suggests that CHO may be a better cue for hunger than fat.  相似文献   

Four experiments involving 225 pigs were conducted to assess the efficacy of a microbial phytase (FINASE, Alko Ltd. Biotechnology, Rajam?ki, Finland) produced by Aspergillus niger in corn-soybean meal or dextrose-cornstarch-soybean meal-based diets. In two experiments with growing-finishing pigs, fortified corn-soybean meal diets were formulated to be adequate (.50%) or inadequate (.40 or .30%) in P during the growing phase followed by adequate (.40%) or inadequate (.30%) P in the finishing phase. Mono-dicalcium phosphate was the source of supplemental P. Half the diets were supplemented with phytase (500 phytase units/g). Rate and efficiency of gain and bone breaking strength were decreased when P-deficient diets were fed. Phytase supplementation of the low-P diets restored growth rate and feed:gain to levels that approached those of pigs fed the adequate-P control diet. Bone strength was partially restored to that of the controls. In two additional experiments, pigs were fed low-P basal diets in which all the dietary P came from soybean meal or a corn-soybean meal blend. Both diets contained .05% available P. Graded levels of monosodium phosphate were added to these diets, up to .15% added P, to establish a standard curve. Phytase was added to the basal diet at 250, 500, or 1,000 units/g. Growth rate and bone strength improved linearly (P < .01) with added monosodium phosphate and with increasing levels of supplemental phytase. Based on estimates of total and available P intakes, the highest level of phytase (1,000 units/g) increased the bioavailability of the P from 25% in the soybean meal diet to 57% in the phytase-supplemented diet, and from 15% in the corn-soybean diet to 43% in the phytase-supplemented diet. Expressed on the basis of the improvement in phytate P availability, this level of phytase converted approximately one-third of the unavailable P to an available form. The results indicate that the phytase was efficacious in improving the bioavailability of phytate P for pigs.  相似文献   

Forty Holstein cows averaging 85 +/- 50 d in milk were assigned to five dietary treatments for 56 d to determine the effects of ruminal starch degradability and supplemental fat on milk yield and composition and nutrient digestibilities. Treatments were 1) dry-rolled sorghum, no added fat; 2) dry-rolled sorghum plus 2.5% prilled fatty acids; 3) steam-flaked sorghum, no added fat; 4) steam-flaked sorghum plus 2.5% prilled fatty acids; and 5) steam-flaked sorghum plus 5% prilled fatty acids. Fat supplementation at 2.5 and 5% increased the content of fatty acids in diets from 3.0 to 5.4 and 7.7%, respectively. Milk yield was increased 2.0 kg/d when steam-flaked sorghum plus 0 or 2.5% added fat was fed and was 2.4 kg/d higher when prilled fatty acids were fed at 2.5 versus 0%. Cows fed supplemental fat at 5% did not increase milk yield over that of cows fed no added fat. For cows fed 2.5% fat, steam-flaking decreased dry matter intake 12% and increased efficiency of conversion of feed to milk 11%. Milk composition was unaffected by treatments, except that lactose was depressed by fat supplementation. Milk protein yield and efficiency of conversion of dietary protein to milk protein were increased when steam-flaked sorghum was fed. Starch digestibilities were increased from 92.6 to 98.2% when sorghum was steam-flaked compared with dry-rolled and fat supplementation tended to decrease digestibility of neutral detergent fiber. Steam-flaking tended to improve, and the addition of 2.5% fat did improve, the lactational performances of the cows. These effects appeared additive, but 5% fat appeared to be excessive.  相似文献   

Studied phasic electrodermal orienting response (OR) to brief tones at 60, 75, or 90 db. Results support earlier findings obtained with brief visual stimuli both in retest and in newly recruited Ss among 72 clear and 72 confused chronic schizophrenics and 48 normal controls. Confused Ss showed diminished reactivity to stimuli of low to moderate intensity. A moderate increase in stimulus intensity significantly improved initial OR frequency among confused Ss without affecting response amplitude; further increase brought initial OR amplitude to normal levels. Chronic schizophrenics again showed consistently faster habituation than controls. Results are not attributable to particular diagnostic subgroupings or total time in hospital. While long-hospitalized Ss with a hebephrenic diagnosis are more likely to be confused, it is the fact of confusion itself that is significant in determining OR. Results suggest faster but less detailed assilimation of information among chronic schizophrenics in general, coupled with a defensive attenuation of specific input among confused patients in particular. (30 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We investigated continuous profiles and within-day variations of some metabolites and hormones in four nonpregnant, nonlactating cows fed hay-based diets in two equal meals. Diets supplied either too much or too little N (approximately 1.3 or .8 times the maintenance requirements) and NE1 (approximately 1.2 or .8 times). Continuous collection of ruminal liquor, blood, and urine samples was performed for 42 consecutive hours, the last 16 h covering a period without feed. For twice-daily feeding, nitrogenous and energetic underfeeding decreased average ruminal propionate and the insulin:growth hormone ratio. However, only the energetic underfeeding increased plasma 3-methylhistidine and urinary excretion of 3-methylhistidine, and decreased body weight and ruminal acetate, butyrate, and total VFA. Conversely, only the nitrogenous underfeeding decreased glycemia. Whatever the dietary level, the 42-h patterns of metabolites and hormones were mainly affected by the time from the last meal. An energy deficit progressively took place during feed deprivation and the nocturnal interprandial period but not during the diurnal interprandial period. During the feed deprivation and nocturnal periods, glycemia was maintained despite a shortage in ruminal propionate. We conclude that in twice-daily fed cattle 1) the dietary supply of energy is the main trigger for an energy deficit and the subsequent muscle protein mobilization; 2) the nocturnal interprandial period may be considered as short-term feed deprivation; 3) the diurnal patterns of metabolites and hormones are not affected by the nitrogenous and(or) energetic supplies of the diet.  相似文献   

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