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Thirty-nine multiparous cows obtained from two genetic lines were utilized to determine the effect of genetic merit on lactation response to long-term administration of recombinant bST. Cow index ranged from -70 to 456 (mean = 183) and -494 to -88 (mean = -288) kg milk for high and low genetic groups, respectively. Cows were blocked by calving date and randomly assigned to treatment within genetic group. Treatments were 0, 10.3, 20.6, and 30.9 mg somatotropin injected daily from wk 14 through 44 postpartum. Cows were fed one of two total mixed rations. Diet 1 (NE1 = 1.65 Mcal/kg, CP = 18%, and ADF = 22%) was fed from start of lactation to at least 4 wk after initiation of treatment. Cows were switched to diet 2 (NE1 = 1.56 Mcal/kg, CP = 16%, and ADF = 27%) when milk output fell below 25 kg/d. Forty-four week lactation yields were 9800 and 9447 kg milk; 364 and 354 kg fat; and 322 and 309 kg protein for high and low genetic groups, respectively. Milk, milk fat, or protein yield due to somatotropin did not differ between genetic groups. Increasing dosage of bST increased milk, 4% FCM, fat, and protein yields in a linear fashion. Percentages of fat and protein of milk were similar for all treatment groups. Body weight changes were not significantly different among treatments, but condition score changes decreased linearly with increasing dose of bST. Long-term treatment with recombinant bST had no apparent effect on incidence of health problems or reproduction.  相似文献   

Changing the composition of milk protein and of milk fatty acids alters nutritional and physical properties of dairy products and their consumer appeal. Genetic selection for milk yield decreases concentrations of milk protein and of milk fat. Little is known, however, about how the decrease affects composition of milk protein and milk fatty acids. The objective of this study was to quantify changes in composition of milk protein and of milk fatty acids in cows differing in genetic merit for milk production. Three measures of genetic merit for milk production were used for each cow: genetic line, parent average predicted transmitting ability (PTA) for milk, and cow milk PTA. Composition of milk protein and milk fatty acids were compared in 448 milk samples from 178 cows representing 2 divergent lines of Holsteins that were bred for high or average PTA for milk and combined milk protein and fat yield. High-line cows (n = 97) produced more milk that contained less fat and had higher proportions of αS1-casein in milk protein than did average-line cows (n = 81). We additionally obtained from 233 cows (178 cows representing the 2 genetic lines and 55 cows with ancestors from both genetic lines) the parent average milk PTA and cow milk PTA and compared composition of milk protein and of milk fatty acids in 592 milk samples. Cows whose parent average milk PTA was above or equal to the median of the 233 cows produced more milk that contained less protein and less fat and that tended to have greater proportions of αS1-casein in milk protein than cows whose average milk PTA was below the median. Similarly, cows with above or equal median milk PTA of the 233 cows produced more milk that contained less protein and less fat and had greater proportions of αS1- casein in milk protein than did cows with below-median milk PTA. Milk fatty acid composition was not consistently different between groups. Therefore, selection for milk yield decreased concentrations of milk protein and milk fat but had little effect on composition of milk protein and milk fatty acids.  相似文献   

A total of 48 high genetic merit (HM) and 48 medium merit (MM) cows, each given a low (LC), medium (MC), or high (HC) level of concentrate supplementation, were used in a split-plot design experiment, which was run in three consecutive years, to evaluate animal production responses. Individual cow intakes were estimated twice each year while at pasture; measurement period 1 (MP1) was in May/June, and measurement period 2 (MP2) was in early September, corresponding on average to d 110 and 200 of lactation, respectively. In MP1, cows were offered 0 (LC), 3 (MC), and 6 kg (HC), whereas in MP2 the levels were 0 (LC), 0 (MC), and 4 kg (HC) of concentrate daily. Genotype had a significant effect on all milk production parameters in MP1 and MP2. The HM cows had the highest yield of milk, fat, protein, and lactose, whereas the MM cows had the highest milk fat, protein, and lactose concentrations. The HM cows had significantly higher grass dry matter intake (GDMI) estimates. In MP1, the average responses, per kg concentrate dry matter, was +1.10 kg of milk, +0.038 kg of protein, +0.032 kg of fat. The corresponding values in MP2 were +0.94 kg of milk, +0.037 kg of protein, and +0.025 kg of fat. The response to concentrate was linear and independent of preexperimental milk yield. In MP1, the partial regression coefficients relating daily GDMI to an increase in 1 kg of preexperimental milk yield (PMY), preexperimental BW (PBW), and concentrate intake (CI) were 0.123, 0.006, and -0.54, respectively, whereas the corresponding values in MP2 were 0.190,0.007, and-0.444, respectively. This study indicates that with high yielding dairy cows, on gras only GDMI of 17 kg of supporting milk yield of 30-kg/d is achievable. In this scenario, concentrate supplementation will result in lower substitution rates, and higher milk yield response than previously published with lower yielding cows.  相似文献   

Milk progesterone profiles were determined from samples obtained twice weekly for 100 d postpartum in 100 Holstein primiparous cows at a Dutch experimental farm. Three treatments were applied in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with high-low genetic merit for overall production, high-low caloric density diet, and 2-3 times milking/day as factors. Milk progesterone profiles were characterized by start of first ovarian cyclical activity (commencement of luteal activity, C-LA), length and peak milk progesterone concentration of first ovarian cycle, and number of ovarian cycles in first 100 d postpartum, as well as classified into normal, delayed, prolonged, and interrupted ovarian cyclical activity. Cows with a greater milk production had lower peak progesterone concentrations, especially if the high milk production was caused by milking 3 times a day. A more negative energy and protein balance was associated with later C-LA and less ovarian cycles within 100 d postpartum. Relationships between protein balance and C-LA differed between cows with a high genetic merit and a low genetic merit. Cows with a high genetic merit for production showed delayed C-LA with more negative protein balances, whereas this association was not observed among cows with a low genetic merit. Cows in negative energy balance had greater risk for prolonged ovarian cycles when there was no delay in C-LA than when C-LA was delayed.  相似文献   

Holstein heifer, steer, and bull calves from control (CL) and select (SL) lines of cows that differed by more than 4000 kg of milk during a 305-d lactation (SL > CL) were used to determine growth hormone (GH) response to 5 doses of GH releasing hormone (GHRH) and how this response was affected by gender, period (age), and genetic merit for milk yield. Doses (0, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 microg/100 kg of BW) of a GHRH analog were assigned randomly to each heifer (4 CL, 4 SL), steer (4 CL, 4 SL), and bull (3 CL, 3 SL) calf and administered on consecutive days at approximately 3, 6, and 10 mo of age (periods; P1, P2, and P3). Jugular blood samples (n = 15) collected between -30 and 240 min relative to GHRH administration were used to quantify area under the GH response curve (AUC) after subtracting mean prechallenge GH concentrations. Estimates of maximum response (Rmax) and sensitivity (ED50) to GHRH were obtained from the hyperbolic dose response curves (AUC vs. dose). Data were analyzed for effects of dose, line, period, gender, and their interactions with period as the repeated effect. Prechallenge GH concentrations were not affected by genetic line, gender, or period. The AUC was not affected by line, but decreased with period and increased with GHRH dose. The Rmax did not differ between lines or among genders, but decreased with period. The ED50 did not differ between lines or among periods, but heifers were more sensitive to GHRH than steers or bulls. Although GH response to GHRH has been identified as a potential indicator of genetic merit, it did not differ between these substantially different genetic lines.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to estimate genetic parameters of monthly test-day milk yield (TDMY) of the first lactation of Brazilian Holstein cows using random regression (RR), and to compare the genetic gains for milk production and persistency, derived from RR models, using eigenvector indices and selection indices that did not consider eigenvectors. The data set contained monthly TDMY of 3,543 first lactations of Brazilian Holstein cows calving between 1994 and 2011. The RR model included the fixed effect of the contemporary group (herd-month-year of test days), the covariate calving age (linear and quadratic effects), and a fourth-order regression on Legendre orthogonal polynomials of days in milk (DIM) to model the population-based mean curve. Additive genetic and nongenetic animal effects were fit as RR with 4 classes of residual variance random effect. Eigenvector indices based on the additive genetic RR covariance matrix were used to evaluate the genetic gains of milk yield and persistency compared with the traditional selection index (selection index based on breeding values of milk yield until 305 DIM). The heritability estimates for monthly TDMY ranged from 0.12 ± 0.04 to 0.31 ± 0.04. The estimates of additive genetic and nongenetic animal effects correlation were close to 1 at adjacent monthly TDMY, with a tendency to diminish as the time between DIM classes increased. The first eigenvector was related to the increase of the genetic response of the milk yield and the second eigenvector was related to the increase of the genetic gains of the persistency but it contributed to decrease the genetic gains for total milk yield. Therefore, using this eigenvector to improve persistency will not contribute to change the shape of genetic curve pattern. If the breeding goal is to improve milk production and persistency, complete sequential eigenvector indices (selection indices composite with all eigenvectors) could be used with higher economic values for persistency. However, if the breeding goal is to improve only milk yield, the traditional selection index is indicated.  相似文献   

Two groups of Holstein cows sired by bulls that had been selected partly for transmitting ability for size averaged 525 and 570 kg weight after second calving. Cows were fed 1.0 kg concentrate to 5.0, 3.0, or 1.5 kg milk above 9.1 kg per day and forage to appetite during first and second lactations (248 lactations). Generally equal quantities of alfalfa haylage and corn silage were fed each day in weighed amounts to exceed consumption. At times haylage constituted the only forage fed. Results of feeding low (2.2 kg), medium (3.8 kg), or high (6.9 kg) concentrate dry matter daily per cow were: concentrate as a percent of total dry matter consumed, 12.2, 20.2, and 37.1%; dry matter intake from forage, 15.6, 14.5, and 11.6 kg/day; dry matter intake as percent of body weight, 3.25, 3.32, and 3.33; crude fiber as percent of dry matter consumed, 25.2, 23.6, and 20.5; crude protein as percent of dry matter consumed, 15.7, 15.4, and 15.1; total digestible nutrients consumed per day, 10.8, 11.4, and 12.2 kg; milk produced as milk/day, 18.7, 19.9, and 21.3 kg; fat-corrected milk/day, 18.6, 20.0, and 20.7 kg; fat-corrected milk as percent of body weight, 3.44, 3.68, and 3.78; and fat-corrected milk as gram per weight kg .75, 166, 178, and 183; fat content of milk, 4.00, 4.11, and 3.92%; protein content of milk, 3.49, 3.58, and 3.61%; gross efficiency of milk production, .591, .579, and .595 kg total digestible nutrients/kg fat-corrected milk; and net efficiency, .304, .308, and .332 kg total digestible nutrients/kg fat-corrected milk. Cow size, parity, and period of lactation affected most variables. These latter effects are illustrated in graphs or tables.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate effects of environmental sensitivity of milk production traits for several environmental parameters and to investigate the impact of combining traits with different environmental sensitivity in an economic index. Variance components and breeding values were estimated for milk, fat, and protein yield, and fat and protein percentage by applying a random regression on values of an environmental parameter for each sire. Fourteen environmental parameters were defined and fitted to data consisting of 151,696 heifers in 6780 herds in The Netherlands with first-lactation records for milk production, somatic cell count, body condition score, and number of inseminations. Milk, fat, and protein yield showed environmental sensitivity in combination with 12 environmental parameters. Herd-year averages of protein, body condition score, age at calving, calving interval, and peak date of calving explained most genotype by environment interaction, mainly resulting from scaling effects. Almost all genetic correlations across environments were 0.99 or higher. Although heterogeneity of genetic variances was considerable, heterogeneity of heritabilities was limited. Scaling had a large effect on the weights of the economic index, but environmental sensitivities of milk, fat, and protein yields were approximately of equal magnitude. Consequently, very little reranking occurred based on the economic index.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate the effects of genetic merit for milk yield on energy balance, DM intake (DMI), and fertility for cows managed on three different grass-based feeding systems and to estimate possible interactions between genetic merit and feeding system. Individual animal intake estimates were obtained at pasture on 11 occasions across three grazing seasons. The data set contained 96 first lactation, 96 second lactation, and 72 third lactation cows in 1995, 1996, and 1997, respectively. Half of these cows were of high genetic merit, and half were of medium genetic merit for milk solids production. Genetic effects for the traits of interest were estimated as the contrast between the two genetic groups and by the genetic regression of phenotypic performance on the estimated breeding value for fat and protein yield, based on pedigree index. Significant effects of feeding system were observed on yields, DMI, and energy balance, with no effect on live weight, condition score, or reproductive performance. The interaction between genetic merit and feeding system was not significantly different from zero for any of the traits. Yields, grass DMI, and total DMI were all higher for cows of high genetic merit than for those of medium genetic merit and were positively correlated (P < 0.001) with pedigree index. Furthermore, condition score, conception to first and second services, and pregnancy rate were significantly negatively correlated with pedigree index. While at pasture, energy balance was positively (P < 0.01) correlated with pedigree index, although the contrast between high genetic merit and medium genetic merit was not significantly different from zero. This positive energy balance was unexpected and was probably due to the lactation stage that intake was measured. Condition score changes and energy balance measures on a small subgroup of the animals, while indoors offered a diet of silage and concentrates (n = 33), demonstrated that high genetic merit had a more negative energy balance than did medium genetic merit. The results clearly illustrate the production potential of high genetic merit cows on grass-based systems. The reduced reproductive performance questions the suitability of high yield for seasonal calving systems.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(2):1674-1686
This observational study aimed to determine the effect of genetic merit for fertility traits on estrous expression and estrous cycle duration in grazing dairy cows, as measured by an activity monitoring device. A secondary aim was to describe changes in expression of estrus that occur during successive estrous cycles postpartum. Neck-mounted, activity-monitoring devices (Heatime, SCR Engineers Ltd.) were fitted to nulliparous Holstein-Friesian heifers with positive (POS FertBV) or negative genetic merit for fertility traits (NEG FertBV) to capture activity data during their first and second lactations (POS FertBV: n = 242, n = 188; NEG FertBV: n = 159, n = 87 in lactation 1 and 2, respectively). An estrous event was identified when the activity change index exceeded 26 activity units (AU) for 4 h. A total of 1,254 and 892 estrous events were identified in lactation 1 and 2, respectively. Estrous duration was defined as the interval between when the threshold was first exceeded and when activity dropped below the threshold, with no new event starting within 24 h of the end of the previous event. This definition of estrus included cows in which activity crossed the threshold multiple times in a day and were classified as a single estrous event. A second measure, high activity duration, was defined as the total hours that activity exceeded the threshold. To characterize estrous activity, peak activity (above baseline) and total activity (area under the curve of activity above baseline) were measured. Compared with NEG FertBV cows, POS FertBV cows had more active, longer estrous events. In lactation 1, the POS FertBV group had a mean estrous duration and a high activity duration of 12.5 and 12.4 h compared with 11.4 and 11.3 h for the NEG FertBV group [standard error of the difference (SED) = 0.5 and 0.4 h, respectively]. This significant difference also occurred in lactation 2, with a mean estrous duration of 13.1 versus 11.8 h (SED = 0.5 h) and a high activity duration of 13.0 versus 11.8 h (SED = 0.4 h) in the POS and NEG FertBV groups, respectively. Total activity and peak activity were greater in the POS compared with the NEG FertBV group in lactation 1 (peak activity: 65.5 vs. 55.8 AU, SED = 2.4 AU; total activity: 588 vs. 494 AU, SED = 25 AU) and lactation 2 (peak activity: 72.5 vs. 61.2 AU, SED = 2.9 AU; total activity: 648 vs. 541 AU, SED = 30 AU). Estrous cycle duration did not differ between the POS and NEG FertBV groups (lactation 1: 20.4 vs. 20.6 d, SED = 0.25; lactation 2: 20.8 vs. 21.0 d, SED = 0.28). Less estrous activity of the cow was associated with the first postpartum estrus. In contrast, the number of previous estrous events did not consistently affect the duration of the subsequent estrous cycle. The outcomes of this study provide evidence that positive genetic merit for fertility traits is associated with more overt estrous expression. Selection for these traits may improve estrous expression and thus estrous detection in commercial herds.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is an endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor and a potent orexigenic agent in human and rodent studies, but there is limited information about its effect in dairy cows. Twelve low genetic merit and 9 high genetic merit Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in peak lactation that were offered unrestricted access to fresh pasture were used to determine whether genetic selection for milk production resulted in an associated increase in plasma ghrelin concentration in grazing dairy cows. Blood samples were taken prior to the a.m. milking (i.e., baseline) and following 2 h of grazing after the a.m. milking on 2 consecutive wk during peak lactation. Milk production and dry matter intake were greater in high genetic merit cows compared with low genetic merit cows. Plasma ghrelin and growth hormone concentrations were elevated in high genetic merit cows pre- and postgrazing, and there was no significant interaction between genetic merit and time of sampling. Genetic merit did not affect the plasma nonesterified fatty acid or glucose concentration, but the plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones measured were diminished 2 h after feeding. Data indicate an increase in plasma ghrelin associated with genetic selection for milk production, and an associated increase in dry matter intake.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to assess and measure the effects of breed, genetic merit for production traits, and feeding systems (FS) on the ability of dairy cows to ensure pregnancy through its components (fertilization, embryonic losses, recalving). An experiment was conducted over 9 yr on Normande and Holstein cows assigned to contrasted FS. Diets were based on maize silage in winter and grazing plus concentrate in spring in the high FS group, and on grass silage in winter and grazing with no concentrate during spring in the low FS group. Within breeds, cows were classified into 2 groups with similar estimated breeding values (EBV) for milk solids: cows with high EBV for milk yield were included in a milk group and those with high EBV for fat and protein contents were included in a content group. Holstein cows produced more milk throughout lactation than Normande cows (the differential was greater in the high FS group, +2,294 kg, compared with +1,280 kg in the low FS group) and lost more body condition to nadir (the differential was greater in the high FS group, ?1.00 point, compared with ?0.80 point in the low FS group). Within breeds, milk solids production was similar between genetic groups. Cows in the high FS group produced more milk (+2,495 kg for Holstein and +1,481 kg for Normande cows) and had a higher body condition score at nadir (+0.40 point for Holstein and +0.60 point for Normande) than cows in the low FS group. Holstein cows had a lower recalving rate than Normande cows (?19 percentage units). We found no effect of genetic group and FS on fertility of Normande cows. However, according to FS, Holstein cows in the content group exhibited different fertility failure patterns. In the low FS group, Holstein cows in the content group had more nonfertilizations or early embryo mortality (+26 percentage units at first and second services) than Holstein cows in the milk group. In the high FS group, Holstein cows in the content group had a higher proportion of late embryo mortality than in the milk group (+10 percentage units at first and second services). We observed no effect of FS on recalving rate; however, indicators of energy balance (protein content or body condition score) were positively associated with successful conception and pregnancy. This suggested a link between genetic merit for fat and protein content and lower ability of dairy cows to ensure pregnancy because of more nonfertilizations and early or late embryo mortality.  相似文献   

This study investigated the energy balance, metabolic changes, reproduction, and health in Australian Holstein-Friesian cows of average genetic merit fed to produce 6,000 L of milk/cow per lactation (restricted production; Rp) on a predominantly grazed pasture diet, or 9,000 L of milk/cow per lactation (high production: Hp) on a more intensive feeding regimen by using a partial mixed ration to supplement pasture. The mean 4% fat-corrected milk (FCM) and standard deviation achieved was 8,466 ± 1,162 L/cow per lactation for the Hp herd and 6,748 ± 787 L/cow per lactation for the Rp herd. During early lactation, the degree of estimated negative energy balance was less in the Hp cows than in the Rp cows (−16.1 vs. −29.1 MJ/cow per day, respectively). Consequently, the mobilization of body reserves was also lower in the Hp cows, and this was reflected in lower concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (0.70 vs. 0.84 mmol/L) and β-hydroxybutyrate (0.51 vs. 0.69 mmol/L) and greater concentrations of glucose (3.51 vs. 3.34 mmol/L) and insulin-like growth factor-I (78.9 vs. 58.7 ng/mL) for Hp and Rp cows, respectively. After calving, body condition score and body weight decreased to a similar extent in both herds and did not reflect the differences in mobilization of body reserves between the 2 herds. Reproductive performance was not significantly related to level of milk yield. The mean interval from calving to first active corpus luteum was 33 (SD = 20) d postpartum, and there were 1.4 (SD = 0.8) estrus cycles before the beginning of the breeding period (>50 d postpartum). The interval from calving to pregnancy was 114 d, and the pregnancy rate after 12 wk of mating was 74%. The number of cows with ovarian abnormalities was also similar between the 2 herds. Cows with a long postpartum anestrus had the lowest concentration of insulin-like growth factor-I. The number of health-related disorders was also similar between the herds, with the exception of mastitis, for which the incidence was significantly greater in the Hp cows. The results indicate that the production per cow could be increased from 6,748 L of FCM/cow per lactation for cows grazing pasture and supplemented with concentrates only at milking to 8,466 L of FCM/cow per lactation, in one lactation, by supplementing pasture with a partial mixed ration. Despite the fact that production per cow increased substantially, the degree of estimated negative energy balance and the metabolic changes in early lactation were lower and reproductive performance was maintained.  相似文献   

Two groups of 10 Holstein cows were chosen by pairs from a 20-yr genetic selection project that used either breed average or breed high sires chosen only for Predicted Differences in milk production. Milk production (305-d mature equivalent) was 10,814 kg and 6912 kg for the high and average groups of cows. Days to first visual estrus and number of ovulations before first visual estrus were greater for the high versus the average group (66 vs. 43 d and 1.6 vs. .7 ovulations). No differences were significant between groups for the interval from parturition to uterine involution or for days to first ovulation. Energy balance was less for the high group during wk 1, 2, 10, and 11. Plasma glucose concentration was lowest during wk 2 for both groups, and nonesterified fatty acids and beta-hydroxybutyrate were greatest for both groups during wk 1 and 2. Liver glycogen content was lower at d 15 postpartum for the high group, and liver triglyceride content was greater on d 30 for the high group. The data for reproductive functions support the concept that high milk production is antagonistic to expression of estrous behavior but not to reactivation of ovarian function.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the phenotypic and genetic variability of production traits and milk fatty acid (FA) contents throughout lactation. Genetic parameters for milk, fat, and protein yields, fat and protein contents, and 19 groups and individual FA contents in milk were estimated for first-parity Holstein cows in the Walloon Region of Belgium using single-trait, test-day animal models and random regressions. Data included 130,285 records from 26,166 cows in 531 herds. Heritabilities indicated that de novo synthesized FA were under stronger genetic control than FA originating from the diet and from body fat mobilization. Estimates for saturated short- and medium-chain individual FA ranged from 0.35 for C4:0 to 0.44 for C8:0, whereas those for monounsaturated long-chain individual FA were lower (around 0.18). Moreover, de novo synthesized FA were more heritable in mid to late lactation. Approximate daily genetic correlations among traits were calculated as correlations between daily breeding values for days in milk between 5 and 305. Averaged daily genetic correlations between milk yield and FA contents did not vary strongly among FA (around −0.35) but they varied strongly across days in milk, especially in early lactation. Results indicate that cows selected for high milk yield in early lactation would have lower de novo synthesized FA contents in milk but a slightly higher content of C18:1 cis-9, indicating that such cows might mobilize body fat reserves. Genetic correlations among FA emphasized the combination of FA according to their origin: contents in milk of de novo FA were highly correlated with each other (from 0.64 to 0.99). Results also showed that genetic correlations between C18:1 cis-9 and other FA varied strongly during the first 100 d in milk and reinforced the statement that the release of long-chain FA inhibits FA synthesis in the mammary gland while the cow is in negative energy balance. Finally, results showed that the FA profile in milk changed during the lactation phenotypically and genetically, emphasizing the relationship between the physiological status of cow and milk composition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of selection for feed utilization on associated blood plasma metabolite and hormone traits. Dry matter intake (DMI) was recorded in 970 Holsteins from 11 commercial farms in Pennsylvania and used to derive dry matter efficiency (DME; fat-corrected milk yield/DMI), crude protein efficiency (CPE; protein yield/crude protein intake), and residual feed intake (RFI, defined as actual feed intake minus expected feed intake for maintenance and milk production, based on calculation of DMI adjusted for yield, body weight, and body condition score). Estimated breeding values for the 4 feed utilization traits (DMI, DME, CPE, and RFI), yield traits, body traits, and days open were standardized according to their respective genetic standard deviations. Up to 631 blood samples from 393 cows from 0 to 60 d in milk (DIM) were evaluated for blood plasma concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), creatinine, urea, growth hormone (GH), 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine (T3), and other parameters. Blood plasma traits were regressed on DIM, lactation number, herd, and standardized genetic merit. Cows with higher genetic merit for yield had significantly higher concentrations of GH, NEFA (milk and protein yield), and BHB (fat yield) from 31 to 60 DIM, but lower concentrations of glucose from 0 to 30 DIM, and T3 (milk yield, 0–60 DIM). The high GH–low glucose–low T3 concentration pattern was further accentuated for cows with genetic merit for enhanced feed efficiency (higher DME and lower RFI). Cows with a genetic tendency to be thin (low body condition score) also had elevated GH concentrations, but lower blood glucose, creatinine, and T3 concentrations. Those characteristics associated with enhanced feed efficiency (higher GH and lower glucose and T3 concentrations) were unfavorably associated with fertility, as indicated by elevated days open. Elevated NEFA and BHB concentrations were also associated with extended days open. Consideration of metabolic profiles when evaluating feed efficiency might be a method of maintaining high levels of health and reproductive fitness when selecting for feed efficiency.  相似文献   

We evaluated tissue content and secretion of milk proteins by mammary parenchymal explants prepared from tissue of mature Holstein bulls as a possible index for genetic merit. Explants from eight selection-line and eight control-line bulls were cultured for 48 or 96 h in medium with 5% fetal bovine serum with or without the addition of lactogenic hormones. Four selection-line and four control-line bulls were also treated for 7 d with estrogen and progesterone or placebo before tissue was removed on d 15 of the experiment. Overall, tissue content and secretion of casein were increased approximately twofold in selection-line bulls. Differences between genetic lines were evident only with the addition of lactogenic hormones. However, treatment of bulls with steroids was not necessary for casein secretion or detection of differences between genetic lines. Averaged for both lines, 96-h media concentrations of casein were 89-fold greater for explants cultured with added lactogenic hormones. Epithelial cells were classified as nonsecretory, droplet-containing, or degenerated. The appearance of droplet-containing cells was markedly increased in cultures supplemented with lactogenic hormones, and the cells were most often located within epithelial folds or pockets. Only occasionally did we observe areas of alveolar-like tissue. The data demonstrate that it is possible to induce the secretion of casein in mammary explants prepared from sexually mature bulls, that lactogenic hormones markedly stimulate secretion, and that differences in genetic merit may be expressed.  相似文献   

Eighty two multiparous Holstein cows were blocked by genetic merit (high vs. low) and assigned to one of two treatments [high rumen-undegradable protein (RUP): rumen-degradable protein (RDP) vs. low RUP: RDP] from d 21 before to d 150 after calving to study the effects of these treatments on production and reproductive performance. Diets were isonitrogenous (dry cow 10.5% crude protein; lactating cow 19.3%), isoenergetic (dry cow 10.0 MJ of metabolizable energy (ME); lactating cow 10.9 MJ of ME) and fed as total mixed rations. Feeding more RUP significantly increased dry matter intake and milk yield, reduced body tissue mobilization, and lowered concentrations of serum nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and plasma urea. Expression of estrus at first ovulation was improved, first service conception rate was higher, and calving to conception interval was shorter for the high RUP group. Cows of high genetic merit produced more milk, mobilized more body tissue, and had higher concentrations of plasma growth hormone. The dry matter intake and concentrations of blood metabolites did not significantly differ with genetic merit. Expression of estrus at first ovulation was significantly lower for cows of high genetic merit. Serum NEFA concentrations were significantly higher, and estrus was not observed at first ovulation for cows of higher genetic merit fed the low RUP diet. The interaction between dietary RUP and genetic merit was not significant for other measures of performance or fertility. Feeding a low RUP: high RDP diet had negative effects on some aspects of production and reproductive performance. The effects of diet on NEFA concentrations and estrus display were greater in cows of high genetic merit, indicating that potential interactions should be evaluated in future reproductive studies involving protein and fertility.  相似文献   

Genotypic effects of beta-casein (CN), kappa-CN, and beta-lactoglobulin (LG) on milk, fat, and protein production and fat and protein percentages were estimated for 18,686 Finnish Ayrshire cows in first lactation using an animal model. Casein genotype effects were estimated including individual beta-CN and kappa-CN simultaneously in a model and then as composite beta-kappa-CN. The A2 allele of beta-CN and the A allele of kappa-CN, as well as the A1 allele of beta-CN and the B or E allele of kappa-CN, appeared together more frequently than was expected. Because of linkage disequilibrium in the casein loci and, consequently, unbalanced data, some contradictory effects of casein genotypes were obtained with the two models. A well-founded way to estimate the effects of casein genotypes was to use beta-kappa-CN genotypes. Composite casein genotypes including the A2 allele of beta-CN were associated with the highest milk and protein production and the lowest fat content, those including the B allele of kappa-CN with the highest protein content, and those including the E allele of kappa-CN with the lowest protein content. The effect of the beta-kappa-CN genotypes on protein content was moderately strong, and the effect was somewhat smaller for other traits. The AA genotype of beta-LG had a favorable effect on milk and protein production, and the BB genotype had a favorable effect on fat content.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate factors associated with spontaneous multiple ovulations in lactating dairy cows. Ovaries of cows [n = 267; >50 days in milk (DIM)] were evaluated weekly using ultrasound to determine spontaneous (i.e., no hormonal treatment) ovulation rate starting at 50 DIM and continuing until pregnancy diagnosis. Cows were fitted with a transmitter to record standing activity during estrus, and serum progesterone concentration was assessed weekly starting at wk 1 postpartum for all cows. Overall, 76 (28.5%) cows were anovular and 191 (71.5%) were ovular by 71 DIM. Incidence of anovulation was not associated with level of milk production but was associated with lower body condition. For anovular cows (n = 41) that spontaneously recovered, the multiple ovulation rate at first ovulation was 46.3%. For second and subsequent ovulations (n = 463), the level of milk production for 14 d preceding estrus was associated with increased ovulation rate. To illustrate, incidence of multiple ovulations was 1.6% (2/128), 16.9% (32/189), and 47.9% (70/146) for ovulations when cows were producing <35, 35 to <45, and ≥45 kg/d, respectively. Among cows for which estrous behavior was recorded, those with multiple ovulations (n = 48) had shorter duration of estrus (4.3 ± 0.7 vs. 9.9 ± 0.5 h) and higher production (47.2 ± 0.9 vs. 38.1 ± 0.5 kg/d) than cows with single ovulations (n = 237). Circulating concentrations of estradiol were lower (5.5 ± 0.3; n = 15 vs. 7.8 ± 0.4 pg/mL; n = 71) during periods of estrus with multiple ovulations despite a greater preovulatory follicular volume (4136 ± 123 vs. 3085 ± 110 mm3). Similarly, serum progesterone concentration 7 d after estrus was lower for cows with multiple than single ovulations (2.5 ± 0.3 vs. 3.2 ± 0.1 ng/mL) despite a greater luteal volume (8291 ± 516 vs. 6405 ± 158 mm3). In summary, the first spontaneous ovulation in anovular cows and a higher level of milk production for 14 d preceding estrus were associated with increased multiple ovulation rate. Additionally, cows with multiple ovulations had lower estradiol at estrus, a shorter duration of estrus, and lower progesterone at 7 d after estrus than cows with single ovulations.  相似文献   

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